Healthy Starter Pack (10 day supply)
Healthy Starter Pack + (10 day supply)
How Healthy Starter Pack+ Works
Healthy Starter Pack Contains –
• Psyllium Hulls
• Digestive Health
• Liver Health
• Cranberry & Buchu Combination
Today, more than ever the body is bombarded with toxins from its environment. New preservatives, pesticides, food additives, pollution, and drugs cause damage to our bodies and can lead to toxic buildup.
The Healthy Starter Pack+ ia a ten day programme providing natural herb supplements. It helps clean the colon by using Psyllium Hulls to attract and eliminate toxins from the colon. The Digestive Health formula uses time-honoured herbs to both sooth the digestive system and help maintain efficiency.
The Liver Health formula addresses one of the most complex organs of the body. The liver acts as both a blood filter and feedback system for hormones in the body. If the liver is overworked, other organs of the body begin to fall into dis-ease. This formula revitalises and nourishes the liver.
Another important eliminative channel is the Urinary Tract. Cranberry & Buchu help the miles of microscopic tubules that make up this important system. To help cleanse the circulatory system, we have included HSII (Hawthorn Berry, Capsicum Fruit, Garlic Bulb). This product not only helps the body maintain healthy blood vessels in the body, it supports elasticity in the vein walls, which is vital to circulatory health.
This highly effective cleanse is designed to be taken alongside a normal healthy diet. Results will be enhanced if you omit red meat, caffeine and alcohol from your diet during the programme. Drink pleny of water whilst using the programme.
Healthy Starter Pack+ contains five individual herbal supplements (150 capsules). Take one packet 15 minutes before eating three times a day. Drink at least 8oz of water.
Important Information:
The healthy Starter Pack+ is not suitable for use:
• During Pregnancy, nursing or when planning to conceive
• Duing illness or convalescence
• By children under 12 years old
The pack contains Black Walnut Hulls.
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