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Monday - Friday

9am - 7pm


9am - 1pm



Light Centre , 9 Eccleston Street, London, SW1W 9LX

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London Natural Health Centre, 46 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8NW

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It is becoming increasingly challenging for everyone to be able to access good health promoting food. Food, that is abundant in the width of nutrients that we need and is free from the harmful chemicals that are increasingly found in our food chain. Advances in food production and processing have not produced foods which suit our biochemistry. Many of them might be convenient now, but not so convenient later when we reap the results of inadequate nutrition.

Constant drip feeding of messages from powerful agri-food businesses is trying to tell us that we need GMO foods to be able to feed the world’s population. Unfortunately time alone will tell what the impact of GMO will have on people’s health and quality of life. However we know that from experience in other areas it is increasingly difficult to get any data as regards adverse impacts in terms of foods, drugs, vaccines etc.

If we are going to remain healthy we must take personal responsibility and not depend on government or anyone e

lse to look after our best interests. Voices of reason and conscience don’t ring as loud as voices of vested interests in the ears of politicians. Any of them, who would like to do differently, are constantly frustrated by powerful advisors who often do not have your or my best interests at heart.

Dr Gabriel CousensA recent quote I read, By Dr Gabriel Cousens, sums up the role of good nutrition.

“ With the proper diet, no doctor is necessary. With the improper diet, no doctor can help”

It is vitally important for us to do what we need to do for ourselves. I know that good nutrition and good hydration are the foundations to health. They will largely determine our ability to avoid degenerative disease and drastically increase our chances of a lengthy, healthy life.
