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London Natural Health Centre, 46 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8NW

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When embarking on a journey to achieve lasting weight loss, it’s crucial to consider portion sizes. Even the healthiest foods can contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess, as your body stores the surplus energy as fat. But how much is just enough? The right portion size depends on various factors, including your level of physical activity. Here’s a practical guide to help you manage your portions effectively:


For a nutritious and satisfying breakfast, you have several options:

  • Poached Egg on Toast: A simple yet balanced option is a poached egg on wholegrain toast. This combination provides a good mix of protein and carbohydrates to kickstart your day.
  • Porridge or Overnight Oats: If you prefer a warm or cold cereal, aim for 50g of oats, which makes a decent-sized bowl. Top it with some berries and a sprinkling of flaxseeds for added fibre and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Lean Bacon and Veggies: Alternatively, you can enjoy three rashers of lean bacon with grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, accompanied by a slice of wholegrain toast. This option ensures a balance of protein, vegetables, and whole grains.


Your midday meal should be both nourishing and energizing to keep you going through the afternoon:

  • Rye Toast with Mashed Avocado: A slice of rye toast topped with mashed avocado is a fantastic choice. It’s packed with healthy fats and fibre to keep you satiated.
  • Turkey Breast Salad: For a protein-rich salad, combine 3 slices of lean turkey breast with tomato, watercress, and a homemade olive oil-based dressing.
  • Wholemeal Wrap: This convenient and versatile option involves filling a wholemeal wrap with assorted veggies, lean meat, or half a tin of tuna.
  • Protein-Based Soup and Wholemeal Roll: Enjoy a hearty, protein-based soup with a wholemeal roll for a comforting and filling lunch.


For dinner, aim for a balanced meal that includes protein, vegetables, and moderate carbohydrates:

  • Grilled Halloumi and Salad: Four slices of grilled halloumi served with a giant salad make for a light yet satisfying meal.
  • Salmon Fillet with Veggies and Brown Rice: One salmon fillet paired with a generous portion of vegetables and 40g of brown rice provides a well-rounded and nutritious dinner.
  • Chicken Breast or Fish Fillet with Salad and Sweet Potato Wedges: A chicken breast or fish fillet served with plenty of salad and potato wedges made from half a sweet potato offers a delightful combination of flavours and nutrients.


Snacks can be a helpful part of your diet, but keeping them in moderation is essential. Aim for no more than two snacks a day and only if you genuinely need them:

  • Fruit and Nuts: An orange and 2 Brazil nuts provide a quick and healthy snack, offering vitamin C and healthy fats.
  • Egg and Spinach: A hard-boiled egg with a handful of spinach makes a protein-packed snack easy to prepare.
  • Oatcakes with Nut Butter: Two oatcakes topped with unsweetened nut butter provide a satisfying combination of fibre and healthy fats.
  • Greek Yoghurt with Berries: A small pot of full-fat Greek yoghurt with a handful of raspberries is a delicious and nutritious option.

By paying attention to portion sizes and choosing nutrient-dense foods, you can better manage your energy intake and support your weight loss goals. Remember, the key to lasting weight loss is what you eat and how much you eat. Making mindful choices about portion sizes can help you enjoy your favourite foods while staying on track with your health objectives.

As part of our commitment to holistic health, Total Health Now Clinic offers free 30-minute consultations to explore how these natural remedies can support your well-being.

There’s a lot to appreciate about getting older. You’ve survived most of your youthful mistakes, gained more time as your children become self-sufficient or leave home, and acquired the confidence to care less about others’ opinions. You might find yourself with more financial freedom and a calmer, more content demeanour as the desire for more and better wanes. Yet, despite these advantages, do you sometimes wish for a bit more vitality, a clearer complexion, or better digestion? If you nod in agreement, it’s time to explore how nutrition can help turn back the clock on ageing.

The Power of Balanced Blood Sugar

Feeling sluggish can stem from many factors, but balancing blood sugar levels is crucial to boosting your energy. Consuming protein with every meal and snack can stabilize your blood sugar and provide a steady energy supply. Incorporate meat, fish, eggs, tofu, lentils, beans, chickpeas, and quinoa into your diet. Pair these with non-starchy vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, and bell peppers while limiting starchy carbs such as potatoes, rice, bread, and pasta. This balanced approach can prevent the energy dips and mood swings associated with blood sugar fluctuations.

Supporting Your Digestion

As you age, your body produces less stomach acid, essential for breaking down protein. This decrease can lead to gastrointestinal issues such as heartburn, indigestion, and nutrient deficiencies. Contrary to popular belief, many digestive problems result from too little rather than too much stomach acid. Enhancing your stomach acid production can improve digestion and nutrient absorption. Simple tips like consuming apple cider vinegar before meals, eating slowly, and incorporating digestive enzyme-rich foods like pineapple and papaya can make a significant difference.

Radiant Skin Through Nutrition

Wrinkles and dull skin often accompany ageing, but your diet can impact skin ageing. High sugar and processed carbohydrate intake can damage collagen, leading to wrinkles. Conversely, healthy fats found in fish, avocados, nuts, and seeds support cell membrane health, giving your skin a youthful plumpness. Antioxidants in colourful fruits and vegetables combat free radicals, protecting your skin from premature ageing. Aim to eat a rainbow of produce to benefit from various plant chemicals that synergize to enhance skin health.

Building Strong Bones

Bone health becomes crucial after age 35, as bone density declines. Factors like genetics and hormonal changes play a role, but diet and lifestyle are within your control. Load-bearing exercises like weight training are essential for maintaining bone strength. Calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and phosphorus-rich foods can also support bone health. Include dairy products, leafy greens, fish, nuts, seeds, and whole grains to ensure you’re getting these vital nutrients.

Boosting Immunity

Your immune system relies heavily on gut health, with up to 80% of immunity stemming from the gut. A diet rich in natural, unprocessed foods supports a healthy gut microbiome and bolsters immunity. Probiotic and prebiotic foods like yoghurt, kefir, miso, oats, onions, garlic, and green bananas can help maintain a balance of beneficial bacteria. Avoiding excessive sugar and processed foods contributes to a more robust immune system and overall health.

Embracing a Healthier You

Ageing gracefully involves more than accepting your body’s changes; it means actively taking steps to improve your health and well-being. By making mindful dietary choices and incorporating targeted lifestyle changes, you can feel vibrant and youthful at any age. As a nutrition coach, I aim to support and motivate you to achieve the best version of yourself through personalized nutrition and lifestyle strategies.

I invite you to take charge of your health and embrace the transformative power of good nutrition. Whether boosting your energy, improving digestion, enhancing skin health, strengthening bones, or bolstering immunity, the proper diet can make a remarkable difference. Let’s work together to create a plan tailored to your unique needs, helping you enjoy the benefits of ageing with vitality and confidence.

Book a free consultation with me today, and let’s embark on this journey to reverse ageing through the immense power of good nutrition.

Read more about assessing health here, and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.

In the 21st Century, we are bombarded with toxins more than at any other time in history. In addition to environmental pollution, our food contains toxins, including pesticides and hormones in intensively farmed meats. Our bodies are dealing with substances for which they weren’t designed, in addition to the toxic waste generated through normal processes like digesting food and creating energy.

While detoxification is a typical daily process for the body, our systems can quickly become overburdened. The detoxification machinery is not always able to keep up with demand. Anything that cannot be eliminated and excreted is stored safely in fat cells.

“You are what you eat, drink, breathe and touch but cannot get rid of…”

If you experience allergies, food intolerances, frequent headaches, sensitivity to chemicals and environmental pollutants, chronic digestive problems, muscle aches, and inflammatory conditions, your body may have exceeded its detoxification capacity. Now is the time to address it.

Why Detox?

Think of it as managing a toxic dump!

Excessive toxins in your body can lead to:

  • Unwanted weight gain
  • Metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes
  • Hypertension and atherosclerosis
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Cancer
  • Autoimmune diseases like thyroid problems and lupus
  • Neurological diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
  • Psychiatric disorders like bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia

Some people are more susceptible to toxicity than others, mainly depending on the level of toxins they’ve been exposed to, the nutrients in their food, and their genetic disposition. Some individuals are better at detoxifying than others!

The Benefits of Detoxing

To get a good snapshot of your body’s need for detox, complete the ‘What’s Your Detox Potential’ questionnaire in the Detox Progress Journal. This lists the symptoms associated with poor detoxification. You’ll score yourself now to establish a baseline and again after completing the programme. Here are some benefits you can expect:

  • Clearer mind
  • More energy
  • Increased alertness
  • Reduced bloating
  • Clear nose
  • Fewer headaches
  • No dark circles under the eyes
  • Improved skin
  • Fewer infections
  • Reduced PMT
  • Fewer menopausal symptoms
  • Less aches and pains
  • Better digestion

How Detox Works

The liver is one of the hardest-working organs in the body, aided by the kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs. Detoxification is a two-step process carried out primarily by the liver, involving complex chemical reactions that turn toxic chemicals into harmless ones for safe elimination. This process relies on numerous nutrients, so you’ll be eating foods rich in these ingredients throughout the programme.

Detox Phases

Phase 1: This phase prepares toxins for elimination by turning fat-soluble toxins into more easily excreted forms using enzymes. Exposure to caffeine, alcohol, pollutants, cigarette smoke, high-protein diets, preservatives, chemical fertilisers, paint fumes, damaged trans fats, steroid hormones, and charcoal-barbecued meat can make this process harder.

Phase 2: In this phase, the end products of Phase 1 detoxification are bound to specific nutrients like glutathione, sulphur, or carbon groups, sending the toxins down pathways called conjugation, sulfation, methylation, and glucuronidation. The final products are excreted in sweat, urine, and stools.

The Healing’ Crisis’

As your body adjusts to the detox, you might feel worse before you feel better. Symptoms like fatigue, irritability, headaches, brain fog, itchy skin, changes in bowel habits, and sleep difficulties are common and part of the healing process. These adverse symptoms are usually short-lived and can be minimised with simple strategies.

The Detox Action Plan

  • Eat organic: Avoid adding more toxins to your system.
  • Eat plenty of antioxidants and fibre-rich vegetables: Support detoxification and regular bowel movements.
  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of filtered water and herbal or green tea.
  • Ensure daily bowel movements: Vital for toxin elimination.
  • Get enough sleep: Crucial for overall health.
  • Take Epsom salt baths: Magnesium aids detoxification.
  • Have a sauna: Encourages sweating out toxins.
  • Exercise gently: Focus on walking, yoga, and other low-stress activities.
  • Rest and relax: Dedicate 10-15 minutes daily to relaxation.

Why Eating Organic is Important

Organic foods are better for your body and the environment but can be costly. Prioritise organic purchases based on the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists published by the Environmental Working Group. These lists help you identify which foods are most and least likely to be contaminated with pesticides.

The Dirty Dozen:

  • Strawberries, Spinach, Kale & Spring Greens, Nectarines, Apples, Grapes, Cherries, Peaches, Pears, Peppers & Chillis, Celery, Tomatoes

The Clean 15:

  • Avocados, Papaya, Broccoli, Mushrooms, Onions, Sweetcorn, Pineapple, Frozen Peas, Aubergines, Asparagus, Cabbage, Kiwi, Cauliflower, Cantaloupe Melon, Honeydew Melon

Why Drink Filtered Water?

Filtered water helps remove pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals, and microorganisms that might be present in tap water. Investing in a filtered water jug or bottle ensures you’re drinking cleaner water, which aids in flushing out toxins.

Detox Your Beauty Routine

Your skin is absorbent, so what you put on it can end up in your bloodstream. Many personal care products contain synthetic forms of oestrogen, known as endocrine disruptors, which can wreak havoc with your hormones and potentially increase cancer risk. Avoid ingredients like parabens, phthalates, sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate, and any product labelled ‘fragrance’ without further clarification. Choose products labelled “no synthetic fragrances” and consider using apps like ‘Think Dirty – Shop Clean’ to evaluate your current products.


Total Health Now Clinic offers a range of gut detox, weight loss, and rejuvaDetox+ programmes. These programmes reduce your body’s toxic load and support natural healing processes. You can significantly improve your overall health and well-being by making informed choices about your diet, water, and personal care products. Be patient, stick with the programme, and allow your body the time it needs to adjust to your healthier lifestyle choices. As part of our commitment to holistic health, Total Health Now Clinic offers free 30-minute consultations to explore how these natural remedies can support your well-being.

Preparing and cooking food at home is both healthier and more affordable. The key is in the planning. Without a weekly food plan, you might not have the right foods, and you may skip meals like breakfast or lunch without planning your time. Following these tips can help you save significant money each week.

1: ASSESS YOUR SPENDING Honestly evaluate your spending habits. Track how much you spend each week on take-out coffee, breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and ready meals. Note every purchase made outside of your main food shop for a week, then multiply by 4 for a monthly total. Check your banking app for your total food expenditure over the last month. Add these figures together to see how much you’re spending on food. Most people are surprised by the total. Decide on a savings goal and commit to it. Consider where you can economize.

2: PLAN YOUR MEALS Effective planning is essential. Set aside a specific weekly time to plan your meals – breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. Ideally, plan midweek for the following week. Use a phone reminder to ensure this task gets done. Without a plan, you’ll end up shopping day-to-day, which is more costly.

3: INVENTORY CHECK Convert your meal plans into a shopping list. Also, create a master list of what’s in your freezer, fridge, and cupboards. Cross off items you already have from your shopping list.

4: STICK TO YOUR LIST Experiment by only buying items on your shopping list for at least one week. This discipline helps avoid off-list shopping and impulse buys, which are major budget busters. Never shop on an empty stomach; you’re more likely to make impulse purchases.

5: USE LEFTOVERS A lot of food is wasted because we don’t know how to use leftovers. Commit to using yours to save money. There are many online resources for recipes using leftovers:


  1. Include Protein at Every Meal and Snack. Protein stabilizes energy levels and is essential for growth, repair, and healthy skin and nails. It’s found in meat, poultry, fish, seafood, eggs, lentils, beans, pulses, quinoa, nuts, and seeds. Aim for protein to make up a quarter of your meal (about the size of a clenched fist). Many people skip protein at breakfast – how can you include it?

    Money-Saving Tip: The cheapest protein sources are vegetarian, like beans and lentils. Consider going meat-free one or two days a week. Mixed-size eggs are cheaper than uniform sizes.

  2. Eat Plenty of Fibre. Aim for 5 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit daily. Fibre helps maintain energy levels, balances hormones, fills you up and keeps you regular. Eat a variety of colours throughout the week.

    Money-Saving Tip: Greengrocers often offer the best prices for vegetables. Look for supermarket deals and basic ranges, and don’t overlook frozen vegetables, which are convenient and often fresher.

  3. Choose Healthy Fats Healthy fats, like omega-3s found in oily fish, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, and walnuts, support mood and reduce inflammation. Other good fats include avocados, olive oil, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds.

    Money-Saving Tip: Frozen fish is cheaper and often as good as fresh fish.

  4. Think Carefully About Starchy Carbs Limit white pasta, bread, rice, and potatoes, which can unbalance blood sugar levels. Opt for whole grains like brown rice, wholemeal pasta, bread, and sweet potatoes. Keep this element to no more than a quarter of your meal.

    Money-Saving Tip: Bulk up meals with vegetables instead of starch. This helps avoid cravings and supports better energy levels.

  5. Cut Sugar Sugar creates energy imbalances, fuels inflammation, and contributes to weight gain. Reducing sugar intake can save money and improve health.

    Money-Saving Tip: Reducing sugary snacks can save money and reduce the need for frequent snacks.


  • Economy Gastronomy by Allegra McEvedy & Paul Merrett
  • Save with Jamie by Jamie Oliver
  • Eat, Shop, Save by Dale Pinnock
  • Eat Well for Less (various books) by Greg Wallace & Chris Bavin


I’ve been meaning to write this testimonial for Total Health Now Clinic’s RejuvaDetox + weight loss and gut reset programme since February 10th, when I finished it, but better late than never!

This is one for the ladies (& men) that have struggled to lose weight as they hit their mid to late forties and have tried all the other things; we all hear weight loss is ‘eat less, exercise more’, but many find it more complex as they get older and I certainly did so I’m sharing my experience here of working with
@Svetlana Kapelas from Total Health Now after a good couple of years of intense frustration – I had been stuck in this groove of not being able to shift weight no matter what I did – we all are likely to get more insulin resistant as we get older and then we can get stuck in a vicious cycle – all of the things I did previously to stay in shape completely ground to a halt, I worked with my old personal trainer and did all the things I did before – nothing to minimal effects. I exercised twice a day (HIIT & Hot Yoga) most days and stuck to 1300 calories a day (can be miserable) 80% of the time, tried IF but I’m already too adrenalised, and it made me more adrenalised, and it wouldn’t shift- my friends will testify to me wanging on about this and getting more and more frustrated

I always think if working harder doesn’t work then work smarter, if working smarter doesn’t work then you’ve got to work deeper.

So I decided to do a complete month cleanse (this was back in January) – it was a super anti-inflammatory programme, but so much more, I could eat up to 2500 calories a day (but only certain super healthy foods). I mean, I was getting through a large bottle of olive oil a week – and as Svetlana Kapelas kept telling me, ‘the more you eat, the more you lose’ – which was initially difficult to get my head around as I was used to the CICO method (calories in calories out – which did work before but completely stopped working in 2021)

It took discipline – that I didn’t know I had!

Now I always thought of myself as healthy; contrary to popular opinion, I only drink alcohol once or twice a week and only when I go out (admittedly, that didn’t use to be the case 3 years ago & prior when I would use the mildest inconvenience as an excuse to crack open the Blue Nun) and I don’t even like sugar or processed foods, and I exercised loads and eat 80% healthily (but not the kind of girl that’s going to eat like Victoria Beckham in a restaurant) however I had no idea I was continually spiking my insulin with my chronic 15 cups of tea (no sugar, but caffeine spikes insulin) a day habit & often eating wrong things that were wrecking my blood sugar stability

When I started the detox, I felt heavy and sluggish, I was in horrible pain with something the physio couldn’t sort out called Gluteal Tendinopathy (from over-exercising) that I’d had for 9 months (it had started to feel agonising when I walked upstairs which wasn’t exactly ideal because yes life contains stairs, the pain was so bad that when I went for a walk with my Mum on Boxing Day I terminated the walk in tears.

Now, I know there are lots of arguments about detox and how we don’t need to because we have detox organs yada yada but the World we live in is more toxic than ever – UPFs, EMF etc – our bodies are often chronically overloaded – I don’t believe we should blame everything on ‘age’ often our systems are struggling to cope with the sheer artificiality of everything now

I was also severely dehydrated from the tea drinking – and the more dehydrated you are the harder it is to lose weight

Within one day of the detox, my hip pain had decreased to 50%. By the end of the detox, it had completely disappeared, and 5 months later, there was zero traces of any pain.

By day 25 I had lost 9 pounds and 15 inches – this is after 3 years of battling intensely to only lose 3 at best

Throughout the lymphatic drainage sessions, which were 3 x a week, Svetlana Kapelas educated me comprehensively on blood sugar and the way of eating I would transition to following the detox (no point doing a massive full body cleanse then going back to Wotsits & Sunny Delight) which is the low GL way of eating

Which I’ve been doing since, which is easy and delicious and I don’t have to forensically count calories and go to bed hungry and wanting to murder someone

But I’m gonna add this in – one of the most amazing things about the detox and the subsequent transition to low GL is the impact on my MOOD! My emotional health has been robust for a good while anyway but I’m so, so much happier, theres far less ups and downs – I feel so much lighter and I can deal with really difficult things with so much more ease and less nervous system threat activation – there’s a real steadiness with a load more energy

And yes, I’ve reduced my tea or coffee intake to one in the morning—Svetlana Kapelas has special powers; she’s the only person who has ever been able to do that!

I’m not writing this to sell anything – I just know a lot of people struggle with weight gain and mood as we get older – so if that’s you then it’s well worth clearing out historical toxicity (hey I was a full-blown hardcore 90’s & Noughties raver) and looking at your blood sugar too – the more it goes up and down the more weight we retain and it’s a very addictive and unconscious cycle.

I’m super grateful to Total Health Now for their help in not only for the deep metabolic reset of the detox but also for showing me a sustainable way to eat that is nourishing, healthy delicious and not restrictive – I am continuing to steadily get down to my fighting weight on this plan and I’ve now lost over a stone since January which considering the scales wouldn’t really budge minimally apart from a couple of pounds feels like real progress.

Getting older doesn’t mean you have to lose your vitality, health, and lifeforce & in this increasingly insane World we live in the best defence we can have is building our Sovereignity Bubble – one of which the pillars is GREAT HEALTH!

Link to the Kickstarter plan I did in the comments (note they treat all health issues and are an amazing company who are fully committed to helping you live your vital and best life)

Achieving lasting weight loss begins with understanding and implementing healthy eating habits. While it might seem obvious that eating the right foods is crucial for weight loss, many people still need help with identifying what constitutes a good diet.

For over 50 years, misguided scientific advice has demonized dietary fat, leading to a proliferation of low-fat, high-carb processed foods. This advice has contributed significantly to the global obesity epidemic. Even the scientist who initially promoted the “fat is bad” concept has since acknowledged the errors in this approach.

Understanding a Healthy Diet

To lose weight effectively and maintain your health, focus on consuming a balanced diet rich in:

  • Protein: Include meat, fish, eggs, nuts, seeds, pulses (beans and lentils), and other vegetarian options like tofu.
  • Vegetables: Aim for various colourful vegetables to ensure you get a wide range of nutrients.
  • Natural Fats: Contrary to outdated advice, natural fats are essential for health. Incorporate oily fish, nuts, seeds, and avocados into your meals.
  • Whole Grains: Choose wholegrain carbs like bread, pasta, and rice over their white, refined counterparts. However, be mindful of the quantity you consume.

Protein and Natural Fats Matter

Protein is vital for muscle repair and growth. It also helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing overall calorie intake. Natural fats play a crucial role in hormone regulation, brain function, and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K).

Rethinking Carbohydrates

The calorie-versus-fat debate has often led people to overconsume starchy carbs. While whole grains are healthier than refined grains, controlling portion sizes is essential. Too many starchy carbs can spike blood sugar levels and lead to energy crashes, making it harder to stick to a healthy diet.

The Role of Vegetables

Vegetables are low in calories but high in essential vitamins, minerals, and fibre. They should make up a significant portion of your daily intake. Vegetable fibre aids digestion and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels, contributing to weight management.

Practical Tips

  1. Plan Your Meals: Ensure each meal includes protein, healthy fats, and vegetables.
  2. Read Labels: Be cautious of processed foods labelled “low-fat” or “diet.” They often contain added sugars and unhealthy additives.
  3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water supports overall health and can help control hunger.
  4. Mindful Eating: Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues, and avoid eating out of boredom or stress.

These principles can help you create a sustainable eating pattern promoting lasting weight loss and overall health. Stay tuned for more tips in our series to help you achieve your weight loss goals!

As part of our commitment to holistic health, Total Health Now Clinic offers free 30-minute consultations to explore how these natural remedies can support your well-being.

Toxins: What Are They?

A toxin is any substance that causes irritation or harmful effects in the body, undermining our health or stressing our biochemical or organ functions. We are exposed to unprecedented toxins from various sources, including environmental pollution, food additives, pesticides, plasticizers, and hormones in intensively farmed meats. Our bodies must deal with these substances, which they were not designed for. Unlike Stone Age humans, who didn’t have to unwrap plastic from their food or deal with industrial pollutants, modern humans face a unique and complex challenge with toxicity.

Why Detox?

Many health disciplines have recognized the link between toxicity and disease throughout history. One of the oldest approaches to maximizing health is detoxification. Detoxification removes harmful substances from the body, helping restore and maintain optimal health.

In the 21st century, detoxification is more important than ever. Our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins, and the long-term impact of these substances on human physiology is still being studied. However, exposure to toxins is linked to a range of health issues, including obesity, which is rising year by year.

When the liver is overloaded with toxins from our modern diet, it cannot eliminate everything we are subjected to internally and externally. Anything that cannot be eliminated and excreted is stored in the fat tissues. This can turn our fat stores into toxic dumps, compromising our health and wellbeing.

Who Needs to Detox?

Detoxification is beneficial for everyone, but it is essential for those who experience symptoms of toxicity. These symptoms can include:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Frequent headaches
  • Digestive issues
  • Skin problems
  • Allergies
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty losing weight

People regularly exposed to high levels of environmental toxins, such as those living in urban areas or working in specific industries, may also benefit from regular detoxification. Additionally, anyone looking to improve their overall health and prevent future health issues should consider incorporating detox practices into their lifestyle.

Detox and Weight Loss

Detoxification can play a significant role in weight loss. When the body is overloaded with toxins, they are stored in fat cells to protect vital organs and systems. This can make it difficult to lose weight, as the body holds onto fat as a defence mechanism. By detoxifying, you help the liver process and eliminate these toxins, promoting more effective fat-burning and weight loss.

Moreover, detoxification can help reset your metabolism and improve your energy levels, making engaging in physical activities and maintaining a healthy lifestyle easier. Many people find that after a detox, they feel more energized, less bloated, and more motivated to continue their weight loss journey.

How to Detox?

There are various methods to detoxify the body, ranging from dietary changes to specific detox programs and treatments. Some effective detox strategies include:

  • Dietary Adjustments: Incorporate more organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet. Avoid processed foods, sugar, alcohol, and caffeine.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins from your system.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity helps to improve circulation and promotes the elimination of toxins through sweat.
  • Supplementation: Certain supplements, such as milk thistle, dandelion root, and probiotics, can support liver function and detoxification.
  • Professional Detox Programs: Consult with a healthcare provider or a detox specialist for personalized detox programs that may include advanced therapies like infrared saunas, colonics, or IV nutrient therapy.


Detoxification is a vital practice for maintaining health in our toxin-laden world. Understanding the sources and effects of toxins and incorporating effective detox strategies can support your body’s natural ability to eliminate harmful substances, improve your overall health, and enhance your quality of life. If you are still trying to figure out where to start, consider scheduling a 30-minute complimentary call with our Total Health Now Clinic experts to discuss your specific needs and goals.

You might already have figured out what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but what about the spaces in between? “What should I snack on if I get hungry?” is a question that often comes up in my nutrition clinic. This question arises so frequently that I thought it worth pulling my thoughts together in this little guide.

The advice to eat little and often—to graze—is outdated. Nutritional science now recognizes (mainly through studies on fasting) that, for most people, the ideal eating pattern is three meals a day with no snacks in between. This approach allows your body to rest from eating, which needs resetting.

That might seem miles away from where you are right now, and that’s not unusual. When you work on your diet, your cravings and energy levels will realign if you focus on eating real food, always include protein and plenty of vegetables, and scale back on starchy carbs. While your energy levels rebalance, it can be helpful to have a small snack to keep your blood sugar levels stable. There are other reasons for snacking, such as having long gaps between meals, which we’ll explore in a moment.

As a nutrition coach, I want to make sure your snacks are the best for your health. Read on for my top 20 snack ideas you can quickly assemble, plus five tasty snack recipes to try. Despite their healthy appearance, many ready-made snacks are filled with high-sugar dried fruits (which can upset your blood sugar levels) or additives, so it’s best to assemble your own where you can.

Here’s how…


Often, people eat for reasons other than actual hunger. It might be out of boredom, habit, or because someone brought sharable treats into the office. This is not a time to snack. What you need cannot be found in the biscuit barrel. Snack fix: if you’re not hungry, don’t eat. If you’re tempted to snack, ask yourself, “Am I really hungry?”

Another reason for ending up at Snack Central is not having a decent, protein-based breakfast that keeps you fuller for longer. Toast or cereal for breakfast is a sure-fire way to a mid-morning energy dip that will leave you wanting to refuel before lunch. Snack fix: pick a protein-packed breakfast like porridge (or overnight oats) with berries and seeds or an egg-based option. Even a protein shake works if you’re in a hurry.

Have you ever slept a dreadful night and found yourself propping up the day with coffee and snacks? It’s no surprise that lack of sleep is bad news for health. You will almost certainly feel hungrier if you’re often short on sleep. Snack fix: prioritize sleep. Every aspect of your health depends on it.

Leaving very long gaps between meals can leave you hungry, and for good reason. Lunch at 1 pm, then not eating dinner until 7 or 8 pm, is a long gap. In this case, it might make sense to have a small snack. Snack fix: if you know you’ll have a long gap between meals, plan to have a healthy snack. Planning means you’ll make healthier choices.

Why Do You Snack?

Snacking often happens for reasons beyond hunger, like boredom, habit, or availability of tempting foods. Recognizing why you snack can help you address the root cause.

Snack Size

By definition, snacks are small. They are not intended to be the size of a meal, so note the portion sizes included here. TIP: if you’re eating from a larger packet—say, nuts or popcorn—take out only a snack portion, transfer it to a small container, and put the rest back in the cupboard for another time.

15 Healthy Snack Ideas

  1. Mixed Nuts: Nuts are ideal for snacking on the go, high in healthy fats and naturally filling. Add a few seeds if you like. Snack size: a small handful.
  2. Popcorn: Considered a whole grain, popcorn contains disease-fighting polyphenols. Buy the salty type for a delicious alternative to potato chips. Snack size: 20g/1 cup.
  3. Cottage Cheese Boats: Use little gem lettuce as a boat to hold cottage cheese, topped with chopped cucumber or other salad veg. Perfect for work-from-home days. Snack size: 2 little gem leaves + 150g cottage cheese.
  4. Fruit, Nuts, and Seeds: Choose a fruit like an apple, pear, or two plums and combine it with a few nuts and seeds. It’s simple enough to take to work or eat on the go. Snack size: fruit (approx. 80g) + 5-10 nuts + a dessert spoon of seeds.
  5. Tamari Roasted Nuts and Seeds: Create your mix of nuts and seeds with a tasty salty topping, like soy sauce. Snack size: a handful.
  6. Oatcakes with Topping: Top oatcakes with unsweetened nut butter, hummus, guacamole, cream cheese, smoked mackerel pâté, or cottage cheese and cucumber. Snack size: 2 oatcakes + your choice of topping.
  7. Yoghurt with Mixed Berries: For a sweet treat, mix quark or cottage cheese with low-sugar berries like raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries. A generous handful of berries + 150g plain yoghurt, cottage cheese, or quark is a snack size.
  8. Seaweed Thins are a great source of iodine, which is essential for thyroid health. A 5g pack is a snack size.
  9. Hummus with Crudités: Pair hummus with chopped cucumber, red pepper, or celery. Chickpeas are a great source of vegetarian protein. Snack size: veggie sticks + ½ a small tub of hummus (150g).
  10. Avocado with Seeds: The healthy fats in avocado help stave off cravings. Snack size: ½ an avocado + a small handful of pine nuts or seeds.
  11. Feta, Olives, and Tomatoes: For a deli-style snack, combine feta with olives and cherry tomatoes. The snack size is 6 cubes of feta, 6 olives, and a small handful of cherry tomatoes.
  12. Stuffed Celery Sticks: Fill celery sticks with cream cheese or unsweetened almond butter. Snack size: 1 celery stick + 1 tablespoon cream cheese or nut butter.
  13. Miso Soup: A savoury addition to your diet, helpful for female hormone balance. Snack size: 1 mug of instant miso soup + 1 oatcake.
  14. Bowl of Soup: Choose a veg-based or protein-based soup without potatoes, rice, or noodles. Snack size: 1 small bowl/mug (about ½ a carton if buying fresh).
  15. Turkey or Ham Roll-Ups: Fill slices of turkey or ham with cream cheese and your choice of sliced pickle or cucumber/tomato, then roll up. Snack size: 2 slices turkey or ham + 1 teaspoon cream cheese per slice + your choice of veggies.

By incorporating these healthy snack ideas into your routine, you can maintain your energy levels and support your overall health. Enjoy!

Incorporating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables into your diet is a well-known strategy for achieving optimal health. Among these, red foods stand out not only for their vibrant colour but also for their impressive array of health benefits. Red foods such as tomatoes, red peppers, strawberries, cherries, and beets are packed with powerful nutrients that promote well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the health benefits of red foods and why they should be a staple in your diet.

Rich in Antioxidants

Red foods are rich in antioxidants, compounds that help protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. These antioxidants include lycopene and anthocyanins, particularly abundant in red fruits and vegetables.

Lycopene, found in tomatoes and red peppers, is one of the most potent antioxidants. It has been extensively studied for its role in reducing the risk of various cancers, particularly prostate cancer. Lycopene also supports heart health by improving blood vessel function and lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Anthocyanins are another group of antioxidants found in red foods like strawberries, cherries, and red grapes. These compounds have anti-inflammatory properties and have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, improved cognitive function, and protection against certain types of cancer.

Boosting Immune Function

Red fruits such as strawberries and cherries are high in vitamin C, an essential nutrient for boosting the immune system. Vitamin C enhances the production of white blood cells, vital for fighting infections. It also acts as an antioxidant, protecting cells from damage and promoting healthy skin and wound healing.

Supporting Heart Health

Beets are a notable red food rich in nitrates, compounds converted into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide helps to relax and widen blood vessels, improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure. This makes beets an excellent food for supporting cardiovascular health. Additionally, the fibre content in beets and other red vegetables helps to lower cholesterol levels, further contributing to heart health.

Promoting Healthy Skin

Red foods benefit skin health due to their high content of vitamins and antioxidants. Lycopene, for example, has been shown to protect the skin from UV damage, reducing the risk of sunburn and premature ageing. The vitamin C in strawberries and cherries also contributes to collagen production, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness.

Enhancing Cognitive Function

The anthocyanins found in red fruits have been linked to improved cognitive function and a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. These compounds help to protect brain cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which can lead to cognitive decline. Regularly consuming red fruits like berries can help keep your brain sharp as you age.

Supporting Digestive Health

Red foods like tomatoes and beets are high in dietary fibre, essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fibre helps to promote regular bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support a healthy gut microbiome. A diet rich in fibre has also been associated with a lower risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Improving Athletic Performance

Beets, in particular, have gained popularity among athletes due to their nitrate content, which can enhance athletic performance. Nitrates improve oxygen delivery to the muscles, increasing endurance and reducing fatigue during exercise. Drinking beetroot juice or incorporating beets into your meals can be a natural way to boost your stamina and performance.


Incorporating red foods into your diet can offer many health benefits, from boosting immune function and supporting heart health to promoting healthy skin and enhancing cognitive function. These vibrant foods are rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants that can help protect against chronic diseases and improve overall well-being. Whether you enjoy them fresh, cooked, or as part of a smoothie, add a variety of red foods to your daily diet for a healthier, more vibrant you.

As part of our commitment to holistic health, Total Health Now Clinic offers free 30-minute consultations to explore how these natural remedies can support your well-being.

Glycaemic Load (GL) is a measure that accounts for both the quantity and quality of carbohydrates in any given food. It reflects the effect different types of food have on our blood sugar levels. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial for effective weight management. Foods with a high GL rating tend to encourage the body to store fat, while those with a low GL rating promote fat burning.

The science behind a blood sugar-balancing diet is straightforward. Our bodies are designed to burn glucose for energy. Carbohydrates, such as grains (bread, pasta, rice) and fruits, are broken down into glucose. However, the modern Western diet often includes excessive amounts of the wrong types of carbohydrates, leading to an overabundance of blood glucose. This excess glucose is stored as fat, causing the body to crave more food to meet its energy needs. This cycle results in a loss of blood sugar control and inevitable weight gain.

When blood glucose levels are stable, you experience a steady energy supply and maintain a healthy, balanced appetite. This balance is crucial for achieving and maintaining an ideal weight. Conversely, when blood sugar levels spike too high, the body stores more fat; when they drop too low, you feel tired and lethargic. Thus, balancing blood sugar levels is critical to avoiding these pitfalls.

A significant portion of the population struggles with maintaining balanced blood sugar levels. Specifically, about 25% of all people, and 90% of those with weight problems, have difficulty in this area. The consequences are exhaustion and weight gain, which are just the beginning. Obese individuals are 77 times more likely to develop diabetes compared to their non-obese counterparts, illustrating the vital link between weight gain and blood sugar control. Therefore, the most effective way to lose weight is to regain control over blood sugar levels, which reactivates the body’s ability to burn fat efficiently. This approach allows for effortless weight loss without starvation while enhancing health and vitality.

Balancing blood sugar levels hinges on choosing foods with a low GL. You might be surprised at some foods with a high GL rating. For instance, cornflakes, a typical breakfast choice, have a very high GL rating, which can significantly impact blood sugar levels and contribute to weight gain if consumed regularly.

Practical Tips for Implementing a Low GL Diet

  1. Choose Whole Grains: Opt for whole grains such as oats, quinoa, and barley over refined grains like white bread and pasta. Whole grains have a lower GL and provide more sustained energy.
  2. Incorporate Plenty of Vegetables: Vegetables, especially non-starchy ones like leafy greens, peppers, and broccoli, typically have a low GL and are packed with essential nutrients.
  3. Fruits in Moderation: Some fruits are healthy, but some have higher GL values. Choose lower-GL fruits such as berries, apples, and pears, and consume higher-GL fruits like bananas and grapes in moderation.
  4. Healthy Proteins and Fats: Include sources of lean protein such as chicken, fish, and legumes, as well as healthy fats from avocados, nuts, and olive oil, which do not affect blood sugar levels.
  5. Be Mindful of Portions: Even low GL foods can contribute to weight gain if consumed in large quantities. Pay attention to portion sizes to maintain balance.
  6. Regular Meals and Snacks: Eating regular meals and healthy snacks can help keep your blood sugar levels stable throughout the day, preventing the peaks and troughs that lead to cravings and overeating.

Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

Following a low GL diet supports weight loss and contributes to overall health. It can reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. Maintaining steady blood sugar levels supports your body’s energy levels, reduces inflammation, and improves mental clarity and mood.


Understanding and utilizing the Glycaemic Load (GL) concept is powerful for weight loss and improved health. By choosing foods that stabilize blood sugar levels, you can encourage your body to burn fat more efficiently, enjoy sustained energy throughout the day, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Adopting a low GL diet involves making mindful food choices that support your body’s natural processes, leading to effortless weight management and enhanced overall well-being.

As part of our commitment to holistic health, Total Health Now Clinic offers free 30-minute consultations to explore how these natural remedies can support your well-being.


Affirmations are powerful tools for reshaping our mindset and bringing our desired reality to life. They are positive, present-tense statements that align our consciousness with our goals and aspirations. Like any skill, affirmations need practice to become effective. By regularly repeating affirmations, we can reprogram our subconscious mind and foster new beliefs that support our growth and well-being.

Affirmations involve consciously connecting with our subconscious mind and focusing our energy on specific goals or aspects of ourselves that we wish to enhance or transform. To maximise their impact, it’s essential to contemplate each word of the affirmation and truly feel its truth resonate within us. Whether spoken aloud or silently, affirmations can evoke subtle physical and emotional responses, bringing outdated belief patterns to the surface for examination and release.

A recommended practice is to repeat affirmations three times upon waking and before retiring for at least two weeks or whenever the need arises. While the examples provided offer guidance, the true power lies in crafting personal affirmations that reflect our desires and intentions. Here are some examples to inspire your affirmations:

  1. “I love and accept myself exactly as I am.”
  2. “My body restores itself to its natural state of good health.
  3. Every day in every way, I’m getting healthier and healthier.”
  4. I meditate daily to give my body deep rest and enhance my immune system.
  5. I love myself, so I fill my body with nourishing food, which gives me energy.
  6. I am healthy, whole, and strong.
  7. I easily listen to my Inner Wisdom to guide my daily activities.
  8. I welcome abundance into my life.
  9. I love my life and approach it with energy and enthusiasm.
  10. I am organised, productive, and focused.
  11. I flow through life with calmness and grace.
  12. My energy increases with each passing day.
  13. I breathe deeply, and every breath energises me.
  14. Fatigue has no power over me anymore.
  15. My life is filled with peace and tranquillity.
  16. I am stress-free and maintain a peaceful spirit.
  17. Perfect health is my divine right, and I claim it now.
  18. I am relaxed even in challenging situations.
  19. I enjoy restful sleep and wake up refreshed.
  20. I am grateful for my healthy body and vibrant life.”

Remember, affirmations must be positive, present-tense, and personalised to resonate with your unique journey. As you repeat your affirmations, focus on embodying the feelings and emotions associated with their fulfillment. Over time, with commitment and practice, affirmations can lead to profound shifts in consciousness and empower us to create the life we desire.

Today is the perfect day to start crafting your affirmations and embrace their transformative power. Remember, altering your thoughts is a journey, and affirmations are the steadfast companions that will guide you along the way.

Have you ever wondered how your connection with food formed? (And how to mend what doesn’t serve you) Nutrition is for sustenance. If it serves any other purpose, your association with it evolvedinfluenced by various factors. When seeking practical changes, delving into your developmental years can be beneficial. We grasp food utilisation from an early age and seldom challenge these connections later. Esteemed theorist Hilde Bruch proposes that infancy sets the stage for confusion, feeding distress and hunger. Family dining moments significantly shape self-worth, social adeptness, and food rapport. Reflect on your childhood meals. How did your guardians approach weight, food, and dieting?

What predominated at your dinner table emotionally?

Which of the ensuing applies to you?

• My mother fretted about her weight / dieted when I was young

• I couldn’t voice my opinions during mealtime

• I recollect contemplating my weight when I was young

• In my family, we equated beauty considerably with weight

• Mealtime anticipation was absent for me

• My parents coerced me into consuming foods I disliked

• Dinner occasions were punctuated by yelling / arguments

• I recall feeling anxious during meals

• I was cautioned against wasting food during meals

If any resonate, such experiences could foster a link between emotions and food, permeating into adulthood.

What eater archetype do you embody? (And how to amend it)

• I am a stickler. I crave control (over food/weight/diet)

• I indulge in food as a reward – to be ‘kind’ to myself

• I derive pleasure from pleasing others and struggle to refuse (not solely related to food)

• I eat when enraged

• I eat when under stress

• I restrict food intake to penalise myself and experience guilt if I am unsuccessful

• I eat when despondent

• I hastily consume meals

• I struggle to leave food uneaten

• I eat when emotionally wounded/distressed

• I consume in secrecy

• I eat to sidestep conflict

• I lack a consistent food regimen

To survive, all creatures learn dietary habits from their parents. It’s improbable our parents exhibited flawless eating behaviours, leaving room for adult refinement. Assess if habits or beliefs remain pertinent. For example, why is there a notion of finishing one’s plate? What ensues if a solitary potato or Brussels sprout remains?

Do you utilise food as a means of dominance? Children learn to influence adults through food. Did you seek attention by abstaining from eating or causing a commotion? Or were you compelled to ingest disliked foods, feeling powerless? Redirect focus to the underlying issue rather than resorting to eating. Identify stressors – job/family/finances, and enact pragmatic alterations to restore control.

Can you refrain from clearing your plate? “Consume your meal or forfeit dessert.” Familiar? Or perhaps ancestors encouraged hearty consumption. Opting to leave surplus food may be healthier.

Are you predisposed to appeasing others? Do you struggle to utter ‘no’? Observe if you learned that only by conforming to specific standards — clever/attractive/slim — would you garner love. Assess situations warranting appeasement and those where it’s merely habitual. Learn to decline when unnecessary politely.

Do you curtail food intake, subsequently experiencing guilt upon indulgence? Were you once deprived of supper as a punitive measure? Regain equilibrium by stabilising blood sugar levels and diminishing cravings. Reframe from self-punishment to health enhancement. Reflect on the breach in the cycle: What prompted it, and how should we proceed differently next time?

Do you resort to food when experiencing sorrow or craving affection? “Have some chocolate; it’ll uplift you.” While momentarily uplifting, the sugar surge doesn’t address the root cause. Confront distress directly or solicit affection from loved ones.

Do you perceive food as a reward? Many received food as a reward or token of affection. Opt for guilt-free indulgences to foster positive self-reinforcement.

Do you indulge in clandestine eating? Were sweets concealed to deter consumption? Challenge such beliefs. Avoid solitary eating and serve suitable portions.

Do you rush through meals? Siblings appropriate your food if it is consumed too slowly. Slow down, chew thoroughly, and pause between bites.

Do you resort to food when incensed, frustrated, or to evade conflict? Eating may alleviate tension if you cannot effectively voice your opinions. Learn assertiveness or seek alternative stress outlets.

Top strategies for joyous mealtimes:

• Dine together at a table, eschewing TV distractions.

• Avoid coercion, bribery, or compulsion.

• Refrain from rewarding non-consumption with attention; they’ll eventually eat.

• Pair mealtimes with enjoyable activities or conversations.

• Establish regular eating schedules for blood sugar balance.

• Serve as a positive role model, encouraging culinary exploration from a tender age.

As part of our commitment to holistic health, Total Health Now Clinic offers free 30-minute consultations to explore how these natural remedies can support your well-being.

Indulge in the hearty goodness of Italian Chickpea, Tomato, & Vegetable Soup, a dish that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also nourishes your body. Brimming with a bounty of nutrients from chickpeas, tomatoes, and assorted vegetables, this soup offers a delightful blend of flavours and textures. Its high fibre content not only supports digestive health but also helps keep you feeling full and satisfied for more extended periods. Its low-calorie count makes it a perfect choice for those watching their weight. Moreover, heart-healthy ingredients like tomatoes and vegetables contribute to overall cardiovascular wellness. Packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants, this soup boosts your immune system, helping you stay healthy and vibrant. Plus, its simple preparation ensures you can enjoy a nutritious meal with minimal effort. Embrace the warmth and wholesomeness of this Italian-inspired soup for a comforting and nourishing dining experience. This is a filling and healthy lunch or supper dish.


Serves 2


175g chickpeas (canned or soaked overnight if using dried)

1 tbsp olive oil

1 large red onion, sliced

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 tin plum tomatoes, chopped

1 tsp dried herbs

500g courgettes, sliced into rings

125g peas or French beans

1 tbsp flat leaf parsley, finely chopped

Salt and black pepper



  1. Simmer the chickpeas in fresh water until soft. Skim off any froth that rises. When cooked, drain, reserving the cooking liquid for later.


  1. Gently fry the onion and garlic until the onion begins to colour and soften. Reduce the heat and add the tomatoes, stirring together for a minute or two.


  1. Add the chickpeas, dried herbs, courgettes and enough cooking liquid from the chickpeas to cover. Simmer for 5 minutes.


  1. Add the peas or French beans and continue cooking until the vegetables and chickpeas are soft but retain some bite.


  1. Season with salt and black pepper. Scatter with chopped parsley and serve.

It’s crucial to understand that not all fats are created equal. Contrary to popular belief, fat is not inherently bad. It plays a vital role in our health. It can aid in weight loss, protect against heart disease, facilitate vitamin absorption, and bolster our immune system. The key lies in knowing which fats to include in our diet and which ones to avoid.

Saturated fat These fats have the worst reputation and are found in animal fats and coconut oil. Here’s the controversial bit because it goes entirely against what we have been told for decades (and government agencies are still telling us) … these saturated fats that you eat – the dietary saturated fats – don’t raise cholesterol. The fats that are ‘bad’ are the trans fats, which cause cell membranes to become stiff and rigid and no longer function correctly. Trans fats harm cardiovascular health (lower good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol). Some trans fats are contained naturally in dairy products, but particularly in processed foods (i.e. hydrogenated oils, margarine).

Monounsaturated fats, A cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet, are particularly beneficial. Olive oil, a prime example, is rich in these fats. It’s no coincidence that populations with a high consumption of these fats, such as the people of Greece and Italy, boast some of the lowest rates of heart disease worldwide. Many cardiologists endorse the Mediterranean diet, citing its association with lower cholesterol levels.

You will probably know polyunsaturated fats as omega-3 and omega-6 – the essential fatty acids. ‘Essential’ relates to the fact that the body cannot make this kind of fat; you need to eat it as part of your diet – or take it as a supplement. They fulfil many roles in the body, and sufficient levels have implications for cell membranes, hormones (they regulate insulin function), managing inflammation and immunity, mood, and memory.

How did fat get such a bad name? Fat has a bad reputation. Over the last 70 years, low-fat products have been marketed as the saviour of our health. The message from governments and the media was—and essentially still is—that, when eaten, fat gets stored as fat in the body and puts us at greater risk of heart disease.

My favourite fat is AVOCADOS. They go with practically anything and are high in vitamin E and healthy monounsaturated fats. COCONUT OIL Apart from helping reduce bad cholesterol and blood pressure, coconut oil is an anti-fungal—the ideal replacement for butter in baking and as your oil when frying. NUTS Packed with nutrients like magnesium and vitamin E, nuts bring plenty of essential fats. OILY FISH are chock full of omega-3 fatty acids necessary for hormone balance. OLIVE OIL: Use cold-pressed organic oil as a salad dressing instead of cooking with it.

Cooking with fat: How the fat is used (through cooking and processing) is a big deciding factor in whether it is healthy or unhealthy. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) become free radicals in the presence of light, oxygen, and heat. That is because frying with oils like olive oil at high temperatures leads to oxidation and the production of free radicals—highly inflammatory for the body and may increase the risk of heart disease or cancer.

While this article provides a comprehensive overview, it’s important to note that individual dietary needs may vary. To delve deeper into these topics and receive tailored guidance on incorporating healthy fats into your diet, I’m offering a 30-minute consultation. Don’t hesitate to reach out and secure your slot today!

Let’s embrace fat as a vital component of our diets and prioritize our health for a brighter, healthier future.

If you’re no stranger to chronic pain, you’re likely familiar with reaching for painkillers. However, while these drugs may provide temporary relief, they often fail to address the root cause of inflammation. What if there was a way to alleviate pain naturally, putting you in control of your pain management? In this month’s newsletter, we’ll delve into the underlying causes of inflammation and empower you with alternative solutions.

Inflammation, the culprit behind pain, is triggered by substances known as inflammatory mediators. The body produces these chemicals, including prostaglandins and leukotrienes, in response to various stimuli. While inflammation serves as a protective mechanism, excessive production of inflammatory mediators can lead to pain.

Conventional treatments for inflammation often involve non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen. While effective, NSAIDs come with a host of side effects, particularly gastrointestinal issues. Fortunately, nature offers a range of anti-inflammatory alternatives that can rival pharmaceuticals without adverse effects, providing a safer option for pain relief.

Fish oils, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, have garnered attention for their anti-inflammatory properties. These oils are converted into beneficial prostaglandins, counteracting inflammatory substances suppressed by NSAIDs. Research supports the efficacy of fish oil supplementation in reducing inflammation associated with conditions like arthritis.

Glucosamine, another natural remedy, supports joint health by aiding cartilage repair. Studies suggest that glucosamine is as effective as NSAIDs in relieving arthritic pain, with fewer side effects. Additionally, turmeric, containing the active compound curcumin, has shown promising anti-inflammatory effects comparable to pharmaceutical drugs. Continue reading “Natural Pain Relief: Holistic Strategies to Combat Inflammation”

There has been a growing interest in alternative therapies and holistic approaches to health and wellness in recent years. Among these approaches, bioresonance therapy and gut health testing have emerged as promising methods for addressing various health issues, particularly those related to digestive health.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive, holistic approach to health that aims to restore balance and harmony to the body’s energy fields. It is based on the principle that every cell in the body emits electromagnetic waves, and disruptions in these waves can indicate underlying health issues. Using specialised equipment, bioresonance therapists can detect and analyse these electromagnetic waves to identify imbalances and target them with specific frequencies to restore equilibrium.

Gut Health Testing: A Window Into Overall Well-Being

The gut, often called the body’s “second brain,” is crucial to overall health and well-being. It is home to trillions of microorganisms known as the gut microbiota, which play critical roles in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune function, and mood regulation. Imbalances in the gut microbiota have been linked to a wide range of health issues, including digestive disorders, autoimmune diseases, and mental health disorders.
Gut health testing involves analysing the composition and diversity of the gut microbiota to identify imbalances and dysbiosis. This can be done through various methods, including stool, breath, and blood tests. By assessing the gut microbiota, healthcare providers can gain valuable insights into a patient’s overall health and develop targeted treatment plans to address imbalances.

The Role of Bioresonance Therapy in Gut Health

Bioresonance therapy has been increasingly used with gut health testing to address digestive issues and promote overall gut health. By identifying and addressing underlying imbalances in the body’s energy fields, bioresonance therapy aims to restore balance to the gut microbiota and promote optimal digestive function.
One key benefit of bioresonance therapy is its ability to target imbalances at the root cause rather than simply addressing symptoms. By identifying and addressing underlying imbalances in the body’s energy fields, bioresonance therapy can help restore harmony to the gut microbiota and promote overall gut health.
Furthermore, bioresonance therapy is non-invasive and free of side effects, making it a safe and gentle option for individuals seeking alternative approaches to gut health.

In Conclusion

Bioresonance therapy and gut health testing are powerful tools for promoting overall health and well-being, particularly digestive health. By addressing imbalances in the body’s energy fields and restoring harmony to the gut microbiota, these holistic approaches offer a safe and effective way to support optimal digestive function and overall wellness.
Whether you’re struggling with digestive issues or simply looking to optimise your gut health, bioresonance therapy and gut health testing offer valuable insights and solutions. Consider exploring these holistic approaches with a qualified healthcare provider to unlock the full potential of your gut health and overall well-being.


Embark on our intensive detox program, RejuvaDetox+, and witness remarkable health improvements in just two weeks.

What is RejuvaDetox+?

RejuvaDetox+ is not just another health program. It’s a unique, intensive treatment series that harnesses the power of our state-of-the-art Rejuva machine. As you recline on a comfortable bed, the machine’s strategically placed pads seek out and eliminate toxic waste and congestion from your body’s cells. This deep cleansing detoxifies the lymphatic system and rejuvenates the skin, leading to overall wellness.

Why Choose RejuvaDetox+?

Living in a fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with toxins and stressors that can accumulate in our bodies, impacting our health. RejuvaDetox+ is designed to swiftly eliminate this build-up, restoring your body to optimal wellness. With our tailored guidance, nutrition plan, and rejuvenating treatments, you can embark on your path to better health quickly. Experience significant improvements in your well-being within just two to four weeks, depending on your chosen program length. Plus, our treatments cleanse and boost your immune system, providing additional health benefits.

Benefits of RejuvaDetox+

Our clients choose RejuvaDetox+ to tackle a wide range of health concerns, from weight loss and fatigue to digestive issues, stress, sinus problems, and hormonal imbalances. Keep track of your progress with thermographic scanning sessions in each Rejuva course, observing the breakdown of toxins and reduced inflammation within your body. Our treatments occur in a cosy, temperature-controlled environment, ensuring you feel completely comfortable.

What’s Next?

Ready to reset your health and vitality? Schedule your FREE 30-minute consultation today. During this session, you’ll receive personalized recommendations, a thermographic digestive scan, and outlined insights into our RejuvaDetox+ program and nutrition plan. Take the first step towards a healthier you with our dedicated support and transformative treatments.

Ah, spring – the season of blossoms but also the season of hay fever. For many, it’s a time of itchy, watery eyes, constant sneezing, and the general discomfort of allergic rhinitis. As pollen counts rise, so do our symptoms, often lingering from March through September. But fear not! Mother Nature, though sometimes cruel, also offers solutions within her bounty – particularly in our food.

Foods to Avoid

First, let’s avoid foods that can worsen hay fever symptoms. High-histamine foods like chocolate, tomatoes, and fermented foods can intensify reactions. Histamine liberators such as strawberries and citrus fruits trigger histamine release, aggravating symptoms. Wheat-based products and dairy stimulate mucus production, exacerbating congestion.

Foods to Embrace

But don’t despair! Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your diet can ease hay fever woes. Foods rich in quercetin, like onions and berries, disrupt histamine receptors. Beta-carotene-packed foods such as sweet potatoes and carrots reduce inflammation. Vitamin C-rich foods like peppers and kale boost immune function.

Hydration and Healing Brews

Stay hydrated with plenty of water to thin mucus and alleviate congestion. Green tea’s antioxidants bolster the immune system, while ginger tea reduces allergic reactions by lowering IgE levels. Peppermint tea’s menthol soothes sinus symptoms, and nettle tea relieves inflammation and nasal congestion.

Anti-Inflammatory Allies

Combat hay fever’s inflammatory nature with omega-3 fatty acids found in oily fish, flaxseed, and walnuts. Incorporate coconut oil into cooking or smoothies for its anti-inflammatory properties. Herbs like parsley and thyme and spices such as turmeric and ginger relieve inflammation.

Exploring Hidden Triggers

Beyond pollen, hidden food intolerances may exacerbate hay fever. Consider exploring testing options for food intolerances to uncover potential triggers.

With these dietary adjustments and holistic approaches, you can navigate hay fever season with greater ease and embrace the beauty of spring without discomfort. Remember, nature provides the remedy – it’s up to us to harness its healing power. 

The best way to find out if you have hay fever is to have a quantitative IgE test. ‘Quantitative’ means the test shows whether you are narrow-minded and how firm your reaction is.  Home test kits for environmental allergies are available, or you can speak to your health practitioner for more information.

Maintaining stable energy levels throughout the day can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world. Many of us experience energy crashes and cravings, especially after consuming high-glycemic index (GI) foods. But fear not! By understanding the impact of GI on our energy levels and making smarter food choices, we can avoid these pitfalls and enjoy sustained energy throughout the day.

What is the Glycemic Index?
The glycemic index (GI) is a scale that ranks carbohydrate-containing foods based on how quickly they raise blood sugar levels. Foods with a high GI are rapidly digested and absorbed, leading to a spike in blood sugar levels followed by a crash. On the other hand, low-GI foods are digested more slowly, providing a gradual and steady release of glucose into the bloodstream.

The Problem with High GI Foods:
High-GI foods like white bread, sugary snacks, and processed cereals can wreak havoc on our energy levels. When we consume these foods, our blood sugar levels skyrocket, causing a surge of energy followed by a rapid decline. This rollercoaster can leave us tired, irritable, and craving more sugary foods to replenish our energy levels, creating a vicious cycle of highs and lows.

The Benefits of Low GI Foods:
Opting for low-GI foods is the key to maintaining stable energy levels throughout the day. These foods are digested more slowly, providing a steady supply of glucose to fuel our bodies without causing spikes in blood sugar levels. We can enjoy sustained energy, improved concentration, and better mood stability by choosing low-GI options such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes.

Making the Switch:
Transitioning to a low-GI lifestyle is more accessible. Start by swapping out high-GI foods for healthier alternatives. Replace refined grains with whole grains, choose fresh fruits over sugary snacks, and choose lean proteins and healthy fats to balance your meals. Incorporate plenty of fibre-rich foods into your diet, as fibre slows down digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

By prioritising low-GI foods and making smarter food choices, we can say goodbye to energy crashes and cravings for good. Whether you want to improve your energy levels, manage your weight, or support overall health and well-being, embracing a low-GI lifestyle is the key to success. So next time you reach for a snack or plan a meal, remember to opt for low-GI options for stable energy levels all day. Your body will thank you for it!
Remember, it’s not just about what you eat but how you fuel your body for optimal performance and vitality. Switch to low GI foods today and experience different energy levels and overall well-being.

If anything has come up for you due to this blog, I warmly invite you to book a free 30-minute discovery call to see if a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan might help. You can book yourself directly into my diary by clicking right here.

As Easter approaches, the anticipation of chocolate and hot cross buns saturates the air, permeating every shop and television commercial. It’s a time when even the most steadfast intentions can melt away under the pressure of temptation. The abundance of chocolate during this season amplifies the allure, making indulgence almost inevitable. Yet, while chocolate is available year-round, the excessiveness of Easter treats often leads to feelings of regret and dissatisfaction.

The aftermath of a chocolate binge is characterized by the familiar pangs of guilt and failure, emotions that can linger long after the last foil wrapper has been discarded. But fear not, for there is a way to navigate the Easter confectionary landscape without succumbing to its pitfalls.

Let’s face it; Easter will inevitably involve some chocolate indulgence. Instead of fighting against it, let’s explore how we can embrace it without compromising our well-being. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Take control of your chocolate intake by gently discouraging family and friends from showering you with sweet treats. Reclaiming agency over your consumption allows you to manage your indulgence more effectively.
  2. Opt for darker varieties with a higher cocoa content when selecting your chocolate delights. These options contain less sugar and offer potential health benefits, making them a more mindful choice for your Easter indulgence.
  3. Quality matters. Choose chocolates from reputable suppliers known for their superior ingredients and craftsmanship. These higher-quality options typically contain less sugar, reducing the risk of blood sugar spikes and subsequent crashes.
  4. Avoid devouring an entire egg in one sitting to ” get rid” of it sooner. Instead, savour small portions mindfully and balance the sweetness with protein-rich snacks like nuts to mitigate sugar rushes and crashes.
  5. Enjoy your Easter treats as a dessert following a balanced meal rather than on an empty stomach. This approach helps stabilize blood sugar levels and prevents cravings for additional sweets.

In addition to these practical strategies, planning and ensuring you have plenty of healthy options to counterbalance any chocolate consumption is essential. Making conscious decisions about when and how much chocolate to indulge in can empower you to enjoy the holiday treats without guilt or remorse.

Remember, Easter is just one day out of the year, and while it’s perfectly normal to indulge occasionally, it’s essential to move on without dwelling on any slip-ups. By approaching your Easter celebration with mindfulness and moderation, you can savour the chocolate delights guilt-free while staying true to your wellness goals.

Consider exploring alternative Easter traditions that shift the focus away from chocolate-centric activities, allowing you to enjoy the holiday in a way that aligns with your values and priorities. If you find yourself struggling with binge-eating tendencies or in need of support to improve your health, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.

Ultimately, the key to a fulfilling Easter celebration lies in mindful indulgence and conscious choices. So go ahead and enjoy your chocolate treats, knowing that moderation and self-awareness can coexist with your wellness journey.

Indulge in the nourishing goodness of our Hidden Greens Smoothie – a delightful blend packed with essential nutrients to kickstart your day! Featuring a vibrant combination of kiwi, strawberries, kale, watercress, and broccoli sprouts, this smoothie is bursting with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to fuel your body and boost your immune system. Adding vanilla protein powder and cashew butter provides a satisfying dose of protein and healthy fats, keeping you full and energized throughout the morning. Blend all the ingredients with your choice of water or almond milk, and savour the refreshing taste of health in every sip. It’s the perfect way to sneak in those extra greens and start your day on a nutritious note!

Serves 1


25g vanilla protein powder

1 kiwi, peeled

Handful of strawberries

Handful of kale
Handful of watercress

1 tbsp cashew butter

2 tbsp broccoli sprouts

Water or almond milk as desired


  1. Place all the ingredients in a blender, add desired amount of water or unsweetened milk and blend to make your perfect smoothie.


Are you tired of feeling bloated, sluggish, or dealing with headaches after every meal? You might be experiencing food intolerances, and it’s time to take control of your health. At Total Health Now Clinic, we understand how food intolerances can impact your daily life. That’s why we offer a comprehensive Food Intolerance Programme to help you discover and eliminate hidden intolerances.

Discovering Whether You’re Intolerant

Food intolerances can manifest in various symptoms, especially digestive problems like bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and abdominal cramps. These symptoms may also be accompanied by mental and physical issues such as mood changes, chronic fatigue, depression, increased appetite, sleepiness after meals, and difficulty concentrating. You may react to certain foods if you resonate with four or more of these symptoms.

Food Intolerance Testing

The most effective way to determine your food intolerances is through quantitative IgG testing. This type of test identifies which foods you’re intolerant to and assesses the strength of your reaction. While minor intolerances may not significantly impact your health, stronger ones can lead to various problems, including weight gain. Home test kits for food intolerances are readily available, and our Health Practitioners can provide you with more information on how to get started.

Top Common Food Intolerances

Some of the most common food intolerances include cow’s milk, yeast, eggs, wheat, and gluten. Identifying and addressing these intolerances can significantly improve your overall well-being and quality of life.

Your Instant Food Intolerance Check

To get a quick assessment of your potential food intolerances, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Can you gain weight in hours?
  • Do you get bloated after eating?
  • Do you suffer from diarrhoea or constipation?
  • Do you experience abdominal pain?
  • Do you feel excessively sleepy after meals?
  • Do you suffer from hay fever or other allergies?
  • Do you experience rashes, itching, asthma, or shortness of breath?
  • Do you retain water?
  • Do you frequently experience headaches?
  • Do you have other aches or pains, particularly after consuming certain foods?
  • Do you feel better on holiday abroad and have a different diet?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to several of these questions, it’s time to take action and address your potential food intolerances. Don’t let these symptoms hold you back from living your best life. Contact Total Health Now Clinic today to learn more about our Food Intolerance Programme and take the first step towards better digestive health.

Additional Information

One in three people have hidden food intolerances, which often cause unexplained weight gain through fluid retention. If you are one of them, you need to find out what you are intolerant to and which foods to eat instead. You can ‘desensitise’ yourself from foods that cause intolerance and then re-introduce them three months later (although you cannot do this for foods that cause an IgE / anaphylactic response). You should never eat any food that causes an allergic response.

The best way to find out what you are intolerant to is to have a quantitative IgG test. ‘Quantitative’ means the test shows whether you are narrow-minded and how firm your reaction is. Many of us live pretty healthily with minor food intolerances, but stronger ones can create many problems, especially weight gain. Home test kits for food intolerances are available, or you can speak to your health practitioner for more information.

As March unfolds, it brings two significant occasions: National Bed Day and National Sleep Day. These observances remind us of the paramount importance of quality sleep for our overall health and wellness. While we may often underestimate the value of a good night’s rest, its impact on our mental and physical well-being cannot be overstated.

Beyond simply feeling refreshed in the morning, quality sleep is crucial in maintaining and enhancing various bodily functions. From repairing blood vessels to supporting heart health, sleep contributes to the optimal functioning of our cardiovascular system. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in weight management, blood sugar regulation, and hormone balance, making it essential for overall metabolic health.

Furthermore, adequate sleep is intricately linked to cognitive function. It promotes optimal brain function, bolstering memory consolidation, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities. By providing our brains with the restorative rest they need, we empower ourselves to navigate the challenges of daily life with clarity and efficiency.

Moreover, prioritizing quality sleep acts as a powerful buffer against mood disorders, depression, and stress. Sleep deprivation, whether occasional or chronic, can significantly impact mental health, exacerbating feelings of anxiety and sadness. We equip ourselves with a vital emotional resilience and well-being tool by ensuring sufficient rest.

However, achieving adequate sleep can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world. With myriad distractions and commitments vying for our attention, neglecting our sleep needs is easy. Yet, recognizing the profound impact of sleep on our health compels us to prioritize rest as an essential component of self-care.

As we commemorate National Bed Day and National Sleep Day, let us recommit ourselves to fostering healthy sleep habits. Establishing a conducive sleep environment, practising relaxation techniques, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can optimize our rest and rejuvenate our bodies and minds. Let us embrace the restorative power of sleep, nurturing our well-being and resilience for the journey ahead.


After completing the RejuvaDetox+ programme at Total Health Now Clinic, I’ve been eager to share my transformative experience. Let me take you through my journey of reclaiming my health and vitality.

Starting on January 10th, I embarked on the RejuvaDetox+ programme under the guidance of Lana from Total Health Now Clinic. As a woman in my late forties, I had struggled with weight loss for years. Despite rigorous exercise routines and calorie restrictions, nothing worked. I felt stuck in a frustrating cycle, unable to shed those stubborn pounds.

Realizing that working harder wasn’t the solution, I opted for a deeper approach to wellness. The RejuvaDetox+ programme offered a comprehensive 28-day cleanse that focused on more than just weight loss. It was an anti-inflammatory journey that allowed me to eat up to 2500 calories daily, albeit from specific, healthy foods. The concept of “the more you eat, the more you lose” initially challenged my beliefs, but I soon embraced this new approach.

Throughout the programme, I learned about the impact of blood sugar stability on weight loss and overall well-being. By eliminating habits like excessive tea consumption and making healthier dietary choices, I experienced remarkable changes. Within days, the pain from Gluteal Tendinopathy, which had plagued me for nine months, began to diminish. By the end of the detox, it had vanished completely.

The results were astounding. By day 25, I had lost 9 pounds and 15 inches, a feat I hadn’t achieved in years of struggle. But beyond the physical transformation, the RejuvaDetox+ programme had a profound effect on my mood and emotional health. I felt lighter, steadier, and more energetic, with fewer ups and downs. Transitioning to a low GL way of eating post-detox was seamless, allowing me to sustain my progress without feeling restricted or deprived.

I am immensely grateful to Total Health Now Clinic for their unwavering support and guidance. The RejuvaDetox+ programme not only provided a deep reset but also offered a sustainable path to lasting wellness. If you’re struggling with weight gain and mood fluctuations, consider clearing out historical toxicity and addressing your blood sugar levels. It’s a journey worth taking, and Total Health Now Clinic is here to guide you every step of the way.

I’m not here to sell anything but to share my story and offer hope to those facing similar challenges. If you’re ready to embark on your journey to wellness, I encourage you to explore the RejuvaDetox+ programme. It’s been a life-changing experience for me and could be for you.

Real Results with RejuvaDetox+: At RejuvaDetox+, we’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of our program. Past clients have achieved significant weight loss and improved overall health and wellbeing. From shedding pounds to inches lost, RejuvaDetox+ offers actual results that last.

In conclusion, while the amount of weight lost during a detox can vary, RejuvaDetox+ stands out as a holistic solution to weight loss and rejuvenation. By addressing the root causes of weight gain and promoting healthy lifestyle changes, RejuvaDetox+ empowers you to achieve your wellness goals and live your best life. Say goodbye to toxins and excess weight and hello to a happier, healthier you with RejuvaDetox+.

In recent years, bioresonance has emerged as a powerful tool in holistic health, offering a non-invasive and comprehensive approach to wellness. But what exactly can bioresonance detect, and how does it work? In this blog post, we’ll explore the fascinating world of bioresonance and its capabilities in detecting various health imbalances and conditions.

Understanding Bioresonance

Bioresonance is based on the principle that every cell in the body emits electromagnetic frequencies, which can be measured and analysed to assess overall health and well-being. This therapy operates on the premise that disruptions or imbalances in these frequencies can indicate underlying health issues, ranging from nutritional deficiencies to toxic exposures.

What Can Bioresonance Detect?

  1. Toxicity Levels: One of the primary applications of bioresonance is in detecting and measuring toxicity levels in the body. This includes exposure to environmental toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful substances that can accumulate over time and compromise health. By analysing the body’s electromagnetic frequencies, bioresonance devices can identify areas of toxicity and help guide detoxification protocols.
  2. Allergies and Sensitivities: Bioresonance is also effective in detecting allergies and sensitivities to various substances, including foods, environmental allergens, and chemicals. Bioresonance practitioners can identify potential triggers and develop personalised elimination diets or desensitisation protocols by assessing the body’s response to specific frequencies associated with these substances.
  3. Microbial Imbalances: Imbalances in the body’s microbial ecosystem, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, can profoundly affect health. Bioresonance can detect these imbalances by analysing the frequencies associated with different microbial organisms. This information can be used to target specific pathogens and restore microbial balance through targeted antimicrobial therapies or probiotic interventions.
  4. Organ Function and Vitality: Bioresonance devices can also assess the overall function and vitality of various organs and systems in the body. By analysing the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by different tissues and organs, practitioners can identify areas of weakness or dysfunction and develop targeted treatment plans to support organ health and optimise function.
  5. Emotional and Energetic Imbalances: Besides physical health issues, bioresonance can detect emotional and energetic imbalances that may contribute to overall well-being. By analysing the body’s energy field and subtle vibrational frequencies, bioresonance practitioners can identify areas of emotional stress or energetic blockages and provide holistic therapies to promote emotional healing and balance.

Total Health Now’s Approach

At Total Health Now, we are committed to harnessing the latest advancements in bioresonance technology to provide our clients with the highest standard of care. Our practice utilises a range of state-of-the-art bioresonance machines, each specifically tailored to address different aspects of health and wellness. Whether you’re seeking to identify toxic exposures, pinpoint allergies and sensitivities, or rebalance your body’s energy field, our experienced practitioners will guide you through the process with precision and expertise.

If you’re curious about bioresonance and its potential to transform your health, we invite you to schedule a 30-minute call with one of our experienced practitioners. During this consultation, we’ll discuss your health concerns, goals, and any questions you may have about bioresonance therapy. Together, we’ll explore how bioresonance can help you achieve optimal health and vitality, allowing you to live your life to the fullest. Book your call with Total Health Now for the first step towards holistic wellness.

You’ve likely heard about the alkaline diet touted as the ultimate solution for health and vitality, with endorsements from Hollywood icons like Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrow. But what exactly is this diet, and should you consider adopting it? Let’s delve into the details.

The alkaline diet, also known as the “alkaline ash diet” or “alkaline acid diet,” revolves around the premise that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline-forming ones can revolutionise your health. The concept stems from the breakdown of food in the body, akin to a metabolic fire, leaving behind an “ash” that can be either acidic or alkaline. Proponents argue that consuming alkaline-forming foods can help balance the body’s pH levels and promote well-being.

So, which foods fall into each category? Alkaline-promoting foods include fruits, vegetables, tofu, nuts, seeds, beans, and lentils. On the other hand, acidic foods encompass dairy, eggs, meat, most grains, processed items, alcohol, and caffeine. The diet suggests allocating 80% of your daily intake to alkaline-forming foods and the remaining 20% to acidic options.

It’s essential to differentiate between the immediate acidity of a food and its overall effect on the body. For example, oranges contain citric acid but are classified as alkaline-forming due to their net alkalising effect post-metabolism.

Understanding pH levels is integral to grasping the alkaline diet’s principles. pH measures acidity or alkalinity on a scale of 0 to 14, with lower values indicating acidity, 7 being neutral, and higher values representing alkalinity. While the body rigorously regulates blood pH, urine pH fluctuations may not accurately reflect acidity or alkalinity.

Recent research sheds light on the potential health implications of dietary acid load. Studies from Japan found associations between high acid load and increased risk of heart disease and frailty in older adults. Additionally, Dutch researchers linked elevated acid load to lower bone density, particularly with higher meat-based protein intake.

Regarding cancer, theories surrounding the alkaline diet are intriguing yet inconclusive. Cancer cells produce acidic secretions, leading to the hypothesis that alkalising the cellular environment could impede cancer growth. While animal studies support this notion, human trials remain limited, necessitating further research.

Adhering to an alkaline diet entails prioritising whole, unprocessed foods rich in vegetable proteins, fruits, and vegetables. This approach fosters overall health by removing processed foods and embracing nutrient-dense alternatives.

Ultimately, is the alkaline diet the holy grail of health? While its principles promote wholesome eating habits that benefit all, definitive evidence supporting its efficacy still needs to be discovered. However, incorporating more alkaline-forming foods into your diet can enhance your overall well-being.

In conclusion, embracing the alkaline diet or prioritising whole, nutrient-rich foods lays the foundation for optimal health. So, why not embark on a journey towards wellness by nourishing your body with nature’s bounty?

With many tempting options, the path to vibrant health begins with a single choice. Embrace the alkaline diet or carve your path – the choice is yours.

If anything has come up for you due to this blog, I invite you to book a free 30-minute discovery call to see if a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan might help. You can book yourself directly into my diary by clicking right here.

In a world filled with fad diets and quick-fix solutions, detox programs have gained popularity as a means of jumpstarting weight loss and revitalising the body. But just how much weight can you expect to shed during a detox? Let’s explore this question and discover how the RejuvaDetox program can be a holistic solution to weight loss.

Understanding Detox and Weight Loss: Detoxification eliminates toxins and impurities from the body, often through dietary changes, fasting, or specialised cleansing programs. While detox diets vary in duration and approach, they typically aim to rid the body of harmful substances and promote overall wellness.

Regarding weight loss in detox programs, it’s essential to understand that much of the initial weight loss is often attributed to water weight and eliminating waste rather than fat loss. While some individuals may experience significant weight loss during a detox, the amount can vary depending on factors such as the duration of the program, metabolic rate, and starting weight.

Introducing RejuvaDetox: Enter RejuvaDetox, a comprehensive detoxification and weight loss program designed to rejuvenate your body from the inside out. Unlike crash diets or temporary fixes, RejuvaDetox+ takes a holistic approach to wellness, addressing the root causes of weight gain and promoting sustainable lifestyle changes.

Key Components of RejuvaDetox:

  1. Ultimate Detoxifier Machine Treatments: The RejuvaDetox+ program includes twelve sessions on the Ultimate Detoxifier Machine, a pain-free and relaxing treatment that targets toxic fat cells and promotes lymphatic drainage. By eliminating toxins and toning the skin’s elasticity, these treatments help kickstart your weight loss journey.
  2. 28-Day Healthy Food Plan: Participants follow a 28-day healthy eating regime emphasising nourishing, non-toxic foods without calorie restrictions. By fueling your body with nutrient-rich foods, you’ll cleanse your system and optimise nutrient absorption, improving energy levels and overall wellbeing.
  3. Organic Detox Box Supplementation: Participants receive organic cleansing supplements throughout the program to enhance detoxification. These supplements support the body’s natural detoxification pathways, leaving you feeling revitalised and rejuvenated.

Real Results with RejuvaDetox+: At RejuvaDetox+, we’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of our program. Past clients have achieved significant weight loss and improved overall health and wellbeing. From shedding pounds to inches lost, RejuvaDetox+ offers actual results that last.

In conclusion, while the amount of weight lost during a detox can vary, RejuvaDetox+ stands out as a holistic solution to weight loss and rejuvenation. By addressing the root causes of weight gain and promoting healthy lifestyle changes, RejuvaDetox+ empowers you to achieve your wellness goals and live your best life. Say goodbye to toxins and excess weight and hello to a happier, healthier you with RejuvaDetox+.

In recent decades, while life expectancy has risen, healthy life expectancy has unfortunately declined. This means that although we may live longer, our quality of life during those years may not be as optimal. A concerning trend highlighted by ‘The Guardian in March 2019 pointed out a decline in life expectancy in England and Wales, signalling a need for action. This decline in quality of life is further emphasised by the prevalent use of prescription medications among older adults, with a significant portion taking multiple drugs concurrently. These medications, while intended to treat various ailments, often come with a host of side effects and potential interactions, leading to complications.

However, there is hope. We can work towards a healthier future by prioritising our health and making proactive choices. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Start Early: The earlier we adopt healthy habits, the better. Diet and lifestyle choices are crucial in shaping our health outcomes, regardless of genetic predispositions. Introducing nutritious foods and regular exercise into our early routines can lay a strong foundation for healthy ageing.

2. Focus on Nutrition: Nutrition is vital to well-being. Research has shown that dietary interventions can have profound effects, including reversing conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline. By prioritising natural, nutrient-dense foods over processed options, we can fuel our bodies with the essential nutrients they need to thrive.

3. Prioritise Real Food: Maintaining muscle mass and metabolic health becomes increasingly important as we age. Whole foods provide the necessary nutrients to support these processes, while processed foods often lack essential vitamins and minerals. We can nourish our bodies and support healthy ageing by opting for foods in their natural state – such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

4. Address Malnutrition and Malabsorption: Malnutrition and malabsorption are common concerns among older adults, particularly those living alone or in residential care homes. These issues can stem from a variety of factors, including decreased appetite, dental problems, and medication side effects. By prioritising nutrient-rich foods and seeking medical guidance when needed, we can mitigate these risks and support optimal health.

5. Consider Supplementation: In some cases, supplementation may be necessary to address nutrient deficiencies or support specific health goals. Essential nutrients such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron are essential for overall health and may require supplementation, especially in older adults.

6. Stay Active: Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining mobility, strength, and overall well-being as we age. Whether through daily walks, strength training, or group fitness classes, finding enjoyable ways to stay active can support healthy ageing and enhance the quality of life.

7. Advocate for Yourself: Finally, advocating for your health and well-being is essential. This may involve seeking out knowledgeable healthcare providers, staying informed about current research and recommendations, and actively participating in decisions regarding your care.

In conclusion, prioritising your health and making positive changes is never too late. By adopting a proactive approach to nutrition, lifestyle, and overall well-being, we can support healthy ageing and enjoy a higher quality of life later.

If there is anything that has come up for you as a result of this blog, I warmly invite you to book a free 30-minute discovery call to see if a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan might help. You can book yourself directly into my diary by clicking right here.

Reference: Robert M. Russell, Factors in Aging that Effect the Bioavailability of Nutrients, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 131, Issue 4, April 2001, Pages 1359S–1361S Link:


Assessing your detox potential is essential before embarking on any detox regimen, whether it’s a juice cleanse, fasting or a specific dietary plan. This involves understanding your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and how well it can handle detox effectively.

Assessing your detox potential allows you to make informed decisions about the type and duration of detoxification that will be most beneficial for you. It helps you tailor your detox program to your individual needs and avoid potential complications or adverse effects.

One way to assess your detox potential is to evaluate your current health status and lifestyle habits. Factors such as diet, hydration, sleep quality, stress levels, and exposure to environmental toxins can all influence your body’s ability to detoxify efficiently. Reflecting on these aspects can give you insights into areas needing improvement before starting a detox program.

Complete the following questionnaire to discover whether you could benefit from following a gentle detox.


5 or more questions: There’s scope for real improvement by following a gentle detox.

3 – 5 questions: You show signs of your body needing detoxification support.

0 – 3 questions: Even those who experience few (if any) signs of impaired detoxification will occasionally benefit from giving their body a health boost!


Do you often have a bitter taste or furry tongue in your mouth?

Do you suffer from acne or other skin conditions?

Do you have a solid reaction to alcohol?

Do you suffer from bloating?

Do you suffer from nausea or vomiting?

Do you sometimes have itchy ears, earaches, infections, drainage from the ears, or ringing?

Do you sometimes have watery, itchy eyes or swollen, red, sticky eyelids?

Do you sometimes have joint or muscle aches and pains?

Do you often have dark circles under your eyes?

Do you often sweat a lot or have a strong body odour?

Do you often suffer from headaches or migraines?

Do you suffer from excessive mucus, a stuffy nose or sinus problems?

Do the effects of coffee stay in your system for a long time?

Eating the right foods is one side of the coin, detoxification is the other, and whether a substance is harmful to you depends as much on your ability to detoxify it as on its inherent toxic properties.


If you scored more than 8, please take advice from your GP before detoxing (even a gentle detox).

Another aspect of assessing detox potential is considering your readiness for change. Detoxification often requires commitment and discipline, especially if it involves significant dietary or lifestyle adjustments. Reflecting on your motivation, willingness to adhere to the program, and ability to manage potential detox symptoms can help you gauge your readiness and set realistic expectations.

Furthermore, considering your past experiences with detoxification, if any, can provide valuable insights. Reflecting on what has worked well for you in the past and any challenges you may have encountered can help you refine your approach and avoid repeating mistakes.

In summary, checking your detox potential before starting any detox regimen is a wise step to ensure a safe, effective, and beneficial experience. Consulting with holistic therapists or detox specialists can further enhance your understanding and guide you towards a successful detox journey. It would allow you to create a plan specific to your body’s needs and personal health and fitness goals. For more information on what this involves,  please do get in touch. Check out our website for wellness detox programs, from remote options to in-person experiences! Whether you prefer the convenience of at-home detoxification or the support of in-person sessions, we have something for everyone. Visit our website today to explore our offerings and start your journey towards better health and vitality!

Understanding how our bodies react to stimuli is paramount in health and wellness. Confusion often arises when distinguishing between histamine body reactions and food allergy responses. These two phenomena, while related, have distinct characteristics that can significantly impact how we manage our health. In this blog post, we’ll delve into people’s common mistakes in discerning between histamine body reactions and food allergy responses and how to navigate them effectively.

Histamine Body Reactions:

Histamine is a chemical compound the body produces in response to allergens or other triggers. When histamine levels rise, it can lead to a range of symptoms, including itching, hives, headaches, congestion, and digestive issues. Histamine intolerance occurs when the body has difficulty breaking down histamine, leading to an accumulation of this compound and subsequent symptoms.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Misattributing Symptoms: One of the most common mistakes is misattributing histamine body reactions to food allergies. Symptoms such as headaches or digestive discomfort may be mistakenly linked to specific foods, leading to unnecessary dietary restrictions.
  2. Overlooking Histamine Content: Certain foods are naturally high in histamine or trigger its release. People with histamine intolerance may mistakenly consume these foods without realizing their impact on symptoms. Common culprits include aged cheeses, fermented foods, and processed meats.
  3. Ignoring Underlying Conditions: Histamine intolerance can be exacerbated by underlying conditions such as gut dysbiosis or enzyme deficiencies. Failing to address these underlying factors can perpetuate symptoms and lead to ongoing discomfort.

Food Allergy Responses:

Food allergies involve the immune system’s overreaction to specific proteins in food, triggering an immune response ranging from mild to severe. Symptoms typically occur shortly after consuming the offending food and may include hives, swelling, difficulty breathing, and, in extreme cases, anaphylaxis.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Confusing Sensitivities with Allergies: Not all adverse reactions to food are allergies. Some people may experience sensitivities or intolerances to certain foods, leading to symptoms similar to allergies. However, these reactions are typically less severe and do not involve the immune system.
  2. Incomplete Elimination Diets: Individuals may need proper guidance to embark on elimination diets when identifying food allergies. Eliminating entire food groups without a clear understanding of one’s allergies can lead to nutritional deficiencies and unnecessary dietary restrictions.
  3. Delay in Seeking Medical Attention: In cases of severe food allergies, delaying medical attention can have life-threatening consequences. Failing to carry an epinephrine auto-injector or neglecting to seek immediate medical help during an allergic reaction can put individuals at risk.

Navigating Histamine Body Reactions and Food Allergy Responses:

  1. Consultation with Healthcare Professionals: If you suspect you’re experiencing histamine intolerance or food allergies, consult a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and management. They can conduct tests, such as skin prick tests or blood tests, to identify specific allergens or intolerances.
  2. Keep a Symptom Journal: Tracking your symptoms and food intake can help identify patterns and potential triggers. Note the onset and duration of symptoms and any foods consumed before their occurrence.
  3. Gradual Dietary Modifications: When managing histamine intolerance or food allergies, consider gradually modifying your diet under the guidance of a healthcare professional. This approach can help pinpoint problematic foods while ensuring nutritional adequacy.
  4. Education and Awareness: Educate yourself about common allergens and histamine-rich foods to make informed dietary choices. Be vigilant about reading food labels and inquire about ingredients when dining out to avoid potential triggers.

In conclusion, distinguishing between histamine body reactions and food allergy responses requires careful consideration of symptoms, triggers, and underlying mechanisms. By avoiding common mistakes and seeking professional guidance, individuals can effectively manage their health and make informed decisions regarding their diet and lifestyle. Remember, proactive communication with healthcare providers and a holistic wellness approach are essential to successfully navigating these challenges.

If you’re sick of feeling any of the above issues, book a free 30-minute digestive health mini-consultation. You can do that by clicking here.

Stay informed, stay healthy!

In alternative healthcare, a transformative approach is recognised for its unique blend of German engineering principles and a deep understanding of holistic well-being. At the heart of this method lies Bioresonance therapy, a revolutionary concept rooted in the idea that the frequencies present in nature can positively influence the body’s regulatory mechanisms. Let’s explore the fascinating world of Bioresonance and its potential to address chronic health challenges.

The Essence of Bioresonance:

Imagine harnessing the power of sunlight, not just for its visual brilliance but for its underlying vibrational frequencies. In 1975, German engineer Paul Schmidt made a groundbreaking discovery that set the stage for Bioresonance as we know it today. Schmidt found that various frequency spectrums, including those in sunlight, could positively affect the body. He observed that each organ, tissue, or pathogen possesses its unique vibrational frequency. This marked the birth of Bioresonance therapy – a method designed to stimulate the body and enhance self-regulation.

Rayonex Biomedical: Pioneering Holistic Healthcare:

Enter Rayonex Biomedical, a trailblazer in the exploration of Bioresonance therapy. Building on Paul Schmidt’s foundational work, Rayonex has identified frequency spectra that can be transmitted to patients during harmonisation. What started as an exploration of human health has now expanded into the veterinary field, offering a holistic approach to the well-being of horses, dogs, and cats.

Proven Effectiveness:

In recent years, Rayonex Biomedical has conducted several studies that provide compelling evidence of the effectiveness of Paul Schmidt’s Bioresonance therapy. A noteworthy study focused on pain reduction in patients with chronic cervical syndrome, employing a prospective, double-blind, randomised trial. The results were remarkable, with significant improvements in all parameters, including neck pain, headaches, back pain, and muscle tension. In contrast, individuals treated with a placebo did not experience notable changes. This study serves as a testament to the therapeutic success of Bioresonance therapy, offering relief and a renewed sense of physical well-being.

Embracing a Holistic Approach:

The marriage of German engineering principles and alternative healthcare in Bioresonance therapy represents a paradigm shift in holistic health approaches. This method goes beyond traditional medicine, tapping into the body’s natural frequencies to stimulate self-regulation and promote overall well-being.

Total Health Now Clinic Ltd.: A Beacon of Holistic Health:

Total Health Now Clinic Ltd. stands out for those seeking a holistic approach to health challenges. Since 2009, this London-based clinic, led by the husband-and-wife duo Kostas and Lana Kapelas, has been a one-stop-shop for individuals with various health issues. Their team of holistic and naturopathic experts believes in the value of holistic health, offering a unique combination of therapies and holistic medicines.

Explore the Transformative Power:

If you’re intrigued by the transformative power of bioresonance therapy or have specific health concerns, Total Health Now Clinic Ltd. invites you to a free 30-minute consultation. This provides an opportunity to discuss your unique needs and explore how their experts can tailor programs to improve your health and vitality.

In conclusion, combining German engineering and alternative healthcare principles in Bioresonance therapy offers a holistic and practical approach to health and well-being. As we navigate the complexities of modern health challenges, embracing innovative methods like Bioresonance opens new doors to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Experience the potential of Bioresonance therapy and take the first step towards total well-being.

As we enter a new year, it’s an opportune time to reflect on our health and commit to overall well-being. One crucial aspect often overlooked is thyroid health—an internal motor that sets the pace for our entire body. If you’ve been feeling persistently tired, struggling with weight, or experiencing other discomforts, your thyroid might be trying to tell you something.

Understanding the Thyroid: The Body’s Internal Motor

The thyroid, shaped like a delicate butterfly and nestled in the neck, plays a pivotal role in regulating our body’s speed. When it functions optimally, everything runs smoothly. However, an underactive thyroid can lead to a range of symptoms, from fatigue to weight challenges and more.

Symptoms to Watch Out For

If you resonate with any of the following, it might be time to consider a thyroid check:

  • Persistent Fatigue: Feeling like you’re dragging yourself through the day.
  • Unexplained Weight Changes: Struggling to lose or gain weight without apparent cause.
  • Cold Hands and Feet: Regularly feeling the chill.
  • Digestive Issues: Such as constipation.
  • Muscle Aches and Cramps: Unexplained discomfort.
  • Mood Swings: Feeling irritable or generally low.
  • Challenges in Conceiving: Fertility issues.
  • Menstrual Changes: Heavier than usual periods.
  • Skin and Hair Changes: Dryness and hair loss at the outer edge of the eyebrow.

Taking Action: GP Testing and Beyond

If these symptoms sound familiar, it’s time to consider a thyroid check with your GP. The first test usually contains Thyroid thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. However, standard GP testing might only cover some aspects of thyroid health.

If your results are inconclusive or you continue to feel below par despite treatment, consider these factors:

  1. T4 Supplementation May Not Be Enough: The complexity of your body might require a more nuanced approach.
  2. T3 Conversion Issues: Some need help to convert Thyroxine (T4) to the active form of Triiodothyronine (T3).
  3. Reverse T3 Production: In some cases, the body counters the effects of usable T3 by producing reverse T3 (rT3).
  4. Sub-Clinical Thyroid Problems: GP ranges can be broad, potentially missing sub-clinical thyroid issues.

Comprehensive Testing: Going Beyond Standard Measures

Consider exploring whole thyroid blood draws, finger prick blood spot tests, and urine tests. These more comprehensive measures can provide a clearer picture of your thyroid health. Remember to test for autoimmune thyroid antibodies (thyroid peroxidase and thyroglobulin) to check for autoimmune thyroid problems.

The Impact of Adrenal Stress and Iodine

Thyroid health is closely tied to adrenal glands. If you’ve experienced significant stress, your adrenal glands may not perform optimally, affecting thyroid function. Addressing adrenal issues is crucial for overall well-being.

Additionally, iodine is essential for thyroid hormone production. Ensure you have sufficient iodine levels by considering a urine test.

Holistic Approach to Thyroid Well-Being

If you’ve been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and continue to experience symptoms, it’s time to adopt a holistic approach. Medication is just one part of the solution. Consider consulting with a healthcare professional who can guide you through a comprehensive plan tailored to your needs.

Here’s to a year of thriving health and vitality, starting with a renewed focus on your thyroid well-being!

Read more about assessing your thyroid health here, how to cleanse and detox your gut, and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.

Your first line of defence is to choose a healthy lifestyle. Did you know that almost 80% of our immune cells are in the gut? Eating a diverse range of REAL food is essential to give your immune system all the nutrients it needs to keep you healthy.

Often, you’re so busy in life – with your job, family, friends and other commitments – that you fail to get present with what’s going on with your health and mental wellbeing.

Although the experience of feeling constantly tired having a super-sensitive digestive system, or PMS, is not good, you kid yourself that it is normal or it will magically just go away – even when it’s something you’ve struggled with for years.

You don’t have to put up with symptoms of ill health. Some will need a longer and more specific plan to get profound and meaningful results. Other little niggles can improve just by getting back on track with your health and making some small but effective changes.

1. Regularly wash your hands with soap and warm water and avoid touching your face.
2. Keep hydrated – this helps the body flush out harmful organisms.
3. Eat a diet high in fruit and vegetables – these should make up ½ of your lunch and dinner plate.
4. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep every night to help increase cytokine and antibody
production to fight infection.
5. Reduce or avoid alcohol – it negatively impacts gut health and decreases immune function.
6. Limit your caffeine intake –it affects sleep and can inhibit the absorption of some key nutrients.
7. Reduce sugar intake – too much sugar dampens the immune system for several hours after consumption.
8. Keep active! This helps to flush invaders out of the lungs and airways whilst
supporting the removal of toxic waste.
9. Reduce stress levels – studies have shown chronic stress can
suppress protective immune responses.
10. Get some sunshine – it is our best source of Vitamin D, which is essential for immune function.

If you’re unsure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use immediately. If this sounds like what you need, click the link here.

Indulging in festive delights is part and parcel of the holiday season, but the aftermath of rich foods and overeating can leave us feeling bloated and uncomfortable. With an average consumption of 6,000 calories on Christmas Day alone—triple the recommended daily intake for women—it’s no wonder our digestion may struggle during this time. Several factors contribute to holiday-related tummy troubles, including increased food intake, elevated alcohol consumption, and a surplus of rich, creamy dishes that can trigger discomfort. Fear not, as there are practical steps to safeguard your stomach health and relish the festivities without the unwanted bloat.

1. Engage Your Senses. Kickstart the digestive process by embracing the cephalic phase, which is triggered when you see or smell food. Take a moment to envision the delightful meal you’ll enjoy, stimulating digestive juices and preparing your body for optimal digestion. Be mindful and savour the anticipation before indulging in the hustle and bustle.

2. Chew Your Food Follow the wise advice from Mom—chew your food thoroughly. Proper chewing mechanically breaks down food, increasing its surface area for digestive enzymes to perform their duties efficiently. Inadequate chewing may lead to incomplete digestion, causing fermentation and discomfort. Aim for mindful chewing, ensuring your food is well broken down before swallowing.

3. Balance Your Stomach Acid Contrary to popular belief, digestive troubles may stem from insufficient stomach acid rather than an excess. Aging, stress, and certain medications can diminish stomach acid levels, affecting the breakdown of food proteins. Combat this by incorporating a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with ‘mother’ before each main meal, promoting a healthier digestive environment.

4. Take a Digestive Enzyme Supplement. As we age, our natural production of digestive enzymes decreases, hindering nutrient absorption. Boost your enzyme levels by including enzyme-rich foods like pineapple or papaya. Alternatively, consider a digestive enzyme capsule, available at health food stores, to support efficient digestion.

5. Time Out: Allow your digestive system to rest by spacing out meals every 3-4 hours. This practice provides ample time for complete digestion and a break before the next dinner. While holiday snacking may pose a challenge, strive for discipline in creating a balanced eating routine.

6. Walk It Off After indulging, walk gently for about 15 minutes. This simple activity aids in lowering blood sugar levels, reducing insulin production, and enhancing the digestion process. Incorporate this post-meal stroll into your festive routine to promote overall well-being.

Embrace these practical tips during Christmas and observe the positive impact on digestive comfort. If persistent digestive issues plague you, consider a consultation call to delve deeper into understanding and resolving gut-related concerns. 

If you’re sick of feeling bloated, gassy, crampy or going to the loo too much (or too little), book a free 30-minute digestive health mini consultation. You can do that by clicking here.

In health and wellness, few vitamins capture attention, like vitamin C. Its significance is universal from childhood memories of citrus fruits to combating colds. As we enter the season of colds and flu, let’s delve into vitamin C and its impact on our immunity.

Do you need to supplement? While nature provides, our evolving lifestyles warrant a closer look. The recommended daily intake in the UK is 40mg, but research suggests higher amounts (up to 220mg) may optimize immune defence. Unlike most animals, humans can’t produce vitamin C, making daily ingestion crucial.

What does vitamin C do? Beyond fighting colds, vitamin C participates in 15,000 metabolic processes. It shields mucous membranes, supports collagen production, and bolsters the immune response. Crucially, it mitigates inflammatory responses and aids in liver detoxification. The benefits extend to protecting proteins from sugar-related damage, which is relevant for conditions like diabetes.

Vitamin C and infections – what does the science say? Despite mixed reports, studies reveal that while vitamin C may not prevent colds, it significantly reduces their duration. In the context of COVID-19, ongoing research suggests potential benefits in preventing pneumonia, a common lethal outcome.

Are we vitamin C deficient? Daily needs vary widely (40mg to 3g); even with a balanced diet, factors like stress, medication, and age can deplete our vitamin C levels. The body’s inability to store vitamin C underscores the need for consistent intake.

Could you overdose on vitamin C? While concerns exist, adverse effects from high doses are rare. The most common side effect is loose stools, signalling adequate vitamin C levels. Responsible supplementation, up to 10g daily, has shown no harmful effects in long-term studies.

What can you do to increase your vitamin C levels? Reducing stress, prioritizing sleep, quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, and embracing a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables are essential strategies. Aim for 7 to 10 servings daily, including citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, bell peppers, and more.

Therapeutic Doses In the event of an infection, nutritional therapist Patrick Holford recommends 1-2g at the first sign of a cold, with hourly doses until symptoms abate. Intriguingly, a recent trial suggests potential benefits of high-dose vitamin C in severe COVID-19 cases, awaiting peer review.

In conclusion, supplementing with vitamin C, within recommended limits, appears prudent. As we navigate these unprecedented times, fortifying our immune defences can only be an asset.

If you’re sick of feeling under the weather, book a free 30-minute digestive health mini consultation. You can do that by clicking here.

Bioresonance therapy has emerged as a fascinating and practical approach to addressing various health concerns in the ever-evolving landscape of holistic health. One area where bioresonance therapy has shown promising results in identifying and managing food intolerances. In this blog, we’ll delve into the principles behind bioresonance therapy and its application in uncovering and managing food intolerances.

Understanding Bioresonance Therapy:

Bioresonance therapy operates on the principle that every cell in our body emits electromagnetic frequencies. When our health is compromised, these frequencies can become imbalanced. Bioresonance devices are designed to detect and analyse these electromagnetic signals, providing valuable insights into the body’s overall well-being.

During a bioresonance session, electrodes are placed on the skin, and the device measures the electromagnetic waves emitted by the body. Any imbalances or disruptions in these frequencies are then identified. The therapy aims to restore harmony by introducing corrective frequencies, supporting the body’s self-regulating mechanisms.

Unraveling Food Intolerances:

Food intolerances can be elusive, often manifesting as vague symptoms that are challenging to trace back to specific dietary elements. Unlike allergies, which involve the immune system, intolerances are typically characterised by a delayed and subtle response, making them harder to diagnose.

Bioresonance therapy offers a non-invasive and comprehensive approach to uncovering food intolerances. The treatment can pinpoint specific foods contributing to discomfort, inflammation, or other adverse reactions by assessing the body’s electromagnetic responses to various food frequencies.

The Bioresonance and Food Intolerance Connection:

  1. Personalised Analysis: Bioresonance therapy provides a customised analysis of an individual’s electromagnetic responses to different foods. This tailored approach allows for targeted and specific insights into potential intolerances.
  2. Non-Invasive Testing: Unlike traditional methods of food intolerance testing, such as blood tests or elimination diets, bioresonance therapy is non-invasive. It offers a comfortable and pain-free way to gather valuable information about one’s body.
  3. Holistic Wellness: Beyond identifying food intolerances, bioresonance therapy promotes holistic wellness by addressing imbalances in the body’s energy fields. By restoring equilibrium, the treatment supports overall health and vitality.

The Journey to Wellness:

Embarking on a bioresonance journey to uncover and manage food intolerances is a step toward holistic wellness. As individuals gain insights into the unique needs of their bodies, they can make informed decisions about their diet, leading to improved digestive health, increased energy levels, and enhanced overall well-being.

In conclusion, the synergy between bioresonance therapy and food intolerance management offers a new dimension to holistic health. Bioresonance therapy provides a personalised and non-invasive approach to understanding and addressing food intolerances by harnessing the body’s electromagnetic frequencies. As more individuals seek integrative and proactive health solutions, bioresonance therapy is a promising avenue for optimising their well-being.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link in here.

In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a strong and resilient immune system has become more critical than ever. The ongoing global health challenges have highlighted the significance of proactive health management, and one crucial aspect of this is our respiratory health and immune function. Total Health Now Clinic Ltd., with its holistic approach to well-being, stands as a beacon of support for those looking to boost their immune system. In this blog, we’ll explore the vital connection between immunity, breathing, Buteyko research, and the bespoke holistic therapy the clinic offers.

The Immune System and Breathing: A Symbiotic Relationship

The immune system is our body’s natural defence mechanism, and it plays a pivotal role in protecting us from harmful pathogens, bacteria, and viruses. But what many people may need to realise is that the efficiency of our immune system is closely linked to our respiratory health.

Proper breathing techniques can help maintain optimal oxygen levels in our blood, which is essential for immune cell function. At Total Health Now Clinic, we understand the importance of nurturing this connection. Our experts know deep and mindful breathing can improve lung function, increase oxygenation, and support the immune system.

Buteyko Research: Breathing Techniques for Immune Health

One fascinating area of research that has gained prominence in recent years is the Buteyko method. Developed by Dr Konstantin Buteyko, this approach focuses on retraining how we breathe to optimise oxygen intake and improve overall health. The Buteyko method emphasises nasal breathing, slower breaths, and maintaining carbon dioxide levels in the body. Research has shown that these techniques can reduce inflammation, improve sleep quality, and enhance immune system function.

Total Health Now Clinic proudly incorporates Buteyko-inspired breathing techniques into our holistic therapy programs. Our approach is customised to meet the unique needs of each client, and by integrating Buteyko-inspired techniques, we aim to empower individuals to take control of their respiratory health and immune function.

Bespoke Holistic Therapy: A Path to Stronger Immunity

Total Health Now Clinic doesn’t offer a one-size-fits-all approach to health and well-being. We understand that every individual is unique, and so are their health challenges. That’s why our clinic offers bespoke combo holistic therapy tailored to address specific issues, including immune system weaknesses.

Our team of experts creates personalised plans that encompass nutrition, exercise, stress management, and, of course, the power of breathing techniques. By addressing the whole person, not just their symptoms, we provide a comprehensive and effective strategy to strengthen the immune system.

Lifestyle and Work-Life Balance: Cornerstones of Immune Health

In today’s demanding world, the importance of lifestyle and work-life balance cannot be overstated. A hectic, stressful life can take a toll on your immune system. At Total Health Now Clinic, we recognise the profound impact of lifestyle on health.

Our holistic programs don’t just focus on immediate health issues but also guide individuals in making sustainable lifestyle changes. We emphasise the importance of work-life balance, stress reduction, and mindful living to promote well-being and strengthen the immune system.

In conclusion, the journey to a robust immune system is a holistic one, and Total Health Now Clinic Ltd. is dedicated to supporting individuals in this endeavour. By understanding the connection between breathing, Buteyko research, bespoke holistic therapy, and lifestyle management, our clinic offers a comprehensive approach to health that empowers people to take charge of their well-being. Your immune system is your shield; let us help you strengthen it to face life’s challenges with vitality and resilience.  if you’d like to book a complimentary call to discuss which approach to supporting your immune system would best suit you, please do get in touch.

Many children are known for their selective eating habits. While this is a typical phase of childhood development, it can often leave parents feeling frustrated and challenged, especially when they hear stories of little ones who seem to devour everything in sight, including broccoli seconds. But here’s the essential point: fussy eating is usually not about the food itself, and it’s not about you. It’s primarily about your child’s desire for independence.

If you are dealing with a picky eater at home, we’re here to share some valuable tips on navigating this phase. But first, let’s talk a bit more about fussy eating.

Children often have strong opinions about the shape, colour, or texture of certain foods. You might notice that your child enjoys a particular food one day but rejects it the next. They might refuse to try new foods and exhibit unpredictable eating habits. While this can perplex parents, it’s a vital part of a child’s developmental journey. It’s their way of exploring their world and asserting their independence. Plus, their appetites fluctuate as they grow and become more active.

The good news is that fussy eating is typically a phase children grow out of. As they get older, their tastes evolve, and they no longer feel the need to exert such control over their food. Eventually, family meals can return to a semblance of normality.

Now, let’s discuss making mealtimes more enjoyable and less stressful for you and your child.

Tips for Stress-Free Mealtimes:

  • Create a happy, regular, and social atmosphere during mealtimes. Don’t stress about spills or messes on the table.
  • Never force your child to eat a particular food.
  • Set realistic expectations. Encourage your child to take small steps, like licking a new food, and gradually try a mouthful. Always praise your child for their efforts, no matter how small.
  • If your child is fussy, try to minimize your attention to it, as focusing on it can reinforce their behaviour.
  • Make healthy foods fun. Get creative by cutting sandwiches into interesting shapes or involving your child in meal preparation.
  • Turn off the TV to encourage family members to engage in conversation.
  • Limit mealtime to about 20 minutes. If your child has not eaten in that time, remove the food, but only offer more until the next scheduled meal or snack time.
  • Introduce new foods alongside familiar ones, allowing your child to touch, smell, or take a small taste.
  • Make the food visually appealing by offering a variety of colours, shapes, and sizes. Let your child choose what they want to eat.
  • Don’t give up easily. Keep offering foods that have been refused before. It can take multiple attempts before a child is willing to try a previously rejected food.

Sometimes, children refuse food to see how you’ll react. Remember that this behaviour is part of their social, intellectual, and emotional development.

Now, let’s talk about introducing new foods to picky eaters.

Introducing New Foods to Picky Eaters:

  • Encourage your child to share meals and snacks with other children whenever possible. Peer influence can make them more willing to try new foods.
  • Serve your child the same meal as the rest of the family but in a portion size suitable for them. Sometimes, children need to take cues from their parents, who can playfully express how delicious the food is.
  • Avoid letting your child fill up on drinks, snacks, or treats before introducing new foods. Hunger can make them more receptive to trying something new.

Lastly, let’s address punishments and rewards in the context of fussy eating.

Punishments and Rewards:

Punishing your child for refusing new foods can create a negative association with them. Instead, you can offer the same food at another time.

It might be tempting to offer food treats as a reward for eating healthy options, such as “If you eat your vegetables, you can have a biscuit.” However, this can inadvertently make your child more interested in treats than nutritious food. Ultimately, it’s essential to establish house rules that promote healthy eating.

If you’re concerned that your child’s limited diet affects their growth and well-being, consult your GP or health visitor. It’s essential to ensure your child gets the nutrition they need to thrive.

Remember, fussy eating is a phase that most children outgrow, and with patience and a positive approach, you can guide your child toward a more balanced and varied diet.

Food intolerance is a common issue that can affect many people, often leaving them puzzled about the underlying causes. Total Health Now Clinic Ltd., based in London, is committed to helping clients better understand food intolerance and its implications on the immune system.

Understanding Food Intolerance

Unlike food allergies, food intolerance is characterized by the body’s unfavourable response to specific foods. It’s a condition that varies from person to person but can result in various discomforting symptoms.

The Role of Your Immune System

Your immune system, a robust defender against threats, can sometimes misinterpret certain foods as enemies. When you consume foods to which you’re intolerant, your immune system initiates a response. Here’s how it unfolds:

Inflammatory Response: Certain foods can incite inflammation in your digestive system. The immune system releases chemicals to combat this perceived threat, leading to discomfort, bloating, and inflammation.

Gastrointestinal Discomfort: Food intolerance frequently leads to gastrointestinal issues, encompassing symptoms like diarrhoea, constipation, or irritable bowel symptoms. This immune response can also disrupt the balance of gut bacteria, causing digestive problems.

Energy Depletion: Dealing with food intolerance can be energy-draining. Your body expends energy to cope with the inflammation, leaving you tired and sleepy.

Skin Troubles: Food intolerance can also affect your skin, manifesting as conditions like eczema or acne. Connecting these skin issues to dietary factors influenced by the immune system’s response might take time.

Total Health Now Clinic’s Approach

Total Health Now Clinic, led by holistic experts Kostas and Lana Kapelas, offers tailored programs to address food intolerance and its consequences on the immune system. Their holistic strategy encompasses the following:

Identifying Triggers: The clinic employs state-of-the-art tests to identify specific food intolerances, a critical step in designing a personalised dietary plan.

Nutritional Guidance: Clients receive expert guidance on eliminating trigger foods while sustaining a balanced, nutritious diet—crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Gut Healing: The clinic highlights the significance of gut health. Therapies like RejuvaDetox+ and probiotics are used to restore the balance of gut bacteria and promote overall well-being.

Holistic Wellness: Total Health Now Clinic’s holistic approach not only tackles symptoms but delves into the root causes of food intolerance, working towards a natural rebalance of the body.

In Conclusion

Understanding the intricate relationship between food intolerance and the immune response is paramount for those striving for improved health. Total Health Now Clinic Ltd. offers a comprehensive approach to identifying and managing food intolerances, providing clients with the tools to regain control over their health and well-being. Whether you’re grappling with gastrointestinal discomfort, skin issues, or persistent fatigue, their personalized programs are your path to relief and renewed vitality. If you’re in London or the UK, contact Total Health Now Clinic to begin your journey to better health.

Cortisol, often called the “stress hormone,” is a crucial component of our body’s stress response system. Regarding health challenges like weight gain, Total Health Now Clinic Ltd. in London offers tailored holistic solutions to address this issue.

Cortisol: The Stress Hormone

Cortisol is a hormone the adrenal glands produce on top of the kidneys. It plays a vital role in responding to stress, but when cortisol levels remain high for extended periods, it can have adverse effects, including weight gain.

The Cortisol-Weight Gain Connection

Understanding how cortisol impacts weight gain is essential for individuals looking to improve their health. Here’s how cortisol and weight gain are interconnected:

Increased Appetite: Chronic stress can elevate cortisol levels, increasing your appetite, especially for sugary and fatty foods. This can result in overeating and contribute to weight gain.

Fat Storage: High cortisol levels can promote fat storage, particularly around the abdominal area. This type of visceral fat is linked to obesity and various health issues.

Insulin Resistance: Cortisol can interfere with blood sugar regulation, leading to insulin resistance. This can make weight management more challenging.

Emotional Eating: Chronic stress and high cortisol levels are often associated with emotional eating. People use food as a coping mechanism, leading to unhealthy eating habits and weight gain.

Holistic Solutions at Total Health Now Clinic

Total Health Now Clinic, led by holistic and naturopathic experts Kostas and Lana Kapelas, offers personalized programs to help individuals address the effects of elevated cortisol and weight gain. Their approach includes a range of therapies, holistic medicines, and individual coaching to target the root causes of these issues.

Stress Management: The clinic places a strong emphasis on stress management techniques, including mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation exercises, to help clients lower cortisol levels and regain control over their appetite.

Nutritional Guidance: Total Health Now Clinic provides expert guidance on nutrition, helping clients make healthier food choices and manage emotional eating patterns.

Physical Activity: Regular exercise is a crucial part of weight management. The clinic’s experts design customized fitness plans to promote well-being and support weight loss goals.

Hormone Balancing: In some cases, hormonal imbalances may contribute to weight gain. Total Health Now Clinic addresses these issues through holistic approaches to naturally balance hormones.

Understanding the cortisol-weight gain connection is critical in managing your health effectively. If you are keen to find out more about how to reduce cortisol holistically or if you’d like to book a complimentary call to discuss which approach to weight loss would best suit you, please do get in touch.

Menopause is a natural phase in every woman’s life, marking the end of their reproductive years. Along with hormonal changes, menopause often brings about various physical and emotional shifts. One of the most prevalent concerns during this time is weight management. Unfortunately, several myths and misconceptions surround menopause and weight loss. Let’s debunk some of the most common ones.

Myth 1: Weight Gain During Menopause Is Inevitable

Contrary to popular belief, weight gain during menopause is not inevitable. While hormonal changes can impact metabolism and fat distribution, it doesn’t mean you’re destined to gain weight. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise, can help prevent excess weight gain.

Myth 2: All Menopausal Women Gain Weight

Menopause affects women differently. Some may experience weight gain, while others may not notice significant changes. It’s essential to recognize that weight gain is not a universal experience during menopause. Genetics, lifestyle, and overall health significantly affect individual outcomes.

Myth 3: Metabolism Slows Down Dramatically

While there is a natural decrease in metabolism as we age, it doesn’t plummet dramatically during menopause. The key is to adapt your lifestyle to maintain a healthy metabolic rate. Strength training and aerobic exercises can help boost metabolism and preserve lean muscle mass.

Myth 4: It’s Too Late to Make Lifestyle Changes

It’s never too late to adopt healthier habits during menopause. Making positive lifestyle changes can be especially beneficial at this stage. Eating nutrient-rich foods, staying active, managing stress, and getting adequate sleep are essential for overall well-being.

In conclusion, menopause is a unique journey for every woman. Weight gain during this time is not inevitable, and many of the myths surrounding menopause and weight loss can be debunked through education and adopting a holistic approach to health. Remember that Total Health Now Clinic Ltd., based in London, offers holistic health programs tailored to your needs, providing support and guidance during this phase of life. Embrace a balanced lifestyle, consult with healthcare professionals when needed, and focus on overall well-being to thrive during menopause.

To book a free Health and energy review consultation or discuss your goals, contact

Regarding weight management, our thyroid gland plays a crucial role. This butterfly-shaped organ in our neck is a powerhouse for regulating metabolism. However, when thyroid issues arise, they can throw a wrench into the weight loss journey. In this blog post, we’ll explore the intricate connection between thyroid health and weight, shedding light on how thyroid issues can impact your weight loss efforts.

1. The Thyroid’s Metabolic Role

The thyroid gland produces hormones that govern our metabolism, primarily thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones dictate how our cells use energy from the food we consume. When the thyroid functions optimally, our metabolic rate is balanced, aiding in weight maintenance.

2. Hypothyroidism: The Weight Gain Culprit

Hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid, occurs when the gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones. This can lead to a sluggish metabolism, causing weight gain or making weight loss more challenging. Other common symptoms include fatigue, cold intolerance, and hair loss.

3. Hyperthyroidism: Weight Loss, but at What Cost?

Conversely, hyperthyroidism, an overactive thyroid, can result in rapid weight loss. However, this weight loss often comes with muscle loss, anxiety, and other health issues. The high metabolism associated with hyperthyroidism can also lead to nutrient deficiencies.

4. Thyroid Treatment and Weight Management

The good news is that lifestyle adjustments can manage thyroid issues effectively. If you suspect a thyroid problem, consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment. Balancing thyroid hormone levels can help regulate metabolism and support healthy weight management.

5. Nutrition Matters

Incorporating thyroid-friendly foods such as iodine-rich seaweed, selenium-rich nuts, and zinc-packed lean meats can support thyroid health. Maintaining a well-balanced diet with adequate nutrients, including healthy weight management, is crucial for overall well-being.

6. Exercise with Care

Regular physical activity is essential for weight management, but individuals with thyroid issues should exercise carefully. Consult a healthcare provider or fitness expert to design an exercise plan that suits your needs and energy levels.

Read more about assessing your thyroid health here, how to cleanse and detox your gut, and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.

In today’s fast-paced world, weight management concerns many individuals. People often attribute weight gain to factors such as diet and exercise, but toxicity is another hidden player in the game. Understanding the link between toxins and weight gain is crucial for those seeking sustainable and healthy weight management strategies.

Toxins: The Silent Intruders

Toxins are everywhere, from the air we breathe to food. They come from pollutants, chemicals, heavy metals, and even synthetic compounds in everyday products. Our bodies have natural detoxification systems, primarily the liver and kidneys, designed to eliminate these toxins. However, the toxin load has dramatically increased in our modern environment, overwhelming our natural detox mechanisms.

How Toxins Can Lead to Weight Gain

  1. Disrupting Hormonal Balance: Toxins can interfere with hormonal signals that regulate appetite, metabolism, and fat storage. For instance, certain toxins mimic hormones like estrogen, leading to hormonal imbalances that may contribute to weight gain.
  2. Slowing Metabolism: Toxins can negatively impact the thyroid gland, which is pivotal in regulating metabolism. A sluggish metabolism can make it harder to burn calories efficiently.
  3. Impairing Liver Function: The liver is a key player in detoxification. When overloaded with toxins, its primary function shifts from metabolising fats to detoxifying the body, potentially leading to fat storage.
  4. Inflammation: Chronic inflammation, often triggered by toxin exposure, is linked to insulin resistance and weight gain. When our cells become resistant to insulin, the body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels, which can result in increased fat storage.

Reducing Toxic Load for Weight Management

  1. Clean Eating: Opt for organic, pesticide-free foods and minimise processed and packaged items. Focus on a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains supporting detoxification.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Water is essential for flushing toxins out of the body. Drink plenty of filtered water to support your natural detox systems.
  3. Regular Exercise: Physical activity helps eliminate toxins through sweat and improves circulation. It also supports weight management by boosting metabolism.
  4. Detoxification Support: Consider periodic detox programs or therapies under the guidance of a healthcare professional. These programs can help the body eliminate accumulated toxins more efficiently.
  5. Reduce Environmental Toxins: Minimise exposure to toxins in your environment by using natural cleaning products, avoiding plastics, and ensuring good indoor air quality.

Seek Professional Guidance

If you suspect that toxins may be contributing to your weight gain or if you’re considering a detox program, it’s advisable to consult with a Total Health Now Team, as we can provide personalised guidance and monitor your progress to ensure safe and effective detoxification.

In conclusion, while diet and exercise remain fundamental aspects of weight management, understanding the impact of toxins on our bodies is equally vital. Reducing toxic exposure and supporting natural detox processes can enhance our overall health and well-being while achieving and maintaining a healthy weight.

Read more about assessing your digestive system’s health here, learn how to cleanse and detox your gut here and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.

In a world filled with the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to forget to prioritise our health and well-being. We often get caught up in the demands of work, family, and social commitments, leaving little time to rejuvenate our bodies and minds. That’s where the RejuvaDetox Program comes in—a comprehensive wellness journey designed to help you reset, recharge, and revitalise your life.

The RejuvaDetox+ Experience

The RejuvaDetox Program is more than just a detox—it’s a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses your body, mind, and spirit. It’s a journey that allows you to press the reset button on your health and embark on a path to lasting well-being.

Key Components

1. Nutritional Reset: The program begins with thoroughly assessing your current dietary habits. Our team of nutrition experts will work with you to create a personalised nutrition plan that detoxifies your body and provides you with the essential nutrients needed for optimal health.

2. Mindful Detox: Detoxification is not just about what you eat; it’s also about what you think.

3. Physical Rejuvenation: Regular, mild physical activity is essential for detoxification. Yoga, swimming and walking are great options during 28 days of RejuvaDetox+.

4. Relaxation: You would be linked up to the Ultimate Detoxifier machine a set of 32 pads, which are plugged into positive and negative electrodes. The primary function of the detoxification belt is to drill into the calcification of the toxic fat cell (with a blunt end drill), allowing fat toxins to be drawn from the compartment into the lymph system. It then switches to lymphatic dilation and drainage and rapidly eliminates these toxins from the body.

5. Holistic Support: Our wellness experts, including nutritionists and therapists, will be by your side throughout the program. We believe in holistic support, addressing not only physical health but also emotional and mental well-being.

The Benefits

  • Increased Energy: By eliminating toxins from your body and nourishing it with the proper nutrients, you’ll experience a significant boost in energy levels.
  • Weight Management: Many participants find that the RejuvaDetox Program helps with weight loss and provides them with the tools to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Improved Mental Clarity: A detoxed body often leads to a sharper mind. Experience improved focus, concentration, and mental clarity.
  • Stress Reduction: You’ll learn to manage stress more effectively through mindfulness practices and relaxation techniques.
  • Enhanced Immune System: A clean, well-nourished body is better equipped to avoid illnesses.

Is RejuvaDetox Right for You?

The RejuvaDetox Program is suitable for individuals looking to jumpstart their wellness journey, break free from unhealthy habits, and revitalize their body and mind. It’s not just about detoxification; it’s about adopting a healthier lifestyle that you can sustain long after the program ends.


The RejuvaDetox Program is your passport to renewed vitality, improved health, and a rejuvenated outlook on life. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, holistic well-being, and lasting transformation, then the RejuvaDetox Program is the perfect choice.

Don’t wait for the first step towards a healthier, happier you. Join us on the path to wellness and experience the transformative power of the RejuvaDetox Program today. Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you for it.

Read more about assessing your digestive system’s health here, learn how to cleanse and detox your gut here and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.


Think of cortisol as nature’s built-in alarm system. It’s your body’s primary stress hormone. It works with certain parts of your brain to control your mood, motivation, and fear.

Your adrenal glands — triangle-shaped organs at the top of your kidneys — make cortisol.

How Does It Work?

Your hypothalamus and pituitary gland — located in your brain — can sense if your blood contains the right cortisol level. If the level is too low, your brain adjusts the amount of hormones it makes. Your adrenal glands pick up on these signals. Then, they fine-tune the amount of cortisol they release.

In most cells in your body, Cortisol receptors receive and use the hormone differently. Your needs will differ from day to day. For instance, when your body is on high alert, cortisol can alter or shut down functions that get in the way. These might include your digestive or reproductive systems, immune systems, or growth processes.

Sometimes, your cortisol levels can get out of whack.

Too Much Stress

Your cortisol level should calm down after the pressure or danger has passed. Your heart, blood pressure, and other body systems will return normal.

But what if you’re under constant stress and the alarm button stays on?

  • Try to eat at regular times and do not skip meals
  • Eat within 60 minutes of getting out of bed in the morning
  • Eat lean sources of protein at each meal, for example, chicken, fish, eggs and legumes; avoid processed foods and red meat
  • Avoid/reduce your intake of sugary and refined foods; avoid sugary foods like soft drinks, especially ones that
    contain aspartame
  • Eat high-fibre foods; for example, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and good water sources, soluble fibres such
    as pears, oat bran and apples
  • Eat foods rich in “good” fats; for example, oily fish such as herring, pilchards, sardines, mackerel, salmon, trout and
    fresh tuna; nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, pistachios; seeds such as flaxseed,
    linseeds, hemp and avocados; foods fortified with omega 3’s
    Use healthy oils or fat spread made from vegetables or seeds such as those made from flaxseed, olive, and avocado (exclude those made with hydrogenated or trans fats)
  • Keep hydrated, limit alcohol intake and drink plenty of water; drink about 6 to 8 glasses (1.2 litres) of water or other fluids (non-caffeinated) a day to stop dehydrating. Try to limit the amount of caffeine that you have each day or avoid it after 3 pm
  • Exercise regularly; aim to be physically active, engaging in low to moderate activity every day for 30?60 minutes
    each day; any activity is better than none. Engage in stress? reducing activities such as yoga, Pilates, meditation
    and mindfulness
  • If you are overweight, then try and lose weight until you reach an optimum body mass index
    If possible, try and keep regular sleeping hours, set a regular bedtime schedule and get adequate sleep (6 to 9
    hours a night)
  • We recommend you stop smoking

If you are keen to find out more about how to reduce cortisol holistically or if you’d like to book a complimentary call to discuss which approach to weight loss would best suit you, please do get in touch.


Do I need to take gels on my run this weekend? How many?

Should I eat before I exercise or train fast?

Should I be having protein shakes after every workout?

Is low carb better for losing body fat?

Surprisingly, you still have energy left to lace up your trainers with all that to think about!

Whether you’re a regular gym-goer, long-distance runner, cyclist, swimmer or keen triathlete, I’ll bet you’ve often wondered if you’re eating the right things or whether there’s a magic ingredient or even a pill that will help you get leaner, train harder, lift more or perform better. Let me help you with that.

Let’s start by getting one thing straight: you can’t out-train a bad diet.  Despite what you may have been led to believe, there’s much more to nutrition than calories in vs. calories out. Food is more than just fuel. And it’s not just an amalgam of all the different macros (protein, carbohydrate and fat) either. Food is information for all the cells in your body. It includes micronutrients like vitamins and minerals, plant phytochemicals, zoo chemicals from animal products, water and more. Taking expensive supplements and gels without getting the basics right is like pouring petrol into a broken engine.

The benefits are plentiful when you eat the proper diet for you – including but not limited to what’s appropriate for your training regime. Hello, improved performance, injury prevention, better body composition and fast recovery.

You may also find that making small changes in one area will have a domino effect.  For example, increasing the nutrient density of meals may result in more stable energy levels and better sleep, positively influencing your performance and recovery.  This is the Holy Grail for most amateur, aspiring and professional athletes.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to sports nutrition.  Everyone has their individual goals and specific energy demands. However, I’d like to share my view on those ‘facts’ you should think twice about following, and I also want to give you some tips to set you off on the right path.


Legend has it you should use protein shakes or meal replacement drinks to burn fat and build muscle…

Yes, protein plays an essential role in the growth and repair of connective tissues.  That does not mean, however, that if you consume a LOT of protein, you will instantly become leaner, shedding body fat and building muscle.

You only need about 0.8-1g per kg of body weight, and most people will consume enough protein in their day-to-day diet through their intake of real food (like fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, Greek yoghurt or vegetable protein sources like soya, nuts, seeds, beans and legumes).

Eating too much protein can have consequences.  Protein is a source of energy, and if you consume more than you need, your body will break down the excess to sugar and store it as fat, excreting surplus amino acids in urine.  It will also place more stress on your kidneys as they work to remove nitrogen waste products.  And, for those following their PT’s advice to eat chicken and steak for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you could be placing your heart at risk with studies linking excess protein intake with cardiovascular disease*.

A Nutritional Therapist can help you calculate your needs and advise on the healthiest way to incorporate this into your diet with the right quantities and at the right time.


Ask almost anyone what advice they’ve been given regarding weight loss, and they’ll tell you they’ve cut back on carbs.  Yes, you may have less sugar in your bloodstream, which can result in weight loss in the short term as the body becomes depleted in glycogen and forced to burn its stores of body fat.  However, this is often not a realistic approach for individuals exercising regularly.

Muscles rely on glucose (sugar from carbohydrates) for energy. When exercising at a medium to high intensity, your body can’t quickly tap into your fat stores to supply you with energy.  Your performance can suffer.

Likewise, not eating sufficient carbohydrates following a workout will result in poor recovery.  Athletes depleting themselves of carbohydrates in the long term are at risk of decreased thyroid function, increased cortisol levels and a weakened immune system.

If you’re eating smart, carbohydrate intake will be periodised to match the intensity and volume of your training output to keep your weight on an even keel and your performance and recovery at their optimum.   And, for a slower energy release, you’ll be ditching the white bread, pasta, cakes and biscuits and opting for low GL carbs in the form of whole grains (brown rice, bulgar wheat, oats, legumes) and starchy vegetables like butternut squash and sweet potato. Once you’ve got the foundations in place with a healthy intake to support your body’s requirements, you can start to think about appropriate fuelling during training sessions.


If you lived through the 80s and 90s, you’d be familiar with the ‘low fat’ movement, when a ‘diet’ option of all products became available with little explanation of how this was made possible.  0% fat is still enormously popular now. But let me tell you what that usually means.

Regarding processed foods, lower fat means a higher sugar content, emulsifiers, additives and nasties.  The bottom line is fats are crucial to your health.  They protect your cell membranes, moderate hormone production (including steroid hormones, which your bodies use for muscle growth and repair and your sex hormones) and help you absorb numerous vitamins, including vitamins A, D, E and K.

It’s not about eating less but eating smarter.  The best advice is to cut out the toxic trans fats sometimes found in cakes and biscuits to improve mouth feel, and vegetable oils (corn oil, vegetable oil, sunflower oil, palm oil) found in processed foods and increase essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are necessary because your body can’t make them – they must come from your diet.  Omega 3 fatty acids are particularly beneficial. Why? They’re anti-inflammatory and counteract the free radicals produced from intense exercise.  Find them in oily fish, walnuts, hemp and chia seeds.


If it sounds complicated, it doesn’t have to be. Proper nutrition comes down to building a solid foundation for your body to thrive, then tailoring macronutrient quantities and intake of specific nutrients to the requirements of your chosen sport and level of activity. That’s my job as a nutrition practitioner. A thorough analysis of your current health and fitness status and discussion around your personal goals will allow us to build a diet and lifestyle plan tailored to you while addressing any underlying symptoms or root causes that may hamper your performance.

To book a free Health and energy review consultation or discuss your goals, contact

Burn fat faster than ever!

Watch your fat disappear!

Ketogenic (‘keto’) diets are back in fashion.

You’ve probably read the headlines and wondered whether you should take the plunge if the results are that dramatic and easy. But are they, though?

This newsletter [or post] will give you the inside line on what the diet involves, whether healthy or sustainable for ‘normal’ people. Here goes …

The keto diet is the ultimate low-carb diet. It’s also moderate in terms of protein and very high in fat.

It’s pretty much like the Atkins diet, but its fans like to describe it as a more modern version, now with a solid scientific basis. Recent research over the last decade or so has provided evidence of the therapeutic potential of ketogenic diets in many health conditions, including diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), acne, neurological disorders and the management of respiratory and cardiovascular risk factors.

Although dieters tend to lose weight, there is more of an emphasis of the ketogenic diet as a therapeutic diet, which may improve compliance for those that follow it for health reasons.

Like the Atkins diet, the ketogenic diet keeps the body in permanent ketosis. Let’s take a look at what that is …

Glucose is the easiest molecule for your body to convert and use as energy, so it will be chosen over any other energy source. Insulin is produced to process the glucose in your bloodstream by taking it into the cells. It’s the fat-storage hormone produced in direct proportion to the type and quality of carbs consumed. When you lower the intake of carbs in your diet, you force the body into a state of ketosis.

Ketosis is a natural process that helps you survive when food intake is low. When in this state, you produce ketone bodies or ketones made from the breakdown of fats in the liver. They are an alternative source of energy when glucose is not available. Energy from ketones works just as well and feels no different – better, if anything, and the brain prefers ketones.

What do you eat?

The ketogenic diet is largely based on protein and fat, filling and satisfying. This means no hunger cravings and consistent energy levels.

The downside is the diet is rigorous. Cutting out carbs means more than just avoiding the bread, pasta, rice and potatoes that we think of as carbohydrates, but also other foods including many fruits, starchy vegetables, and even some nuts, such as cashews. What you might not be prepared for is having to cut back on alcohol (it’s not cut it out entirely – spirits are OK but watch the sugary mixers, and champagne and wine are not so bad in moderation, but it very much depends on your sensitivity to carbs), and your favourite cappuccino or latte, too.


Meat, fish, poultry, eggs.

Leafy Greens like spinach and kale.

Above-ground vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

High Fat Dairy like hard cheeses, cream, butter, etc.

Nuts and seeds


Berries – raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, and other low-GL berries

Other fats include coconut oil, high-fat salad dressing, and saturated fats.


Grains like wheat, corn, rice, barley.

Sugars: honey, agave, maple syrup.

Fruit like apples, bananas, oranges.

Potato, yams, etc.

Getting into ketosis

There are no fixed percentages for macronutrient distribution (i.e. not a specific ratio of fats, carbs, etc.), as not everyone is equally sensitive to carbohydrates. This means you’ll have to test where your carb threshold lies by measuring ketone bodies in the urine, blood or breath.

You might be reading this thinking, ‘I can do this’, but the reality can be very testing. One client was committed for 16 days and didn’t, during that time, ever reach ketosis. It can take four weeks to get there, and during the transition period, many experience ‘keto flu’ – flu-like symptoms, headaches, tiredness, and weakness. This happens when the body runs out of glucose and has not yet learned to switch to using fat for energy – that’s because it hasn’t had to for such a long time. Until you become ‘fat adapted’ (i.e. your body has re-learned to use fat), there is a period of low energy. It is this taxing time that can put people off.

The people that do well on a ketogenic diet have a compelling reason to do it. Perhaps one of the chronic health conditions this diet can help.

The remaining mortals will struggle to be committed enough to get into and stay in ketosis.

If you are keen to find out more about ketogenic diets or if you’d like to book a complimentary call to discuss which approach to weight loss would best suit you, please do get in touch.


Many people fear a heart attack. Think of it as the last straw. In many cases, heart disease is an avoidable lifestyle disease; with the proper focus, you can avoid it, too.

There are some pretty big risk factors (outside of smoking and drinking in excess), including being diabetic, having high cholesterol and being overweight.

What I want to talk to you about today is which dietary changes you might start to make to protect your health and that of your loved ones. There’s fantastic news because several massive studies point to diet and lifestyle change being IT concerning prevention.

The INTERHEART study, published in the Lancet in 2004, followed 30,000 people in 52 countries. Researchers found that lifestyle changes could prevent at least 90 per cent of all heart diseases.

This was another big one: the EPIC study in 2009 looked at how 23,000 people adhered to 4 simple behaviours: not smoking, exercising 3.5 hours a week, eating a healthy diet, and maintaining a healthy weight. Sticking to these four behaviours alone seemed to prevent 93% of cases of diabetes, 81% of cases of heart attacks, 50% of cases of strokes, and 36% of all cancers.



Of course, everyone is an individual, and there is no official ‘single diet’ that all humans should eat. But if there were, this would be it because it handles what the essence of the problem is – overweight and a highly inflammatory internal environment.

Before I dive in with some of the answers, I want to say a little about fat because, if you’ve heard one thing about staving off a heart attack, it’s ‘cut back on fat’ (especially the saturated kind).

The success of some low-fat dietary models in weight loss is thought to be more likely due to the simultaneous reduction of sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed foods.

Dietary fat turns off fat production in your liver. Unlike carbohydrates and protein, dietary fat does not trigger your pancreas to secrete insulin.

There is one type of fat everyone should avoid, and it’s trans fats, a kind of Frankenstein fat added to food to improve the shelf life and mouthfeel of products. One study found that the risk of coronary heart disease doubled with each 2 per cent increase in calories from trans fats (Iqbal, 2014). Another researcher even concluded: “On a per-calorie basis, trans fats appear to increase the risk of CHD more than any other micronutrient.” (Mozaffarian et al., 2006).


The real villains in the piece are refined grains and sugar. During processing, refined grains are stripped of the bran and germ, two parts of the grain kernel that contain a wealth of nutrients. The final product is starch with no nutritional value, providing little more than carbohydrates and calories. Refined carbohydrates can be found in various foods, including white bread, pasta and rice, muffins, cakes, cookies, crackers, and bagels. Unfortunately, these foods comprise a good chunk of the modern Western diet and may be linked to a higher risk of heart disease. One study from China found that a higher carbohydrate intake, mainly from refined grains, was associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease among 117,366 adults (Yu et al., 2013).

Sugar is one of the main culprits of heart disease. Added sugars from foods like sweets, desserts, juice and soft drinks can spike blood sugar levels, damaging the blood vessels, overloading the liver and increasing the risk of heart disease.

Interestingly, a study from the Harvard School of Public Health found that participants who drank the highest amount of sugar-sweetened beverages had a 20 per cent higher relative risk of developing coronary heart disease than those who consumed the lowest amount (de Koning et al., 2012).


A lower carbohydrate diet is recommended to balance blood sugar and reduce insulin and blood glucose levels. Elevated insulin is a significant risk factor for heart disease and promotes inflammation. You’ll also likely lose weight on a blood sugar-balancing diet, which will reduce the risk for many chronic diseases, including heart disease and high blood pressure.

  1. PROTEIN Eat a source of protein at every meal and snack. This can be any fish/ seafood, poultry, meat, nuts, seeds, tofu, or eggs. Given that you probably eat enough meat already and many people don’t eat nearly enough vegetable protein, see if you can bring in more fish and vegetable protein sources over the week. Ideally, eat two to three vegetable-based protein meals weekly. Replace animal-based protein meals with lentils, legumes, tofu, quinoa or nuts and seeds. If you’re a fish eater, get in wild-caught fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, twice a week.
  2. FRUIT & VEG Get plenty of fruit and veg but focus specifically on eating veg that grows above the ground and fruit that can be grown in this country. These foods naturally contain either less natural sugar or lower amounts of carbohydrates, which impact hormones. At each meal, have this cover at least half of your plate. The aim is seven a day and, ideally 5 from veg. Over a week, aim to eat all different colours – span the rainbow to enjoy a diverse intake of nutrients. Enjoy berries, citrus fruit, peppers and leafy greens.
  3. FIBRE is a great addition, the soluble kind you’ll find in oats, lentils, split peas, flaxseed, citrus fruits and apples. All of those are heart-healthy choices. From the insoluble category, eat nuts and whole grains.
  4. FAT Some fats are healthy; let’s not forget that fat is essential for life. Get your fat from avocados, oily fish, nuts and seeds.
  5. CARBS Think carefully about the quality (what kind) and the quantity (how much) of starchy carbs like bread, pasta, cereals, potato, and rice. Focus on wholemeal over white, sweet potato over regular white potato, basmati or brown rice over long grain. You can also try throwing in a few ‘faux carbs’ like cauliflower or broccoli rice, courgette (spiralised into noodle shapes), butternut squash waffles, etc.
  6. PROCESSED MEAT In recent years, numerous studies have connected processed meats, like hot dogs, salami and tinned beef, to a range of adverse effects on health. Not surprisingly, processed meats can also negatively affect heart health, so best to give them a wide berth.
  7. VEGETABLE OILS can be very damaging for heart health. Recent studies show that oils like rapeseed are not helpful (even though the supermarkets are brimming with these options). The linoleic acid they contain has been linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer.
  8. SUGAR Remove as much sugar as you can from your diet as this is the real villain in the tale. That means saving sugary treats for high days and holidays and, most of the time, ditching breakfast cereals, cakes, cookies, pastries, and so on, and checking the label of jarred sauces, where sugar often lurks.
  9. FIZZY POP Avoid fizzy soft drinks. Eliminating soft drinks is one of the best things everyone can do for their heart. Besides being laden with controversial chemicals and unhealthy ingredients, soft drinks are also brimming with added sugars.

Do you notice a trend in my diet tips? What’s to focus on is real food. You would benefit from decreasing the processed stuff most people kid themselves is OK for them to eat. Truly, your body doesn’t know what’s going on when you shovel in heavily processed or chemically altered foods.

Eating this way – sometimes referred to as a low GL (glycaemic load) diet – will also help, providing your body with a steady supply of energy through the day rather than a high-octane rollercoaster of energy spikes and troughs.

Putting the food work into your life alongside the commitment to regularly de-stress, move your body and prioritise sleep is not always easy to do on your own. It is always helpful to have someone – like me – in the wings, helping you fit what you already know about eating well into your life and keeping you motivated to follow your plan for long enough that you see a shift in your health.

[here is the perfect place to make an invitation to a free call].



Salt has long been considered a major contributor to high blood pressure, and the high salt content of processed foods and junk food has been given at least some of the blame for the high incidence of hypertension and heart disease. However, even this recommendation has recently come under scrutiny and may change.

Recent research has cast doubt on the role of salt intake in hypertension (DiNicolantonio, Lucan et al., 2014). However, the WHO and most countries still recommend less than 2g sodium/day, equivalent to <5g/day salt in adults or 1 teaspoon. Until this changes, we should stick to the guidelines yet recognise that other factors contribute to high blood pressure (such as sugars). Salty snacks like potato chips, pretzels and microwave popcorn are full of added ingredients and salt, which can seriously affect heart health – they are best avoided. Choose natural sea salt, which is rich in trace minerals. The healthiest forms of sea salt are the least refined, with no added preservatives. Pink Himalayan salt is widely regarded as the ultimate mineral-rich seasoning and the purest of the natural salt family. Regarding health benefits, sea salt is plentiful in trace minerals due to its marine derivation, delivering many of the same nutritional compounds that make superfood seaweed so nutritious. The healthiest forms of sea salt are the least refined, with no added preservatives (which can mean clumping in the fine variety).

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link in here.

Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that utilizes muscle testing to assess imbalances in the body’s energy systems. It combines elements of traditional Chinese medicine, Western anatomy and physiology, and principles of mind-body medicine. Kinesiology treatment aims to restore balance and promote overall well-being. Here are some key aspects of kinesiology treatment:

  1. Muscle Testing: Muscle testing is the primary tool used in kinesiology. It involves applying gentle pressure to specific muscles to assess their response, which is believed to provide information about the body’s energy flow and imbalances.
  2. Energy Balancing: Kinesiology treatment focuses on identifying and correcting imbalances in the body’s energy systems, such as meridians, chakras, and aura. The practitioner aims to restore harmony and balance to these systems through various techniques, such as acupressure, energy work, and emotional stress release.
  3. Emotional and Mental Well-being: Kinesiology recognizes the connection between emotional and mental states and physical health. It may involve techniques to address emotional stress, trauma, limiting beliefs, or negative thought patterns that may impact a person’s overall well-being.
  4. Nutritional Support: Kinesiology practitioners may guide nutrition and dietary changes based on the individual’s needs. They may use muscle testing to identify food sensitivities or deficiencies and recommend nutritional adjustments or supplements to support optimal health.
  5. Structural Alignment: Kinesiology treatment may include techniques to address structural imbalances in the body, such as misalignments, postural issues, or muscle tension. The practitioner may use gentle touch, mobilization, or exercises to promote proper alignment and movement.
  6. Goal Setting and Personal Development: Kinesiology treatment often involves exploring personal goals, aspirations, and life challenges. The practitioner may assist in setting goals, identifying obstacles, and developing strategies to overcome them, promoting personal growth and empowerment.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link in here.

Eating well is crucial for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Here are some key principles to keep in mind when it comes to eating well:

  1. Balanced Diet: Aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of food groups. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (such as poultry, fish, legumes, and tofu), and healthy fats (found in sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil). This ensures that you receive a wide range of essential nutrients.
  2. Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Practice mindful eating by listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Be aware of serving sizes and try to avoid eating large portions, especially high-calorie or nutrient-poor foods.
  3. Nutrient-Dense Foods: Choose nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Prioritize real, minimally processed foods over highly processed and refined options.
  4. Hydration: Stay hydrated properly by drinking adequate water throughout the day. Water is essential for various bodily functions, including digestion, temperature regulation, and nutrient transport. Limit the consumption of sugary beverages and opt for water as your primary source of hydration.
  5. Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating by being present and fully engaged in the eating experience. Slow down, savour the flavours, and focus on hunger and fullness cues. This can help you develop a healthier relationship with food, enhance digestion, and prevent overeating.
  6. Limit Added Sugars and Processed Foods: Reduce your intake of added sugars, sugary beverages, and processed foods. These items are often high in calories, low in nutrients and can contribute to weight gain and various health issues. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
  7. Plan and Prepare Meals: Plan and prepare your meals at home whenever possible. This gives you more control over the ingredients and portions, making it easier to make healthier choices. Cook in batches to have nutritious meals available throughout the week, saving time and preventing reliance on unhealthy convenience foods.
  8. Practice Moderation: Allow yourself to enjoy your favourite foods in moderation. Completely depriving yourself of indulgences can lead to feelings of restriction and eventually result in overeating. Incorporate treats or less healthy foods into your diet occasionally, but be mindful of portion sizes.

Remember, healthy eating is about finding a sustainable balance that works for you. It’s not about strict diets or depriving yourself, but instead nourishing your body with wholesome foods and making mindful choices. Consulting with a registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance and help you develop a nutrition plan that meets your needs and goals.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link in here.

Summer holidays are a great time to engage in new experiences and set personal challenges for yourself. Here’s a summer holiday challenge that you can consider:

  1. Explore a New Activity: Challenge yourself to try a new hobby you’ve always wanted to pursue. It could be something adventurous like rock climbing, paddle boarding, or learning to surf. Alternatively, you could explore creative activities like painting, photography, or playing a musical instrument. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and embrace the opportunity to learn and grow.
  2. Set a Fitness Goal: Use your summer holidays to improve your fitness levels and set a specific goal. It could be running a certain distance or participating in a local fun run or charity walk. Alternatively, you could challenge yourself to complete a certain number of workouts or try a new fitness class each week. Setting a fitness goal will motivate you to stay active and prioritize your health during the summer.
  3. Read a Book Challenge: Challenge yourself to read several books over the summer. Create a list of books you’ve wanted to read or explore different genres to expand your literary horizons. Reading not only provides entertainment but also stimulates the mind and enhances knowledge.
  4. Disconnect from Technology: In today’s digital age, it can be challenging to disconnect from technology. Make it a challenge to reduce your screen time and embrace the beauty of the outdoors. Challenge yourself to have designated “tech-free” days or limit your daily usage. Spend quality time with loved ones, engage in activities without distractions, and immerse yourself in the present moment.
  5. Volunteer or Give Back: Dedicate some of your summer holidays to giving back to your community or a cause you care about. Find a local charity or organization where you can volunteer your time or skills. Engaging in acts of kindness and helping others benefits those in need and brings fulfilment and a sense of purpose to your life.
  6. Learn a New Language: Challenge yourself to learn a new language during your summer holidays. Sign up for language classes, use language learning apps, or find online resources to support your learning journey. Learning a new language can broaden your horizons, improve cognitive abilities, and enhance cultural understanding.
  7. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Care: Make it a challenge to prioritize self-care and mindfulness throughout your summer holidays. Set aside time each day for activities that promote relaxation and well-being, such as meditation, journaling, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy. Take care of your mental and emotional health by embracing practices that nurture and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.
  8. Sign Up for Healthy Challenge: Take on this life-changing challenge and step toward a healthier you. Find out more here.

Remember, the purpose of a summer holiday challenge is to push yourself, try new things, and make the most of your time off. Choose a challenge that aligns with your interests and personal growth goals. Have fun, stay motivated, and embrace the opportunity to create memorable experiences during your summer holidays.

Buteyko breathing is a technique named after its developer, Dr Konstantin Buteyko. It focuses on reducing breathing volume and increasing carbon dioxide levels in the body. The method is based on the idea that many people breathe too much and exhale too much carbon dioxide, which can lead to various health problems.

The Buteyko breathing technique involves a series of exercises and principles that aim to restore balanced breathing patterns. The key principles include nasal breathing, reduced breathing volume, breath holds, and relaxation. Here’s a brief overview of these principles:

  1. Nasal breathing: Buteyko breathing emphasizes breathing through the nose rather than the mouth. Nasal breathing helps filter and warm the air and regulate the airflow.
  2. Reduced breathing volume: The technique promotes gentle, slow breathing, facilitating the importance of each breath. This helps maintain a higher level of carbon dioxide in the body, which can benefit overall health.
  3. Breath holds: Buteyko breathing incorporates controlled breath has after exhalation. These breaths are typically done briefly and gradually increase over time. They help to improve carbon dioxide tolerance and reduce the urge to breathe excessively.
  4. Relaxation: Relaxation techniques are often used in conjunction with Buteyko breathing. This includes releasing muscle tension, calming the mind, and practising mindfulness.

Buteyko breathing is a complementary therapy for asthma, allergies, anxiety, sleep apnea, and other respiratory or breathing-related disorders. It aims to improve symptoms and reduce reliance on medication by correcting breathing patterns.

It’s important to note that while many people have reported benefits from practising Buteyko breathing, it should not replace medical treatment or professional advice. If you’re interested in trying Buteyko breathing, it’s best to learn it from a qualified instructor who can guide you through the proper techniques and help tailor the practice to your needs.

Breathing retraining and Buteyko therapy programmes are designed to improve your overall health and breathing capacity.  Working with nutrition support, electropollution detoxing, emotional techniques and spiritual healing, my breathing retraining and Buteyko breathing therapy can help you achieve and maintain better mental health and sports performance.

Throughout your treatment, you’ll be taught habits to minimise your dysfunctional breathing; we’ll talk about nutrition so you eat food which nourishes you, and you’ll relearn how to sleep to support the prevention of breathing problems.  You’ll learn how to do wheeze-free exercise, will find out more about your blood pH level and how that affects your breathing, and how to breathe when you have a virus or while you have a panic attack.

To find out more about Breathing Retraining and Classical Buteyko Breathing, book a course, or learn about a bespoke programme tailored to your needs, please complete this short form, and we will contact you very soon.

Orange vegetables get vibrant colour from beta-carotene, a form of vitamin A that acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin A supports our eyesight, regulates our immune system and keeps our skin healthy. Orange vegetables also contain other health-promoting nutrients such as potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, fibre, lycopene and flavonoids. Brightly coloured foods contain phytonutrients (or ‘plant nutrients’) which can help prevent disease.

Orange foods are often associated with various health benefits due to their unique nutritional profile. Here are some reasons why orange foods are considered healthy:

  1. High in Antioxidants: Many orange-coloured fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other carotenoids. Antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by harmful free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, certain cancers, and age-related macular degeneration.
  2. Excellent Source of Vitamin C: Orange foods like oranges, mangoes, and papayas are known for their high vitamin C content. Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system, collagen synthesis, and antioxidant protection. It also helps with iron absorption and supports wound healing.
  3. Beta-Carotene-Rich: Orange-colored fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin contain high amounts of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. Beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant and is converted into vitamin A in the body, which is essential for vision, healthy skin, immune function, and growth.
  4. Fibre Content: Many orange foods are a good source of dietary fibre. Fibre helps promote healthy digestion, aids in weight management and may reduce the risk of certain diseases, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Examples of fibre-rich orange foods include oranges, sweet potatoes, carrots, and winter squash.
  5. Hydration Support: Some orange fruits, such as oranges and cantaloupes, have high water content, which can contribute to proper hydration. Staying hydrated is important for overall health and helps maintain optimal bodily functions.
  6. Phytochemicals: Orange foods often contain various phytochemicals, including flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds have been associated with potential health benefits, such as reducing the risk of chronic diseases and supporting overall well-being.

It’s worth noting that while orange foods offer numerous health benefits, a balanced and varied diet that includes foods from different colour groups is essential for optimal nutrition. Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet to ensure you benefit from a wide range of nutrients and phytochemicals.

RejuvaDetox+ Programme is a comprehensive approach to improving gut health and overall well-being. It addresses the root causes of gut-related issues and provides a holistic framework for healing and maintaining a healthy gut.

One of the key strengths of the RejuvaDetox Programme is its comprehensive nature. It considers various aspects of gut health, including diet, lifestyle, stress management, and natural remedies and supplements. By considering these different factors, the programme aims to provide a well-rounded approach that can lead to long-term improvements in gut health.

Another positive aspect of the programme is its emphasis on individualization. It recognizes that each person’s gut health is unique, tailoring the approach to meet individual needs. This personalized approach can be beneficial, allowing participants to address their specific gut issues and adjust based on their experiences and preferences.

RejuvaDetox+ allows you not only to lose pounds and inches but to build a foundation for new habits that will assist you for the rest of your life, helping you achieve your maximum human potential and transform how you feel about your body.

RejuvaDetox+ also helps reset your metabolism, immune system, hormones, digestion, energy levels, nervous system, and more!

Established for 14 years, we’ve treated thousands of happy clients and guarantee results!

  • The system removes 70-80% of the fat from your liver
  • It breaks down calcified plaque in your small intestines, therefore, helping you absorb nutrients more effectively
  • Reboots your metabolism
  • Stimulates your lymphatic system and circulation
  • Rebalances your hormones, immune system, blood sugars, and blood pressure
  • Anti-ageing inside and out
  • Drains toxins out of your fat cells allowing vast inches and weight loss
  • Tones the elasticity in your skin, helping to contour and smooth cellulite
  • De- stresses your nervous system creating clarity, confidence and calmness
  • Kills parasites and candida
  • Assist with removing Heavy Metal Toxicity from the body
  • Anti-inflammatory

Additionally, it’s worth noting that the effectiveness of the RejuvaDetox+ Programme may vary depending on the specific gut issues and individual circumstances. While it can be a helpful approach for many individuals, there may be more than one-size-fits-all solutions. It is essential to consider other factors, such as underlying medical conditions, and consult with a healthcare professional to ensure the programme’s suitability for your specific situation.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link in here.

Lifestyle changes refer to a person’s changes to their habits, behaviours, and daily routines to promote better health and well-being. Healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent chronic diseases, improve mental health, boost energy levels, and increase overall quality of life.

Some examples of lifestyle changes that can have a positive impact on health include:

  1. Eating a healthy and balanced diet: Consuming a diet rich in whole, unprocessed foods, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide the body with essential nutrients and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
  2. Regular exercise: Regular physical activity can improve cardiovascular health, strengthen bones and muscles, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week for adults.
  3. Getting enough sleep: Getting adequate sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
  4. Managing stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact both physical and mental health. Stress-reducing activities such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises can help manage stress.
  5. Avoiding harmful habits: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and drug use can negatively impact health and increase the risk of chronic diseases.

Making lifestyle changes can be challenging, but with time and commitment, they can become habitual and significantly impact overall health and well-being. It is essential to discuss any plans for significant lifestyle changes with a qualified healthcare provider, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.

If you’re concerned about your overall wellbeing, keen to become fitter and healthier and are confused by all the conflicting health information, we can help.

Taking one of our Health MOTs is the first step towards you living a fitter, healthier and more confident life, feeling well in body, mind and spirit and finally taking the time to look after yourself.

These comprehensive health checks will be carried out by our qualified, insured head health practitioner, who can give you expert advice, guidance and support on how to achieve your wellness goals.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link in here.

Holistic Health Assessment or Health MOT is an approach to evaluating an individual’s well-being that takes into consideration multiple aspects of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It involves looking at the person as a whole rather than just focusing on isolated symptoms or conditions. A holistic health assessment typically involves gathering information about an individual’s medical history, lifestyle, diet, exercise routine, stress levels, sleep patterns, emotional state, social support, and other relevant factors. It aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the person’s overall health and identify any imbalances or areas that may require attention in order to achieve optimal well-being.

Here are some key components that may be included in a holistic health assessment:

  1. Medical history: Gathering information about the person’s past and current medical conditions, medications, surgeries, and allergies.
  2. Lifestyle and habits: Assessing the person’s lifestyle choices, such as diet, exercise, sleep patterns, tobacco and alcohol use, and other health-related behaviours.
  3. Emotional and mental health: Evaluating the person’s emotional well-being, stress levels, coping mechanisms, and mental health history, including any symptoms of anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions.
  4. Social support: Assessing the quality of the person’s social relationships, including family, friends, and community connections, as social support plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being.
  5. Environmental factors: Evaluating the person’s living and working environment for potential health hazards, such as exposure to toxins, pollution, or other environmental factors that may impact health.
  6. Spiritual health: Considering the person’s beliefs, values, and practices related to spirituality or religion, as these can influence overall well-being.
  7. Body systems: Assessing the functioning of various body systems, such as cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, immune, and others, to identify any potential imbalances or areas of concern.
  8. Prevention and health promotion: Identifying opportunities for health promotion and disease prevention through education, lifestyle changes, and other preventive measures.

Based on the findings of a holistic health assessment, a personalized plan may be developed to address any identified imbalances and promote optimal health and well-being. This may include recommendations for lifestyle changes, stress management techniques, dietary modifications, exercise routines, emotional support, and other interventions that address the person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It’s important to note that holistic health assessment should be carried out by qualified healthcare professionals trained in integrative or holistic approaches to care.

By tackling our health head-on and holistically, we can certainly be a more productive, happier and healthier nation – and it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure this, employers and employees alike. We don’t need to be filling our bodies with medication to survive and thrive. Preventative holistic healthcare is the medicine of the future. When you feel good, everything else benefits too. You’re more alert, engaged and energetic; you also feel more positive about yourself.

Healthcare isn’t just about looking at the symptoms and masking these with drugs as much as medicine can seem. Instead, it’s about getting to the root of the cause and finding ways of eradicating this holistically instead of understanding that every individual is different. So many areas of our life feed into our health, many of which we don’t fully recognise or understand until our health is properly broken down in this way.

To get started with servicing your body, just like you would your car, book your free 30-minute consultation.

On the 9th of March 2023, Universal Peace Federation ( – UK hosted its annual commemoration of the United Nations International Women’s Day in a hybrid event, both online and in-person at its London Headquarters.

The main focus was the empowerment of women. The event was moderated by Margaret Keverian-Ali, Director of UPF-UK. A panel of distinguished speakers of different fields of expertise elaborated on the topic.

Kostas was one of the guest speakers at the event, and at the end was presented with the prestigious “Ambassador for Peace” award for his ethos, his contributions to society and fellow human beings, as well as promoting universal peace amongst other things.


Ambassadors for Peace

Launched in 2001, Ambassadors for Peace is the largest and most diverse network of peace leaders. As of 2020, there are more than 100,000 Ambassadors for Peace from 160 countries who come from all walks of life representing many races, religions, nationalities, and cultures, and commit to:

  • Stand on the common ground of universal moral principles, promoting reconciliation, overcoming barriers, and building peace.
  • Form a global network representing the diversity of the human family and all disciplines of endeavour.
  • Promote cooperation beyond the boundaries of religion, race, ethnicity, and nationality.
  • Practice “living for the sake of others” as the guiding principle for building a global community.

One in three people has hidden food intolerances, which often cause unexplained weight gain through fluid retention. If you are one of them, you need to find out what you are intolerant to and which foods to eat instead. You can ‘desensitise’ yourself from foods, which cause intolerance and then re-introduce them three months later (although you cannot do this for foods which cause an IgE / anaphylactic response). You should never eat any food, which causes you to have an allergic response.

A food intolerance is not the same as a food allergy, although some of the symptoms may be similar. In fact, it can be difficult to tell food allergies and food intolerances apart, making it important to speak with your doctor if you suspect you might have an intolerance. When you have a food intolerance, symptoms usually begin within a few hours of eating the food that you are intolerant to. Yet, symptoms can be delayed by up to 48 hours and last for hours or even days, making the offending food especially difficult to pinpoint. What’s more, if you frequently consume foods that you are intolerant to, it may be difficult to correlate symptoms to a specific food. While symptoms of food intolerances vary, they most often involve the digestive system, skin and respiratory system.

Although food intolerances are usually less serious than food allergies, they can negatively affect your quality of life. This is why it’s important to take steps to identify food intolerances in order to prevent unwanted symptoms and health issues.

Improve your gut health and immune system

Your gut is home to 70% of your immune system. You can support your gut health by reducing your “immune load”, and removing ingredients that may be causing it to overwork from your diet.

Discovering whether you’re IntolerantIntolerances can be responsible for many symptoms, especially digestive problems, from bloating to constipation and diarrhoea to abdominal cramps. These are sometimes accompanied by mental and physical symptoms, such as mood changes, chronic tiredness, depression, increased appetite, sleepiness after meals, inability to concentrate and a host of minor ailments from itches and rashes to asthma and sinus problems.

Top common food intolerances
Cow’s Milk

Your instant food intolerance check:

If you answer ‘yes’ to four or more of the questions, it is very possible that you may be reacting to certain foods.

  1. Can you gain weight in hours?
  2. Do you get bloated after eating?
  3. Do you suffer from diarrhoea or constipation?
  4. Do you suffer from abdominal pain?
  5. Do you sometimes get really sleepy after eating?
  6. Do you suffer from hay fever?
  7. Do you suffer from rashes, itches, asthma or shortness of breath?
  8. Do you suffer from water retention?
  9. Do you suffer from headaches?
  10. Do you suffer from other aches or pains, from time to time? – possibly after certain foods?
  11. Do you get better on holidays abroad, when your diet is completely different?

Food Intolerance Testing

The best way to find out what you are intolerant to is to have a quantitative IgG test. ‘Quantitative’ means the test shows not only whether you are intolerant, but also how strong your reaction is. Many of us live quite healthily with minor food intolerances, but stronger ones can create all sorts of problems, especially weight gain. Home test kits for food intolerances are available or speak to your Health Practitioner for more information.

As you get older, one of the things that can start to happen is that you experience aches and pains. If your aches and pains are a regular feature of your life, it’s definitely worth asking your doctor or physio for advice. Sometimes that regular twinge you are getting is something more serious, but don’t let the possibility of ‘something more serious’ prevent you from getting it checked out. If it’s nothing but creaking joints, that’s great. If it’s something else, well we can work on that, too.

You may have guessed that the ‘something else’ I am thinking about is arthritis. In aid of World Arthritis Week [9th October], I want to share some of my top tips for using food to help alleviate some of the symptoms of arthritis.

There are 2 types of arthritis: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is the type of arthritis associated with wear and tear of cartilage within joints. It is more commonly (but not exclusively) linked to the ageing process.

Under the age of 45, it’s more common in men, and over the age of 45, it’s more common in women. By the time they get to 50, 80% of people will have symptoms associated with this type of arthritis, which starts as stiffness in the hips, back, knees or other joints. The joints then become increasingly swollen and inflexible.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune problem, triggered by genetics, or a bacterial or viral component, and possibly also environmental or lifestyle factors. About 80% of sufferers are women. The body – for whatever reason – develops antibodies against its own tissue, and it attacks the cartilage and connective tissue. Over time, joints become inflamed and enlarged.

There are a number of factors that are important in managing arthritis:

  • How good your digestion and detoxification are
  • Blood sugar balance
  • Inflammation
  • Levels of essential fats
  • Allergies

The key to improving the symptoms of arthritis is to work on the underlying causes rather than just treating the symptoms.

Digestion + detoxification

The scene for inflammation – even if that inflammation is elsewhere in the body, e.g. the joints – is often set in the digestive tract. If the gut environment is disturbed (a disruption in the normal balance of bacteria), this can lead to bacterial infection, parasites, intestinal permeability  (aka ‘leaky gut’), and allergies and intolerances.

What then happens partially digested food proteins get into the bloodstream, along with other toxins and microbes, putting greater pressure on the body’s detoxification processes. Once the liver starts to become over-taxed, any dietary or environmental toxins may cause further inflammation.

A programme that works on creating a good gut environment is ideal. Probiotics and prebiotics can be very helpful, as can food intolerance testing (see below).

Blood sugar balance

There is a big link between inflammation and how well your body responds to insulin, the hormone produced in the pancreas to control blood sugar levels. If your body has a reduced sensitivity to insulin (or you are diabetic), sugar (glucose) or insulin stays in the blood, and too much of either is toxic, triggering inflammatory reactions.

Learning to balance your blood sugar levels plays a key role in managing the symptoms of arthritis. This is achieved through eating adequate amounts of protein at every meal and snack, increasing the amount of non-starchy vegetables, and considering the quality and quantity of the starchy carbohydrates you eat.

All my nutrition plans are based on a blood sugar balancing diet, also known as a low glycaemic load (low GL) diet. A low GL diet is easy to follow, focuses on real foods (not weird things you can only buy at health food shops), keeps you feeling full, and helps you manage your cravings.


In pretty much every circumstance, joint problems are linked to inflammation and sometimes also to problems with the immune system (autoimmunity).

The body produces chemical agents in the body to either switch on or reduce inflammation.

Prostaglandins are one of the main chemicals in this process, and these are the easiest to manipulate with diet. There are 3 different types. 1 and 3 are anti-inflammatory and 2 is pro-inflammatory (causes inflammation and promotes pain).

Omega-6 fats can convert into either type 1 or type 2 prostaglandins. Eating a diet high in omega-6 polyunsaturated animal fats (found in meats and dairy produce – particularly non-organic) has the body producing more of these less desirable type 2 prostaglandins. Sugar and insulin can also redirect the conversion of plant omega-6 fats down the pro-inflammatory pathway.

Omega-3 fats, on the other hand can only go down the route towards the anti-inflammatory type 3 prostaglandin. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats are found in foods like walnuts, flaxseeds, hemp, chia seeds, and oily fish. Monounsaturated fats, e.g. avocado and olive oil, are neutral and not involved in inflammatory processes.

Reducing animal proteins and dairy products can bring symptomatic relief.

There’s another group of chemicals called ‘free radicals’. These are highly reactive oxygen molecules that rely on other molecules in the body to stabilise them.

You might have heard of free radicals in skin care commercials. They are linked to accelerated ageing, cancer and other diseases. What helps keep these unstable molecules in check are antioxidants (again, something often talked about in skincare).

Antioxidants are found in large amounts in brightly coloured fruit and vegetables. The different colours tend to indicate the type of antioxidants produced – all are good.

What we know about antioxidants is that they have a synergistic effect – eating a variety of different ones (by eating a large range of different coloured fruit and veg) has a greater effect than eating the same volume of the same type.

Bottom line? Eat a LOT of vegetables and low-sugar fruits like berries (which have some of the highest antioxidant levels of all fruit).

If you have rheumatoid arthritis, talk to me about whether the more restrictive autoimmune paleo diet would work for you. This further cuts out all grains, nightshade foods (like potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, and aubergines) and other foods thought to play a role in causing an inflammatory environment.

Levels of essential fats

Omega 3 fatty acids (found in oily fish, seeds like flax and chia, and walnuts) also have plenty of research to support their anti-inflammatory credentials.


Many people with inflammatory conditions have allergies or intolerances, some of which may be due to leaky gut, where food proteins are able to get through the gut lining, triggering an allergic response. Common offenders are dairy products, yeast, wheat and gluten, other grains, eggs, beef, chilli, coffee and peanuts. If you experience arthritis – or in fact any other inflammatory condition, there may be mileage in having a food intolerance test. Ask me for details.



Dairy products



Animal protein



Vegetables of all kinds (eat a rainbow)

Sources of vegetable protein

Oily fish



Olive oil


Specific foods to increase






Red peppers

Shiitake mushroom

Sweet potato


I warmly invite you to book a free health and energy review with me to discover the first steps you can take to get back on track.

Even though winter has a lot going for it – woolly hats, hot chocolate, curling up with a book, thick socks, a log fire and other things ‘hygge’ come to mind – something important is missing: light.

At this time of year, you go to work before sunrise and come home after sunset, with very little exposure to natural light in between. This lack of light over months on end causes serious problems for many people.

According to BUPA, the ‘winter blues’, or seasonal affective disorder (SAD), affects about 3% of the population. Occurring every autumn like clockwork, it comes with a variety of symptoms, including low mood, listlessness, an increased need for sleep and cravings for sweets and carbohydrates – and therefore weight gain. It affects women more often than men, and particularly people who are on the verge of depression already.

The exact cause of SAD is not yet properly understood, but it is thought that an imbalance of neurotransmitters is involved. Those are messenger substances in the brain needed for mental and physical performance, mood and sleep – melatonin and serotonin, among others. Melatonin – the sleep hormone – is made in the body from serotonin – the happy hormone. The lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin due to low levels of light can tip sensitive people over the edge. Serotonin is a brain chemical required to make you feel happy and content, for motivation and activity. Many common anti-depressants work by increasing serotonin levels in the brain.

While serotonin production requires light, the closely related neurotransmitter melatonin requires darkness. During the long nights of winter, more serotonin is converted into melatonin, further reducing the levels of our “happy” neurotransmitter. Melatonin is required for sleep, but too much of it may make you sleepy during the day, and in fact tiredness is a common symptom of SAD.

Low vitamin D levels also affect mood. This vitamin is the only one your body can produce. It is made in the skin under the influence of sunlight, so of course we make less of it during the winter. No wonder then, that many of us are feeling low at this time of year.

Sadly, there are not many good food sources of vitamin D. Foods naturally vitamin D-rich are oily fish (salmon, sardines, fresh tuna, trout, halibut, mackerel, et.), high-quality cod liver oil, egg yolks and liver. Mushrooms contain a form of vitamin D called D2 (ergocalciferol), what your body needs is D3 (cholecalciferol).

Research shows that D2 is less effective at raising levels of vitamin D in the blood. Also, do not be fooled into thinking foods fortified with vitamin D are the same or have similar benefits to animal foods. Fortified foods (like cereals, margarine and some yoghurts) contain D2, and usually even a synthetic one. It doesn’t cost much to get your vitamin D levels checked, and if yours is low, food is not going to cut it. You may have to get yourself a nutritional supplement of vitamin D3.

A promising way to counteract SAD is the use of a full-spectrum light source, either from a lightbox or light bulbs in the house. Sufferers of SAD respond well to full-spectrum light. About 70% report considerable improvement. For this beneficial effect, it is necessary to spend 30 minutes each day in front of a full-spectrum lightbox or six hours with artificial full-spectrum lighting in the house. 98% of light enters your body through the eyes, only 2% through the skin.

Looking out of a window doesn’t cut it, as glass blocks the ultraviolet light. Sunglasses won’t give you full-spectrum light either, so if you can, leave them off when you are out during the winter and the sun is not directly in your face.

Diet, too, can help coping with SAD, though not as efficiently as light treatment and exercise. The amino acid tryptophan is a precursor for serotonin. It is one of the eight essential amino acids – i.e. we have to ingest it, the body cannot make it –, and it is found in a variety of foods: Dairy products, eggs, red meat, poultry, fish, chocolate, oats, dried dates, chickpeas, almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, bananas, spirulina and peanuts all contain tryptophan. Although turkey is often advertised as an excellent source of tryptophan, it has no more of the amino acid than other poultry meats. So, chicken is fine if that’s what you prefer. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult for tryptophan to access the brain, but transport can be enhanced by combining tryptophan-rich foods with complex carbohydrates such as brown rice, brown pasta, wholegrain bread or oats.

One of the best ways to combat SAD, however, is exercise, especially exercise outdoors. Exercise has been found to be effective in combating depression in any case. When your body feels better, so does the mind. It doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you are active.

If you don’t enjoy vigorous exercise, don’t worry: Even a 10-minute walk during your lunch break, getting off one bus stop early, walking to the shops instead of driving, taking the stairs instead of the escalators or lift is better than nothing.

Ideally, get out into nature and visit your local park or forest. There’s no need to run, you can just walk. It all counts. Try and incorporate small changes like these and you may soon find that you are able to do more, walk further, or climb faster, which is a great incentive to keep going.

Remember that most of the light accesses the body through the eyes rather than the skin, and this is what triggers the synthesis of said vitamin D. Your body and mind would thank you if – despite the weather – you’d get outdoors for some exercise and to give your body the chance to soak up some light.

If you feel you’re doing everything right and yet you’re still exhausted, I’d love to help to get your life and your health back on an even keel. There can be many reasons why you’re struggling to get through the day. I work with clients just like you to get to the root of the problem and help them put in place the diet and lifestyle changes they need to experience a real breakthrough in their health. I warmly invite you to book a free health and energy review with me to discover the first steps you can take to get back on track.




Achieving long-term health and energy is a balancing act. Quite simply, what you put into your mind may have as much of an impact as the food and supplements you feed your body.

Many studies have been conducted on the mind-body connection. What we know for sure is that a positive attitude works – when we remember to nurture it.

Wholesome food, and avoiding sugar and toxins are obvious tools for great health but how should you deal with the consequences of negative thinking and stress?

Experts rate exercise, sufficient sleep, controlling negative thoughts and building strong social support as some of the best ways to decrease stress and boost immunity – so paying attention to your feelings and needs is as vital as drinking enough water and avoiding junk food.

Winning ways to promote good mind-body health


The release of endorphins during exercise promotes a sense of well-being, which has the added benefit of boosting your immune system.

During exercise, the lymphatic system – a network of tissues and organs that helps your body to eliminate toxins and waste – is mobilised. Its main role is to transport lymph fluid, which contains infection-fighting white blood cells. Unlike the blood, which is transported by the heart, lymph fluid only moves if you do.

A recent study from a North Carolina university showed that people who exercised for five or more days weekly experienced 43% fewer days of upper respiratory infections.

Walking, running or any other muscle-moving activity also dramatically reduces stress by ‘working off steam’ when you are upset or angry. With the release of endorphins, your body receives a natural mood boost, resulting in reduced stress levels, which in turn puts less pressure on your immune system.


According to an American Psychological Association study, stress is what keeps more than 40% of adults awake at night. To aim for the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep per night, avoid caffeine, digital screens and try to turn in at the same time each evening.


Make an effort to do something nice for yourself every day. Neglecting your own needs adds unnecessary stress to the system, resulting in increased vulnerability to illness.

Women, in particular, tend to put their own needs last, especially if they’re caring for children and/or elderly parents.  If you battle with guilt when you take an hour off to read, go for a manicure or have a coffee with a friend, remind yourself that if your bucket is empty, you’ll have nothing left to give anyone else. Simple, but effective.


You cut in half the chances of catching a cold by meditating. A University of Wisconsin study showed that people who practised mindfulness – a type of meditation or mental state achieved by focusing your awareness on the present moment, while accepting feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations – noted 13 fewer illnesses and took 51 fewer sick days. Researchers concluded that this reduced the physical effects of stress, which is known to weaken the immune system.


Building strong social connections has proven psychological and physiological benefits. Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, having a ‘support group’ – no matter how big or small – boosts immunity by creating ‘stress buffers’.

Being able to share stress or concerns with close family or friends provides an opportunity for outside support and advice, which alleviates a sense of being alone in your situation.

Ongoing stress is also a contributing factor to many chronic diseases and is seriously not helpful if you are trying to lose weight.

“When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.” – Jack Kornfield, American author and Buddhist mindfulness pioneer.

PS If there is anything that has come up for you as a result of this blog, I warmly invite you to book a free 30-minute discovery call to see if a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan might help. You can book yourself directly into my diary by clicking right here.





Being vegan is really fashionable right now, especially in the month of January or Veganuary, and those in favour of this way of eating will tell you that it’s the absolutely healthiest diet you can have from a nutritional perspective, plus you get to save, not only the lives of animals but the planet, too. For most people, it is a bit of a stretch to go from where you are now to a 100% vegan diet. In this newsletter, I’m going to put it all out there for you: what it means to be vegan, what’s great about it, what’s not so good, and where you might struggle – and I’ll also be giving you tips for getting started, whether your intention is to immerse yourself fully or if you just fancy dabbling (either is fine – just saying).



A vegan diet is a stricter version of a vegetarian diet. On top of not eating any meat, fish or seafood – i.e. dead animals, a vegan diet also cuts out any food stuff made from animal sources (some of which are the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat) – so, not just cutting out chicken meat, but also cutting out eggs. In the same vein, not just cutting out beef but also milk, yoghurt, butter and cream. And that means honey, too, as well as certain wines* and desserts (gelatin).

There is no set macro of micronutrient ratio for a vegan diet; just vegetables, grains, fruit, nuts, seeds and any other foods made from plants. However, since the main vegan protein sources are pulses and grains, and only a combination of the two provides complete proteins (containing all the amino acids), this can be a high carbohydrate diet by definition.


* If you’re wondering ‘why is wine not vegan?’ Here’s the answer…

All young wines are a little bit cloudy thanks to tiny molecules like proteins, tartrates, tannins and phenolics. These are completely harmless, but we wine drinkers like our wines to be clear and bright. To make the wines clear, winemakers have traditionally used some added ingredients called ‘fining agents to help the process along. The include casein (milk protein) or albumin (egg whites), gelatin (animal protein) or isinglass (fish bladder protein). They act like a magnet, resulting in far fewer ­– but larger – particles that are more easily removed.



  • Cruelty-free
  • Promotes natural foods
  • Rich in vitamin C and fibre, plus other plant chemicals
  • Helpful for some health conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, other auto-immune conditions).



  • Natural food is not a requirement to comply with the diet
  • Does not explicitly encourage healthy eating patterns
  • Maybe nutrient deficient (B12, haem iron, omega-3 fats, complete protein)
  • Often high in carbohydrates
  • Can be too low in protein, especially if you’re stressed or recovering from adrenal fatigue
  • Does not limit or exclude sugar
  • Not suitable for elderly, pregnant women, type 2 diabetics, or those with high triglycerides or carbohydrate intolerance
  • Not always practical, especially when travelling abroad
  • May or may not be effective for weight loss



Good question! A vegan diet doesn’t mean a healthy diet.

There have been various well-publicised assertions over the years (most notably the book The China Study and, more recently, the film What The Health) that claimed to eat a vegan diet was the healthiest thing you could do.

Although vegans commonly take an interest in how diet relates to health and tend to educate themselves about nutrition, the vegan diet does not explicitly prescribe healthy foods. There is a vegan alternative for every junk food out there.  And you can live on white toast with margarine and jam (and see your blood sugar levels skyrocket) while still being vegan – and that is certainly not healthy.

One thing that everyone agrees on is that the following is healthy:

  • Enjoy an abundance of freshly prepared vegetables
  • Minimise processed foods and instead cook meals from scratch
  • Eat mindfully and slowly
  • Choose local, organic foods

Given the vast majority of health complaints are linked to chronic inflammation and a plant-heavy, antioxidant-rich vegan diet will go some way to mediating inflammation, it will certainly not hinder your attempts to be healthy. Given we don’t eat nearly as much fibre as we should for optimum health, committing to eating more veg is only going to be a good thing.



  • Vegan diets don’t provide the fat-soluble vitamins A and D. You can’t get vitamin A from carrots. What you get is beta-carotene, which is the precursor to vitamin A.
  • You may have heard that carotene can be converted into vitamin A, but this conversion is usually insignificant. First, it takes a huge amount of carotene to convert and create the amount of actual vitamin A. And, if you have low thyroid function, impaired digestion or a lack of healthy fats in the diet, this conversion won’t happen at all.
  • Vegan diets (unless you’re eating a lot of natto – a kind of fermented soy) don’t give you the vitamin K2. This is needed for shuttling calcium into your bones.
  • Many people try to be vegan by relying on fake food ­– they replace milk, cheese and meat with foods manufactured to look and taste as though they are milk, cheese and meat. Since food manufacturing is not like magic, what is used is non-foodstuffs, including stabilisers, gums, thickeners and highly processed protein extracts. Moreover, you may be counting your vegan cheese in as a source of protein, when many of them are actually made from carbs.
  • Vegan diets are low in vitamin B12 and iron. The readily-absorbed forms of these nutrients are found in animal products. Several studies (see notes) suggest that up to 68% of vegans were deficient in vitamin B12.
  • Several studies have shown that both vegetarians and vegans are also prone to deficiencies in calcium, iron, zinc, and essential fats (see notes).

One thing that you can look forward to is some exciting new recipes. Bringing the principles of being vegan into your life even a few days a week (assuming we are talking veg-based meals rather than fake or junk foods) will deliver a whole new taste experience. There will be things that you love – and things the family rejects. It’s all part of the fun of discovering new things.


It’s meant to be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ but the pressure of the holidays can often mean a stress overload. Here’s what to do about it.

Though you look forward to it all year, when Christmas arrives the experience can be pretty overwhelming. Trying to get everything ready in time can be incredibly stressful, especially for women – a third of whom feel more stressed in December than any other month, according to research. And small wonder.  Money worries, family tensions, pressure to socialise, and over-excited children on a sugar high is hardly a recipe for success. And, if you struggle to stay at your happy weight or often turn to food as a way of coping or rewarding yourself, being surrounded by treats and snacks over the holidays rarely has a happy ending.

Managing stress levels is important for your health in the long term because stress is implicated in so many different chronic diseases, including heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems and asthma.

If you’re thinking you don’t fall into the ‘I’m stressed enough to be making myself ill’ category, don’t be fooled. The drip-drip-drip of everyday stress can be as damaging as major life incident-related stress (such as death and divorce), so don’t wait to take action. It’s also worth considering that stress makes it very hard to lose weight, and you’re much more likely to store it around the middle. This is because the human body hasn’t evolved much since caveman times when the extra energy was stored where it was most easily accessed, so it could be used to run away from the sabre-toothed tiger.

Here are my top 6 ways to keep stress under control in the run-up to the holidays:

  1. The 10-minute mind trick: Set aside 10 minutes a day for meditation. Simply sit down in a quiet room with your back supported and eyes closed. Try to clear your mind of all worries. Don’t worry if thoughts bubble to the surface, as this is completely normal! The more you resist the more it will persist. Simply bring your attention back to your breath and continue until the time is up. If you’re new to meditation or need more support, find a guided meditation app or CD to lead you through the process.
  2. Eat regularly: Erratic eating times and skipping meals can lead to a dip in blood sugar levels, which leads to the release of the stress hormone cortisol. It’s difficult when routines go out the window, but try to stick to three meals (with two optional snacks) a day and your digestion will thank you for it. Base all your meals and snacks on protein (meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, beans and seeds), fruit and vegetables and smaller amounts of complex carbs (brown rice, wholemeal bread or pasta).
  3. Cut back on alcohol and caffeine: I know it’s hard, especially at Christmas when socialising revolves around drinking, but try ditching (or significantly reducing) your alcohol and caffeine intake. Caffeine causes a release of stress hormones from the adrenal glands – the last thing you want if you are already stressed! At first, alcohol might help to relax you when you’re stressed out (by promoting the release of GABA, the calming neurotransmitter), but it is quickly metabolised to sugar which can lead to a restless sleep, which leads me onto my next tip.
  4. Prioritise sleep: Get into a sleep routine that includes relaxing practices such as taking a warm bath with Epsom salts, light reading or stretching. Introduce a digital detox at least an hour before bed (that means no phones, no TV, no laptops or tablets), so as not to disrupt melatonin production (the sleepy hormone). A light snack such as an oatcake with almond butter or a banana may help to support undisturbed sleep.
  5. Eat magnesium-rich meals: Magnesium relaxes the nervous system and muscles so eating foods rich in this mineral, such as leafy greens, avocados, sesame seeds and spinach can help reduce stress.
  6. Get to the cause: Look at the root cause to any stress in your life, and think about how you respond to it. If the effect of stress or just general busyness gets in the way of your efforts to stay healthy and you’d like to do something about it, I warmly invite you to book a FREE 30-minute consultation, so we can talk about your health concerns.



What is being ‘well’?

You often hear the phrase wellbeing*, but what actually is it? How do you know when you are ‘being well enough? How can you measure it? And does it matter anyway (because we’re all busy these days)?

It seems that the true definition, while a little vague, is not simply “not having a diagnosed disease”. According to the Collins Dictionary, your wellbeing is your “health and happiness”, and the Macmillian Dictionary goes one further with the suggestion that it is the “satisfactory state that someone or something should be in, that involves such things as being happy, healthy, and safe, and having enough money.”

The business of wellbeing is multifactorial. It is not just what you eat or how you move that has you be well. It is a more complicated picture of also having good mental health, a high level of satisfaction with your life, a sense of meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage your stress levels.

For the alphas (the high achievers), I’m sorry to tell you that you cannot get this overall sense of wellness by acing a couple of these elements and hoping your achievements in one area can pick up the slack in other areas where you might be lacking. While it is not necessary to feel that every single one of the elements below is A-OK, you cannot enjoy an overall sense of wellness without having some kind of balance in these key elements:

  • Physical – this includes what you eat and how active you are.
  • Emotional – your ability to cope with everyday life as well as how you think and feel about yourself.
  • Social – the extent to which you feel you belong and social inclusion. Rolled into this are your relationships with others, and your values, beliefs and traditions.
  • Spiritual. This is the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life. Achieved through being connected to our inner self, to nature or even higher power.
  • Intellectual. It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness as it helps us to expand our knowledge and skills in order to live an enjoyable and successful life.
  • Economic – your ability to meet your basic needs and feel a sense of security.

How can you measure how well you are doing?

The experience of ‘wellness’ is very subjective. It is not for others to tell you how well (or otherwise) you are doing for your own wellbeing. When I’m working with my clients, one of the tools I use most often is something called the Wheel of Life, which offers a 360-degree view of your current life situation.

Each segment in the wheel represents a different area of your life that is important for overall health and wellbeing. Of course, my wheel is skewed towards nutrition and lifestyle, but the effect is pretty much the same. You would score yourself based on how you feel about different areas of your life: health, weight, fitness, energy levels, personal achievements, work/career, sense of purpose, happiness, fun, family life, social life and friendships, and (last but not least) ‘me time.

Try the Wheel of Life for yourself

The great thing about the Wheel of Life is that it allows you to take an honest look at what’s working in your life right now and where else you would like to see improvements, then find ways to link your health goals, so there is a positive impact in other ways too, helping to increase your motivation and commitment.

Consider each area of your life now and rate on a scale of 1-10 how satisfied you feel in the correct area in your wheel. 10 is high, and 1 is low. So if the level is 4, put a cross on the 4th circle from the centre.

It’s completely normal for people to discover they are satisfied with some areas of their lives and very unsatisfied with others. Remember that this is really a helicopter view, allowing you the luxury of evaluating the whole of your life and not piecemeal.

It’s also common for some of my clients to get a bit upset if they see they score low in more areas than they’d like. If you try the Wheel of Life Exercise and don’t like what you see, don’t panic. The job within your programme (if you’re working alongside me on improving your health and nutrition) is to take actions consistent with improving specific areas of your life that you feel need a boost. It is often possible to link a couple of these wheel segments together. For example, if you would like to improve your social life and your fitness level, think about how you could link the two – perhaps joining a dance class or taking one of those courses that help you get back into a sport you used to love when you were younger. Team sports like hockey or netball are a perfect example and, if you fancy having a go just type ‘get back into hockey’ into your internet browser to discover local possibilities.

Try the exercise and see how you fare. There are a handful of things I always try to be mindful of as I go about my day-to-day life.

  • I look for ways to connect; talk and listen to others, and live in the moment.
  • I consider how I can build more activity naturally into my day by walking when there is a realistic option, and moving my body in a way that feels good rather than a chore or a punishment.
  • I observe and take notice of the simple things that bring joy. Focussing on things I am grateful for makes a big difference in how I experience my life.
  • I am always on the lookout for ways to embrace new experiences, grow and learn.
  • I try to be generous with my time, kind words and my presence.

*The eagle-eyed among you may notice that ‘wellbeing’ is sometimes spelt ‘well-being’. Both versions are correct in UK English, with the hyphenated version tending to be more historically used.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns.



The peri-menopause can be one of the trickiest times for women to get their heads around. One minute you’re 30, full of energy to do all the things you want in your life. Yes, there may be challenges but none of them seems unmanageable. Life – especially when you look back – seemed pretty great. All of a sudden it seems life and age have snuck up on you. You’re just not quite the same person you used to be. You notice you get tired more easily, some days you’re literally dragging yourself through the day, you’ve lost your get up and go for no reason, and the weight you used to be able to lose in the run-up to an important event stays stubbornly in place no matter what you try, and you can’t seem to shift that foggy feeling in your brain. But it can’t be menopause, right? You’re too young…

Menopause actually refers to a time when you haven’t had a single period for at least a year. The run-up to it can last for years and it’s called the peri-menopause. Think of it as the menopause transition. It can take eight to ten years! Women typically start to experience it in their 40s – and often the most obvious signs are that their periods go a little crazy – though for some it can even start in their 30s.

In peri-menopause, levels of one of the main female sex hormones, oestrogen, rise and falls unevenly. The length of time between periods may be longer or shorter, your flow may be light to really heavy and with worse PMS than ever before, and you may even skip some periods – before they come back with a vengeance.

You might also experience some of the symptoms traditionally associated with menopause, like night sweats, hot flushes, sleep problems, mood swings, and more UTIs like cystitis and vaginal dryness. Around this time, you might begin to notice that weight loss becomes trickier and your digestion gets a little shaky.

The way some talk about perimenopause, you’d think it was a disease. There’s no need to go to your doctor to get an official diagnosis – although it’s definitely worth booking an appointment, if you notice any of these specific symptoms, as they can point to other problems and it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Fibroids are something very common at this time.

  • spotting after your period
  • blood clots during your period
  • bleeding after sex
  • periods that are much longer or much shorter than normal

If you are really struggling with your energy levels, it’s also worth getting your thyroid checked, if it hasn’t already been because perimenopausal and menopausal women are at greater risk of thyroid dysfunction. Added to this, thyroid symptoms can mimic menopausal symptoms. The ovaries, uterus, adrenal glands and brain require adequate thyroid hormones to function.

Whatever your specific symptoms are, a tailored nutrition plan can really help. I know you could Google (other search engines are available) ‘diet for perimenopause’, but the truth is – and I know this from working with many clients dealing with symptoms and also because from time to time I like to hang out in menopause online forums – the answer lies not in fixing yourself symptom by symptom. In the human body, everything is connected in ways you might not imagine. Looking at the whole of you rather than individual complaints is the way forward.

I work with women who are done dealing with feeling a shadow of the person they used to know and love. This month [enter wording about discovery calls – what are you offering, what will they get, how will you deliver the sessions and when, how do they get details of how to book?]

But I want to give you something to help you get started. Maintaining a stable blood sugar level can help. To do this:

  • Eat three meals a day at regular intervals.
  • Eat a palm-sized portion of protein at each meal (meat and poultry, fish and seafood, tofu, eggs, beans, lentils, chickpeas, nuts and seeds – ideally nothing in batter or breadcrumbs).
  • Don’t worry about healthy fats, like olive oil and avocados (the calories in vs calories out myth has been debunked now for a while).
  • Eat a minimum of five portions (three heaped tablespoons) of non-starchy vegetables/salad per day. Always have vegetables/salad with lunch and dinner, and breakfast, too if you wish. There is no upper limit on how many vegetables you can eat. The ideal options are anything that grows above ground.
  • Eat two portions of low glycaemic fruit per day, with meals – bananas are high in sugar, however handy they are to transport so try to stick to berries of any kind, apples, pears, plums, tangerines or similar, lemon and lime, peaches and nectarines.
  • Ideally, you should feel satisfied with your main meals and not require snacks throughout the day, however, should you feel hungry or if you are working out, you can have one snack per day – something like oatcakes with cream cheese, hummus, cottage cheese, ham and tomato, a small pot of natural yoghurt with berries, a Bounce ball, a handful of nuts and/or seeds, a matchbox-sized chunk of cheese with an apple, cut up apple and unsweetened nut butter.

You would be amazed at the difference a really good sleep can have on symptoms as it helps manage stress levels.

On both counts, Epsom salt baths deliver amazing results. You’ll also want to put in place a proper sleep plan that limits screen time at least one hour before bed, has some wind-down time, and involves a dark room (or eye mask) … I know you understand that on an intellectual level. But are you actually doing anything about it?

This is already a lot for you to think about for at least a few days so I will leave you with this. Choose to work on ONE thing only this week. It doesn’t really matter what it is. Don’t take on too much at once. Get really good at getting an early night, winding down with a book and enjoying the benefit of good sleep. Or focus on getting in more veg into your diet. Or eating a good breakfast using the guidelines above. Which will you choose?

Read more about assessing the health of your hormonal system here, and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.


We decided to share this post as many of our clients and friends asking for tips on how to raise happy and healthy children. Plus, it’s been a while since we shared our kid’s pictures on public social media platforms.

Meet Odysseas (14) and Athina (11) our bundle of joy, happiness, and hard work. We are very lucky as a couple to share similar life and family values, so we never found ourselves arguing on the above. However, the path of raising them still brought challenges from outside and below we put together a few fundamental principles on how to nurture your teens.

Happiness and wellbeing are related, but they’re not the same thing. Pre-teens and teenagers can be happy because of some of the things that make up wellbeing, but they don’t need all these things to be happy. Praise, encouragement, and positive attention let your child know that you value them, their good deeds and their contribution to your life.

– Rules and boundaries – Clear and fair rules help pre-teens and teenagers feel safe when a lot of things in their lives are changing. If you involve your child in making the rules, they’ll be more likely to stick to them.

– Negotiating rules with your child is also a way of showing that you respect your child’s growing maturity.

– Healthy lifestyle. Encourage good sleep habits: pre-teens need 9-11 hours of sleep, and teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep a night. It’s best for your child to avoid digital technology use the hour before bedtime.

– Help your child aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

– Encourage your child to make healthy food choices to fuel their growth and development.

– Help your child keep a healthy balance between study, work and play. This might mean looking at how many nights your child is out doing things, how much downtime your child has, how much your child can contribute to family life through chores, how many family meals you have together and so on.

– Family relationships. Share and make memories together. Make time to talk about individual and family successes. Establish and maintain family rituals.

Good luck applying some or all of the above tips… :0)

Making sense of all the contributing factors around teens’ wellness can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when you’re trying everything, but nothing seems to make a difference. That’s where we come in. Book a call with us today at 0207 293 0440 and let’s talk. The first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns.

Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) now affects 1 in 5 children in the UK. If your child is one of the 20% diagnosed with this condition, they’ll suffer from cracked skin, redness, bacterial infection, itching and scratching. I wonder if that all sounds familiar? Add to that broken sleep (as the skin gets hotter and itchier at night), digestive problems and even asthma and allergies, and it all adds up to not much fun for anyone.

What is eczema?

The skin is the body’s largest organ, providing a strong barrier to protect it from infections and irritation. It’s made up of a thin outer layer, an elastic middle layer, and a fatty layer at the deepest level. Each layer contains skin cells, water and fats – all of which help maintain and protect the skin.

Healthy skin is moisturised by fats and oils and plumped up with adequate water levels. In eczema sufferers, the skin fails to produce the necessary levels of fats and oils, and it is less able to retain water. As a result, the body’s protective layer isn’t as good as it could be.

How do you know if your child has eczema?

You might notice itchy patches on the hands, elbows, and in the “bending” areas of the body, such as the inside of the elbows and back of the knees, the neck. But eczema can appear anywhere, including the armpits, chest and eyelids.

When working with clients who are worried about their children’s skin, I always like to get clear on a few things first. These are some of the common issues:

  • Family history: in many cases, eczema can be genetic and is common in other family members, or they may have other atopic conditions like asthma or hay fever.
  • Recurrent illness: dry skin is more liable to crack and as a result, infections, bugs and germs can get into the cracks.
  • Products overload: many everyday products can aggravate the condition, as some soaps and cleaning liquids can remove oil from the skin.
  • A child born by C-section: often children who are born via C-section have lower levels of beneficial bacteria, meaning they have a weaker immune system and are more prone to inflammatory skin conditions.

The good news is many children will grow out of their condition. For those that don’t, eczema can be treated by adopting your child’s diet. Here are my top seven tips: 

  1. Ditch gluten, sugar and dairy

Eczema is often a sign of a ‘leaky gut, a condition where undigested foods and bacteria end up passing through the gut lining into the bloodstream. These toxic substances result in inflammation. One way to deal with this is to remove triggers that make inflammation worse – such as gluten, sugar and dairy – from your child’s diet.

  1. Try a food intolerance test

Food sensitivity could also be a trigger for eczema. Taking a home food intolerance test and cutting out certain foods could help ease symptoms. Ask me about food intolerance testing.

  1. Start taking fish oils

Research has shown that fish oils can reduce inflammation and they also have the added bonus of creating a calming effect – much needed when your child’s condition is stressing him/her out.

  1. Adopt an anti-inflammatory diet

Bring in plenty of healthy oils containing anti-inflammatory omega 3, including oily fish, and nuts like walnuts, almonds and pecans. Use herbs as much as you can in your cooking. Many have medicinal benefits. Berry fruits, sweet potato, broccoli, artichokes, garlic, onions, beetroot, avocados and red apples have particular anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Up your child’s nutrients

Low vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of allergic skin diseases, so taking a supplement can counteract this. Vitamin A has also been shown to have a significant impact on mucosal immunity.

Recent studies have found that breastfeeding (full of restorative colostrum) could reduce the risk of eczema in children by over 50%! You can also buy a colostrum supplement to support your child’s gastrointestinal healing.

  1. Take probiotics

Probiotics are great for a healthy gut and have been known to reduce the severity of eczema. As well as supporting the immune system, they may also regulate hypersensitivity responses.

Other gut-friendly probiotics worth trying are glutamine, slippery elm powder, and N-Acetyl-D-Glucosamine.

  1. Consult an expert

Making sense of all the contributing factors around childhood eczema isn’t easy. It can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when you’re trying everything, but nothing seems to make a difference. That’s where we come in. Book a call with us today at 0207 293 0440 and let’s talk through how we can overhaul your child’s diet and start tackling his / her eczema at the root cause. The first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns.

What is it?

A non-invasive health screening tailored to you.

Who is it for?

Health MOTs are available for all. It is especially recommended for those who are concerned about their health and lifestyle.

How does it work?

Our Health Practitioner carries out a range of tests including non-invasive electrical bioresonance to analyse your current health and then make positive recommendations. We offer two different Health MOT options, as well as individual tests separately. Please click here for more information on what is involved in each option, as well as more information on prices.

Despite the obvious boom in interest in health and wellness over the past few years, as official statistics are showing, British people are not checking the status of their health enough. It’s becoming a serious concern; especially given that as a nation overall, our health is on the decline – and in some areas, quite dramatically.

How a Health MOT with Total Health Now can help you…

Our growing lack of responsibility towards our health and early prevention, plus the flood of junk foods and cheap alcohol upon the country, is having a suffocating effect on the health of our nation – and of future generations too. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way, and it doesn’t have to involve major lifestyle overhauls either. At the Total Health Now clinic (found in Belgravia, London), founders Kostas and Lana Kapelas have established an in-demand Health MOT to resolve this growing problem – and it’s one of the best holistic solutions available.

Whether you need to lose weight, detox, improve energy, or overcome allergies or chronic problems, the Health MOT service is the go-to option for many clients. As Kostas and Lana were finding, many people aren’t putting enough emphasis on preventative health care, only seeking guidance when a serious health issue actually occurs. By this time, the ability to reverse everything is much harder and takes a lot longer. The Health MOT is a service that can be taken at any time in your life, providing clients with a renewed sense of health and energy. It’s a health saviour.

By tackling our health head-on and holistically, we can certainly be a more productive, happier and healthier nation – and it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure this, employers and employees alike. We don’t need to be filling our bodies with medication in order to survive and thrive. Preventative holistic healthcare is the medicine of the future. When you feel good, everything else benefits too. You’re more alert, engaged and energetic; you also feel more positive about yourself.

Healthcare isn’t just about looking at the symptoms and masking these with drugs as much as medicine can seem. Instead, it’s about getting to the root of the cause and finding ways of eradicating this holistically instead, understanding that every individual is different. There are so many areas of our life that feed into our health, many of which we don’t fully recognise or understand until our health is properly broken down in this way.

Book Now

To book your Health MOT, please phone 0207 293 0440option 1 or email . If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns.

A homemade gluten-free bread recipe that’s simple to make, dairy-free, and bakes into the best gluten-free bread. Make your next lunch with this easy gluten-free sandwich bread.

Serves 4


300g unroasted buckwheat seeds

60g chia seeds

200ml water

60ml extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

Sea salt according to taste

4 tbsp apple cider vinegar

100g pumpkin and/or sunflower seeds

Herbs – and according to taste: thyme, rosemary, fennel seeds


  1. Wash, and then soak buckwheat in plenty of cold water overnight. Next day drain and rinse well.


  1. Stir chia seeds in water and soak for 10 minutes.


  1. Mix 2/3 buckwheat and 2/3 chia in a food processor. Then add the remaining ingredients, including the unprocessed chia/buckwheat, and most of the seeds. Sprinkle the remaining seeds on top.


  1. Pour into a loaf tin lined with baking paper.


  1. Bake for 1.5 hrs at 180°C.


  1. Once out of the oven it is essential to let it cool for 30 minutes before removing it from the loaf tin and slicing.

Air fryers have become something of a phenomenon since their launch in 2010. If you don’t already own one, now might just be the greatest excuse you’ll ever have to splash out. As a piece of kit, they are so versatile – not just for people who want to make healthier chips – that most families I know say theirs is in use every day. That includes nutritionists!

There are many reasons to buy (which I’ll talk you through below). To give you the highlights, air dryers are compact and fit onto your work surface quite easily. Their diminutive size also means an air fryer heats up more quickly than your regular oven so you waste less energy and can eat sooner.

To be clear, an air fryer (despite its name) is not an actual fryer; more a small convection oven but you can cook many of the foods you would in a deep fat fryer* with none – or else significantly less – oil and the food comes up just as crispy.

You can also expect your machine to use a fraction of the energy and save a lot of when you use one.  They heat up very quickly and the circulating air means that your food will get evenly browned.

Is an air fryer healthier? It depends, of course, on what you are cooking. If you cook pizza, chips, chicken nuggets and other breaded or battered foods, health-wise you’re not better off than using the oven. If you were planning on frying them, then yes they would contain less oil but still wouldn’t find their way onto the healthy food menu.

Here are my top 5 reasons you should invest:

1 You’ll save money using an air fryer compared to a regular oven. [source: Citizens Advice Bureau] If you use the air fryer for 30 minutes a day, it will cost £1.86 a week compared to £2.06 for your oven. But don’t forget, you’ll speed up cooking times so the real cost of cooking (as an example) chicken nuggets will be less since it takes half the time [10 mins compared to 20 mins]. So your chicken nuggets will cost you 9p to cook in the air fryer compared to 20p in the oven. In fact, Instant Brands says traditional oven cooking will cost you five times as much.

2 Less mess. If you’re a fan of bacon and often grill it, you’ll know what a mess it makes on the inside window of your oven. By popping the rashers in the air fryer (no extra oil needed), the splatter from the fat is contained and is easily wiped away.

3 Cleaning your air fryer is significantly easier than the grill pan. It will only take you a few minutes, and some contain parts that are dishwasher-safe.

4 Air fryers are a healthier way to cook. If you’re cooking with oil, you’ll need less of it. And, when you place things in the air fryer basket, this allows any excess fat to drain into the tray below.

5 If you are eating chips or wedges, air fryers make them so much crispier than your regular oven since they circulate the air around the food so that everything cooks more evenly. Especially sweet potato fries, which can turn out a bit limp (or else burnt) in a regular oven.

What can you cook in an air fryer?

In short, pretty much anything if you have the space to fit it in!

I’ve been known to cook:

  • Granola
  • Toasted nuts and seeds
  • Stuffed chicken
  • Streaky bacon
  • Crispy cauliflower
  • Stuffed mushrooms/ peppers
  • Tofu
  • Roast chicken [in a study at Brunel University, researchers used 80% less energy cooking a whole chicken compared to oven cooking]
  • Meatballs
  • Chicken drumsticks
  • Whole roasted garlic bulb
  • Baked apples
  • Crumbles
  • Heating up leftovers!

NOTE: you can’t cook cheesy foods (apart from coated mozzarella sticks) or anything with a wet batter.

Any time is a great time to buy but you’re likely to find some really fantastic deals around Black Friday, so, if you’ve been thinking of taking the plunge, now might be your best excuse yet.

Working with a Holistic Therapist can be a powerful way of tuning into your own body, equipping you with the knowledge to recognise these signs when they present themselves, and make positive changes to benefit your long-term health and well-being.  For more information on what this involves, contact.

Make your own nutritious cereal and granola with our healthy recipe ideas. Make a batch of high-fibre muesli or some homemade fruity, crunchy granola.

Serves 2


100g buckwheat flakes (or gluten-free oats, rice flakes or quinoa flakes)

3 tbsp toasted coconut flakes

1 tbsp walnuts

1 tbsp macadamias

1 tbsp sultanas

Sprinkle of cinnamon



  1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and top with milk. Enjoy.

Is it all in your head or is your body trying to tell you something? Some might dismiss a ‘wisdom of the body’ theory as quackery.  However, if you think about the biological processes happening within your body and the factors affecting these, the argument to substantiate a link becomes more compelling. Here’s why.

Food is so much more than just calories.  It’s information.  The body is a wonderful machine, constantly sending you signs and signals about the information (or nutrients) it needs to function at its best.  The trouble is, when you fall into unhealthy patterns, you unwittingly train your brain and body to think and crave certain foods.  Often these foods give you a quick fix. You feel great for 30 minutes, yet an hour later your energy levels are on the floor and you need another hit to keep you going. Sound familiar?

This concept applies to everyone, not just women in pregnancy who are typically associated with an appetite for unusual or inedible substances such as clay, coal or dirt (this type of craving is referred to as ‘pica’ by the way).


One of the most common and documented cravings is, of course, sugar.  In recent years, articles in the press have suggested sugar is as addictive as class-A drugs.  How true is that really? Or, have you been simply making excuses for your lack of willpower? You’ll be glad to know there is more to it than meets the eye.

The brain needs glucose to function – sugar, which comes from carbohydrates.  When you’ve got a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream throughout the day, this process works as it should. You’re productive, sharp and full of energy.  However, too much of the wrong kinds of sugar can throw things off-kilter.  Eating something high in sugar and high fat (like doughnuts, chocolate, cake, biscuits and sweets) triggers the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of reward and satisfaction.  By falling into this trap, you train your brain to think, ‘you need to eat this to help you feel better.  You might use these foods to regulate your mood and lower your stress.  But in the long run, this sends you on a rollercoaster – with your energy, your mood, stress levels and sleep.   Over time, this rollercoaster can result in the development of chronic health conditions like diabetes, obesity, inflammation, immune suppression or chronic fatigue.

So, what causes you to crave sugar in the first place? You’re more inclined to eat these kinds of foods when you’re stressed or tired because your brain is looking for more fuel than it would be when you are relaxed and well-nourished.

Sugar also stimulates the release of tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin, which in turn produces melatonin helping you get a good night’s sleep.  Similarly, women can be more susceptible to sugar cravings around the time of their menstrual cycle. That might not come as a huge surprise to you…

Studies have shown that higher oestrogen levels are associated with greater levels of the hunger hormone, leptin, which triggers stronger cravings for sugary foods.  PMS also causes the stress hormone cortisol to increase and the feel-good hormone serotonin to dip, making you reach for chocolate, chips and sugary snacks to give you a feel-good boost at that time of the month.

Generally, the foods you choose to eat every day can help to regulate or trigger these cravings.  Try switching your white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, low-fat products and processed foods for lower GL (glycaemic load) alternatives such as whole grains, pulses, and root vegetables and increasing your protein intake at each meal.  This can help to regulate the release of glucose into the bloodstream.  Quality proteins such as eggs, turkey, salmon and nuts and seeds are also rich in tryptophan and tyrosine, which support the production of serotonin and dopamine – a much better source than a packet of chocolate digestives or a bag of sweeties.  Making the switch to a more wholesome and nourishing alternative may be a much more sustainable approach to healthy weight loss than the crazy diets you might be tempted to try.


Sugar doesn’t do it for you? Perhaps you are more inclined to reach for savoury, salty foods; crisps, salted nuts, cheese and biscuits.  Generally speaking, this may be a sign that your adrenal glands are under strain, and similar to sugar, that hankering for salt could be attributed to stress, fatigue or PMS.  You rely on your adrenals to produce the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline whenever you need them. That might mean meeting that deadline at work, training for a marathon or gearing yourself up for a big presentation.

Like insulin, this is fine and necessary in the short term but chronic demand on the adrenals can result in fatigue and insufficient secretion of other hormones including aldosterone, renin and angiotensin, mineralocorticoids which regulates blood pressure by controlling fluid levels and electrolyte balance in the body.

When your adrenals are tired and don’t produce enough aldosterone, your blood pressure can become low and result in salt cravings and these might be accompanied with other symptoms such as fatigue, excessive thirst, headaches and nausea.  If you are experiencing a multitude of these symptoms, a trip to the doctor would be recommended for further investigation.

Don’t read that I’m suggesting you need to be consuming salt by the bucket load.  Too much sodium (the key element in salt) should be avoided as it can tip the hormone balance in the other direction and contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues.

Ultimately, it’s about tuning into your own body and how it’s feeling.  What signs is it giving you each day?

Working with a Holistic Therapist can be a powerful way of tuning into your own body, equipping you with the knowledge to recognise these signs when they present themselves, and make positive changes to benefit your long-term health and well-being.  For more information on what this involves, contact.



Bioresonance is a primarily German technology that has been created and designed to regulate the body’s disturbed energy patterns and to fine-tune them to healthy harmonic frequencies that leads to vibrant health.

The Theory

Every cell and every organ in the body has an electromagnetic resonance and frequency pattern in the form of wavelengths. Cells communicate with each other and exchange information. Brain cells and neurotransmitters are typical examples of this with neurons giving out information constantly throughout our lifetime


Substantial research has been carried out at Salford University and discovered that therapeutic impulses that go into resonance with the body can have an effect even after a very short period. Professor Dr W R Adey from the University of California in his research confirmed these same principles Each allergen, pathological microbes and environmental toxins all put stress on the human defence system. Bioresonance Therapy is the ideal therapy for not only cancelling out these dis-harmonic pathological frequencies but amplifying the healthy harmonic frequencies to restore normal function throughout the body.

Pathological toxins - Stress

What happens with treatment?

Bioresonance is a non-invasive testing and treatment therapy where the patient holds various hand electrodes connected to the device that checks for dis-harmonic frequencies throughout the body. Testing is non-invasive and carried out on the body’s acupuncture meridians.


Pathological toxins in the form of allergies, metals, chemicals, viruses, parasites and fungi and stress-induced radiation all interrupt the communication between cells allowing physical dysfunction and illness.


BioResonance Therapy (BRT) provides you with an entirely painless and risk-free alternative method of testing for a large number of problems. After undergoing our BRT procedure, you will be presented with an objective overview of your current situation, without any obligations for long-term commitment or treatments. If you would like to explore further options, however, our experts will be more than happy to advise you on the best course of action. Our facilities are equipped to perform a variety of BioResonance Treatments and other biofeedback methodologies aimed at promoting health and well-being.



BioResonance therapy is not a magical cure, capable of obliterating an illness all on its own. Instead, our programmes work to alleviate the issues by reducing the stress load and combating toxicity build-up. Professional BioResonance Therapy promotes the self-regulatory processes of the organism and facilitates a more natural recovery. With the help of our programmes, your body will have an easier time overcoming the various environmental stress factors, pathogen exposure and other intolerances, which also happen to be the main deciding factor when it comes to falling ill.

Please note that patients who are currently undergoing conventional treatment or taking prescribed medication should not forego the advice of their medical doctor or alter their prescription in any way. Our methodology works best when utilised as a supplement, and is NOT a replacement for medicinal practices.

Before suggesting a particular treatment, our experts will run a series of tests aimed at detecting the underlying causes of your complaints, to determine the best possible approach for your specific situation. All of our tests are personalised, painless and entirely risk-free.

Should you choose to benefit from our treatment, you will be assigned your very own dedicated practitioner. Additionally, you can also choose to be provided with further health and lifestyle advice.

The initial consultation will only take 120 minutes of your time, while further review appointments with testing take as little as 90 minutes.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns.

Has your weight been creeping up on you over the years and is proving difficult to shift – despite your best efforts? Or maybe your energy levels are on the floor? It’s easy to push to the back of your mind. Surely things can’t have got that bad… You’re not one of ‘those’ people whose food and lifestyle choices result in blood sugar levels so wonky, they find themselves in the prediabetes or diabetes trap… It’s easily done, and I see a lot of people in the clinic who have been surprised to find they’re occupying that space.

It really is worth getting your blood sugar levels checked out. Once you know your numbers, you can do something about it and make a huge shift in all aspects of your health, including your weight. Whatever the tests say, I want you to know that, by making some simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, it is possible to prevent, control and, in some cases, reverse this condition.


One in six people over the age of 40 is likely to have diabetes, with many more lurking in the grey area leading up to a diabetes diagnosis – prediabetes. There’s no upside to having diabetes. This is what may lie in store for anyone receiving the diagnosis: risk of stroke, heart disease, visual disturbances and other eye problems like cataracts and glaucoma, higher risk of bacterial, fungal and yeast infections, high blood pressure, damaged nerves and blood vessels, and fatigue and lack of energy. The list doesn’t stop there, but I think you get my drift. Diabetes is not a good thing.


Diabetes is a condition in which levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood are higher than normal.

There are two main kinds of diabetes (type 1 and 2). Both types involve insulin, a hormone responsible for controlling the level of glucose in the blood. Type 1 diabetic patients do not produce sufficient insulin and therefore need to inject it (this type of diabetes is the rarer kind, and often develops at a young age).

Type 2 diabetic patients produce insulin, but the cells become insensitive to it and so it fails to do its job properly. Type 2 diabetes accounts for over 90% of all people with diabetes, and the condition usually develops later in life. This type of diabetes is far more strongly associated with diet and lifestyle factors.


Diabetes is diagnosed by testing your blood sugar level. If your fasting plasma glucose level (FBG) is too high (above 7 mmol/l) or your oral glucose tolerance (OGTT) is above 11.1mmol/l, your HbA1c (a measure of long-term blood sugar levels) is above 6.4%, this represents a diagnosis of diabetes.

For prediabetes, a condition where your blood sugar levels are higher than normal and that often leads to type 2 diabetes, your FBG might read between 5.5 and 7 mmol/l, your OGTT might be between 7.8 and 11.1 mmol/l, and your HbA1c might be between 6% to 6.4%.

It’s easy to dismiss the risk, but the shift into prediabetes can happen almost without your noticing it. You may experience niggling symptoms, like low energy or your weight creeping up on you, and your usual tricks to get it down no longer work as well as they once did.

Common risk factors for prediabetes are these:

You are overweight.

You have a close relative – parent or sibling – who has a diabetes diagnosis.

You have high blood pressure or low HDL (‘good’) cholesterol.

You’re over 40.

You’ve given birth to a baby over 9 pounds.


Your GP will be able to organise blood tests for you. You can also get tested privately. We offer a range of biochemical tests and can work with you to make manageable changes to your diet and lifestyle to get your health back on track.

From a holistic professional, what I’m about to say may sound a little biased, but I have seen so many diabetic clients receive unhelpful and incorrect advice about what to eat from doctors. Unfortunately, doctors receive no training in nutrition and have no other option than to follow the Eatwell Guide (published by Public Health England) – which, sadly, is outdated and not evidence-based. You may have been told that you could fix this just by losing a little weight, but I’m afraid that the way you might have gone about this in the past simply is not going to work anymore. And just starving yourself into losing a handful of pounds is not going to fix the underlying problem. It won’t miraculously change the numbers that came up in your test results.

What does work is a whole diet and lifestyle approach! We work with my clients to guide them to make better food choices that help lower their blood sugar levels. The strategy we create is tailored to you and no one else. What you like to eat, avoid what you don’t like to eat, making changes at a speed that feels right for you to achieve your goals. We also look at these results in a bigger context of other annoying symptoms you might be experiencing and try to mop those up as we go along, too. You would be surprised by the impact you can make on your health and how you experience life.

To find out more, why not book yourself in for your complimentary call by contacting me – link here. Let’s get to work!

Why use food as medicine?

Modern medicine has given us many blessings. In the first half of the 20th century, insulin was discovered. It soon became available as a drug, and subsequently, type 1 diabetes was no longer a deadly disease. In the 1940s, antibiotics became available and have since saved millions of lives. It seems hard to believe now that before then, an injury as slight as the scratch of a rose’s thorn could kill you. Surgeons save lives every day, removing inflamed appendices, stitching up injured tissues, screwing bones back together, and replacing joints and even organs.

Yet, the one thing modern medicine still cannot cure is chronic diseases. Contrary to the impression conveyed to us, it is not even particularly good at managing them. For chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, dementia, depression and more, the treatment of choice is drugs. However, all drugs come with unintended side effects. What’s more, according to Danish physician and researcher Peter Gøtzsche, prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death in Europe and the US.[1]

Very little attention is given to prevention, despite ample evidence that diet and lifestyle choices play a significant role in the development of chronic illness. A real food diet, movement, sleep, sunshine and natural light, relaxation techniques and stress management go a long way to prevent us from falling ill in the first place, but even late in the day – when a chronic disease has already struck – diet and lifestyle changes are still able to slow or even halt the progression of the disease or even reverse it altogether. For example, we now know that type 2 diabetes, which used to be considered progressive and incurable, can be reversed, either through gastric bypass surgery or a change of diet.  No drug can achieve that! But if there’s a choice between changing the diet or having gastric bypass surgery, I know which one I would try first.

Even if there is a genetic predisposition to a specific disease that runs in your family – say cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia, depression or cancer – diet and lifestyle choices still matter. Genes can be switched on or off. Genes load the gun, but poor diet and lifestyle choices pull the trigger.

Can food really be that powerful?

In short: Yes. Many people think of nutrition and the value of food only in terms of calories: “You need X amount of calories to sustain life, X amount to be healthy.” And also, “If you want to lose weight, you need to expend more calories than you consume.”

Yet, food is so much more than calories.

(Real) food contains a plethora of nutrients your body needs. Many of those, you only need in trace amounts, but you do need them. The human body consists of and evolved to require protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and lots of other nutrients from food. You did not evolve to require medication, and you do not get sick as a result of medication deficiency!

Nutritional deficiencies cause or contribute to many illnesses. In cases where malnutrition or malabsorption are not the underlying cause of disease, food can still a) reduce the damage and b) help the body heal itself.

I’m not saying there is no need for medication – far from it – but you may need less or none if you give the body what it needs for repair and maintenance.

On the flip side, of course, the modern diet contains a lot of so-called ‘food’ that you do not need at all. Not only that, but the evidence that modern ultra-processed food causes harm is also mounting.[2]

Research links such foods (think convenience food, novelty foods, junk foods etc.) to many health problems. People who eat more of them are more likely to be obese and have diabetes and cardiovascular disease. One study found an association with cancer.[3]

So far, this research is based on observational studies, which can only confirm that two things occur together but not that one is causing the other. Experts do not yet know whether it is what’s in ultra-processed foods that cause harm or what they are lacking. Most likely, it is a bit of both.

So, if you want to get (or stay) healthy, you need to think about what you eat as well as what you don’t eat.

How to use food as medicine

  1. Eat real food

That means meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy, nuts, seeds, pulses, vegetables, fruit, herbs, spices, whole grains and natural fats. It also means that you need to get cooking. If you prepare your own meals and snacks, you’ll know exactly what’s in it. Yes, it is still possible to create unhealthy food if you prepare your own, but you’d be hard-pressed to add ingredients that are as harmful as those the food industry puts in our food – with the possible exception of sugar.

  1. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates

Sugar has no nutritional value. It is not among the things you need to eat.

You need protein, fat and carbohydrates but that does not mean that you need to eat starchy, carbohydrate-rich food – at least not in the quantities that most people do today. There are essential amino acids (the building blocks of protein) and essential fatty acids (the building blocks of fat) but there are no essential carbohydrates. The body can create those from protein and fat, but you will still get enough if you eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables.

  1. Eat natural fats

The body uses saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. All natural foods that contain fat consist of a combination of all of these. Every cell wall is built from those fatty acids.

The human brain is 60% fat, and fat is the basis for many hormones and neurotransmitters. Fat as such is not the enemy, but what you don’t need are man-made oils that are chemically extracted, clarified and deodorised, then filled into transparent plastic bottles and stored under the bright light of supermarkets. Polyunsaturated fats, although ‘essential’ are highly sensitive to heat and light. The treatment they receive causes them to oxidise, which makes them so harmful.

You also do not need artificially hardened (‘partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) as they contain trans fats, a harmful form of fat also used in many ultra-processed foods. Unfortunately, these unhealthy fats that are still frequently advertised as ‘heart-healthy’ and ‘good for you are now known to be highly inflammatory.[4]

Healthy fats are butter and ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil and cold-pressed sunflower, flaxseed, walnut and pumpkin seed oils. The latter should be stored in opaque glass bottles and away from light, some even in the fridge.

  1. Eat a wide variety of real foods

Consuming as many different foods as possible has lots of advantages. The obvious one is that your diet won’t be boring. The more different foods you eat, the more likely you will get all the nutrients you need.

Plant foods of different colours contain different kinds of phytonutrients – plant nutrients that have beneficial properties. So, make sure to include all the colours of the rainbow in your diet.

Your gut, too, will thank you for a wide variety of foods. There is a lot still to discover about the microbiota, the community of microbes living in our digestive tract. The one thing we already know is that the more varied the microbiota, the healthier the human. Different microbes like different foods. The more varied your diet, the more different microbes you are nurturing.

  1. Take a break from eating now and again

People today tend to more frequently than their ancestors. There’s breakfast, lunch and dinner, but there are also elevenses and a mid-afternoon biscuit with a cup of tea. You might eat when you’re sad, upset, bored or excited. Few people manage more than two or three hours without putting something in their mouth.

However, a couple of ‘maintenance procedures’ ought to happen within the body to keep it spick and span. One is autophagy – a kind of ‘rubbish disposal service’ – and the other is the ‘migrating motor complex (MMC)’, a process in which the gut is rinsed and cleaned.

These processes can only work when you are not eating so regular fasting is a healthy habit. Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean that you need to live on water and broth for a week. All that’s required are regular prolonged overnight fast or the odd day of no or very little food every week. This is called ‘intermittent fasting, which is getting a lot of attention right now.

“Preclinical studies and clinical trials have shown that intermittent fasting has broad-spectrum benefits for many health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, and neurologic disorders.”[5]

  1. Speak to a holistic therapist

The above tips are a great place to start if you are healthy and would like to remain so. If you already have a chronic illness, I recommend working with a nutritional therapist – like me – who will be able to give customised dietary and lifestyle advice. Although the above tips are suitable for healthy people, there may be caveats if you have a diagnosed condition. It is safest to work with someone trained in nutrition to avoid pitfalls.

For every chronic disease and health condition, there are foods that promote it and foods that can help ease it. When I’m working with private clients, I take a detailed medical and family health history, look at your current diet, recommend functional tests, and work with you on a diet and lifestyle plan that fits into your life and works for you. With your permission, I will work with your doctor and healthcare team to get your health back on track. If you know you need this level of personal support [enter what you want them to do – how you want them to be in touch].

The power of food

Almost every client I see books in because they are looking for help with one, perhaps two, specific issues. That could be weight loss, heart health, hormone balance, digestive health or heavy metal toxicity. Almost every one of them also experiences other, apparently unrelated symptoms, which can be severe or just niggling nuisances: headaches, sleep disturbances, joint pain, tiredness, irritability, and skin conditions … Once we start working on the issue they wanted to address, without fail, some or all of those other problems improve or go away completely, often before the main issue has been resolved.

Once the body heals, it heals. Unlike drugs, which usually deal with one thing, such as lowering blood pressure, cholesterol or blood glucose, nutrients get to work wherever they are needed. Win-win!

If you would like to try out the power of food for yourself, book your complimentary call by contacting me – link here. Let’s get to work!


[1] Gøtzsche PC (2014): Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2014;124(11):628-34.

[2] Rico-Campà A, Martínez-González MA, Alvarez-Alvarez I, et al (2019): Association between consumption of ultra-processed foods and all-cause mortality: SUN prospective cohort study BMJ 2019; 365 :l1949

[3] Fiolet T, Srour B, Sellem L, et al (2018): Consumption of ultra-processed foods and cancer risk: results from NutriNet-Santé prospective cohort. BMJ. 2018 Feb 14;360:k322.

[4] Okuyama H, Langsjoen PH, Ohara N, et al (2016): Medicines and Vegetable Oils as Hidden Causes of Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes. Pharmacology. 2016;98(3-4):134-70.

[5] De Cabo R, Mattson, MP (2019): Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease. New England Journal of Medicine, 381(26), 2541–2551.

Is there a link between thyroid function and diet? There certainly is. The best-known fact, also acknowledged by conventional medicine, is that iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism. Yet, the thyroid gland also needs other nutrients. Moreover, not every kind of hypothyroidism benefits from iodine.

Iodine deficiency as a trigger for hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland produces two hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These messenger substances control our energy metabolism, including temperature balance, weight gain or loss and heart rate, bone metabolism and growth in children.

To make T3 and T4, the thyroid needs the trace element iodine. We only need trace elements in tiny amounts – hence the term –, but we do need them, and they have to come from the diet.

Iodine deficiency goitre

If the thyroid gland lacks iodine, it cannot produce sufficient amounts of hormones, causing hypothyroidism in the long term. To compensate for this, thyroid tissue multiplies and a goitre – or iodine-deficiency goitre – develops.

In this day and age, however, the condition has become very rare. Much more common causes of hypothyroidism are inflammation and autoimmune disease, as well as hypothyroidism after thyroid surgery or radiation. If the autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s disease is the underlying reason for an underperforming thyroid, iodine is not the answer and can even make the symptoms worse. For that reason, it is crucial to get the correct diagnosis.

In conventional medicine, the treatment of choice for an underperforming thyroid is a medication with l-thyroxine, regardless of the underlying reason. Doctors, therefore, often see no reason to investigate the exact cause of hypothyroid conditions. If you are keen to support your thyroid function with diet alongside your medication, you need to know more.

Thyroid Labs

In routine blood tests, thyroid function is most commonly checked by measuring thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and free T4. If, based on your symptoms, you or your doctor suspect hypothyroidism, the doctor may also tick the box for free T3, but that is often where it ends. Another value of interest is reverse T3 (rT3), which can act as a brake on thyroid function. So, you may end up with ‘adequate’ thyroid values and are told that there is nothing wrong … but you still feel awful. An rT3 reading provides further information and may explain why this is.

A value doctors rarely take because it is unlikely to affect their treatment of your condition are anti-thyroid antibodies, which would indicate the autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or Hashimoto’s disease.

If you are keen to follow a thyroid-friendly diet after diagnosis, you really need to know.

Unfortunately, Hashimoto’s is incurable. However, with a low-sugar, possibly gluten-free diet, as well as intermittent fasting, you may be able to reduce the symptoms. The underlying strategy is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet that strengthens the immune system.

Gluten tolerance should always be tested in Hashimoto’s patients – intolerance is common. If you are intolerant to gluten or casein, your body produces antibodies against those substances. To those antibodies, your thyroid cells look very much like casein[i]/gluten[ii], and – in a case of mistaken identity called ‘molecular mimicry’ – they start attacking your thyroid. This in itself can trigger and fuel an autoimmune condition.

In this case, avoid cereals containing gluten (wheat, spelt, rye, barley) and instead use gluten-free grains such as buckwheat, quinoa and amaranth. Quinoa or buckwheat in muesli, bread or as a side dish also provide essential minerals and protein.

Foods your thyroid will love

Iodine is not the only nutrient the thyroid needs to make thyroid hormones. Selenium and zinc are also required. Both activate thyroid hormones, and zinc is also necessary to produce TSH. In developed countries, zinc is abundant in food, but selenium deficiency is common as our soils are depleted of this trace element. If selenium is missing, the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T3) cannot be activated. The trace element also has an anti-inflammatory effect on Hashimoto’s disease.

Needless to say, I recommend a real food diet to start with – as always. This will give your body what it needs and avoid what it doesn’t. It is always advisable to go for minimally-processed foods.

  • Protein – at every meal – helps to keep you fuller for longer. Good protein sources are dairy products (if tolerated), fish, meat, pulses and mushrooms.
  • Vegetables – prepared with high-quality oils, supplemented by low-sugar fruit (such as berries).
  • Fish – Sea fish such as haddock, plaice, pollock and cod are excellent sources of iodine and omega-3s. Seafood and seaweed also contain trace elements. Doesn’t that sound like sushi makes excellent thyroid food?
  • Meat – selenium is found in reasonable amounts in pork and offal (liver and kidney).
  • Eggs – are a great source of protein that comes with selenium and iodine, especially in the yolk.
  • Gluten-free grains and seeds – rice, buckwheat, quinoa – but not millet (see below), chia and flaxseed
  • Nuts – are good sources of all trace elements. Brazil nuts supply the most selenium; cashews contain iodine.
  • Other selenium-rich foods are salmon, mushrooms, and wheatgrass powder.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids – apart from fish, you can get some from high-quality linseed or hemp oil. Note, however, that omega-3s from plant sources alone are not enough. If you do not eat fish, consider supplementing with algae oil, which contains the long-chain omega-3s that you need.
  • Phytonutrients from colourful vegetables and spices such as dark cocoa, cinnamon, ginger, pepper, and turmeric have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Prebiotics (dietary fibre) and probiotics strengthen the intestinal flora. Think sauerkraut, yoghurt, miso, tempeh. An intact intestinal flora may also make losing weight easier.
  • Drinks: preferably water, coffee (max. 3 cups), herbal tea (fennel, chamomile, dandelion, yarrow, sage) and vegetable juices.

Foods the thyroid is not keen on

Sugar and refined starches – have a pro-inflammatory effect and only serve to fuel the fire. Starch turns into sugar in the digestive process, so its impact is the same. Avoid sugar, sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolate, ice cream and the like.

Some foods can promote the formation of a goitre. These “goitrogenic” foods interfere with iodine metabolism and thus thyroid hormone production. They include uncooked cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, mustard, radishes, and horseradish as well as soya foods[iii], and millet[iv]. To render the goitrogens in the veg harmless, you can cook them. Limit your intake of raw cabbage (think coleslaw), but don’t worry about sauerkraut and kimchi. Here, the fermentation has made the cabbage safe. It’s the same with soya: fermented soya products such as fermented tofu, tempeh, natto or tamari no longer exert a goitrogenic effect.

What about dairy?

Milk and yoghurt are decent sources of selenium and iodine. Cheese provides iodine, too. However, dairy also contains a protein called casein that causes problems in many people. I recommend getting tested. If casein affects your thyroid health, you may feel much better without dairy. Note that sensitivity to dairy is not the same as lactose intolerance. Lactose is a sugar contained in milk. Antibodies are formed only as a reaction to proteins – in this case, casein. So, purchasing lactose-free milk is not going to help!

Strategies for a healthy weight

Body fat and abdominal fat, in particular, contribute to inflammation. Healthy body weight may therefore help reduce the symptoms of impaired thyroid function. Alas, it’s a vicious circle as an underperforming thyroid makes it even harder to lose weight! Intermittent fasting and a low-carbohydrate diet may help.

In intermittent fasting, you could leave 16 hours overnight between dinner and the first meal of the day. If your thyroid is compromised, you may want to be cautious, though. Start very slowly by pushing your breakfast back further and further and fast for 12 hours at first, then 14 hours. Sugar-free drinks such as water, tea and black coffee in moderation are allowed during the fasting phase, as well as two meals a day – but no snacks in between.

This takes a little getting used to, so take your time, all the while monitoring your symptoms. Unfortunately, there is very little research about intermittent fasting for people with underperforming thyroid. For many, it works as a treat, for some, it makes symptoms worse. If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns and I
can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link here.

If you read magazines, watch TV, see a doctor occasionally or have ever been on a diet, you’ll have heard of the BMI or body mass index. It is a number used to assess whether a person is underweight (BMI <25), of a healthy weight (25-29), overweight (30-35) or obese (>30). It is calculated by dividing body weight (in kilograms) by height (in metres) squared.

Although widely used and known by all, BMI is not actually a very useful parameter to assess health or even weight. Why?

Take a chunky rugby player, six feet (183 cm) tall, weighing 16th (101kg). His BMI is 30.3, making him ‘overweight’. Yet he has a 32-inch waist, is all muscle and is fighting fit. Now compare him to an armchair rugby watcher, also six feet tall, weighing 16th, but with a beer belly and a largely sedentary lifestyle. He would have the same BMI, but it doesn’t take an expert to see that the two men couldn’t be more different. For this reason, the BMI alone has limited significance in assessing good health because being ‘overweight’ or not according to BMI means nothing without knowing one’s body composition.

The BMI does not account for a person’s muscle mass. In very muscular people, it suggests ‘overweight’ when they really are slim and healthy. In older people, a ‘healthy weight can be anything but, because muscle mass decreases with age, and their fat percentage is high for their weight. In addition, the BMI categories used in Western countries are less suitable for people of other ethnic backgrounds because they have a different stature than white people.

What is body composition, and why does it matter?

‘Body composition is the body’s ratio of water, muscle, bones and fat. A body fat percentage of 8-25% is considered normal for men and 20-35% for women. Knowing where the body fat is situated also gives clues about our health. Studies have shown that fat deposited in the abdomen is more problematic than fat elsewhere because it is metabolically active, upsetting hormone levels and causing or exacerbating inflammation. It can also surround and even penetrate vital organs, impairing their function.

Muscle mass, on the other hand, is ‘expensive’ tissue. That means it burns more calories than fat. The basal metabolic rate (BMR) describes the minimum number of calories a body needs to function. Most people’s BMR lies between 1,000 and 2,000 kcal/day, depending on height, weight, sex and age. If that strikes you as too little, you’d be right. This is just the absolute minimum of calories you need to lie down and breathe. Once you consider activity levels, the calorie requirement goes right up. A low BMR means your body doesn’t burn many calories in a rested state, and you are likely to put on weight quickly, finding it hard to shed. Building muscle increases the BMR because even when not in use, muscle tissue requires energy, i. e. it burns calories.

How can I measure my body composition?

Accurate body composition often reveals surprises. People with a favourable BMI may turn out to be TOFI: thin on the outside, fat on the inside.

Elaborate methods are used in research to determine body fat percentages as accurately as possible. In medical or nutritional practice, a so-called bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) can help to estimate the body fat percentage. It also usually calculates the BMR. BIA devices measure the resistance in the body and thereby evaluate the body’s water content. From this, in turn, the fat content can be roughly estimated. However, it is not necessary for most people to determine the exact body fat percentage. There are also commercially available scales that make it possible to estimate the body fat content using BIA.

Another measurement you can use is the waist-to-hip ratio. It is calculated by dividing the waist circumference in centimetres by the hip circumference in centimetres. A value of more than 1 for men or more than 0.85 for women is considered unfavourable.

Your body fat percentage is high. Now what?

Now that you know, you can do something about it. If your BMI is high, your doctor may already have advised you to lose weight. It may surprise you that cutting calories is not the answer.

If your body fat percentage is elevated, your BMR will likely be low. Many calories you eat are not burned, and any excess is deposited as – you guessed it – more fat. Eating less (fewer calories) seems to be the reasonable solution, but the body is not stupid. If less energy comes in, it will reduce energy expenditure (i. e. reduce its basal metabolic rate). You may feel cold and tired as a result. Muscle tissue may be burned for energy, with the added bonus that it is then gone and won’t cost the body any more of those precious calories. After a while, you’ll get fed up with being tired, cold and hungry all the time and start eating more again. But – surprise – you put any weight loss back on and then some because now that your body has turned down the dial, you are burning calories even less efficiently than you did to begin with. From now on, you are likely to put weight on even more quickly than before.

Increasing the BMR, however, is a lot more helpful; for this, you need to build muscle. More calories need to be burned to supply all this new muscle tissue with energy, and less gets deposited as fat. In fact, if you play your cards right, that pesky body fat can even be burned for energy. Your body composition improves as muscle tissue builds up and fatty tissue is reduced.

So, to improve your body composition, you must find a way to

  • reduce your caloric intake without going hungry
  • exercise to stimulate your muscles to build more lean body mass
  • supply protein to enable muscle growth

Here are my tips to improve your body composition.

Low-carb eating for fat loss

Decreasing your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates can have a beneficial effect on body composition. Numerous studies report improved body composition with a low-carb diet.

Every time we eat, our blood sugar – or rather blood glucose – level goes up. Whether that’s by a little or a lot depends on what the meal consisted of. If it was high in sugar or refined carbohydrates, the blood sugar level rises high. If it was a meal with few carbohydrates and most of those complex carbs, it might just go up a little.

High blood sugar is hugely damaging to body cells. Its ‘sugar coats cells, making them stiff and unresponsive. As that can be almost any kind of cell, the symptoms caused by long-term high blood sugar (aka diabetes) are highly varied and can affect the heart, the kidneys, the eyes, the nerves incl. the brain, and more. To avoid damage, if blood sugar (glucose) levels are high, insulin is released to bring them back down to a healthy level again as fast as possible.

Insulin works by moving glucose inside cells, where it can be used to create energy. However, the cells can only take up so much glucose at any given time. What can’t be squeezed in will continue to circulate, and that’s not an option? So, another thing insulin does is convert excess glucose into fat, which gets stored in fat cells. It can be converted back into glucose if needed, though it usually never is. Instead, more and more glucose from sugary and starchy foods adds to the build-up of fat every day.

Foods that are low in carbs but high in fat and/or protein do not have that effect. Yes, even fat does not make you as fat as sugar and carbs! The food we put into our mouths is more than the sum of its components. What really matters is what our metabolism makes of what we supply. Therefore, it is not as simple as: “Fat makes you fat”, no matter how logical that sounds.

If glucose levels rise fast and high (as they do after sugary or starchy foods), a lot of insulin is released at a time to deal with the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. As a result, the blood sugar level drops again, now overshooting its mark and ending up too low. This, too, is a problem, as a certain amount of glucose is required at all times, not least to support the brain. At this point, you may feel tired, unable to concentrate, irritable and hungry. Willpower and reason go out of the window. We now need something fast, ideally something sweet as we know it will make us feel better.

Fatty foods do not affect blood sugar levels at all, and high-protein foods only minimally. Complex carbohydrates – the kind that releases glucose slowly – raise blood sugar levels gently and not as high. Less insulin is required to deal with it, and that, in turn, reduces blood sugar drops, too. You’re fuller for longer, and cravings become a thing of the past.


— Did you know that poor breathing is directly related to most chronic health problems?

— Would you like to reduce stress + anxious feelings?

— Are you interested in being healthier + having more energy every day?

Healthy breathing is simple. Firstly it complies with the physiological norms for ventilation i.e. 3 – 4 litres per minute at rest. Above this amount is called hyperventilation and has a poisonous effect on the organism – below this amount is called hypoventilation, an occurrence so rare to be insignificant for the purposes of this discussion.

The person who breathes optimally will have, by average standards, some apparently strange tendencies. Firstly, they don’t suffer from any of the “diseases of civilization”. Physically they tend to be lean and muscular, regardless of their level of activity. They eat sparingly and prefer simple food. They sleep less, around four hours a day – they can relax easily. Their level of energy is consistent and their stamina is significantly above average. They enjoy physical activity. Their posture is naturally elongated.

Their physical attributes are only one aspect. From a mental and philosophical perspective, they tend to be logical and calm – they are not given to paranoia, deep-smouldering anger, or greed. They can happily sustain intensive concentration with little effort and do not oscillate between depression and unrealistic or false enthusiasm. Their natural demeanour reflects ease.

It should be noted that an adult, who breathes optimally is very rare in modern Western society. But throughout history, there have been sages of all traditions that reflect the principles of optimal breathing.

Breathing retraining and Buteyko therapy programmes are designed to improve your overall health and breathing capacity.  Working in tandem with nutrition support, electropollution detoxing, emotional techniques and spiritual healing, my breathing retraining and Buteyko breathing therapy can help you achieve and maintain better mental health and sports performance.

Throughout your treatment, you’ll be taught habits to minimise your dysfunctional breathing; we’ll talk about nutrition, so you eat food which nourishes you, and you’ll relearn how to sleep to support the prevention of breathing problems.  You’ll learn how to do wheeze-free exercise, will find out more about your blood pH level and how that affects your breathing, and how to breathe when you have a virus, or while you’re having a panic attack.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns and I
can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link here.

We’re so excited to announce that we won the Best Holistic Health Clinic 2022 in the Greater London Enterprise Awards 2022.
Total Health Now Clinic is a one-stop-shop for patients dealing with all manner of different, profound, and chronic health challenges. Its goal of making a positive change in the lives of the people who walk through its doors is something that it staunchly works to achieve for each of its patients, helping them to manage symptoms, investigate ailments, increase energy levels, and let them get back to their lives with vim and vigour. 
Headed up by husband-and-wife duo, Kostas and Lana Kapelas, the clinic boasts of a team of the best holistic and naturopathic experts, who strongly believe in the value of holistic health. 
As a friendly and front-running health clinic, Total Health Now Clinic delivers therapeutic treatments combined with holistic medicine as its primary goal. When it comes to serving its patients with the best in comprehensive, naturopathic, sensitive solutions, this clinic has set itself head and shoulders above the competition by implementing positive, actionable changes that allow clients to see tangible results. Nominally, it hopes to work with its clients to help them make transformative changes in their lives. Its holistic health professionals – including founders Kostas and Lana Kapelas – offer a range of health solutions to help achieve this, and work hard to be the knowledgeable and personable support system that aids them in the management of a range of complex issues. 
Whether the issue in question is weight loss, digestive issues, skin complexion changes, dwindling energy levels, migraines and headaches, or any number of other issues, Total Health Now Clinic provides everything from treatment consultations to coaching to help them make changes to improve their livelihoods. Critically, its educational and empathetic programmes both online and in person are tailored to fit the client in question, built to help them find the best way to improve health, increase energy, and recharge their zest for life, whether they are a private individual client or even a corporate group. Indeed, Total Health 
Now Clinic can provide its expert wellness solutions for corporate wellness, allowing employers to give their staff the chance to try something that might help them to improve their own health.  At Total Health Now Clinicit has worked with hundreds of clients to improve lives and livelihoods, seeing the notable difference that holistic healthcare can make. From reconciled symptoms to better sleep, its results and client treatment are both impeccable. Indeed, the unique combination of therapies and holistic medicines it provides sets it apart from the rest, and it encourages everyone interested in holistic health to get in touch, as it can provide preventative therapies as well as those that actively combat an existing issue. Its health MOT and RejuvaDetox+ have become incredibly popular over lockdown as a result, with complimentary consultations for all to talk a client through how it can help. 
Being based in central London, it enjoys a deeply flexible and expansive client base from all over the wider UK. With people from as far as Scotland travelling down to see its experts and receive holistic healthcare, and more still getting in touch remotely as and when it convenient, its client base is fundamentally worldwide, and it has served corporate professionals, celebrities, the general public, and all manner of other people from different walks of life. Insured, outgoing, and growing, it is now working on establishing an all-new holistic healing and retreat centre on a Greek Island in Greece and looks forward to this centre and its own expertise allowing it to serve many more people in the future. 

Palpitations, a dry mouth, sweating, and insomnia are just some of the unmistakable signs of anxiety. Everyone has experienced these symptoms at some point in their life. Who hasn’t felt stage fright before a presentation, hyperventilated before an exam or spent a sleepless night before their dental appointment? Under normal circumstances, you get through the situation in question unscathed, and life goes on. However, it is very different for people who suffer from anxiety disorders. Patients with this condition experience virtually no relief or respite because their anxiety is unrelated to a specific situation or event and is – objectively – unfounded. There is no single challenge to get through and move on. Their anxiety goes on constantly, from one situation to the next, and the next, and the next … Although anxiety disorders were common even before the Coronavirus pandemic, the stress of lockdowns and worry about our own health and that of loved ones, our jobs and our financial security has sent numbers surging. A team of researchers at the University of Manchester are currently looking into this. Although the work is still ongoing, they predict that mental health problems will continue to be affected by the pandemic for years to come.

So, where does nutrition come into it? At first glance, it may seem preposterous to say that diet influences how we feel; but think about it: In the cold, hard light of science, feelings are chemistry! Of course, in the first instance, it is our environment, our experiences, and to an extent, our personality that makes us feel the way we feel. But our feelings of fear, anger, overwhelm or love and confidence trigger the release of hormones in our body, which is where chemistry kicks in. We need the happy hormone serotonin and the pleasure hormone dopamine to feel good, the sleep hormone melatonin to sleep, and the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol for our get-up-and-go and to fight or flee when we’re under threat. Hormones work in unison with each other. Some hormones suppress others; some trigger the release of others. But for these feedback mechanisms to work, for our body to even be able to manufacture the chemicals that we need, we must supply the raw materials they are made of.

Those raw materials are fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients – nutrients. What’s more, even our friendly gut bacteria contribute to how we feel by extracting more nutrients from our food for us, manufacturing some, such as short-chain fatty acids, from scratch and even providing some ready-made serotonin! So, if you think of feelings that way, what we eat is bound to have a massive impact on how we feel and how we cope with the challenges life throws at us.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying that diet will cure an anxiety disorder. However, if we try and fuel our body with poor-quality food that does not provide the building blocks of the hormones and catalysts our brain chemistry requires, we’ll have a much harder time overcoming mental health issues.

So, what are these nutrients our body needs, particularly when we are anxious?

Magnesium is often referred to as ‘nature’s tranquiliser’ – which hints at just how crucial this mineral is for supporting balanced mood, relaxation and deep sleep. One reason why magnesium helps us cope with anxiety might be that it plays a role in nerve transmission.[ii] The mineral is not even hard to find. There’s some in most foods, particularly in green leafy vegetables – think broccoli, spinach, kale, and watercress – but also in grains, such as brown rice, buckwheat and quinoa, nuts and seeds, or fish and seafood. Despite this, deficiency is common, which may have something to do with our penchant for convenience and junk foods that are just not as nutritious as real food.

A 2019 study found that the amino acid L-theanine might help manage anxiety and support a balanced stress response. L-theanine is found in green tea.[iii] It increases the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which has calming, anti-anxiety effects. The amino acid also raises dopamine and the creation of alpha waves in the brain. This is because l-theanine can cross the blood-brain barrier, a membrane that protects our brain from unwanted and harmful substances. The high intake of green tea by Buddhist monks may contribute to their famously calm demeanour and intense focus during meditation. If you want to give green tea a try, be sure to choose an organic one to reduce your exposure to pesticides and other toxins, which have been found to disrupt the brain’s stress circuitry.[iv]

The authors of a 2020 research review agree that the role of nutrition in the management of mental health disorders is underestimated.[v] They reviewed the existing research into omega-3 fats in connection with anxiety and found that this type of fat is critical for brain health and has been shown to reduce anxiety symptoms. As vegan diets are becoming more popular, it is important to note that omega-3 fats from plant sources, such as flaxseed oil or walnut oil, do not cover our daily requirements, let alone achieve therapeutic levels. The omega-3s these foods contain are inferior to the ones we need: EPA and DHA. Although the body can make those long-chain fatty acids can from plant-source omega-3 (alpha-linoleic acid or ALA), the conversion is sluggish and easily disrupted. Only about 5 per cent get converted. If you are vegan, do not like fish, or are allergic to it, your diet alone will cover your needs. I recommend finding a good-quality supplement with omega-3 from marine sources (i. e., algae), which is the only vegan source of DHA.

When talking about anxiety and nutrition, we must not neglect the role of the microbiota, the friendly bacteria in our gut. The majority of available research studies in 2019 showed that it is beneficial to give our gut bacteria some TLC. Interestingly, “non-probiotic interventions were more effective than the probiotic” ones.[vi]

That suggests that just popping a probiotic capsule may not be enough – and that’s no surprise, really. Don’t get me wrong; probiotics are beneficial; there is no doubt about that. However, their contents – live bacteria, e. g. Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species – are not going to settle in the gut. They are only travelling through, and while doing so, they help create a bacteria-friendly climate and temporarily crowd out undesirable microbes. But really, they are only lending a helping hand to our own, indigenous bacteria. Those are the ones that are at home there, and those are the ones that can protect our gut, feed our brains, improve our mood, and keep us healthy.

You can look after your friendly bacteria by giving them real food, especially fibre-rich plant foods, including vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, pulses, whole grains, herbs, and spices. Variety is key here. While probiotics – especially in the form of fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, live yoghurt, kefir and kombucha – are great, prebiotics – fibre – are even better. We still need to learn much more about all the different microbes living in our guts, but what we do know is that the more different species we have, the healthier we are. How do we cultivate a variety of species? By keeping our diets interesting! Different microbes have different preferences. By varying what we eat, we are creating a desirable place for them to live.

To keep everyone happy, it is also essential to avoid what harms the microbiota. Alcohol acts like a weedkiller on your internal garden. Food additives reduce a protective type of antibody called secretory immunoglobulin A (or sIgA, for short), and emulsifiers are particularly damaging for the gut. Sugar promotes yeast overgrowth, which can overwhelm the beneficial bacteria and make it difficult for them to adhere to the gut wall.

Of course, although hugely important, diet is not everything. Lifestyle factors, too, play a crucial role in mental health. It will come as no surprise that it is worth reducing stress as much as possible if you suffer from anxiety. Interestingly, stress also damages the microbiota and interferes with the conversion of omega-3 fatty acids – among many other things, so just getting on top of stress will do you a whole lot of good.

I know that that is easier said than done, but there is a shedload of information on stress management on the internet, ranging from relaxation techniques, such as meditation or breathing exercises, to self-care and me-time tips.

So, as you can see, you don’t have to take anxiety attacks lying down. There is a lot that you can do to avoid them or to aid your recovery.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns and I
can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link here.

You often hear the phrase wellbeing*, but what actually is it? How do you know when you are ‘being well’ enough? How can you measure it? And does it much matter anyway (because we’re all busy these days)?

It seems that the true definition, while a little vague, is not simply “not having a diagnosed disease”. According to the Collins Dictionary, your wellbeing is your “health and happiness”, and the Macmillian Dictionary goes one further with the suggestion that it is the “satisfactory state that someone or something should be in, that involves such things as being happy, healthy, and safe, and having enough money.”

The business of wellbeing is multifactorial. It is not just what you eat or how you move that has you be well. It is a more complicated picture of also having good mental health, a high level of satisfaction with your life, a sense of meaning or purpose, and the ability to manage your stress levels.

For the alphas (the high achievers), I’m sorry to tell you that you cannot get this overall sense of wellness by acing a couple of these elements and hoping your achievements in one area can pick up the slack in other areas where you might be lacking. While it is not necessary to feel that every single one of the elements below is A-OK, you cannot enjoy an overall sense of wellness without having some kind of balance in these key elements:

  • Physical – this includes what you eat and how active you are.
  • Emotional – your ability to cope with everyday life as well as how you think and feel about yourself.
  • Social – the extent to which you feel you belong and social inclusion. Rolled into this are your relationships with others, and your values, beliefs and traditions.
  • Spiritual. This is the ability to experience and integrate meaning and purpose in life. Achieved through being connected to our inner self, to nature or even a higher power.
  • Intellectual. It is important to gain and maintain intellectual wellness as it helps us to expand our knowledge and skills in order to live an enjoyable and successful life.
  • Economic – your ability to meet your basic needs and feel a sense of security.

How can you measure how well you are doing?

The experience of ‘wellness’ is very subjective. It is not for others to tell you how well (or otherwise) you are doing at your own wellbeing. When I’m working with my clients, one of the tools I use most often is something called the Wheel of Life, which offers a 360-degree view of your current life situation.

Each segment in the wheel represents a different area of your life that is important for overall health and wellbeing. Of course, my wheel is skewed towards nutrition and lifestyle, but the effect is pretty much the same. You would score yourself based on how you feel about different areas of your life: health, weight, fitness, energy levels, personal achievements, work/career, sense of purpose, happiness, fun, family life, social life and friendships, and (last but not least) ‘me time’.

Try the Wheel of Life for yourself

The great thing about the Wheel of Life is that it allows you to take an honest look at what’s working in your life right now and where else you would like to see improvements, then find ways to link your health goals, so there is a positive impact in other ways too, helping to increase your motivation and commitment.

Consider each area of your life now and rate on a scale of 1-10 how satisfied you feel in the correct area in your wheel. 10 is high, and 1 is low. So if the level is 4, put a cross on the 4th circle from the centre.

It’s completely normal for people to discover they are satisfied with some areas of their lives and very unsatisfied with others. Remember that this is really a helicopter view, allowing you the luxury of evaluating the whole of your life and not piecemeal.

It’s also common for some of my clients to get a bit upset if they see they score low in more areas than they’d like. If you try the Wheel of Life Exercise and don’t like what you see, don’t panic. The job within your programme (if you’re working alongside me on improving your health and nutrition) is to take actions consistent with improving specific areas of your life that you feel need a boost. It is often possible to link a couple of these wheel segments together. For example, if you would like to improve your social life and your fitness level, think about how you could link the two – perhaps joining a dance class or taking one of those courses that help you get back into a sport you used to love when you were younger. Team sports like hockey or netball are a perfect example and, if you fancy having a go just type ‘get back into hockey’ into your internet browser to discover local possibilities.

Try the exercise and see how you fare. There are a handful of things I always try to be mindful of as I go about my day-to-day life.

  • I look for ways to connect; to talk and listen to others, and to live in the moment.
  • I consider how I can build more activity naturally into my day by walking when there is a realistic option, and moving my body in a way that feels good rather than a chore or a punishment.
  • I observe and take notice of the simple things that bring joy. Focussing on things I am grateful for makes a big difference to how I experience my life.
  • I am always on the look-out for ways to embrace new experiences, to grow and learn.
  • I try to be generous with my time, kind words and my presence.

*The eagle-eyed among you may notice that ‘wellbeing’ is sometimes spelt ‘well-being’. Both versions are correct in UK English, with the hyphenated version tending to be more historically used.

We’d love to help. Book in for a free 30-minute digestive health mini consultation. You can do that by clicking here.

“It’s not fair,” my friend cried. “I’m the one on a diet, and he’s the one who loses weight!” Both my friend and her husband had put on some weight over the summer holidays. Two weeks later, my friend’s weight hadn’t budged, while her husband had lost six pounds without even trying.

If you are a woman and have ever tried to lose weight, you may have observed this phenomenon yourself – and you are not imagining it.

According to a House of Commons Briefing Paper from January 2021, almost two-thirds of adult women in the UK are overweight or obese.[i] Although the obesity epidemic affects both sexes, men and women gain, carry and lose weight very differently.

Thanks to differences in body composition, women are at a disadvantage right out of the gate because they naturally carry more fat than men. Men have more muscle mass, and muscle is metabolically “expensive” to keep. That means it uses up energy – and that’s calories to you and me – even when at rest while fat does not. Muscles burn considerably more calories than fat, making the male metabolism 3-10% faster than the female one. No surprise then that in studies, men are consistently found to do better on the exact same diet a woman might follow.

Moreover, nature has distributed body fat in different ways. In women, it mainly sits on the hips and bum, where it serves as a vital store, for example for pregnancy. In men, fat tends to accumulate around the belly. During menopause, women lose even more muscle and some bone mass, which increases their body fat percentage. On top of that, a redistribution takes place. The padding on hips and bum reduces, while belly fat increases. The female figure changes from “pear” to “apple” because male hormones such as testosterone, which are present in the female body also, become more dominant post-menopause.

If you are overweight, you are better off carrying your weight around the thighs and bum rather than the belly. Abdominal fat is a lot more metabolically active and produces not only hormones – which, among other things, further affect weight, weight distribution and hunger – but also inflammatory compounds. This visceral belly fat is unhealthier as it promotes inflammation, increasing the risk for heart attack and stroke, but we know from studies that it is lost more quickly than fat from the hips.

This puts overweight men at risk sooner than overweight women. Yet ironically, while doctors tend to advise overweight women to lose weight as soon as their BMI passes the ‘healthy’ 25 mark, they rarely ask men to lose weight until their blood pressure and cholesterol readings are already off the scale.[ii] This is despite the fact that 68% of British men are overweight or obese as opposed to 60% of women.

There’s clearly bias at work here. Our society’s pressure on women to look good means that their excess weight registers much sooner than that of men. Friends and family, too, are less likely to comment on a man’s weight than on that of a woman.

If that wasn’t enough, girls and women often dislike their figures. They wish for a slimmer waistline before they are even overweight. Most women have been on their first diet before an objective need because they perceived themselves as “too fat”. For many, this first diet – often at a very young age – sets them on a path to yo-yo dieting.

Low-calorie crash diets can lead to rapid weight loss at first, but the body reacts to this “famine” by downregulating energy expenditure. As a result, the rapid weight loss soon slows down and may even grind to a halt, even though the dieter eats less and less.

The minimum number of calories we need at rest is called “basal metabolic rate” (BMR). It is already higher for men due to their greater muscle mass. By following crash diet after crash diet, many women gradually decrease their BMR further and further, not losing or even gaining weight while eating fewer and fewer calories.

If a man goes on a diet at all, it is often much later in life. Their BMR is intact, and they have that extra muscle, making it relatively easy for them to lose weight.

For men, exercise is central to weight loss. Men often succeed by motivating themselves with challenges, such as a marathon, a triathlon or the three peaks. Also, they don’t mind lifting weights at the gym.

Women, on the other hand, tend to worry about accumulating too much bulk, going for endurance exercise instead. While that’s great for stamina, heart health and mood, it doesn’t do much for weight loss. Building muscle really is key here, and if you want to lose weight and increase your BMR, resistance exercise is crucial.

And there’s more injustice… According to a 2009 study, the “hunger hormone” ghrelin spikes after a workout in women, while leptin, which tells the brain that you’re full, plummets.

Not so in men. So post-workout, women tend to eat more, which puts them at risk of gaining weight – the exact opposite of what most women are trying to achieve!

Men don’t experience this same hormonal fluctuation.[iii] Researchers are not sure why that is. They can only speculate, and one theory is that it’s the female body’s way to avoid energy deficits to preserve fertility and perpetuate the species. In the female body, a lack of calories suppresses ovulation and hormones that make reproduction possible.


But physiology is not all. There are also mental elements that vary between men and women. Of course, there are some generalisations here, and there are always exceptions to the rule, but these are the findings of research papers looking into eating behaviours.

Men are more likely to overeat than women.[iv] They are less likely to cook, whether that’s due to time constraints or a lack of skill or interest. Unless home-cooked meals are provided for them, many men reach for junk foods. They are not just convenient but also highly palatable and easy to overeat – in fact, they are designed for us to overconsume them!

Women who eat too much tend to go for those foods as well, but for different reasons. In stressful situations, they reach for food that will activate the reward centre in the brain particularly well and fast. That means foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar.

In the short term, such foods provide satisfaction, but in the long run, they increase the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and dementia. It’s a kind of self-medication of the brain in an attempt to briefly dampen the constant firing of stress hormones.

Again, hormonal fluctuations play a significant role. You might beat yourself up about lacking willpower but body chemistry is near impossible to beat. It always wins!

Successful weight loss programmes for women, therefore, address the problem both from a physiological as well as a psychological point of view. On the one hand, it’s about providing the right nutrients to enable hormone balance. On the other, it’s about reducing stressors in everyday life and the negative emotions triggered by stress, which lead to eating binges.

In my programmes, self-care, stress relief and relaxation are important pillars. Eating is supposed to be fun. A simple plan is needed, not one that would make life even more complicated and stressful. My plans are created with that in mind. They are flexible, the recipes are quick and easy to make and popular with everyone in the family.

For a man who wants to lose weight, information and a pack of quick and easy recipes is often enough.

For women, it is not that simple. Often, they already know what a healthy diet should look like and don’t mind cooking. However, they need more support to combat emotional eating and manage stress. They enjoy the exchange with a group of like-minded people and benefit from coaching – whether that’s in a group or as an individual – even more than men. Although some men also require extra support, one study found that they consider weight loss groups ‘feminised’ and prefer to go it alone.[v] [If you want to work with men and don’t see many sign up for your weight loss groups, consider setting one up for men only.]

So, if you have had the suspicion that men are having an easier time with weight loss than women, you are absolutely right. By knowing this, you can tailor your weight loss journey according to your needs without being fazed by the results of the men around you.

My RejuvaDetox+ programmes are designed with women in mind. I don’t just provide quick and yummy recipes, but also the coaching support women need to change their relationship with food for good.

If you’re sick of feeling bloated, gassy, crampy or going to the loo too much (or too little), book in for a free 30-minute digestive health mini consultation. You can do that by clicking here.


[i] House of Commons Briefing Paper (2021): Obesity Statistics UK.

[ii] Boswella, RB, White MA (2015): Gender differences in weight bias internalisation and eating pathology in overweight individuals. Adv Eat Disord. 2015; 3(3): 259–268.

[iii] Hagobian TA, Sharoff CG, Stephens BR, et al (2009): Effects of exercise on energy-regulating hormones and appetite in men and women. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2009 Feb;296(2):R233-42.

[iv] Striegel RH, Rosselli F, Perrin N, et al (2009): Gender Difference in the Prevalence of Eating Disorder Symptoms. Int J Eat Disord. 2009 Jul; 42(5): 471–474.

[v] Elliott M, Gillison F, Barnett J (2020): Exploring the influences on men’s engagement with weight loss services: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health 20, 249 (2020).

Most people don’t give a second’s thought to their skin – unless they’re scowling at the wrinkles or wobbly bits in the mirror. It’s already doing a fabulous job keeping your insides in, protecting you from infection and radiation, and keeping you warm. There’s also a huge amount you can do to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh and – I’m happy to tell you – stave off the wrinkles without buying that expensive anti-ageing cream. Read on to find out how.

Ditch the bad guys

Alcohol, caffeine, food additives like flavourings and colourings, salt, sugar, and tobacco are full of cell-damaging free radicals, which play havoc with your skin. Ideally, cut them out altogether but certainly reduce them as much as you can.

Be fat-friendly

Essential fats found in fish, avocados, nuts and seeds keep cell membranes soft and smooth – they’re nature’s perfect skin plumpers. Just in case the word ‘fat’ sends a red flag up for you, I want to reassure you that scientists have finally admitted all that’ fat is bad for you and makes you fat’ propaganda was flawed. Eating the right fat is not only not bad, but it is also really, truly GOOD for your health.

Eat back the clock

Stock up on antioxidant-rich fruit and veg. These are crucial for your entire body – not just your skin. They reduce the speed of skin ageing and degeneration. Eat them raw or lightly steamed as cooking for long periods destroys enzymes, minerals and vitamins and can create skin-damaging free radicals. A couple of simple exercises are these: make a concerted effort to add at least one extra portion of veg every night this week to your evening meal. You should also aim to ‘eat a rainbow’ over the course of the week – that means picking as many different colours of fruit and veg as you can.

As a very general rule, each different colour group contains a different set of plant chemicals. Scientists now know that bringing a variety of different antioxidants into your diet has a synergistic effect, which means the combined result is more powerful than the individual parts.

Drink up!

Keep skin cells plump and full or your skin will look shrivelled and dehydrated – a long cry from that radiant glow you’re going for. Cells also need water to rebuild and remove the build-up of waste products (toxins). It’s a very simple (and free) step that most people don’t prioritise and yet the results and be striking. Aim for at least 2-3 litres a day depending on weather conditions and your level of exercise. You’ll soon see the benefit for your skin.

Helpful nutrients for skin health

Vitamin C for collagen production. Foods include blackcurrants, red peppers, kale, collard leaves, broccoli, kiwis, oranges, courgettes, cauliflower and spinach, and citrus fruit.

Vitamins A, C, E and selenium are antioxidants that limit the damage done to collagen and elastin fibres by free radicals. Foods to include (aside from the vitamin C foods, above, and the vitamin A foods, below): sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, swiss chard, papaya, mustard greens, asparagus, peppers, Brazil nuts, fresh tuna, some meats including pork, beef, turkey and chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, brown rice, sunflower seeds, spinach, oats, mushrooms.

Vitamin A helps control the rate of keratin. A lack of vitamin A can result in dry, rough skin. Foods include sweet potato, carrots, butternut squash, spinach, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, and romaine lettuce.

Vitamin D. Skin cells produce a chemical that is converted into vitamin D in sunlight. It’s important for many functions in the body, including immunity, blood sugar balance and bone health. It’s hard to get enough vitamin D from food alone, but too try to include more sardines, salmon, tuna, swordfish, eggs, orange juice, and fortified margarine, fortified cereals – and don’t forget a daily dose of getting out into the sun!

Zinc for the production of skin cells. A lack of zinc can result in poor skin healing, eczema and rashes. Foods include venison, fish, ginger root, lamb, lean beef, turkey, green vegetables, oats, nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, yoghurt, and scallops.

Essential fats for making cell membranes. A lack of essential fats causes cells to dry out too quickly, resulting in dry skin. Foods include oily fish (salmon, sardines, halibut, scallops), flaxseed, walnuts, soya beans, and tofu.

Watch what you put on your body, too

The skin is the largest organ in the body with a surface area about the size of a double bed. It soaks everything up you put on it, and what soaks in ends up in your bloodstream. So if your shampoo and conditioner or shower gel (all of which wash over you as you shower), or your body lotions or creams contain nasty chemicals like parabens or sodium lauryl/Laureth sulphate, you are feeding yourself synthetic oestrogens that can wreak havoc with your hormones. Check labels for ingredients – often they may be marked as paraben-free.

Learn how to deal with problem skin

A targeted nutrition plan can work wonders for skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis and so on. This kind of personalised nutrition is often poorly understood and isn’t really talked about in the media. It doesn’t work to just add to your diet a single ‘superfood’. However, a bespoke plan that takes into all of your skin – and health – concerns can make a huge difference. Ask me how. We’d love to help. Book in for a free 30-minute digestive health mini consultation. You can do that by clicking here.


Bloating, gassy, cramps, heavy, uncomfortable? One minute you can’t go to the loo and the next minute you can’t get off it?

The likely cause is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It’s incredibly common. According to Guts UK, a charity set up to promote awareness of and funding for digestive problems, it affects up to a third of people at some stage or another and it is one of the main reasons people visit their doctor.

Unfortunately, according to the NHS, there’s not a lot you can do. The official view is that it’s a lifelong problem that no one really understands and that there’s no cure for (although over-the-counter medicines can help symptoms). So sorry, move along and deal with it yourself.

As holistic professionals will tell you, there IS hope. A consultation with a holistic professional specialising in digestive health will be able to, in the first instance, provide some natural solutions that are likely better than taking over-the-counter medication AND your nutritionist will be able to work with you to find the root cause. This will enable you to get to the bottom of what is causing the symptoms of IBS (excuse the pun), and then you can take steps to fix it.

One of the most common causes of IBS is SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), which accounts for 60+ of IBS cases. This describes a condition where bacteria manage to grow and thrive in the small intestine. It’s not a question of ‘good’ or ‘bad’ bacteria. There shouldn’t really be many there at all.

It might be that you have lactose intolerance. This is when your body is not able to tolerate lactose, a type of sugar found naturally in milk and other dairy products, leading to a host of ‘IBS symptoms’. It might similarly be fructose malabsorption. Again, some people are not able to absorb fructose and symptoms are very similar to lactose intolerance.

Dysbiosis is an imbalance in the levels of beneficial (good) and pathogenic (bad) bacteria in the large intestine or colon, potentially caused by the overuse of antibiotics or alcohol, an increase in high sugar diets, and stress.

Or you might have yeast overgrowth. Simply, the gut environment gets out of balance (due to dysbiosis) such that unwelcome yeast can thrive.

None of these is pressing issues for regular doctors because there is often no NHS testing or framework for the treatment of these problems. In some cases, digestive problems can be tricky to solve, and it almost always involves a lot of detective work. But if your symptoms are hampering your life in a significant way, I want you to know that there ARE things you can do. Although IBS might be very common, it is not normal to experience the symptoms you do.

What can I do about my IBS now?

There are some simple tricks you can put into practice today that might make enough of a difference to help you get your life back on track. I’m going to tell you what they are in a moment.

I also want you to consider the degree to which your symptoms bother you. Are you satisfied with just covering up the symptoms and hoping for the best? That might be enough for you. If it isn’t, please book yourself in for a free 30-minute digestive health call to get an idea of what you can do right away and what might be possible for you.

10 ways to improve your digestion

The following suggestions are very basic but surprisingly effective at improving symptoms of digestive distress.


  • Try a cup of hot water or ginger tea before meals to stimulate digestion.
  • Apple cider vinegar (with the ‘mother’) also works – take 1tsp before a meal.
  • Think about your food before eating it – the thought and smell kickstart the digestive process.
  • Make sure you’re chewing properly. If you had to spit out a mouthful, no one should be able to tell what you’ve been eating.
  • Try a few cubes of pineapple or papaya before a meal. These contain enzymes that can boost your digestion. You might also consider taking a natural digestive enzyme supplement from a health food store to support your body’s natural digestion process.
  • Take a 15-minute walk after eating if you can. This lowers blood sugar levels and improves digestion (see, your granny was right).



  • Eat at your desk at work. Getting up and out is important for so many reasons. In this case, checking emails while you are also eating may have you gulp down your food or not chewing properly. Neither are good for your digestive health.
  • Try to eat on the go or when you’re stressed out. You won’t digest your food properly or absorb the nutrients. This is the quickest way to get heartburn.
  • Don’t eat fruit after a meal. Fruit likes a quick passage through the digestive system. It can get stuck behind other foods that are digested more slowly and then ferment, causing gas.
  • Don’t drink too much water or other fluids with your meal as this dilutes the stomach acid needed to digest your food properly.


If you’re sick of feeling bloated, gassy, crampy or going to the loo too much (or too little), book in for a free 30-minute digestive health mini consultation. You can do that by clicking here.


As the temperature starts to climb, so does our willingness to eat salad. A good salad can be an amazing addition to your healthy diet if you do it right. Want to lose weight this summer? Eat salad. But, for heaven’s sake, do it properly (and here’s why).

To be clear, it’s not like the police will show up if you make a false move but can I can give you some advice learned over years working as a personal nutritionist and health coach?

[still here?]


A couple of things go wrong when clients start making their own salads at home (and making them is something I implore you to do as it works out so much cheaper and often more nutritious than anything you can buy in the shops).

The biggest barrier is that clients can’t think of what to put in a salad without it being painfully boring. Here, I’m thinking of the ham, cheese, tomato and radish salads my grandma used to force upon me. A salad is a celebration of loveliness. Don’t’ disrespect it!

The other thing is that clients create their perfect salad of all time. They are throwing absolutely everything into it. And eating it every day. It doesn’t matter how amazing it is, very soon you’re going to get sick of it. So then it’s ‘salads don’t work for me’. Pretty soon, you’re back in the (not going to lie) less healthy world of the sandwich.

Instead, take the strategic approach used by the likes of Pret A Manger, whose salads I love. (Insert your favourite other people making salads on a commercial level.)

Do they put every possible ingredient into a single salad? Of course not. People would quickly tire. No one would visit their shops. The end.

Instead, they find tasty combinations of a handful of ingredients, giving them variously an Italian, Spanish, Japanese, French or Greek spin, for example.

So this post is all about how to make your salads interesting and sustainable so you actually want to eat them. I’m going to give you a list of stuff to have in the fridge and cupboards to make putting your salad together a breeze?—?don’t dare even pretend you can’t find the 5 minutes of a morning (or even the night before) to prepare something decent.

There are things you might want to prepare in advance (frozen, pre-cut up roasted veg?—?you are literally putting it in the oven, not watching it or attending to it and it takes 2 minutes of your time tops, so enough already).

OK, golden rules:

1 Pick the leaves. Romaine lettuce, lambs lettuce, baby gem, oak leaf, endive, spinach, chicory, radicchio, rocket, watercress, red cabbage, and bagged leaf mix.

NOTES: iceberg lettuce contains virtually no nutrients and it is possibly the dullest and most tasteless of your options. Rotate your greens, have different ones every day/week.

2 Add unlimited non-starchy veg (but remember the rule employed by the professional pre-made salad makers on switching up the variety!) This includes Raw red onions, spring onions, cucumber, tomatoes, avocados (½max.), peppers, and celery. Roasted asparagus, red onions, peppers, courgettes, and aubergines. Steamed asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and green beans.

3 One portion (fist size) of starchy veg (optional) Raw carrots (grated). Roasted sweet potato, squash/ pumpkin, beetroot, butternut squash, and sweet potato.

4 Protein amounting to one portion (palm-sized, unless mentioned below): Cooked poultry/meat chicken, turkey, beef, pork, lamb. Fish tuna (tinned or steak), salmon, (tinned, smoked, fillet), trout, hot smoked (flaked), and prawns. Cheese (30 g/person): mature cheddar (grated),

Roquefort (crumbled), feta cheese (crumbled), goat’s cheese, parmesan shavings, and halloumi (grilled, baked, fried). Pulses (tinned) kidney beans, butter beans, cannellini beans, flageolet beans, chickpeas, and lentils (pouch/tinned). Nuts Walnuts, pecans, pine nuts, hazelnuts, cashews, and flaked almonds. Other eggs (boiled), tofu.

5 Add a garnish. One tablespoon (optional) jarred antipasti like sundried tomatoes, roasted peppers, olives, jalapeños, and artichokes. Seeds like sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds. Herbs parsley, basil, coriander. Dressings?—?2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp vinegar, 1 tsp mustard, salt, pepper. OR 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, 1 tbsp lemon juice, salt, and pepper.

That, my friends, is the secret.

Here’s some specific inspiration for you…

  1. Antipasti salad?—?chicken, roasted peppers (from a jar) and I also love the spicy piquillo peppers you can now get in most supermarkets, artichoke (antipasti jars, from the supermarket), chopped cucumber, chopped tomato, olives, a handful of leaves, fresh herbs (basil, parsley or mint would work here), chopped pistachio nuts (add at end?—?they will go soggy in a salad).
  2. Chicken and avocado?—?chicken, chopped avocado (of course), cherry tomatoes, a handful of spinach leaves. A creamy dressing works brilliantly here or a lemony one. And I adore adding in alfalfa, a weird, cress-like thing you’ll find in the salad leaves a section of the supermarket. Just so you know, alfalfa is a phytoestrogen, a plant source of oestrogen that has magic, hormone-balancing effects. Try it.
  3. Tuna Nicoise: leaves, boiled egg, cooked (and chilled) green beans, cherry tomato, cucumber, black olives, tuna (leave out the bread or croutons).
  4. Prawn and rice salad?—?leaves, cooked jumbo prawns, whatever salady veg you have to hand (tomato, cucumber, pepper, avocado, etc),

a couple of tablespoons (max) of flavoured, pre-cooked basmati rice (I’m more than a tiny bit in love with Tilda’s black bean, jerk & coconut rice).

  1. Chicken tikka salad?—?I’d love to you make your own tikka (cubed chicken, covered with a mix of natural yoghurt and tikka paste, then grilled) but you can buy the pre-made stuff in the supermarket chiller cabinets. Track down some Tilda split pea, green chill and coriander basmati rice. Add in bits and bobs like tomatoes and chopped pepper. You’re welcome.
  2. Stir fry leftovers, if you have them. Always worth making more if you’ve got the wok out. Brocolli is a great one to stir fry and is lovely served cold in a salad.
  3. Lentil salad. Pre-prepped and flavoured puy lentils, chopped walnuts, goat’s cheese, chopped avocado, chopped parsley or coriander (if liked) and whatever other excitements you can muster.
  4. Quinoa salad. 2 versions. Roast veg, harissa paste, quinoa, griddled/ grilled halloumi cut into strips OR fried onion, harissa, wilted spinach, chickpeas (just rinse straight out of the tin), quinoa, chopped chicken. You can get quinoa pre-made (find it in the rice aisle).
  5. Falafel (chickpea balls), spinach leaves, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, olives, hummus, and a sprinkling of seeds. Serve with half a wholemeal pitta or flatbread, if needed.
  6. Cauliflower rice (you can buy it ready-made from most supermarkets now) with assorted salad veg and either some tinned fish or chicken. Adds bulk but not carbs. I love to mix mine with herbs and, as I usually make it anyway, I always add some chopped garlic and cumin for an Asian-inspired twist. A small note on the cooking… I always find it takes at least an extra 5 mins of cooking time. For a really quick salad, I’ll often add some nuts (any in theory but I gravitate to almonds), crumbled feta or goat’s cheese, finely chopped red onion, chopped coriander, grated carrot and, a little chopped chicken.

Happy lunchtime, folks! Is it that time already? I’m getting pretty hungry…


Food is for nourishment.  If you use it for any other purpose, the one you have with food developed over time and many things will impact it.

When you want to make practical changes, it can be useful to explore your formative years.

We learn how to use food from a very early age – and then rarely challenge the associations as adults.

Hilde Bruch, a respected theorist in eating disorders, suggests that the confusion starts during infancy when the child is fed when it is distressed as well as when it is hungry.  So, from very early on, we may start to lose the ability to differentiate between hunger and emotional needs…

Family mealtimes are an important part of developing healthy self-esteem, social skills, and the relationship an individual has with food.  Think back to when you were a child.  What were your mealtimes like?  What were your parents’ attitudes to weight, food, and dieting?


What was the dominant emotion at your dinner table? Which of the following apply to you?

  • My mother worried about her weight / dieted when I was young
  • I wasn’t able to speak my views during mealtime
  • I remember thinking about my weight when I was young
  • In my family, we thought of beauty as depending a lot on weight
  • I did not look forward to mealtimes
  • My parents forced me to eat foods I did not like
  • There was yelling/arguing during dinner
  • I remember feeling nervous during dinner
  • During meals, I was told not to waste food

If any of those resonated, these experiences can create an association between food and that emotion.  These can then be easily carried through into adult life.


What type of eater are you? (And how to fix it)

  • I am a perfectionist. I need to be in control (of food/weight/diet)
  • I use food as a treat – to be ‘nice’ to myself
  • I like to please others and feel unable to say no to others (not just in relation to food)
  • I eat when I am angry
  • I eat when I am stressed
  • I restrict my food intake to punish myself and I feel guilty if I fail to achieve this
  • I eat when I feel sad
  • I rush my food
  • I am unable to leave food on my plate
  • I eat when I feel hurt /distressed
  • I eat in secret
  • I eat to avoid conflict
  • I don’t have a regular routine for food


In order to survive, all animals learn what to eat, when to eat and how to eat from their parents.  It is unlikely our parents have perfect eating habits so there will always be things we can improve upon as adults.  Is a habit or belief still useful now?  If not, change it!  For example, “you must clear your plate”.  Why?  What will happen if you don’t? Go on, go really wild, that will happen if I leave the odd potato or brussels sprout?


Do you use food to get control?

Children learn that they can get control of adults by using food.  Did you learn to get attention from others by not eating or making a fuss?  Or maybe you were force-fed foods you didn’t like and felt out of control?  There are so many things in this world over which we have no control.  It is common for people to turn to food to take control of their own bodies instead.

Solution: Deal with the issue directly – rather than by eating.  What in your life is making you feel out of control or stressed?  Job / family / money?  What practical changes can you make to put yourself back in control?


Can you leave food on your plate?

“Finish your dinner or you won’t get any pudding”.  Sound familiar?  Or perhaps your grandparents encouraged you to eat lots.  This may have been particularly important for previous generations as food was scarcer and they wanted to ensure we ate as well as possible.  We are lucky as this is generally not the case now.

Solution: It’s probably healthier to leave the excess on your plate…

Are you a pleaser?

Are you unable to say ‘no’ to others?

Do you feel taken advantage of?  As a child, did you observe that the pretty /clever/entertaining one got all the attention?  If you learnt this, you may

still believe that you will only be loved if you are clever/attractive/slim enough. Or, maybe by being good, or doing things for others, you prevented their anger being directed at you.  So, you learnt that pleasing others was the easiest course of action – even if it meant not getting your own needs met.

Solution: In which situations is it truly the best course of action to please others?  On what occasions is it completely unnecessary (ie. just habit)? Work out when these are and just say no politely.


Do you restrict food and then feel guilty when you end up eating?

Were you ever sent to bed without any supper?  If so, you may have learnt that if you do something bad you get punished by being made to feel hungry. Dieting is traditionally associated with being hungry and ‘going without’: punishing yourself for overeating in the past.  Then, when you get so hungry that you break the diet, you feel twice as guilty because you’ve now sneakily gone against the punishment too!

Solution: Balance your blood sugar (this helps from the physiological perspective) as it will help reduce your cravings.  Remember, you are not punishing yourself – you are on a mission to improve your health. Question what happened to break the negative cycle: what led to the slip and what will you do differently next time?


Do you eat when you feel sad or need love?

“Have some chocolate, that will cheer you up”.  It’s easy to see how we all learnt this behaviour.  The sugar rush may well perk you up momentarily, but it doesn’t resolve the problem!

Solution: Remember, distress is a normal part of life – deal with it directly. Or, if you need love, ask for some attention from a loved one.


Do you use food as a treat?

Most of us have received food as a reward for good behaviour or to signify love.  And we are likely to have had treats (or love) withheld for bad behaviour.  So, love and sugar can become closely linked – and an easy way to love yourself.

Solution: Choose treats that won’t make you feel guilty afterwards.  This way you can reward yourself more effectively and positively.


Do you eat in secret?

Were sweets hidden out of reach from you?  This instantly suggests they are naughty or forbidden which makes us want them even more!  Or perhaps someone called you “greedy”.  So maybe even now you eat in secret so that they won’t say it again.  But it was probably said a long time ago in jest and in response to a specific incident eg. eating all your easter eggs in one go.  As a child, that’s not a crime!

Solution: Question your beliefs: maybe you eat a little too much sometimes but that doesn’t justify calling yourself names!  Try not to eat on your own and serve appropriate portions.


Do you rush your food?

Perhaps older siblings helped themselves to your food if you didn’t eat fast enough.  Maybe your parents encouraged you to “hurry up and finish your dinner and you can go and play”. This can result in overeating as we miss the ‘fulness’ signals.

Solution: Slow down. Chew properly. Put your cutlery down between mouthfuls.

Do you eat when you are angry or frustrated or to avoid conflict?

If you feel others didn’t listen to you or you were unable to speak your mind effectively you may have turned to eat to relieve the tension.  The act of swallowing pushes the feelings down, suppressing them.  Or, if you want to avoid conflict, it is difficult to argue if you are too busy eating…

Solution: Start learning to be assertive and deal with the situation that is creating frustration.  Avoid the situations.  Or find a healthier outlet for stress, e.g. exercise.


Top tips for happy mealtimes (most of these tips are valid for yourself even if you don’t have children)

  • The aim is for mealtimes to be relaxed and happy
  • Eat around a table – not in front of the TV (as this can encourage overeating due to focusing on something else rather than what’s going into your mouth)
  • Avoid using threats, bribery or force-feeding
  • Avoid rewarding your child by giving them attention for not eating.  This will only reinforce the behaviour.  It is hard not to be concerned but they will eat eventually
  • Pair something enjoyable with mealtimes, e.g. reading a story, or non-food-related conversation
  • Try to have a regular routine for eating and mealtimes so that children get into the habit of balancing their blood sugar early on (rather than having to learn this as adults…)
  • Modelling: let your children copy you enjoy your food and try different things
  • Encourage children to try new foods (make this a normal part of eating) -from pre-1 year old if possible as it gets harder after this.

Read more about assessing the health of your digestive system here, learn more about how to cleanse and detox your gut here and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.

Despite the obvious boom in interest for health and wellness over the past few years, as official statistics are showing, British people are not checking the status of their health enough. It’s becoming a serious concern; especially given that as a nation overall, our health is on the decline – and in some areas, quite dramatically.


Despite the obvious boom in interest in health and wellness over the past few years, as official statistics are showing, British people are not checking the status of their health enough. It’s becoming a serious concern; especially given that as a nation overall, our health is on the decline – and in some areas, quite dramatically.

How a Health MOT with Total Health Now can help you…

Our growing lack of responsibility towards our health and early prevention, plus the flood of junk foods and cheap alcohol upon the country, is having a suffocating effect on the health of our nation – and of future generations too. Yet it doesn’t have to be this way, and it doesn’t have to involve major lifestyle overhauls either. At the Total Health Now clinic (found in Belgravia, London), founders Kostas and Lana Kapelas have established an in-demand Health MOT to resolve this growing problem – and it’s one of the best holistic solutions available.

Whether you need to lose weight, detox, improve energy, or overcome allergies or chronic problems, the Health MOT service is the go-to option for many clients. As Kostas and Lana were finding, many people aren’t putting enough emphasis on preventative health care, only seeking guidance when a serious health issue actually occurs. By this time, the ability to reverse everything is much harder and takes a lot longer. The Health MOT is a service that can be taken at any time in your life, providing clients with a renewed sense of health and energy. It’s a health saviour.

Why does it matter?

We’re not doing enough to prevent the decline in our health from happening. In 2015, 58% of women and 68% of men were categorised as being overweight or obese. Likewise, between 2015/16, more than one in five children in Reception class, and over one in three children in year six were measured as being obese or overweight. During this same period, there were 525,000 admissions in NHS hospitals where obesity was a factor; and that’s not taking into account other preventable illnesses.

In addition, only 26% of adults were reported as eating five or more portions of fruit or vegetables per day in 2015; and, in 2014, only 52% of 15-year-olds were found to eat the recommended daily amount. That means almost half were eating an inadequate and often unhealthy diet – and they hadn’t even reached adulthood.

Although the odd fruit and vegetable being missed from dinner may not seem of grave concern, it has long-term health implications, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular illnesses. In 2015, of the 495,309 people who died in England that year, 129,147 died because of cardiovascular disease. Almost the same amount of those who died from cancer (138,509 people in England).

What a Health MOT involves…

At Total Health Now, the Health MOT is an effective way of determining your overall well-being and health status and identifying key ways for becoming fitter and healthier. The MOT check takes approximately three hours with a qualified health practitioner, who will give you expert support, guidance and advice throughout.

Using the latest medical screening systems and equipment, readings will be taken to ascertain your cardiovascular, respiratory, nutritional and digestive health. Other important measurements will be taken too, including your heart rate variability, your liver function, the effects of stress on your body, oxygenation and your hydration levels. These will all be analysed by a trained professional.

With all these results, Total Health Now can then quickly produce a personalised report for your current health status, which also outlines any future health risks and diet/lifestyle recommendations. It will show you ways of improving your health to prevent any problems from arising or escalating; and, in some cases, they may even be able to reverse symptoms that you are experiencing, depending on the concern.

During your Health MOT, you will have a:

  • A comprehensive questionnaire, so we understand more about your overall health and can advise you accordingly.
  • A Bioresonance Scan. This unique assessment and treatment tool can identify the current and chronic state of many organs and body systems arising from intolerances, vitamin and mineral shortfalls, toxicity and more. It’s a painless way for us to see which areas of your body are not functioning well
  • A body assessment to locate pain and inflammation so we understand the severity of the situation and consequently the appropriate remedial approach
  • An oxygenation levels assessment, breathing test and advice for calm, deep breathing

Managing the results of a Health MOT…

Once all these tests have been completed by Total Health Now, you will have a comprehensive and full picture of your health status, with a series of clear and detailed recommendations on what you need to do moving forwards. A series of bespoke treatments may be advised, depending on your needs.

Many clients who have attended Total Health Now have been thrilled with the results. As David B Robson comments, “My own health and energy have increased and I’m already seeing significant gains in my personal performance, which quickly translate into positive impact upon my business.”

Meanwhile, Ektoras Charalambides notes “I have stopped taking my asthma medication, which I started a few months ago. In addition to that, my general well-being has improved – I perform better at sports, I feel healthier and I have more mental clarity. I have also learnt how to make better food choices, as well as which supplements are best for my health and why. I would recommend Total Health Now without any hesitation for everyone, irrelevant of their age or state of health.”

Taking our health forwards…

By tackling our health head-on and holistically, we can certainly be a more productive, happier and healthier nation – and it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure this, employers and employees alike. We don’t need to be filling our bodies with medication in order to survive and thrive. Preventative holistic healthcare is the medicine of the future. When you feel good, everything else benefits too. You’re more alert, engaged and energetic; you also feel more positive about yourself.

Healthcare isn’t just about looking at the symptoms and masking these with drugs as much medicine can seem. Instead, it’s about getting to the root of the cause and finding ways of eradicating this holistically instead, understanding that every individual is different. There are so many areas of our life that feed into our health, many of which we don’t fully recognise or understand until our health is properly broken down in this way.

To get started with servicing your body, just like you would your car, book your free 30-minute consultation

So many people we see in the clinic struggle with the effects of poor sleep. We want to talk to you about why good sleep is so important and how you can go about getting it!

A good night’s sleep is as important to health as eating the right things and exercising. Your physical and emotional well-being depends on getting enough. Yet we’re living in sleep-deprived times. Some people are even competitive about how little sleep they’re getting, like dragging yourself through the day on four hours’ rest is a badge of honour. Scientists even say we’re now getting an hour or two less sleep each night than we were 60 years ago. And the effect on our bodies is not good.

The amount of sleep each person needs varies. Waking up feeling refreshed in the morning is a good indicator and so is being able to wake without an alarm. If you need an alarm to wake up, you are not getting enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, you may not be able to concentrate properly and become irritable or agitated. You may also have blurred vision, be clumsy, become disorientated or slow to respond, and have decreased motivation. And, on top of that, if you’re tired and cranky, you are significantly less likely to make the best food choices.

You might be surprised to learn that, in a computer-simulated driving test, those who had had just a few hours of sleep were more dangerous on the (virtual) road than the people who had had a few drinks! In fact, the majority of road accidents are caused by tiredness.

The purpose of sleep is to rest and recover – and to allow the body to repair itself. These maintenance and repair processes take 7 to 9 hours. Adults need between 7 and 9 hours per night – regardless of what you think you have trained yourself to get by with.

But just how do you get a good night’s sleep?

The most common cause of insomnia is a change in your daily routine. For example, travelling, changes in work hours, disruption of other behaviours (eating, exercise, leisure, etc.), and relationship conflicts can all cause sleep problems. Establishing good sleep hygiene is the most important thing you can do to maintain good sleep. It might also be helpful to keep a sleep diary to help pinpoint any particular problems.


  • Try to go to bed at the same time every day. Your body thrives on routine.
  • Keep the temperature in your bedroom comfortable; not too hot, nor too cold.
  • Use your bed only for sleep and sex. This may help you completely switch off.
  • Keep the bedroom completely dark, so you’re not disturbed by light, which your brain detects even when your eyes are closed. Eye masks can be useful.
  • Spend time outdoors to soak up the sun.
  • Try to take some gentle exercise every There is evidence that regular exercise improves restful sleep. This includes stretching and aerobic exercise. A brisk walk ticks both boxes.
  • Make an effort to relax for at least 5 minutes before going to bed – a warm bath, massage, meditation.
  • Keep your feet and hands Wear warm socks and/or mittens or gloves to bed.
  • Consider getting a traditional alarm clock so your smartphone can stay out of the bedroom (see below). Better still, work out how much sleep you need by going to bed 15 minutes earlier until you find that you wake up naturally before your alarm. That’s your personal sleep requirement.


  • Engage in stimulating activities – like playing a competitive game, watching an edge-of-the-seat film, or having an important conversation with a loved Even using smartphones and tablets can interfere with sleep, because they emit the same kind of light as the morning sun.
  • Eat a heavy meal within four hours of going to bed.
  • Drink caffeine after lunch – like coffee, ‘normal’ and green tea, and
  • Use alcohol to help you Alcohol can make sleep more disturbed.
  • Go to bed too hungry. Have a snack before bed – a glass of milk or banana is ideal.
  • Try to avoid daytime naps.
  • Try not to get frustrated if you can’t sleep. Go to bed in a positive mood – “I will sleep tonight”.


If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns and I
can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link here.

Supplements first started to become popular last century, and they were a way of adding things to the diet to prevent popular diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies – like scurvy (lack of vitamin C) and rickets (lack of vitamin D). Now, taking a supplement doesn’t just mean popping a pill but equally, you can get your vitamins, minerals, herbs, essential oils and enzymes as a drink (think vitamin water), powder to make into a shake or even a spray.

It’s big business. £1.5billion is spent each year in the UK alone and a hundred times that globally. Two-thirds of us take a supplement, and the market is predicted to grow by nearly 9% this year alone [source for statistics: IBIS World]. Are you one of them?

Who needs supplements?

It’s often said that people who eat a ‘balanced’ diet shouldn’t need to supplement. They should be able to get everything they need from the food they eat. But is that really the case? Would your body feel better if you had a few supplements inside you or is it really just expensive urine?

My view is this: so many people I see are eating a sub-standard diet when we meet, not eating their 7 fruit and veggies a day, choosing poor-quality sources of protein, and relying more often than they’d like on convenience foods.

If your body is out of balance (there is something not quite working in your health), that one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to be sufficient. When your body is dealing with certain health conditions, it often means that something is missing or needed in far greater amounts than you’re currently getting.

Take stress as an example. When you are under stress, your body really motors through vitamins B and C, and magnesium so the regular ‘daily amount’ – while it might be sufficient for the bloke down the road – is not going to meet your personal requirements.

Medications, smoking, alcohol, and caffeine further deplete the body with essential nutrients.

Now let’s think about what you eat. Soil quality today is not what it was, making it harder to get the nutrients from the foods you eat. Today’s soils are often depleted of minerals. A study was done in 2003found that the fruit and veg you eat today contain 20% fewer minerals than in the 1930s. And some (zinc and calcium) contain 50% fewer.

Also, consider the impact of food miles. Long-distance transportation of foods depletes the nutrient content and so does the processing. As soon as you start adding preservatives to food to prolong its life, you decrease the nutrient quality.

Supplements without fillers and binders

If you’re already taking supplements, you may have noticed that some supplements contain things other than active ingredients. Let’s say you want a magnesium supplement. You look on the back of the packaging to find that, aside from the expected magnesium, there are a host of other ingredients you were not expecting.

These other ingredients have to be listed by law and they are the ‘fillers (or bulking agents) and binders’.

So, what’s going on?

The amount you need of the active ingredient is often very small. There’s a reason supplement are also known as ‘micronutrients’… The dose you need might be physically so small that it needs something else with it in the capsule to fill the rest of the space inside the capsule. A filler. Common fillers include calcium, lactose, rice flour, salt and sugar.

The binders are those ingredients that bind the active ingredients together when they’re compressed into tablet form. Cellulose is common.

Tablets are usually the cheapest way to take supplements, but they do tend to be heavier on the fillers and binders plus a host of other ‘excipients’ that coat the tablets and make them easier to pass along the manufacturing line without clogging the machines up. Like stearic acid, and magnesium stearate or silicate.

Cheaper high street brands will tend to rely more heavily on these excipients and may also throw in artificial colours and flavours, too, to help their product along.

Supplement testing with kinesiology or bioresonance

Life these days is at such a fast pace, it’s no wonder we suffer from stress, poor digestion, stomach pains, headaches, tiredness and outright exhaustion. There are many supplements we can take to support our diet but they can vary enormously in quality and price. Working out which ones are the best for us can be a minefield. Kinesiology can help.

With kinesiology or bioresonance, we can balance the body systems and biochemical processes affected by stress so the systems will take up what they need again. In addition, we can test to see which supplements your body needs, how many to take, the best time to take them and for how long. Using my knowledge and experience in nutrition, I will help you prioritise what you need so you don’t feel like you are a rattling pill bottle!

If you are already taking supplements I recommend that you bring them with you to the appointment to confirm they are the best supplements for you. If you are concerned about bias then the supplements can be disguised so that neither I nor you will know which is being tested! I can also show you how to test yourself so that you can see if something is good for you or not before buying it.

Allergy testing
As well as checking for supplements, kinesiology can also be used to test for allergies to common foodstuffs, household chemicals, pollen, house and dust mites and much more. My testing kit has many different items but you are welcome to bring any products which may be of concern to you. Don’t worry, you are not expected to bring the entire contents of your kitchen or bathroom cupboard!

Find out more

There are many food allergies and food intolerances as well as environmental allergies and intolerances.  Thanks to our help, all your intolerances can disappear, and all your allergies can be reduced if we support you on a journey to detox and repair your gut and increase the oxygenation of your body.

Read more about our allergy and intolerance testing here and book a free 20-minute telephone consultation on this link.

Many people, especially in today’s hectic world have compromised detox organs and their body may be struggling to effectively eliminate toxins.

Exposure to toxic heavy metals is believed to be a contributing factor, if not a root cause, of symptoms like low energy, mood disturbances and cognitive changes. Heavy metals first enter your bloodstream from exposure to farmed fish, contaminated water, dental fillings and household products. These metals then travel throughout your body and penetrate the cells of various tissues and organs, where they can remain stored up for years!

Heavy metal toxicity can affect the function of organs such as the brain, the liver, and the lungs. Having high levels of heavy metals in the body can also reduce energy levels and affect blood composition.

Long-term exposure to heavy metals can cause the symptoms seen in degenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. In some cases, long-term exposure to some metals may even cause cancer.

Some examples of heavy metals include:

  • arsenic
  • cadmium
  • chromium
  • copper
  • lead
  • nickel
  • zinc
  • mercury
  • aluminum
  • iron

Heavy metals can enter our bodies through food and environmental factors. Some sources of heavy metals include:

  • soil erosion
  • mining
  • industrial waste
  • fossil fuel emissions
  • pesticides on crops
  • waste water
  • smoking tobacco

A heavy metal detox aims to remove excess heavy metals from the body.

A substance that binds to heavy metals is known as a chelator, and the process that transports them out of the body is called chelation. People may also refer to a heavy metal detox as chelation therapy.

his is why we have put together this special pack. Not only will it speed up your detox process, it also represents a huge SAVING. The HMD ULTIMATE DETOX PACK contains the following:

  • 1 bottle of our patent-pending HMD Heavy Metal Detox. This unique formula is the result of 3 years of research and is the world’s only 100% natural detox product that has been scientifically proven to work!
  • 1 HMD Lavage Drainage Remedy. This natural herbal remedy has been especially formulated to assist your body during the detox process and make sure you eliminate metals faster and more efficiently.
  • 1 Chlorella Pyrenoidosa. Chlorella has been proven to help your body to eliminate metals and other toxins such as mercury, lead, dioxin and PCB’s. Our Chlorella has been especially sourced and is 100% natural – unlike many other brands of Chlorella on the market it is 100% toxin free.

The Lavage acts as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant and is also anti-bacterial. It opens up the kidneys and liver and supports your immune and lymphatic system. Meanwhile the Chlorella is packed with vitamins, nutrients, minerals and essential fatty acids. In addition it has been proven to help eliminate toxins and heavy metals.

If you are very toxic [for example smokers, people with amalgams or cancer patients] it is ESSENTIAL that you follow the Ultimate Detox Program, rather than take HMD alone.

The Ultimate Detox Pack will give you the ultimate detox experience! One pack contains one-month supply.


Lana Kapelas reveals how detoxing, re-learning, banishing bad habits and understanding food facts can help you stay healthy and energetic

Individual choices help transform our society but improving your health proves to be the most challenging experience, despite a health and care system that enables people to make healthier lifestyle choices. We learn to be more resilient, to face illness and disability when it arises, with an open mind. What is the solution to happier, longer lives for mature age? What can we learn from the progress the health and care system has already made, and what can be learned from insiders industries and the wider economy? Can we access complete wellness? What are the healing and vitality solutions in the market today that truly rebuild health and recharge energy? There are so many commitments in your life already, you are expected to go the extra mile for your clients, for your team, for your family…and you do, but can you commit yourself to your own wellbeing? And if you do, who could help you go the extra mile?

Your body could be the victim of your job, and a low-energy executive is leaving not only his company at a loss but his self-esteem and performance level. As you try to work harder, it takes longer to get your job done and meet expectations, and as a result quality time with your family is impaired, when affected by fatigued.

According to NHS recent Statistics, there is an 18% increase In 2016/17, there were 617,000 admissions in NHS hospitals where obesity was the main factor, while health experts in the US consider 40% of CEOs are technically obese. We invited Konstantinos Kapelas to share his successful adventure into wellness which was the foundation for the Kapelas Health & Vitality System and led him to be the co-founder of Total Health Now® together with his wife, Lana Kapelas.

For many years, Konstantinos held senior positions in the Catering and Travel industries. Often working long hours under pressure, his health and well-being started to rapidly decline. Like many busy executives, he only recognized this when it had already become very serious. At that point, Kostas made a life-changing decision. He became determined not only to make changes to improve his health and vitality but also to leave behind the stresses of commercial management. As a result, he began extensive research into health, and vitality and focused on the best techniques and treatments available. By employing these wisely in his own life, he gradually transformed his health, vitality and also his emotional and personal wellbeing.

Today he is a qualified practitioner in several leading health skills and now helps others to achieve the same gains he has. Kostas learned that no single treatment can claim to be a cure-all. With his personal experiences to support his findings, he recognized that a programme of action, tailored to the needs and circumstances of the individual, is the most effective approach. Lana Kapelas is a wellness coach, a supporter of breastfeeding mothers, and is successfully running the e-shop, which provides holistic health and vitality solutions. Lana is a mother of two young children who enjoy excellent health. Total Health Now is a holistic healthcare service situated a short walk from Russell Square tube station in Bloomsbury, London.

Lana Kapelas reveals how detoxing, re-learning, banishing bad habits and understanding food facts can help you stay healthy and energetic.

 Lana, you and your husband are strong believers in the value of holistic health. What is your solution to the health challenges executives are facing sooner or later in their life?

From our own experiences and health improvements, through our work with hundreds of clients, we have seen unquestionable results. Our goal is to design bespoke changes that transform all aspects of your life and to help you achieve and maintain optimum health.

You don’t need to have a ‘problem’ to visit us. We believe strongly in preventative health care, rather than waiting for a medical concern to appear before seeking help. We only ever get given one body in life and it’s our job to look after it.

You believe in prevention and one of your solutions is a 28-day detox and cleanse programme. What does this involve?

We’re glad you asked because this is one of our top treatments and the results have been extraordinary for many of our clients. It is a 28-day detox and cleanses, based on a programme that was first established in 1994 thanks to Italian doctors who had been exploring the benefits of combining a metabolic diet with dynamic manual lymphatic drainage massage. Originally adopted by many well-known celebrities, over the years it has filtered down into becoming more widely available.

Our clients visit the clinic three times a week over 28 days for the duration of the programme. They will have 12 lymphatic drainage treatments in total using our state-of-the-art equipment. Many people choose to combine these sessions with other services, including allergy tests, health MOTs and colon hydrotherapy – however, these aren’t an obligation of the programme.

Our clients also follow a considered easy-to-follow food plan throughout the programme. However, this doesn’t involve diet or deprivation. There is no portion control, so you won’t be going hungry. We provide carefully developed meal plans and guidance for clients with lots of delicious recipes. The general rule is that the food plan should consist of natural foods only – no pre-made soups or dressings, or meats with marinades. Everything must be fresh, and we always advise our clients to keep it simple.

What are the benefits for clients who decide to undertake your program?

Clients have described an increase in energy levels, fewer hunger cravings, and an improved mood overall. It is worth mentioning that clients release fat rather than water and muscle which is normally the case when trying to lose weight.

We focus on the internal congestion within our bodies, caused by the annual build-up of calcified toxic waste. The programme works by supporting the liver through a cleansing and balanced diet, combined with sessions on a unique detoxifying machine that utilises lymphatic drainage massage to stimulate the system and break down any toxicity in the gut.

This is supported by breathing training, emotional/stress resilience techniques, education on how to shop for healthy products and how to protect yourself against toxic food products and electromagnetic radiation, as well as a full month of one-to-one coaching to help you achieve your health goals. Alongside all of this, we also recommend beneficial cleansing supplements, tried and tested by ourselves.

The programme aids in weight loss and detoxification, cleansing your body from environmental toxicity, as well as helping you heal from ongoing health issues and medical problems. In fact, it’s widely considered the number one programme in the world for seeing guaranteed weight loss and visible results that last.

Why is the human body so bad at holding onto toxins?

 Within today’s society, we hardly ever give our body sufficient time to digest the last meal before snacking, drinking or beginning another one. This means our body starts to store the food it is digesting as fat. There is also an increase of chemical additives in the modern diet, which means more toxins in our bodies. Even our table water has chemicals in it. The body needs to be re-trained to find ways of going back to the good old days when it was able to remove toxins much more easily.

What results have you seen?

We first began offering the detox four years ago at Total Health Now Clinic and have since added our own spin, hence the plus sign in its name! We’ve since had hundreds of very happy clients. For us, the results speak for themselves. During this programme, our past clients have achieved significant weight loss – the greatest ones being a reduction in weight of 27 lbs (almost two stone in fat) in four weeks, and a loss of 42 inches, also in four weeks.

One of your clients,  Bernard Merry says he lost over 14lbs of toxic fat and inches on his waist, neck and arms. To quote him, he says ‘My trousers are now looser, and my friends comment on how much better I look. My allergy and eczema-like symptoms on my scalp have cleared. I sleep better, and my digestion, elimination and skin appearance has improved. I was also able to cut my prostate medication by half and soon will be able to stop it altogether.’ Do you often register success stories like Bernard’s?

Many clients have said they’ve found the programme has eased existing conditions such as IBS, eczema, arthritis, blood pressure problems, migraines and low moods. Our client Nina Gonzales, was able to resolve her constipation problems. As she notes, “I went through the program and the results were better than I could imagine. Constipation was gone and as an extra benefit, I lost 12.20 lbs of fat and 19 inches. I also have more energy, I sleep better and I have adopted new habits for a healthier lifestyle.”

This unique detox is the first step towards healthy weight loss and improved wellness. We don’t believe in yo-yo dieting or deprivation. For us at Total Health Now, everything we do involves looking at our health holistically and sustainably.

And does the weight stay off?

As with anything, it all depends on what you do after the programme. We hope to change your habits and way of thinking in a long-term, sustainable way. It isn’t about losing weight and then piling it all back on again, as this isn’t good for your health or mental wellbeing.

If you go back to junk food after the programme, then you will put your weight back on. However, if you continue following the programme in the same way, then you’ll simply continue to lose weight and improve your health. Our programme doesn’t require any exercise and is easy to follow, so it shouldn’t be difficult to stay on track.

Some clients, never need to come back to us again as the programme has set them on the right path. Others, like to come back at regular intervals for extra guidance and support. We are passionate about helping our clients and always seek advice where possible. Many clients like this supportive approach.

How is your solution different to other programmes on the market?

There are so many slimming products and diets on the market, and we recognise how hard it is for our clients to decipher which are real and which are nothing more than a gimmick. Many only offer short-term results, which involve yo-yo dieting and deprivation. Throughout the 28 days programme, you are fully supervised, monitored and supported in a one-to-one capacity. It doesn’t involve exercise or rigorous dieting, which for many people is just unsustainable. Instead, it helps by treating a person holistically, rebalancing the body and reshaping your silhouette. Our food plans also don’t have restrictions on when and how much food is consumed.

Who could benefit from your solution?

Whether you want to lose weight, clear your mind or improve your energy levels, you need to escape the yo-yo diet and break bad eating habits. As it doesn’t require exercise, you don’t need to worry about being athletic or having lots of time. It is completely holistic so there is no medication or surgery involved.

Our solution is suitable for people with all types of health conditions, including skin problems and diabetes. As Claudia Jordan told us after her treatment, ‘It is the most positive thing I have done for myself. On day one I was feeling low in energy, I had red patches on my face, I had a lot of inflammation and overall I felt I really needed a change. The whole process was a learning curve for me in terms of nutrition and Lana was always so supportive, full of advice and encouragement. On day 28 I felt so clean, my skin was glowing (no more red spots) and I lost 10lbs! My whole family has benefited from this, now my children also eat better highly recommended.’

And what sort of support will you get?

 We mentor our clients all the way through, offering guidance and support. We’re always at the end of the telephone or in the room, helping to break free throughout the process. We never wish to come across as preaching, we share and pass along our knowledge and research proactively.

When clients tell us the brands they like to eat or use, we’ll always suggest healthier brands where possible. If someone says they definitely can’t cut something out of their diet (e.g. sweetener), then we’ll simply suggest a better choice of brand for them.

Any surprising experiences on the horizon?

Most clients comment on how surprising their weight loss is, and how much easier it feels to lose weight compared to other diets they may have tried in the past. They also report feeling increased energy levels, which impacts all areas of their life. Because the food plan doesn’t include fatty or sugary foods, you can be confident that you won’t experience bloating, artificial highs, and excess fat storage.

You’ll also learn to embrace the many wonderful benefits of freshly cooked foods, homemade marinades, exotic fruits and vegetables, plus a variety of new ways to cook from steaming to roasting, stir-frying to marinating, poaching to grilling, slow-cooking to griddling. It isn’t hard to cook this way but can quickly and easily transform the flavours and textures of meat or vegetables.

For further details please pay us a visit online or book your place with Total Health Now at +44 207 293 0440 or

You can consider BioResonance Therapy if:

  • You are having difficulties falling asleep
  • You wake up tired in the morning
  • You are sensitive to specific food types
  • You are having issues with your digestive tract
  • You are plagued by allergies
  • You have experienced problems with your hearing
  • You feel as if things just “aren’t quite right.”
  • You would like to try a complementary medicine but are unwilling to commit to a long series of treatments

Total Health Now Clinic employs highly experienced professionals, well-versed in the usage of modern BRT testing devices. For the purpose of testing, Total Health Now Clinic utilises highly acclaimed and clinically tested tools based on Russian, German and US technologies.

Our BioResonance Therapy (BRT) provides you with an entirely painless and risk-free alternative method of testing for a large number of problems. After undergoing our BRT procedure, you will be presented with an objective overview of your current situation, without any obligations for long-term commitment or treatments. If you would like to explore further options, however, our experts will be more than happy to advise you on the best course of action. Our facilities are equipped to perform a variety of BioResonance Treatments and other biofeedback methodologies aimed at promoting health and wellbeing.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns and I
can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link here.

Racing thoughts don’t help you race in life, they rather deviate your focus.

Stop and calm do.

Try these steps to slow things down when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

???? Meditate. One study found that both seated meditation (zazen) and moving meditation (tai chi) helped people cope with stress.
? Try a mantra. Pick a short, empowering go-to phrase to repeat to yourself when thoughts are racing.
? Get some vitamin nature. Humans seem to have an innate attraction to nature that improves mood and reduces stress. Go outside where you can and soak in some sunshine.
????Exercise. Research says physical activity reduces anxiety, depression, and stress. Pick a physical activity that brings you joy.
? Write it out. A 2019 study made a connection between personal writing (like journaling), gaining perspective, and a better understanding of yourself and others. Try to capture a racing thought and pin it down on paper.
?Talk to someone. Talking to someone can be like giving yourself an off-ramp for some of those racing thoughts. Find a trusted friend (or therapist) who can listen without judging.
?Take a breath. Deep breathing can improve mood and lower stress, according to both self-reported evaluations of study participants and objective measures like heart rate and cortisol levels.
? Take naps. Lack of sleep or insomnia can make racing thoughts worse. Give your brain a less stimulating environment by adopting coffee naps, power naps, or stronger sleep habits.
? Stop doom scrolling online. Giving your brain more information to process is like telling it to go faster while adding more weight.

n order to feel your happiest ? and get back the energy and motivation you need to face life’s challenges, eating the right foods and making the best lifestyle choices are really important.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns and I
can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link here.

There’s a reason our RejuvaDetox+ Programme has been one of the most popular cleanses for about a decade. It’s because it works. The 28-Day Program is not just another quick-fix juice cleanse. It was developed by doctors and optimised further by us to ensure you achieve the results you want. It takes 28 days to make or break a habit – and the 28-Day Program is built around this concept.

RejuvaDetox+ Programme combines a healthy eating regime with thrice-weekly sessions on a specifically programmed machine, which helps lymphatic drainage and breaks down toxins. The RejuvaDetox+ Remote programme is passive; you do not have to exercise for it to work. The treatment is not painful – it is very relaxing and de-stressing. Another benefit from the programme is, as it cleans out and becomes more efficient at absorbing nutrients from the food intake, your body, your hair and your energy levels will improve dramatically. The RejuvaDetox+ eating plan is a high intake of fresh vegetables, fruit and fish. You would be linked up to the Ultimate Detoxifier machine a set of 32 pads, which are plugged into positive and negative electrodes. The primary function of the detoxification belt is to drill into the calcification of the toxic fat cell, (with a blunt end drill), allowing fat toxins to be drawn from the cell into the lymph system. It then switches onto lymphatic dilation and drainage and rapidly eliminates these toxins from the body.

Losing fat/weight and detoxing is only half of the job done; preventing the toxicity and making the right choices in the first place is the other half. Our goal is to empower you to lead a healthy life yourself rather than be fully dependent on us. Also, many people do not realise that stress (emotional and environmental)  and breathing directly contribute to weight gain and ill health thus not address them, once more it is only half of the job done.

RejuvaDetox+ was originally invented in 1994. It started with a dynamic manual lymphatic drainage massage, combined with a unique eating plan based on a form of detoxification. RejuvaDetox+ gained in popularity so quickly that therapists had to do fourteen to sixteen clients per day. Therapist burnout occurred as rapidly as the growth of RejuvaDetox! Whilst weight was lost – it eventually came back. It was then discovered with thermographic analysis, that the black plaque was not breaking down significantly enough with any manual process. Thus the ultimate detoxifier was developed.

The RejuvaDetox+ weight-loss technique is based on holistic dietetics, purposely designed to rebalance the body and actually allow it to heal itself. RejuvaDetox+ focuses on the internal congestion within our bodies, caused by the annual build-up of calcified toxic wastes. Year on year this toxic waste gradually forces our bodily systems to become more sluggish and inefficient, making permanent weight loss a more unachievable goal the older we become.

In today’s society our daily eating habits are such that we eat on a virtually continuous basis -never allowing our body the sufficient time it needs to digest the last meal before snacking, drinking or beginning another one.

Food digestion is a primary function of the body and therefore, our system is programmed to store the half-digested food from the last meal into fat cells and to return later to complete the digestive process. Unfortunately, in our modern society of continuous snacking, we never give our bodies the time to physically digest that previous meal, so it permanently stores as fat. Imagine – it can take up to 16 hours to digest a steak. When was the last time you fasted for that long?

The increase of chemical additives in our daily diet has also contributed to the excess toxins in our bodies. Today, even our table water is a cocktail of chemicals and with the introduction of GM foods, the damage to our bodies continues. The body needs to be re-trained to go back to the good old days when it used to remove toxins instead of storing them before it was overloaded from our water supply, food chain, the air that we breathe and excessive stress.

A damaged digestive system compresses the intestines, crushing the internal area and causing cells to be deoxygenated. Toxified waste is shown photographically and indicated by a black mass, which generally turns to blue as treatments begin to work and the body becomes healthier. A thermographic graph of the client’s abdomen is taken at the consultation so that the number of toxins present can be ascertained before treatment starts.

Read more about assessing the health of your digestive system here, learn more about how to cleanse and detox your gut here and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.


Beetroot hummus is low in sugar, salt and saturated fat and takes just ten minutes to make. It is the perfect dip to accompany vegetables and pittas as part of a quick and healthy meal. It makes a great packed lunch too.


  • 1 can chickpeas (430g), drained and rinsed
  • 2 medium cooked beetroots
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • zest and juice from 1 medium lemon
  • 2-3 tablespoons tahini & olive oil
  • ¼ tsp salt & ½ tsp ground cumin
  1. Place the beetroots, chickpeas and garlic into a food processor and process for 1 minute until ground. Add all the remaining ingredients and process until creamy. It should have some grainy texture, that’s ok.
  2. Adjust seasonings, adding more salt, cumin, olive oil, or lemon juice if needed.
  3. Refrigerate or use immediately. I like to serve it at room temperature.
  4. Beetroot hummus will keep in the fridge, covered well, for 4-5 days.

One of the things I love most about winter is that it is soup season, and soup is the easiest lunch or appetiser offering ever. This one is packed with delicious wintery flavours of celeriac with just a touch of nutmeg and coriander.

Here’s one of my favourite recipes – winter warming celeriac and fennel soup

  • 300g fresh fennel, finely chopped (including the green part)
  • 230g celeriac, finely chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp coriander seed
  • ¼ tsp ground nutmeg
  • 850ml water
  • 1 vegetable stock cube
  • 140g butter
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • salt & ground black pepper, to season
  • A handful of fresh dill or fresh coriander, chopped, to garnish



Fry all vegetables in oil in a large pan over high heat for a few mins. Add the coriander seeds and nutmeg. Stir and fry for another minute. Add water and stock cube.

Bring to a boil and lower the heat. Let simmer for about 10 mins or until everything is soft. Add the butter and lemon juice, and stir.

Remove from the heat and use a stick blender to blend to the desired consistency. Season to taste. Garnish with fresh herbs.

There was once a farmer in ancient China who owned a horse. “You are so lucky!” his neighbours told him, “to have a horse to pull the cart for you.”

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

One day he didn’t latch the gate properly and the horse ran off. “Oh no! This is terrible news!” his neighbours cried. “Such terrible misfortune!”

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

A few days later the horse returned, bringing with it six wild horses. “How fantastic! You are so lucky,” his neighbours told him. “Now you are rich!”

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The following week the farmer’s son was breaking-in one of the wild horses when it kicked out and broke his leg. “Oh no!” the neighbours cried, “such bad luck, all over again!”

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The next day soldiers came and took away all the young men to fight in the war. The farmer’s son was left behind. “You are so lucky!” his neighbours cried.

“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

Whenever we interpret a situation as being a ‘disaster’ or an ‘opportunity’ it shapes the way we feel, and that shapes the way that we respond.

The story of the Taoist Farmer shows we can never truly know how a situation is going to turn out.

But the fact is there are no intrinsic ‘opportunities’ or ‘disasters’: there is only what happens and how we choose to respond.

In which case, doesn’t it make sense to look for the opportunities in every situation?
Doing so will bring us another step towards becoming antifragile, using change to become stronger.

Lao Tzu a Tao way

What an exciting and strange time that we live where the fear of getting infected from the coronavirus causing more health damage than the virus itself.

Most of the medical and scientific community will agree with the famous French biologist, chemist and microbiologist Luis pastor who said on his deathbed that

The microbe (including viruses) is nothing. The terrain is everything.

That means it is all about how healthy the immune system of the person is where the microbe lands! I will add and explain why the gut is a crucial part of the immune system and what you can do to support it.

Did you know that up to 80% of the body’s immune cells are residing in the gut? There also live nearly 100 trillion gut microorganisms, also known as the microbiome and can weigh as much as five pounds?

Did you know that over 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut? It affects our moods and health conditions such as depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome and many more.

Did you also know that over 85% of health problems are derived from stress and anxiety, which are directly and indirectly linked to the gut? Actually, within one minute of getting stressed, the body produces cortisol, changing to adrenaline which stays in our system for 4–12 hours and dramatically affects our hormones. This results amongst many things to weight gain, moods, reduced oxygenation and most importantly weakens of our immune system.

Hippocrates thousands of years ago said you are what you eat.

However, you are a combination of what the food you eat, ate before you, and what you can absorb. It is another topic altogether to analyse here, but it is good to be aware of it! As you can see, the gut plays a role of paramount importance on the way we feel and, on the way the immune system behaves? I could continue with many more examples but best to share with you some things that you can do to support and strengthen your immune system!

The things that affect most of your gut is the stress that I mentioned before the breathing, which I will say further down as well as medicines. Additionally, the food toxins and pesticides as well as the way we mix the drinks and foods that we eat play a role too. More specifically, you can follow the free steps below that require no supplements to help your gut health and consequently, your immune system.

Reduce or avoid wherever possible, taking unnecessary antibiotics, acid-reducing drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and pain killers. All of them create significant damage to the gut lining.

Eat organic wherever possible to avoid the pesticides on the food and especially the glyphosates, which is sprayed and used on non-organic food. If you can not buy organic fruits and vegetables, at least wash them very well with hot water and non-chemical liquid soap. You may also want to peel the skin of non-organic fruits and vegetables.

Drink filtered water even if it is a simple system such as a Brita jug as the chlorine in the water and other pollutants and pathogens have an impact on our gut lining. There are many more advanced filtering systems, but this is better than nothing start. Avoid mixing water and drinks with the food. Drink at least 15mins before eating and at least one hour, ideally two hours after your meal. Ensure that that you chew your food extremely well and as the saying goes “drink your food and eat your drink”. It makes digestion easier, saving more energy for your immune system. Eat more whole foods and avoid processed foods like wheat, sugary foods and dairy as they are very inflammatory! Also, avoid mixing too many different proteins and/or carbs in the same meal.

Furthermore, reduce animal protein consumption, especially when you are feeling weak and sick as they lessen the oxygenation in your body and consequently weaken your immunity.

Aim to leave at least five hours gap between meals but if you get hungry have a tea or drink or fruit or tomato, carrot, cucumber etc. which are much easier to digest.

Furthermore, I would like to give you two top breathing tips which indirectly linked to the gut. By reducing the oxygenation in your body, the PH will get acidic. It will result in gut microbiome change related to the health issues that I have mentioned earlier, including your immune system.

First of all, always breathe from your nose and keep paying close attention to your breathing. The moment you remove your attention from the nasal breathing, it will return to its default state, which for many people is breathing from the mouth.

Secondly and most importantly, when we sleep the night, we should rest on our left-hand side. If we want to sleep on our back, we should add pillows and be in a semi-reclining position.

Continuing on the same topic, it is also of paramount importance while you sleep to breathe only from your nose to avoid hyperventilation. Although it is a different subject altogether, I will strongly advise you to tape your mouth with hypoallergenic micropore tape, which you can buy online or at the pharmacy for about £3. It is entirely safe to use it, and if during your sleep you need to open your mouth the tape will come off. The result you are looking for is the tape to be still on your mouth in the morning when you wake up?

Finally, I would like to leave you with a quote from Plato which says “the part can never be well unless the whole is well”.

Therefore, when you are seeking a solution to your health problems, always look for a synergy of “good” healthy habits while removing or at least reducing the “bad” habits!

I wish you health and vitality!

Kostas Kapelas Msc had a successful career in hospitality for 15 years and worked for companies such as Claridge’s, Rolls Royce and Warner Brothers. He left the industry after a serious health burnout and decided to follow his passion for holistic health which led him to acquire over 30 qualifications. For the past 10 years, Kostas has been running Total Health Now© a Central London clinic that specialises in gut health, detox and weight/fat management! His clinic has helped over 2000 clients to improve their health since 2012.

Would you like to be featured in high profile magazine? Send us your email and we’ll get in touch!

We all know it’s important to have a healthy heart, but you may not know about the importance of your microcirculation and the impact that can have on your health, wellness and performance.  Are you ready to learn more?

What does your heart do?

Your heart is a pump and usually beats around 60 to 100 times per minute.

With each heartbeat, your heart sends blood throughout your body and carries oxygen to every cell. After delivering the oxygen, the blood returns to the heart. The heart then sends the blood to the lungs to pick up more oxygen. This cycle repeats over and over again. The blood is sent through blood vessels which, together, are known as your circulatory system.

What are capillaries?

Capillaries are the smallest and most numerous of the blood vessels. They form the connection between arteries – which carry blood away from the heart, and veins – which return blood to the heart.  The capillaries deliver nutrients and oxygen and eliminate toxins. It’s said that nearly 100 trillion cells in our bodies are fed and cleansed by our capillaries.

What is microcirculation?

Capillaries are part of what is known as microcirculation – the circulation of blood in our smallest blood vessels. Other vessels include terminal arterioles, metarterioles and venules. Almost 74% of all blood vessels in our body are microvessels.

Microcirculation is a vital part of our circulation system and fulfils critical transport functions.   It provides oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs, removes waste products and supports your immune system.

What can happen if you have poor microcirculation?

Limited or malfunctioning microcirculation can cause many conditions of poor health and can lead to faster ageing of your cells.

When the microvessels become constricted and aren’t functioning optimally, you can feel stressed, discomfort, restless, unfocused, low energy and even exhausted.  Sometimes, over time, this can lead to premature ageing, impaired cardiac function and diabetes.

On the other hand, if you can improve your microcirculation then you can give your body what it needs to enhance, regulate and optimise its vital functions.

How can you improve microcirculation?

It all comes down to retraining the respiratory centre (medulla oblongata) which is responsible for our breathing. This is directly linked to the levels of oxygenation/microcirculation in your body. The factors that affect it include lifestyle (food, emotions, toxins, overtraining, electropollution etc) and you can find more about the mechanics on this live presentation (click here) that Kostas gave at the Vegfest show.

The smartest way to increase microcirculation is to minimise anything that negatively affects your oxygenation – and vice versa. Then it will be easier to retrain your respiratory centre (click here) and consequently improve your oxygenation and microcirculation.

However, despite all the support, treatments and protocols we offer there are bad influences, temptations, adverts etc. that pull many people back to their old habits. Luckily there is also medical technology available in the market which can assist and make this process much easier and maybe more likely to work long term.

Medical Microcirculation Technology

We work in association with a group of medical doctors who use a medical microcirculation device. This microcirculation device is in use in over 4000 medical clinics, hospitals and universities around Europe: as well as being used by elite athletes and sports teams.

The device uses a pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) to deliver a patented bio-rhythmically defined therapeutic signal which activates the body’s self-regulatory mechanisms and supports optimal health.

This means oxygenated red blood cells carry oxygen and nutrients through the arteries and capillaries to all of the organs and tissues in your body.  As the blood provides oxygen and nutrients to the cells, the cells in turn transfer carbon dioxide and waste products to the red blood cells, which are then processed through the veins and lymphatics.

Using the device stimulates a temporary increase in local blood flow and enhanced muscular performance, so this has a detoxing effect as well.

Other benefits include:

  • Vitality and wellbeing
  • Stress reduction and relaxation
  • Sleep management

This device is extremely easy to use and offers better health and wellness. This technology even has been used by NASA, to assist with the development of undergarments that are designed to promote functional blood circulation and countermeasures for muscle and bone loss degeneration on Earth and space.

The device can also help with the following issues and conditions:


•      chronic venous insufficiency

•      erectile dysfunction

•      hypertension

•      lymphedema

•      post-surgical oedema

•      Raynaud’s syndrome


Gastrointestinal & Urinary

•      faecal incontinence

•      inflammatory bowel disease

•      interstitial cystitis


Mental Health

•      anxiety

•      depression

•      PTSD

•      sleep disorder



•      autism

•      chronic fatigue

•      fibromyalgia

•      migraine

•      multiple sclerosis

•      neuralgia

•      neuropathy

•      diabetic

•      chemotherapy

•      idiopathic

•      sciatica

•      tinnitus



•      alopecia

•      eczema

•      psoriasis

•      warts

•      wound healing




•      arthritis

•      muscle spasm

•      non-union fracture

•      tendonitis


Infectious Disease

•      Bell’s palsy

•      herpes simplex

•      shingles



•      cataracts

•      myopia



•      gestational diabetes




•      COPD

Find out more

Following your initial assessment, we offer a range of health solutions including over 30 treatments. As part of these discussions, and once we’ve assessed your wellness levels and health concerns, we can advise on the best microcirculation treatment for you.

Read more about our health MOT here and book a free 20-minute telephone consultation on this link.




With April comes IBS awareness month and allergy awareness week.  What do both these issues have in common? You may be surprised – so read on to find out more.

First of all, do you have any of the following?

  • Chronic inflammatory disease such as autism spectrum disorder, chronic fatigue and major depressive disorder
  • Migraine
  • An autoimmune disorder such as Coeliac, Crohn’s disease or MS
  • A metabolic disorder such as obesity, gestational diabetes or Type 2 diabetes
  • An intestinal disease or IBS
  • A neuroinflammatory disease
  • Food sensitivity
  • Bloating
  • Skin problems
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive issues such as constipation and diarrhoea
  • Allergies of any type?

If you are living with one of these conditions or issues, did you know that your gut may be the cause?

Now this blog may help you start your journey to managing your most troublesome health issue once and for all.

Confused? Let’s start from the beginning.

Your gut and how it works:

Inside the bowel there is a single layer of cells which make up the mucosal barrier (the barrier between the inside of the gut and the rest of the body).

This barrier can absorb nutrients, but it doesn’t let most larger molecules or germs pass through the bowel and into to the bloodstream.

Sometimes, this barrier can become less effective and “leakier”.  Some things make this more likely, and we’ll cover that later.

Part of your immune system includes the gut bacteria which live in your gastrointestinal tract and ward off viral invaders.  It’s thought that nearly 100 trillion bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms live inside your gut.  These include bad bacteria which, in turn, are flushed out by a protein called zonulin.

It’s possible that people with more zonulin have a more permeable intestine, and then this “leaky” gut (which doctors call intestinal permeability) enables germs, bacteria and toxins to enter the bloodstream contributing to the issues in the bulleted list above.  Bacterial overgrowth and gluten can also be behind overproduction of zonulin.

Over recent years the microorganisms in our gut have been linked to a range of diseases and conditions, from diabetes to autism and anxiety to obesity. They have also been associated with how we respond to certain drugs, including chemotherapy, and even how we sleep.

What’s stopping your microorganisms from doing their job?

The microorganisms in our bodies exist to support the immune system, give nutrients to our cells and stop harmful bacteria and viruses attacking us.  They find it harder to do their jobs when we are:

  • Taking antibiotics frequently and when it’s not 100% necessary
  • Eating excessive sugar through processed food (the sugar feeds the bacteria)
  • Drinking chlorinated or fluoride-added water
  • Drinking too much, too often
  • Eating lots of processed food
  • Using antibacterial soup and products containing triclosan
  • Eating non-organic meat and animal products as they are fed low-dose antibiotics and GE grains

Some things we can take or use every day are also very well known to be irritants of the bowel lining.  This includes ibuprofen, aspirin, alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs.   They can allow some substances to pass through the gaps and into the blood stream as they damage the seals between cells.  Sometimes, this can lead to you having ulcers in your bowel lining.

What about food intolerances and allergies?

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates

An allergic response to food ranges from slight irritation to anaphylaxis- a life-threatening immune reaction that needs immediate medical attention.

Over the years, increasing research has shown that there are some factors which make food allergies more likely.  These include c-section delivery, antibiotic use, lack of exposure to microbes in early childhood and a high fat/low carb diet.

There also appear to be huge differences in the gut microflora with people living with food allergies compared to those living without.  Interaction between bacteria such as Bacteroides, Enterobacteria, Bifidobacterial and Lactobacilli within the intestinal system seems to somehow train the body to tolerate food triggers. Where the gut flora contains fewer of these key bacteria, there seems more chance of allergies developing.

On the other hand, intolerances are caused by inflammation in the gut, and once that has been resolved small amounts of the offending food can be reintroduced gradually until you build full tolerance to them again.

What about seasonal allergies?

It’s likely that our gut health also affects other allergy related health issues – in particular, asthma.  One reason for this may be that we are too clean! These days, the plethora of antibacterial soaps, sanitisers and powerful germ-killing products we use in our homes are changing the microbes in our gut.  This means that our immune systems are no longer frequently challenged, so we’re more likely to get allergic to our environment.

It may also be possible that as temperatures rise across the globe, the pollen allergy season is becoming longer and more intense.  The Lancet Planetary Health reported that there’s an important link between global warming and public health which could be exacerbated as temperatures continue to rise.

Whether you’re living with laboured breathing, a blocked up nose, weeping eyes or any other allergy symptoms, you’d be wise to keep your gut microbes as healthy as possible.

“One month on and I’m a different person! I’ve had no hay fever symptoms so far this spring and my dust allergy is a thing of the past! I still get the odd headache, but I’ve learned how to reduce them using the breathing techniques and I’ve still had no migraines at all! The tinnitus has gone, and the digestive problems are well under control. I’m also about 7lbs lighter and much slimmer.” – Claudia

For maximum wellness and Total Health Now Clinic, we can help:

What can you be doing to support good gut health? What small changes can you make to your life to improve your general wellness? How can you manage your gut health, diet and lifestyle if you’re living with any of the issues mentioned in this article?  We are here to help.

Read more about assessing the health of your digestive system here, learn more about how to cleanse and detox your gut here and book a free 20 minute telephone consultation on this link.

This is the perfect time to ask yourself: “Am I waking up refreshed?” and, “If not, why not?”.

We all know that a good night’s sleep is vital to our mental and physical health and really boosts our quality of life.  Indeed, research has shown that most adults need around eight hours of sleep a night to feel fully rested.

But did you know that, in addition to ensuring you are awake and alert, good sleep can help repair your blood vessels and heart, help maintain a healthy weight, control your sugar levels, and help keep your hormones balanced?

It also makes your brain work as well as it can, supports you in remembering things, solving problems, and making decisions, and performs a valuable role in protecting you against mood swings, depression, and stress.

If you get fewer than six hours’ sleep on just one night it will prevent you from thinking the next day.  It’s clear that if you suffer from chronic sleep deprivation, then your mental and physical health will not be at optimum strength, so it’s essential to take steps to prioritise your sleep.

“Kostas has been instrumental in helping my family and me minimise electromagnetic exposure at home and overcome geopathic stress. He has been in my home taking various measures and based on them suggesting specific action steps. After the application of his suggestions, all of us sleep much better and stress levels have decreased.” – Vasileios Chantziaras, Performance coach          

Have you tried all these steps to sleep better?

  • Before you go to sleep, make sure that your bedroom is totally dark. You can use a blackout blind or curtains or can even use an eye This helps with the production of melatonin which reduces inflammation and supports immunity.
  • Check to see that the temperature in your room is cool. The usual recommendation is between 16-18° C (60-65° F). If you’re too hot or cold you won’t sleep well. Leaving the window slightly open during the night is a good idea to regulate temperature and breath fresh air.
  • Artificial light disrupts your hormones and sleep. When it’s time to go to sleep make sure you can’t see any LED displays and try to have at least an hour without your phone before you go to sleep
  • Caffeine/coffee, especially from 14:00 onwards, can be overstimulating and keep you awake when you’d rather be asleep.
  • Alcohol, eating late at night and medication side effects can affect your slee
  • Getting natural light in the morning is vital to helping you sleep later in the day. Try and get at least 10 – 15 minutes of morning sunlight, with 30 – 60 minutes in the middle of the day.

If you’ve tried all the steps above and you’re still struggling to get enough sleep and feel rested, it may be that electropollution or geopathic stress are damaging your sleep.

What are geopathic stress and electropollution?

Geopathic stress rests on the idea that the Earth gives off a certain energy vibration that’s disrupted by underground features. Electropollution means the introduction of toxic electrical frequencies into our environment which may have an effect on our bodies.

As the World Health Organisation says, “Electromagnetic fields (EMF) of all frequencies represent one of the most common and fastest growing environmental influences, about which anxiety and speculation are spreading. All populations are now exposed to varying degrees of EMF, and the levels will continue to increase as technology advances.”

These days we know that GMS mobile masts, pylons, UMTS masts, Wi-Fi, local substations and broadband are all around us. Spending a lot of time with this equipment in and near your home means the weak electromagnetic fields can put stress on your body which can affect your general wellness levels and sleep.

Are you experiencing any of these issues?

  • Do you have regular health issues including headaches, aches and pains or tiredness?
  • Are there lots of emotional problems in your household?
  • Do you have frequent insomnia, mood swings, low energy or depression?

If so, you could benefit from our Healthy Home Survey which will help you restore the balance between nature, your home and yourself.

“I feel less tired… not sure if it is the sleep or the harmony in the flat, but I hope it stays like this. Thanks, once again.” – Nola B

Did you find this article useful?

Adhere to these suggestions and you’ll be able to sleep better and minimise the effects of electropollution and geopathic stress in your home.

If you found this article useful and would like to find out how to incorporate some of the advice in your daily life, you can book a free 20 minute telephone consultation on this link.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” —Buddha

If you were to study your immune system – the way your body defends itself from attack – you would see proteins, cells and organs working together to fight off unwanted intruders.

In the main, people are with born intact immune systems and develop a stronger immune system as we grow older and gain greater exposure to toxins, viruses, bacteria and fungi.

However, sometimes our immune systems are not as robust as we’d like. There are many things you may be experiencing which indicate that your immune system is not working as well as it can.

These include:

  • You’ve been diagnosed with cancer, particularly blood cancers like leukaemia, and are having chemotherapy
  • You have a chronic disease such as diabetes, hepatitis or kidney disease
  • You have a congenital disorder such as Down’s syndrome, cerebral palsy or cystic fibrosis
  • You’re living with an autoimmune disease which often mean your immune system is overactive
  • You’re taking some medications, including corticosteroids
  • Being unwell frequently
  • Ailments such as frequent headaches or migraines

Other factors also come in to play in affecting your immune system:

  • Spending too little time in the sun, and not having enough Vitamin D (this is definitely an issue in the UK)
  • Having a sedentary lifestyle – not moving around enough every day
  • Aging, being pregnant or being obese
  • Using antibiotics
  • Feeling isolated and lonely
  • Poor nutrition, smoking and drinking too much
  • Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
  • Overtraining and the wrong types of training
  • Environmental pollutants
  • Lack of emotional resilience

But what can you do if you feel like your immune system is weaker than you’d like? We think the answer is simple: start by being kind to yourself and others.

Be kind to yourself

  • You are what you eat so make sure you’re supporting your immune system with everything you put in your mouth. Please be kind to yourself and eat whole foods and a nutrient dense diet.
  • Up your intake of protein, especially plant based proteins like nuts, seeds and legumes. You can also try tempeh and tofu from non GMO soy as that has extremely high protein concentrations
  • Refined sugars supress your immune system for hours after you eat them so avoid sugar and refined starches and watch your overall health improve
  • Remember to eat colourful fruits and vegetables – particularly leafy greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, peppers, sweet potatoes and squashes.  These are packed with nutrients which support your immune system.  When you’re making soups, sauces, dips and vegetable dishes, cook with onions, ginger, garlic and loads of spices.  These have great properties and taste delicious too
  • Put probiotics on your shopping list as they will support your immunity. Look out for sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, kimchi, miso and unsweetened yogurt as well as prebiotic food like asparagus, plantains, flax seeds, seaweed, bananas and apples
  • Drink plenty of pure water and other fluids, especially soups and broths. Cook from scratch if you can. Choose ginger and turmeric tea but avoid concentrated fruit juices and other sugary drinks
  • Make sure you’re getting enough sleep – ideally seven or eight hours a night. If you find it hard to destress, try mindfulness, yoga, active relaxation and breathing techniques throughout the day
  • Exercise when you are feeling well but avoid if you feel run down. Try for 30 – 45 minutes per day
  • Create a toxic and electropollution- free house environment as much as possible!
  • Build emotional resilience through meditation and other heart-based techniques
  • Spend time in nature every day
  • Stay connected with the people you love
  • Learn to breath and oxygenate your body properly by retraining your respiratory centre
Be kind to others

The ultimate source of a happy life is warm-heartedness. This means extending to others the kind of concern we have for ourselves. On a simple level we find that if we have a compassionate heart we naturally have more friends. And scientists today are discovering that while anger and hatred eat into our immune system, warm-heartedness and compassion are good for our health.” – Dalai Lama

We’ve long known that you receive when you give, and that wonderful feeling of love, affection, warmth and connection produces so-called kindness hormones.

Research has shown that oxytocin (a kindness hormone) is tied to making us more friendly, trusting and generous as well as lowering our blood pressure and giving our hormone levels a boost.

Scientists have found that when you’re doing more kindnesses, you’ll be less stressed.  Even experiencing stress in these times kindness helps build resilience and takes the edge off.

So, as a starting step, be kind to yourself and be kind to others and watch your immune system get stronger every day.

If you found this article useful and would like to find out how to incorporate some of the advice in your daily life, you can book a FREE 20 minute telephone consultation on this link.



Toxins are unfortunately an inescapable part of daily modern life.

Though you’re probably already eating 100% organic, drinking your tap water filtered and using non-toxic beauty and cleaning products, you will still have a significant amount of metals and environmental toxins in your body.

In this blog we will look at some of the things you can do to minimise the impact of these toxins on your body, wellness and health.

Think about lifestyle choices to keep your colon healthy

Your colon is also called the large intestine or large bowel.  Once your food is digested in the small intestine, minerals and vitamins are removed. After that, what remains is taken to the colon where water is removed, and bacteria breaks down the food so it can leave your body.

As you’d expect, top of the list to keep your colon healthy is staying active. This keeps your entire body healthy including your colon.

Now we move on to diet.

You already know that you need to cut back on sugar, limit eating processed meat and go for whole grains when you can.

We encourage you to eat the rainbow with a range of colourful fruit and vegetables in your diet every day.  Key amongst these suggestions is broccoli, dark, leafy greens, almond milk, oatmeal and raspberries.  Why? Well, they have high amounts of fibre, Vitamin D and calcium.

Fibre is really important to your overall health.  This can’t be broken down by enzymes in your digestive system, so it moves food throughout the system and helps cleanse the colon through regular bowel movements.

Did you know there are two type of fibre? Water – soluble and water- insoluble.  Soluble fibre absorbs water during digestion. Foods which fits in to this category is called “roughage” – and includes

  • oats and oat bran
  • pears
  • apples
  • avocados
  • blackberries
  • vegetables
  • legumes
  • barley


Insoluble fibre doesn’t change during digestion, so helps move food through your intestines. This kind of fibre can be found in:

  • fruits with edible skin or seeds
  • vegetables
  • whole-grain breads, pastas, and crackers
  • bulgur wheat
  • stone ground corn meal
  • cereals
  • bran
  • rolled oats
  • buckwheat
  • brown rice


Ensure an anti-inflammatory diet

It’s important that your diet minimises toxic exposure and helps your body detoxify regularly.

Thanks to soil, water and air contamination, organic food you buy these days still contain toxins but are likely to reduce your overall toxicity burden as they’ve not been produced with antibiotics, hormones or pesticides.

If you are being mindful when you eat, and conscious of the effects that various foods have on you, you might also have realised that some foods trigger an inflammatory response in you. These food sensitivities or intolerances can keep your immune system in a state of high alert, fuelling inflammation throughout your body.  Gluten, dairy, soy, egg and corn are common culprits.

Tame and reduce inflammation using supplements

Research has shown that taking recommended supplements can tame and reverse inflammation.

These include:

  • Resveratrol
  • Curcumin
  • N-acetyl-cysteine
  • Cordyceps
  • Gotu Kola
  • Milk thistle
  • L-glutamine
  • Alpha lipoic acid


Use “binders”

There are also some compounds you can take that will bind with the toxins within your body and remove them.  These so-called binders will help remove fungal infections, infectious bacteria, environmental toxins, mycotoxins and heavy metals from your body.

Some binders include:

  • Modified citrus pectin
  • Activated charcoal
  • Bentonite clay
  • Zeolite
  • Chlorella
  • Silica


Breathe easy

Oxygenating your body, and retraining the respiratory centre, is key to having fewer toxins in your body as proper breathing directly affects your lymphatic system – the “sewerage” system of your body.

Toxicity, bad nutrition and stress lead to bad breathing habits which in turn lowers the oxygenation of your body’s organs and tissues.

Address this and you will see the results in a day or two. You’ll need less sleep, less food and will have more energy and vitality.

You can further support toxin elimination by making sure your liver and gallbladder function are supported, that your bowel is in peak condition for healthy elimination and that you’re hydrated and taking care of your bladder and kidneys.

Colon hydrotherapy

Colon hydrotherapy is believed to remove toxins from the colon.  During the colon hydrotherapy, a tube is placed in your rectum and water is flushed through the colon. You can also use juice fasts and cleanses to detox your body and cleanse your colon.

Don’t forget to regularly exercise to stimulate your lymphatic system and sweat regularly to keep those toxins flowing out.

Did you find this article useful?

Adhere to these suggestions and you’ll be able to minimise the toxin build up in your body.

If you found this article useful and would like to find out how to incorporate some of the advice in your daily life, you can book a free 20 minute telephone consultation on this link.

Part of being healthy is wanting to engage fully in your life, but tiredness can get in the way of this – leaving you feeling demotivated and down in the dumps.

Sometimes it’s natural to feel very tired if, for example, you’ve been up late working on a new side hustle, are worried about a stressful conversation you need to have with your boss the next day,  or are feeding a small baby. But if you are constantly feeling tired and there’s no obvious cause, this can be very worrying.

With constant feelings of exhaustion, life becomes exceedingly difficult.  Stresses and worries build up, and that only hinders the amount and quality of sleep you get. So it’s wise to get to the root of why you’re feeling tired so you can work on resolving it before it snowballs into other problems which are harder to fix.

Why could you be feeling tired?

We’ve seen significant research that shows chronic low grade inflammation can hinder activity in the areas of the brain which are responsible for motivation.  These areas rely on dopamine to work properly.  This is the brain chemical responsible for motivation, drive and a sense of self-worth.

Your body deploys white blood cells, the chemicals from which protect you from bacteria and viruses.   This process is called inflammation and it raises the blood flow to the affected area.  However, sometimes your immune systems triggers this process when there are no invaders to battle.   This inflammation can last for hours or days or even months or years.

When the body is suffering from chronic inflammation, it seems as if there’s an injury or illness present. So, the brain lowers drive and motivation – and the link between work and effort to reward – and keeps all its energy for healing. Suddenly, everyday tasks, goals and dreams feel out of reach.  You feel fatigued, drained and depleted and daily tasks feel impossible to achieve.

We are seeing a lot of these issues at the moment, as well as a lot of the other chronic inflammatory disorders like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease and cancer.

Tired all the time? This could be why…

  • If you’re eating too much sugar and processed carbs this is a huge source of chronic inflammation.
  • Food can also be the problem if you’re gluten intolerant or consuming pro-inflammatory foods such as canola oil, soyabean oil and hydrogenated fats
  • Lack of some foods and nutrients is also an issue. Are you low in fibre? If so, bad gut bacteria and healthy microbes are pro-inflammatory and pro-disease. If you don’t have sufficient iodine, vitamin D, selenium, zinc, omega-3 fats and vitamin A then this may affect your thyroid and more
  • Are you stuck in front of a screen all day? If your job doesn’t have a physical component and you lack regular physical activity, this is a common source of chronic inflammation
  • Modern life: we live in a toxic soup of plastics, car exhausts, chemically laden beauty products and foods.  All this, plus artificial light confuses our biorhythms and triggers inflammation
  • Geopathic stress: Are you being affected by electropollution from pylons, Wi-Fi, mobile masts etc?
  • Is there a problem with your thyroid? When your environment is toxic, as with the example above, your thyroid is often the first thing to be affected
  • Stressed? Depression, anxiety and stress are so high these days, and that’s well known to trigger inflammation – especially when you’re living with a long term condition

You don’t have to feel like this (physically or mentally)

You may feel bad that you often seem unable to get through the day without feeling exhausted.  With motivation levels low and fatigue levels high, you may also feel as if your doctor or other medical professionals have not taken your feelings seriously.  This is a recognised problem with conventional medicine, and it seems that women are disproportionately affected in these cases.   We understand and we’re here to help.

Feeling lazy and demotivated?

It’s important to remember that feeling “lazy” and “demotivated” can be symptoms of a larger more underlying problem. It may be that there are elements of your life and lifestyle that you can change which will address this and help constant tiredness become a thing of the past.

If you found this article useful and would like to find out how to incorporate some of the advice in your daily life, you can book a free 20 minute telephone consultation on this link.

According to recent research, approximately 1 in 5 people in the UK have low vitamin D levels (defined as serum levels below 25 nmol/L).

That’s because your body creates Vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin when you’re outdoors.  But when you are in the sun during the summer, you’re likely to be following doctor’s advice to wear sunscreen which can block Vitamin D production.

Then, between October and early March, you may well not get enough vitamin D from sunlight even with no sunscreen.  In addition to that, even when you’re spending time outside in daylight during both the winter and summer months, you aren’t exposing ourselves to adequate levels of vitamin D, in contrast to a country with a warmer climate.

Vitamin D in food

Did you know you can also find Vitamin D in a small number of foods, including the following?

  • oily fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel
  • red meat
  • liver
  • egg yolks
  • fortified foods – such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals

In the UK, cows’ milk is generally not a good source of vitamin D because it is not fortified.

How do you know if you may be Vitamin D deficient?

If you’re living with any of these issues at the moment, you may have a Vitamin D deficiency:

  1. Ongoing musculoskeletal pain and achy bones. This may have been diagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Frequent illness/infections— including colds and flu
  3. Neurological symptoms— including depression
  4. Fatigue and daytime sleepiness
  5. Head sweating

This is particularly likely if you:

  • Rarely spend time outdoors and/or always wear sunscreen
  • Have darker skin (which acts as a natural sunscreen)
  • Are 50 or older (your skin won’t make as much Vitamin D naturally)
  • Are obese or have gastrointestinal problems – as vitamin D is fat soluble

Vitamin D can protect you against a range of issues

Vitamin D can have a powerful effect on health and plays its part in protecting you against the following:

  • Dry eye syndromes
  • Macular degeneration
  • Autoimmune, gastrointestinal, rheumatic and infectious diseases
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Neurological diseases
  • Lupus
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Issues with a compromised immune system
  • Pregnancy complications

Can Vitamin D stop you getting Coronavirus?

According to the NHS there have been some news reports about Vitamin D reducing the risk of coronavirus as it helps strengthen the immune system. However, there is currently not enough evidence to support this.

How do you know if you need a Vitamin D3 boost?

We can help you measure and boost your Vitamin D3 levels with the use of a medical device.

At your appointment, we will go through a short questionnaire so we understand more about your overall health and can advise you accordingly.

We will then help you prepare your finger so we can do an accurate finger prick test to get your blood.  Within 15 minutes your results will be ready, or we can email them to you.   Then we’ll be able to evaluate your results and recommend the most appropriate Vitamin D3 supplements and dosage for you if necessary.

At this time, you can also choose to have a BioResonance scan to determine the underlying causes of your health problems.

Now you don’t need to worry about your Vitamin D levels – book an appointment with us. Knowledge is power after all!


“Kostas is a marvellous holistic practitioner and motivator whose passion, commitment and dedication to his practice shines through. He was able to get to the root of physical problems, offered me excellent practical and nutritional advice and was able to direct me to appropriate products that would support me on my journey back to health. The most important thing was I felt empowered to make the changes. MANY THANKS!

– Sarah Peachock”