Sea Vegetables/Plants Part 1 & Part 2
- Chlorella is a green single-celled algae cultivated in fresh water ponds.
- It has a grass-like smell because the high amounts of chlorophyll in it, the highest concentration of any plant in the world. It has existed on the plant for billions of years and was one of the first foods to appear. Fossils of Chlorella have been found dating back 3 billion years.
- Chlorella is one of the healthiest, most potent foods in existence. In addition to being a perfect food for humans, lower grades of Chlorella are fed to livestock all over the world.
- Chlorella is a powerful high-protein algae. It is about 65% assimilable protein. There are five grams of protein in one teaspoon or fifteen grams in one tablespoon.
- It contains carotenoids, high amounts of magnesium, and the super detoxifier known as chlorophyll. It also contains approximately two to six times more chlorophyll than spirulina, but a little less protein.
- The cell wall of chlorella has been found to be valuable. It binds with heavy metals, pesticides, and such carcinogens as PCBs found to (polychlorobinphenyls) and carries these toxins safely out of the body.
- Another feature of the cell is a substructure that contains complex polysaccharides which is a plant chemical constituent renowned for promoting powerful immune responses.
- The cell wall also contains compounds related to those found in bacteria that fortify immunity and protect against mutation.
- Chlorella is also rich in a nutrient factor isolated in the 1950s and not available in other green foods called ‘Chlorella Growth Factor’ (CGF). This CGF makes chlorella most useful for improving growth patterns in children, maintaining health in old age, healing injuries, and initiating growth where it has been stunted from disease or degeneration, including Alzheimer’s disease, nervousness, palsy, seizures, sciatica, multiple sclerosis and other nerve disorders.
- It also promotes normal growth of disease processes such as tumours. Because its chlorophyll content is one of the highest of any food, chlorella is useful for the many conditions which benefit from chlorophyll’s purification, renewal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment of viruses and fungi which sap energy, such as candida-overgrowth, Epstein-Barr virus, chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome (CFIDS), and AIDS, is advanced by the immune-enhancing qualities of CGF as well as the antiviral effect of chlorophyll.
- It also assists all blood sugar imbalances like diabetes, hypoglycaemia, manic depression.
- Chlorella contains large quantities of fatty acids particularly the artery-cleansing, omega-3, alpha-linolenic variety; perhaps the reason chlorella has been shown to be so effective in reducing blood cholesterol in the body and preventing arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arterial walls).
- The Japanese use a great deal of it in their diet – and they are famous for youthful skin, low cancer rates, excellent immunity and living to a great old age.
If you buy chlorella as single product rather than as a Superfood blend, we suggest ‘Sun Chlorella’ available from