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Monday - Friday

9am - 7pm


9am - 1pm



Light Centre , 9 Eccleston Street, London, SW1W 9LX

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London Natural Health Centre, 46 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8NW

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Good health is something that’s important to us all. But how do we reach this elusive goal?

Our bodies are like a chain of independently linked organs and systems. Like a chain, our overall health is only as good as the weakest link. Our approach to natural health is really quite simple: firstly, find the weakest link and strengthen it before it snaps and, secondly, identify and support the rest of your body’s imbalances so that your body can heal itself from within.

Primarily, we recommend gradually changing your habits and start with few simple below steps on how to transform and accelerate your health….

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1. Shop organic

Using organic products in the process of healing the body is essential. Reducing the toxic load in all forms is a primary aim. Yes, it is all about practicing a Complete Detoxification Programme  in order to reduce the load on one’s immune system and allowing it to activate the body’s own healing mechanism. It should go without saying, but eat less processed foods and more wholesome foods. This means reading the labels. The fewer ingredients the better, and if you see chemical additives, preservatives, artificial colours or flavours (usually represented by numbers) leave the product on the shelf.

2. Eat more superfoods and rely on detox diet menu

Of course superfoods  are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition, they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense, meaning that they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients – nutrients that we need but cannot make ourselves. Incorporating such nutrition for health into your daily diet makes perfect sense for optimal healthy lifestyle.

3. Drink and bath with clean alkalise water

Good hydration is vitally important if you are to enjoy optimum healthy lifestyle.  We believe that drinking alkaline ionised water is beneficial for everyone.

4. Protect yourself from electromagnetic fields (EMF) pollution and from the effects electromagnetic radiation

Each and every day, your body is exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Cell phones, satellites, radio stations, hair dryers, microwaves, music players, computers, power grids, gaming consoles, and body-worn electronics are all sources of EMF and, over time, we are exposed to a vast amount of these signals. Protect yourself from the effects of electromagnetic radiation and  electro-smog by using EMF protection devices. These devices can help limit your body’s exposure to EMF and its associated risks. As a result, you may feel more energised, focused, or even have a greater sense of well-being.

5. Detoxify your body

Of course detoxing your body is important to remove unwanted toxins from the system. Face this, unwanted toxins in most of the cases interfere with the natural pathways of the brain and vital organs. Your body is programmed to get rid of wastes and toxins through any channel it can (bowel, sweat, tears, lungs, kidneys…), whenever it can.

6. Take Natural Supplements

Supplementing your diet with essential immune-boosting nutrients is an essential part of any healing program. Apart from supporting your weakest link, you go on a maintenance programme to ensure natural healthy lifestyle and also to make sure that  your health and vitality is constant.

7. Learn how to control your emotional responses

How do you deal with your challenges in life? Our physical, emotional and mental vitality are intrinsically linked…. 

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” ? Lao Tzu

8. Use earthing / grounding

Earthing  or grounding refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting, working or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems, transferring the energy from the ground into the body. Emerging research supports that this may result in reduced pain, better sleep and less inflammation. The logical explanation for the reduction in inflammation is that the Earth’s negatively charged antioxidant electrons enter the body and neutralise positively-charged free radicals in the body.

9. Pay attention to your Breathing patterns

The average depth and volume of our breathing has a profound effect on the uptake of oxygen, metabolism and, in fact, all the major systems of the organism. Oxygen is an essential food for the organism; it does not regulate the breathing. The breathing is, in fact, regulated by carbon dioxide, and the sensitivity to it of the respiratory centre.

The perfect man breathes as if he does not breathe. – Lao Tzu

Focus on these few simple things, and watch your miraculous life unfold in unprecedented ways.