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The modern way to do packed lunch salads ?
You might have seen mason jar ? salads ? on social media. They’re great – and not just because they look cool in a photo. It’s easy to make a couple of day’s-worth in one go, saving you time in the kitchen. They are also economical with storage space in the fridge.

It is a kind of upside-down way to make your salad but ensures the whole lot doesn’t go soggy by lunchtime.

Simply empty it out onto a plate when you’re ready for it and the ingredients you put in first (the wetter ingredients) end up on the top, while the more delicate ingredients like the salad leaves end up on the bottom without being squashed.

I sometimes see personal trainers talking about making an entire week’s worth to save on prep time. While I am all for saving time in the kitchen and batch cooking, I really wouldn’t recommend this approach with salads – cut vegetables do start to lose some of their goodness when they’re hanging around for a while.

Here’s how you make your own in 5 simple steps
• The dressing goes in first. This is really important as it guarantees the leaves don’t get soggy. Add enough so it can (eventually) coat all your ingredients.
• Next pop in your robust veg like beetroot or fennel.
• You’d then add any softer fruit/veg like cucumber or green beans.
• Add a layer of protein – like tuna, chicken, egg, tofu – as well as any other things you’re using like cheese, nuts or seeds – those ingredients that you want to stay dry until just before you eat it.
• The leafy greens go in last. That way they’re kept nice and dry and, when you turn the jar over and empty onto your plate, the leaves make the salad bed.