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In recent decades, while life expectancy has risen, healthy life expectancy has unfortunately declined. This means that although we may live longer, our quality of life during those years may not be as optimal. A concerning trend highlighted by ‘The Guardian in March 2019 pointed out a decline in life expectancy in England and Wales, signalling a need for action. This decline in quality of life is further emphasised by the prevalent use of prescription medications among older adults, with a significant portion taking multiple drugs concurrently. These medications, while intended to treat various ailments, often come with a host of side effects and potential interactions, leading to complications.

However, there is hope. We can work towards a healthier future by prioritising our health and making proactive choices. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Start Early: The earlier we adopt healthy habits, the better. Diet and lifestyle choices are crucial in shaping our health outcomes, regardless of genetic predispositions. Introducing nutritious foods and regular exercise into our early routines can lay a strong foundation for healthy ageing.

2. Focus on Nutrition: Nutrition is vital to well-being. Research has shown that dietary interventions can have profound effects, including reversing conditions such as type 2 diabetes and cognitive decline. By prioritising natural, nutrient-dense foods over processed options, we can fuel our bodies with the essential nutrients they need to thrive.

3. Prioritise Real Food: Maintaining muscle mass and metabolic health becomes increasingly important as we age. Whole foods provide the necessary nutrients to support these processes, while processed foods often lack essential vitamins and minerals. We can nourish our bodies and support healthy ageing by opting for foods in their natural state – such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

4. Address Malnutrition and Malabsorption: Malnutrition and malabsorption are common concerns among older adults, particularly those living alone or in residential care homes. These issues can stem from a variety of factors, including decreased appetite, dental problems, and medication side effects. By prioritising nutrient-rich foods and seeking medical guidance when needed, we can mitigate these risks and support optimal health.

5. Consider Supplementation: In some cases, supplementation may be necessary to address nutrient deficiencies or support specific health goals. Essential nutrients such as vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and iron are essential for overall health and may require supplementation, especially in older adults.

6. Stay Active: Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining mobility, strength, and overall well-being as we age. Whether through daily walks, strength training, or group fitness classes, finding enjoyable ways to stay active can support healthy ageing and enhance the quality of life.

7. Advocate for Yourself: Finally, advocating for your health and well-being is essential. This may involve seeking out knowledgeable healthcare providers, staying informed about current research and recommendations, and actively participating in decisions regarding your care.

In conclusion, prioritising your health and making positive changes is never too late. By adopting a proactive approach to nutrition, lifestyle, and overall well-being, we can support healthy ageing and enjoy a higher quality of life later.

If there is anything that has come up for you as a result of this blog, I warmly invite you to book a free 30-minute discovery call to see if a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan might help. You can book yourself directly into my diary by clicking right here.

Reference: Robert M. Russell, Factors in Aging that Effect the Bioavailability of Nutrients, The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 131, Issue 4, April 2001, Pages 1359S–1361S Link:


Eating well is crucial for maintaining good health and overall well-being. Here are some key principles to keep in mind when it comes to eating well:

  1. Balanced Diet: Aim for a balanced diet that includes a variety of food groups. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (such as poultry, fish, legumes, and tofu), and healthy fats (found in sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil). This ensures that you receive a wide range of essential nutrients.
  2. Portion Control: Pay attention to portion sizes to avoid overeating. Practice mindful eating by listening to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. Be aware of serving sizes and try to avoid eating large portions, especially high-calorie or nutrient-poor foods.
  3. Nutrient-Dense Foods: Choose nutrient-dense foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Prioritize real, minimally processed foods over highly processed and refined options.
  4. Hydration: Stay hydrated properly by drinking adequate water throughout the day. Water is essential for various bodily functions, including digestion, temperature regulation, and nutrient transport. Limit the consumption of sugary beverages and opt for water as your primary source of hydration.
  5. Mindful Eating: Practice mindful eating by being present and fully engaged in the eating experience. Slow down, savour the flavours, and focus on hunger and fullness cues. This can help you develop a healthier relationship with food, enhance digestion, and prevent overeating.
  6. Limit Added Sugars and Processed Foods: Reduce your intake of added sugars, sugary beverages, and processed foods. These items are often high in calories, low in nutrients and can contribute to weight gain and various health issues. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
  7. Plan and Prepare Meals: Plan and prepare your meals at home whenever possible. This gives you more control over the ingredients and portions, making it easier to make healthier choices. Cook in batches to have nutritious meals available throughout the week, saving time and preventing reliance on unhealthy convenience foods.
  8. Practice Moderation: Allow yourself to enjoy your favourite foods in moderation. Completely depriving yourself of indulgences can lead to feelings of restriction and eventually result in overeating. Incorporate treats or less healthy foods into your diet occasionally, but be mindful of portion sizes.

Remember, healthy eating is about finding a sustainable balance that works for you. It’s not about strict diets or depriving yourself, but instead nourishing your body with wholesome foods and making mindful choices. Consulting with a registered dietitian can provide personalized guidance and help you develop a nutrition plan that meets your needs and goals.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns, and I can give you some energy-boosting strategies you can use straight away. If this sounds like what you need – link in here.

Being vegan is really fashionable right now, especially in the month of January or Veganuary, and those in favour of this way of eating will tell you that it’s the absolutely healthiest diet you can have from a nutritional perspective, plus you get to save, not only the lives of animals but the planet, too. For most people, it is a bit of a stretch to go from where you are now to a 100% vegan diet. In this newsletter, I’m going to put it all out there for you: what it means to be vegan, what’s great about it, what’s not so good, and where you might struggle – and I’ll also be giving you tips for getting started, whether your intention is to immerse yourself fully or if you just fancy dabbling (either is fine – just saying).



A vegan diet is a stricter version of a vegetarian diet. On top of not eating any meat, fish or seafood – i.e. dead animals, a vegan diet also cuts out any food stuff made from animal sources (some of which are the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat) – so, not just cutting out chicken meat, but also cutting out eggs. In the same vein, not just cutting out beef but also milk, yoghurt, butter and cream. And that means honey, too, as well as certain wines* and desserts (gelatin).

There is no set macro of micronutrient ratio for a vegan diet; just vegetables, grains, fruit, nuts, seeds and any other foods made from plants. However, since the main vegan protein sources are pulses and grains, and only a combination of the two provides complete proteins (containing all the amino acids), this can be a high carbohydrate diet by definition.


* If you’re wondering ‘why is wine not vegan?’ Here’s the answer…

All young wines are a little bit cloudy thanks to tiny molecules like proteins, tartrates, tannins and phenolics. These are completely harmless, but we wine drinkers like our wines to be clear and bright. To make the wines clear, winemakers have traditionally used some added ingredients called ‘fining agents to help the process along. The include casein (milk protein) or albumin (egg whites), gelatin (animal protein) or isinglass (fish bladder protein). They act like a magnet, resulting in far fewer ­– but larger – particles that are more easily removed.



  • Cruelty-free
  • Promotes natural foods
  • Rich in vitamin C and fibre, plus other plant chemicals
  • Helpful for some health conditions (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, other auto-immune conditions).



  • Natural food is not a requirement to comply with the diet
  • Does not explicitly encourage healthy eating patterns
  • Maybe nutrient deficient (B12, haem iron, omega-3 fats, complete protein)
  • Often high in carbohydrates
  • Can be too low in protein, especially if you’re stressed or recovering from adrenal fatigue
  • Does not limit or exclude sugar
  • Not suitable for elderly, pregnant women, type 2 diabetics, or those with high triglycerides or carbohydrate intolerance
  • Not always practical, especially when travelling abroad
  • May or may not be effective for weight loss



Good question! A vegan diet doesn’t mean a healthy diet.

There have been various well-publicised assertions over the years (most notably the book The China Study and, more recently, the film What The Health) that claimed to eat a vegan diet was the healthiest thing you could do.

Although vegans commonly take an interest in how diet relates to health and tend to educate themselves about nutrition, the vegan diet does not explicitly prescribe healthy foods. There is a vegan alternative for every junk food out there.  And you can live on white toast with margarine and jam (and see your blood sugar levels skyrocket) while still being vegan – and that is certainly not healthy.

One thing that everyone agrees on is that the following is healthy:

  • Enjoy an abundance of freshly prepared vegetables
  • Minimise processed foods and instead cook meals from scratch
  • Eat mindfully and slowly
  • Choose local, organic foods

Given the vast majority of health complaints are linked to chronic inflammation and a plant-heavy, antioxidant-rich vegan diet will go some way to mediating inflammation, it will certainly not hinder your attempts to be healthy. Given we don’t eat nearly as much fibre as we should for optimum health, committing to eating more veg is only going to be a good thing.



  • Vegan diets don’t provide the fat-soluble vitamins A and D. You can’t get vitamin A from carrots. What you get is beta-carotene, which is the precursor to vitamin A.
  • You may have heard that carotene can be converted into vitamin A, but this conversion is usually insignificant. First, it takes a huge amount of carotene to convert and create the amount of actual vitamin A. And, if you have low thyroid function, impaired digestion or a lack of healthy fats in the diet, this conversion won’t happen at all.
  • Vegan diets (unless you’re eating a lot of natto – a kind of fermented soy) don’t give you the vitamin K2. This is needed for shuttling calcium into your bones.
  • Many people try to be vegan by relying on fake food ­– they replace milk, cheese and meat with foods manufactured to look and taste as though they are milk, cheese and meat. Since food manufacturing is not like magic, what is used is non-foodstuffs, including stabilisers, gums, thickeners and highly processed protein extracts. Moreover, you may be counting your vegan cheese in as a source of protein, when many of them are actually made from carbs.
  • Vegan diets are low in vitamin B12 and iron. The readily-absorbed forms of these nutrients are found in animal products. Several studies (see notes) suggest that up to 68% of vegans were deficient in vitamin B12.
  • Several studies have shown that both vegetarians and vegans are also prone to deficiencies in calcium, iron, zinc, and essential fats (see notes).

One thing that you can look forward to is some exciting new recipes. Bringing the principles of being vegan into your life even a few days a week (assuming we are talking veg-based meals rather than fake or junk foods) will deliver a whole new taste experience. There will be things that you love – and things the family rejects. It’s all part of the fun of discovering new things.


We decided to share this post as many of our clients and friends asking for tips on how to raise happy and healthy children. Plus, it’s been a while since we shared our kid’s pictures on public social media platforms.

Meet Odysseas (14) and Athina (11) our bundle of joy, happiness, and hard work. We are very lucky as a couple to share similar life and family values, so we never found ourselves arguing on the above. However, the path of raising them still brought challenges from outside and below we put together a few fundamental principles on how to nurture your teens.

Happiness and wellbeing are related, but they’re not the same thing. Pre-teens and teenagers can be happy because of some of the things that make up wellbeing, but they don’t need all these things to be happy. Praise, encouragement, and positive attention let your child know that you value them, their good deeds and their contribution to your life.

– Rules and boundaries – Clear and fair rules help pre-teens and teenagers feel safe when a lot of things in their lives are changing. If you involve your child in making the rules, they’ll be more likely to stick to them.

– Negotiating rules with your child is also a way of showing that you respect your child’s growing maturity.

– Healthy lifestyle. Encourage good sleep habits: pre-teens need 9-11 hours of sleep, and teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep a night. It’s best for your child to avoid digital technology use the hour before bedtime.

– Help your child aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day.

– Encourage your child to make healthy food choices to fuel their growth and development.

– Help your child keep a healthy balance between study, work and play. This might mean looking at how many nights your child is out doing things, how much downtime your child has, how much your child can contribute to family life through chores, how many family meals you have together and so on.

– Family relationships. Share and make memories together. Make time to talk about individual and family successes. Establish and maintain family rituals.

Good luck applying some or all of the above tips… :0)

Making sense of all the contributing factors around teens’ wellness can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when you’re trying everything, but nothing seems to make a difference. That’s where we come in. Book a call with us today at 0207 293 0440 and let’s talk. The first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns.

Is it all in your head or is your body trying to tell you something? Some might dismiss a ‘wisdom of the body’ theory as quackery.  However, if you think about the biological processes happening within your body and the factors affecting these, the argument to substantiate a link becomes more compelling. Here’s why.

Food is so much more than just calories.  It’s information.  The body is a wonderful machine, constantly sending you signs and signals about the information (or nutrients) it needs to function at its best.  The trouble is, when you fall into unhealthy patterns, you unwittingly train your brain and body to think and crave certain foods.  Often these foods give you a quick fix. You feel great for 30 minutes, yet an hour later your energy levels are on the floor and you need another hit to keep you going. Sound familiar?

This concept applies to everyone, not just women in pregnancy who are typically associated with an appetite for unusual or inedible substances such as clay, coal or dirt (this type of craving is referred to as ‘pica’ by the way).


One of the most common and documented cravings is, of course, sugar.  In recent years, articles in the press have suggested sugar is as addictive as class-A drugs.  How true is that really? Or, have you been simply making excuses for your lack of willpower? You’ll be glad to know there is more to it than meets the eye.

The brain needs glucose to function – sugar, which comes from carbohydrates.  When you’ve got a steady release of glucose into the bloodstream throughout the day, this process works as it should. You’re productive, sharp and full of energy.  However, too much of the wrong kinds of sugar can throw things off-kilter.  Eating something high in sugar and high fat (like doughnuts, chocolate, cake, biscuits and sweets) triggers the release of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with feelings of reward and satisfaction.  By falling into this trap, you train your brain to think, ‘you need to eat this to help you feel better.  You might use these foods to regulate your mood and lower your stress.  But in the long run, this sends you on a rollercoaster – with your energy, your mood, stress levels and sleep.   Over time, this rollercoaster can result in the development of chronic health conditions like diabetes, obesity, inflammation, immune suppression or chronic fatigue.

So, what causes you to crave sugar in the first place? You’re more inclined to eat these kinds of foods when you’re stressed or tired because your brain is looking for more fuel than it would be when you are relaxed and well-nourished.

Sugar also stimulates the release of tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin, which in turn produces melatonin helping you get a good night’s sleep.  Similarly, women can be more susceptible to sugar cravings around the time of their menstrual cycle. That might not come as a huge surprise to you…

Studies have shown that higher oestrogen levels are associated with greater levels of the hunger hormone, leptin, which triggers stronger cravings for sugary foods.  PMS also causes the stress hormone cortisol to increase and the feel-good hormone serotonin to dip, making you reach for chocolate, chips and sugary snacks to give you a feel-good boost at that time of the month.

Generally, the foods you choose to eat every day can help to regulate or trigger these cravings.  Try switching your white bread, pasta, sugary cereals, low-fat products and processed foods for lower GL (glycaemic load) alternatives such as whole grains, pulses, and root vegetables and increasing your protein intake at each meal.  This can help to regulate the release of glucose into the bloodstream.  Quality proteins such as eggs, turkey, salmon and nuts and seeds are also rich in tryptophan and tyrosine, which support the production of serotonin and dopamine – a much better source than a packet of chocolate digestives or a bag of sweeties.  Making the switch to a more wholesome and nourishing alternative may be a much more sustainable approach to healthy weight loss than the crazy diets you might be tempted to try.


Sugar doesn’t do it for you? Perhaps you are more inclined to reach for savoury, salty foods; crisps, salted nuts, cheese and biscuits.  Generally speaking, this may be a sign that your adrenal glands are under strain, and similar to sugar, that hankering for salt could be attributed to stress, fatigue or PMS.  You rely on your adrenals to produce the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline whenever you need them. That might mean meeting that deadline at work, training for a marathon or gearing yourself up for a big presentation.

Like insulin, this is fine and necessary in the short term but chronic demand on the adrenals can result in fatigue and insufficient secretion of other hormones including aldosterone, renin and angiotensin, mineralocorticoids which regulates blood pressure by controlling fluid levels and electrolyte balance in the body.

When your adrenals are tired and don’t produce enough aldosterone, your blood pressure can become low and result in salt cravings and these might be accompanied with other symptoms such as fatigue, excessive thirst, headaches and nausea.  If you are experiencing a multitude of these symptoms, a trip to the doctor would be recommended for further investigation.

Don’t read that I’m suggesting you need to be consuming salt by the bucket load.  Too much sodium (the key element in salt) should be avoided as it can tip the hormone balance in the other direction and contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular issues.

Ultimately, it’s about tuning into your own body and how it’s feeling.  What signs is it giving you each day?

Working with a Holistic Therapist can be a powerful way of tuning into your own body, equipping you with the knowledge to recognise these signs when they present themselves, and make positive changes to benefit your long-term health and well-being.  For more information on what this involves, contact.



Most people don’t give a second’s thought to their skin – unless they’re scowling at the wrinkles or wobbly bits in the mirror. It’s already doing a fabulous job keeping your insides in, protecting you from infection and radiation, and keeping you warm. There’s also a huge amount you can do to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh and – I’m happy to tell you – stave off the wrinkles without buying that expensive anti-ageing cream. Read on to find out how.

Ditch the bad guys

Alcohol, caffeine, food additives like flavourings and colourings, salt, sugar, and tobacco are full of cell-damaging free radicals, which play havoc with your skin. Ideally, cut them out altogether but certainly reduce them as much as you can.

Be fat-friendly

Essential fats found in fish, avocados, nuts and seeds keep cell membranes soft and smooth – they’re nature’s perfect skin plumpers. Just in case the word ‘fat’ sends a red flag up for you, I want to reassure you that scientists have finally admitted all that’ fat is bad for you and makes you fat’ propaganda was flawed. Eating the right fat is not only not bad, but it is also really, truly GOOD for your health.

Eat back the clock

Stock up on antioxidant-rich fruit and veg. These are crucial for your entire body – not just your skin. They reduce the speed of skin ageing and degeneration. Eat them raw or lightly steamed as cooking for long periods destroys enzymes, minerals and vitamins and can create skin-damaging free radicals. A couple of simple exercises are these: make a concerted effort to add at least one extra portion of veg every night this week to your evening meal. You should also aim to ‘eat a rainbow’ over the course of the week – that means picking as many different colours of fruit and veg as you can.

As a very general rule, each different colour group contains a different set of plant chemicals. Scientists now know that bringing a variety of different antioxidants into your diet has a synergistic effect, which means the combined result is more powerful than the individual parts.

Drink up!

Keep skin cells plump and full or your skin will look shrivelled and dehydrated – a long cry from that radiant glow you’re going for. Cells also need water to rebuild and remove the build-up of waste products (toxins). It’s a very simple (and free) step that most people don’t prioritise and yet the results and be striking. Aim for at least 2-3 litres a day depending on weather conditions and your level of exercise. You’ll soon see the benefit for your skin.

Helpful nutrients for skin health

Vitamin C for collagen production. Foods include blackcurrants, red peppers, kale, collard leaves, broccoli, kiwis, oranges, courgettes, cauliflower and spinach, and citrus fruit.

Vitamins A, C, E and selenium are antioxidants that limit the damage done to collagen and elastin fibres by free radicals. Foods to include (aside from the vitamin C foods, above, and the vitamin A foods, below): sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, swiss chard, papaya, mustard greens, asparagus, peppers, Brazil nuts, fresh tuna, some meats including pork, beef, turkey and chicken, cottage cheese, eggs, brown rice, sunflower seeds, spinach, oats, mushrooms.

Vitamin A helps control the rate of keratin. A lack of vitamin A can result in dry, rough skin. Foods include sweet potato, carrots, butternut squash, spinach, kale, collard greens, turnip greens, and romaine lettuce.

Vitamin D. Skin cells produce a chemical that is converted into vitamin D in sunlight. It’s important for many functions in the body, including immunity, blood sugar balance and bone health. It’s hard to get enough vitamin D from food alone, but too try to include more sardines, salmon, tuna, swordfish, eggs, orange juice, and fortified margarine, fortified cereals – and don’t forget a daily dose of getting out into the sun!

Zinc for the production of skin cells. A lack of zinc can result in poor skin healing, eczema and rashes. Foods include venison, fish, ginger root, lamb, lean beef, turkey, green vegetables, oats, nuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, yoghurt, and scallops.

Essential fats for making cell membranes. A lack of essential fats causes cells to dry out too quickly, resulting in dry skin. Foods include oily fish (salmon, sardines, halibut, scallops), flaxseed, walnuts, soya beans, and tofu.

Watch what you put on your body, too

The skin is the largest organ in the body with a surface area about the size of a double bed. It soaks everything up you put on it, and what soaks in ends up in your bloodstream. So if your shampoo and conditioner or shower gel (all of which wash over you as you shower), or your body lotions or creams contain nasty chemicals like parabens or sodium lauryl/Laureth sulphate, you are feeding yourself synthetic oestrogens that can wreak havoc with your hormones. Check labels for ingredients – often they may be marked as paraben-free.

Learn how to deal with problem skin

A targeted nutrition plan can work wonders for skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis and so on. This kind of personalised nutrition is often poorly understood and isn’t really talked about in the media. It doesn’t work to just add to your diet a single ‘superfood’. However, a bespoke plan that takes into all of your skin – and health – concerns can make a huge difference. Ask me how. We’d love to help. Book in for a free 30-minute digestive health mini consultation. You can do that by clicking here.


Food is for nourishment.  If you use it for any other purpose, the one you have with food developed over time and many things will impact it.

When you want to make practical changes, it can be useful to explore your formative years.

We learn how to use food from a very early age – and then rarely challenge the associations as adults.

Hilde Bruch, a respected theorist in eating disorders, suggests that the confusion starts during infancy when the child is fed when it is distressed as well as when it is hungry.  So, from very early on, we may start to lose the ability to differentiate between hunger and emotional needs…

Family mealtimes are an important part of developing healthy self-esteem, social skills, and the relationship an individual has with food.  Think back to when you were a child.  What were your mealtimes like?  What were your parents’ attitudes to weight, food, and dieting?


What was the dominant emotion at your dinner table? Which of the following apply to you?

  • My mother worried about her weight / dieted when I was young
  • I wasn’t able to speak my views during mealtime
  • I remember thinking about my weight when I was young
  • In my family, we thought of beauty as depending a lot on weight
  • I did not look forward to mealtimes
  • My parents forced me to eat foods I did not like
  • There was yelling/arguing during dinner
  • I remember feeling nervous during dinner
  • During meals, I was told not to waste food

If any of those resonated, these experiences can create an association between food and that emotion.  These can then be easily carried through into adult life.


What type of eater are you? (And how to fix it)

  • I am a perfectionist. I need to be in control (of food/weight/diet)
  • I use food as a treat – to be ‘nice’ to myself
  • I like to please others and feel unable to say no to others (not just in relation to food)
  • I eat when I am angry
  • I eat when I am stressed
  • I restrict my food intake to punish myself and I feel guilty if I fail to achieve this
  • I eat when I feel sad
  • I rush my food
  • I am unable to leave food on my plate
  • I eat when I feel hurt /distressed
  • I eat in secret
  • I eat to avoid conflict
  • I don’t have a regular routine for food


In order to survive, all animals learn what to eat, when to eat and how to eat from their parents.  It is unlikely our parents have perfect eating habits so there will always be things we can improve upon as adults.  Is a habit or belief still useful now?  If not, change it!  For example, “you must clear your plate”.  Why?  What will happen if you don’t? Go on, go really wild, that will happen if I leave the odd potato or brussels sprout?


Do you use food to get control?

Children learn that they can get control of adults by using food.  Did you learn to get attention from others by not eating or making a fuss?  Or maybe you were force-fed foods you didn’t like and felt out of control?  There are so many things in this world over which we have no control.  It is common for people to turn to food to take control of their own bodies instead.

Solution: Deal with the issue directly – rather than by eating.  What in your life is making you feel out of control or stressed?  Job / family / money?  What practical changes can you make to put yourself back in control?


Can you leave food on your plate?

“Finish your dinner or you won’t get any pudding”.  Sound familiar?  Or perhaps your grandparents encouraged you to eat lots.  This may have been particularly important for previous generations as food was scarcer and they wanted to ensure we ate as well as possible.  We are lucky as this is generally not the case now.

Solution: It’s probably healthier to leave the excess on your plate…

Are you a pleaser?

Are you unable to say ‘no’ to others?

Do you feel taken advantage of?  As a child, did you observe that the pretty /clever/entertaining one got all the attention?  If you learnt this, you may

still believe that you will only be loved if you are clever/attractive/slim enough. Or, maybe by being good, or doing things for others, you prevented their anger being directed at you.  So, you learnt that pleasing others was the easiest course of action – even if it meant not getting your own needs met.

Solution: In which situations is it truly the best course of action to please others?  On what occasions is it completely unnecessary (ie. just habit)? Work out when these are and just say no politely.


Do you restrict food and then feel guilty when you end up eating?

Were you ever sent to bed without any supper?  If so, you may have learnt that if you do something bad you get punished by being made to feel hungry. Dieting is traditionally associated with being hungry and ‘going without’: punishing yourself for overeating in the past.  Then, when you get so hungry that you break the diet, you feel twice as guilty because you’ve now sneakily gone against the punishment too!

Solution: Balance your blood sugar (this helps from the physiological perspective) as it will help reduce your cravings.  Remember, you are not punishing yourself – you are on a mission to improve your health. Question what happened to break the negative cycle: what led to the slip and what will you do differently next time?


Do you eat when you feel sad or need love?

“Have some chocolate, that will cheer you up”.  It’s easy to see how we all learnt this behaviour.  The sugar rush may well perk you up momentarily, but it doesn’t resolve the problem!

Solution: Remember, distress is a normal part of life – deal with it directly. Or, if you need love, ask for some attention from a loved one.


Do you use food as a treat?

Most of us have received food as a reward for good behaviour or to signify love.  And we are likely to have had treats (or love) withheld for bad behaviour.  So, love and sugar can become closely linked – and an easy way to love yourself.

Solution: Choose treats that won’t make you feel guilty afterwards.  This way you can reward yourself more effectively and positively.


Do you eat in secret?

Were sweets hidden out of reach from you?  This instantly suggests they are naughty or forbidden which makes us want them even more!  Or perhaps someone called you “greedy”.  So maybe even now you eat in secret so that they won’t say it again.  But it was probably said a long time ago in jest and in response to a specific incident eg. eating all your easter eggs in one go.  As a child, that’s not a crime!

Solution: Question your beliefs: maybe you eat a little too much sometimes but that doesn’t justify calling yourself names!  Try not to eat on your own and serve appropriate portions.


Do you rush your food?

Perhaps older siblings helped themselves to your food if you didn’t eat fast enough.  Maybe your parents encouraged you to “hurry up and finish your dinner and you can go and play”. This can result in overeating as we miss the ‘fulness’ signals.

Solution: Slow down. Chew properly. Put your cutlery down between mouthfuls.

Do you eat when you are angry or frustrated or to avoid conflict?

If you feel others didn’t listen to you or you were unable to speak your mind effectively you may have turned to eat to relieve the tension.  The act of swallowing pushes the feelings down, suppressing them.  Or, if you want to avoid conflict, it is difficult to argue if you are too busy eating…

Solution: Start learning to be assertive and deal with the situation that is creating frustration.  Avoid the situations.  Or find a healthier outlet for stress, e.g. exercise.


Top tips for happy mealtimes (most of these tips are valid for yourself even if you don’t have children)

  • The aim is for mealtimes to be relaxed and happy
  • Eat around a table – not in front of the TV (as this can encourage overeating due to focusing on something else rather than what’s going into your mouth)
  • Avoid using threats, bribery or force-feeding
  • Avoid rewarding your child by giving them attention for not eating.  This will only reinforce the behaviour.  It is hard not to be concerned but they will eat eventually
  • Pair something enjoyable with mealtimes, e.g. reading a story, or non-food-related conversation
  • Try to have a regular routine for eating and mealtimes so that children get into the habit of balancing their blood sugar early on (rather than having to learn this as adults…)
  • Modelling: let your children copy you enjoy your food and try different things
  • Encourage children to try new foods (make this a normal part of eating) -from pre-1 year old if possible as it gets harder after this.

Read more about assessing the health of your digestive system here, learn more about how to cleanse and detox your gut here and book a free 30-minute telephone consultation on this link.

Supplements first started to become popular last century, and they were a way of adding things to the diet to prevent popular diseases caused by nutritional deficiencies – like scurvy (lack of vitamin C) and rickets (lack of vitamin D). Now, taking a supplement doesn’t just mean popping a pill but equally, you can get your vitamins, minerals, herbs, essential oils and enzymes as a drink (think vitamin water), powder to make into a shake or even a spray.

It’s big business. £1.5billion is spent each year in the UK alone and a hundred times that globally. Two-thirds of us take a supplement, and the market is predicted to grow by nearly 9% this year alone [source for statistics: IBIS World]. Are you one of them?

Who needs supplements?

It’s often said that people who eat a ‘balanced’ diet shouldn’t need to supplement. They should be able to get everything they need from the food they eat. But is that really the case? Would your body feel better if you had a few supplements inside you or is it really just expensive urine?

My view is this: so many people I see are eating a sub-standard diet when we meet, not eating their 7 fruit and veggies a day, choosing poor-quality sources of protein, and relying more often than they’d like on convenience foods.

If your body is out of balance (there is something not quite working in your health), that one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to be sufficient. When your body is dealing with certain health conditions, it often means that something is missing or needed in far greater amounts than you’re currently getting.

Take stress as an example. When you are under stress, your body really motors through vitamins B and C, and magnesium so the regular ‘daily amount’ – while it might be sufficient for the bloke down the road – is not going to meet your personal requirements.

Medications, smoking, alcohol, and caffeine further deplete the body with essential nutrients.

Now let’s think about what you eat. Soil quality today is not what it was, making it harder to get the nutrients from the foods you eat. Today’s soils are often depleted of minerals. A study was done in 2003found that the fruit and veg you eat today contain 20% fewer minerals than in the 1930s. And some (zinc and calcium) contain 50% fewer.

Also, consider the impact of food miles. Long-distance transportation of foods depletes the nutrient content and so does the processing. As soon as you start adding preservatives to food to prolong its life, you decrease the nutrient quality.

Supplements without fillers and binders

If you’re already taking supplements, you may have noticed that some supplements contain things other than active ingredients. Let’s say you want a magnesium supplement. You look on the back of the packaging to find that, aside from the expected magnesium, there are a host of other ingredients you were not expecting.

These other ingredients have to be listed by law and they are the ‘fillers (or bulking agents) and binders’.

So, what’s going on?

The amount you need of the active ingredient is often very small. There’s a reason supplement are also known as ‘micronutrients’… The dose you need might be physically so small that it needs something else with it in the capsule to fill the rest of the space inside the capsule. A filler. Common fillers include calcium, lactose, rice flour, salt and sugar.

The binders are those ingredients that bind the active ingredients together when they’re compressed into tablet form. Cellulose is common.

Tablets are usually the cheapest way to take supplements, but they do tend to be heavier on the fillers and binders plus a host of other ‘excipients’ that coat the tablets and make them easier to pass along the manufacturing line without clogging the machines up. Like stearic acid, and magnesium stearate or silicate.

Cheaper high street brands will tend to rely more heavily on these excipients and may also throw in artificial colours and flavours, too, to help their product along.

Supplement testing with kinesiology or bioresonance

Life these days is at such a fast pace, it’s no wonder we suffer from stress, poor digestion, stomach pains, headaches, tiredness and outright exhaustion. There are many supplements we can take to support our diet but they can vary enormously in quality and price. Working out which ones are the best for us can be a minefield. Kinesiology can help.

With kinesiology or bioresonance, we can balance the body systems and biochemical processes affected by stress so the systems will take up what they need again. In addition, we can test to see which supplements your body needs, how many to take, the best time to take them and for how long. Using my knowledge and experience in nutrition, I will help you prioritise what you need so you don’t feel like you are a rattling pill bottle!

If you are already taking supplements I recommend that you bring them with you to the appointment to confirm they are the best supplements for you. If you are concerned about bias then the supplements can be disguised so that neither I nor you will know which is being tested! I can also show you how to test yourself so that you can see if something is good for you or not before buying it.

Allergy testing
As well as checking for supplements, kinesiology can also be used to test for allergies to common foodstuffs, household chemicals, pollen, house and dust mites and much more. My testing kit has many different items but you are welcome to bring any products which may be of concern to you. Don’t worry, you are not expected to bring the entire contents of your kitchen or bathroom cupboard!

Find out more

There are many food allergies and food intolerances as well as environmental allergies and intolerances.  Thanks to our help, all your intolerances can disappear, and all your allergies can be reduced if we support you on a journey to detox and repair your gut and increase the oxygenation of your body.

Read more about our allergy and intolerance testing here and book a free 20-minute telephone consultation on this link.

– Green foods are powerful antioxidants (especially broccoli and spinach) that protect the body from toxins both in the environment and other foods we eat. The antioxidants in greens help neutralize the body and clear out toxins.

– Green foods are rich in chlorophyll, a green pigment that also acts as a detox agent in the body.  It also happens to be a natural deodorizer that can aid with bad breath! The darker the shade of green the more chlorophyll is in something, and the best way to get it is from raw vegetables like broccoli.

– Greens are very rich in minerals and some of the most essential nutrients: calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins B, C, E, and K are found in green foods and are all vital to your body’s health.

– Greens contain many nutrients that help protect the immune system and fight off viruses and bacteria.

– Dark, leafy greens (think spinach and kale) are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for all body functions and lower bad cholesterol.

– Vegetables, especially green ones, help alkalize the body, keeping your PH at a healthy, stable level.

According to recent research, approximately 1 in 5 people in the UK have low vitamin D levels (defined as serum levels below 25 nmol/L).

That’s because your body creates Vitamin D from direct sunlight on the skin when you’re outdoors.  But when you are in the sun during the summer, you’re likely to be following doctor’s advice to wear sunscreen which can block Vitamin D production.

Then, between October and early March, you may well not get enough vitamin D from sunlight even with no sunscreen.  In addition to that, even when you’re spending time outside in daylight during both the winter and summer months, you aren’t exposing ourselves to adequate levels of vitamin D, in contrast to a country with a warmer climate.

Vitamin D in food

Did you know you can also find Vitamin D in a small number of foods, including the following?

  • oily fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel
  • red meat
  • liver
  • egg yolks
  • fortified foods – such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals

In the UK, cows’ milk is generally not a good source of vitamin D because it is not fortified.

How do you know if you may be Vitamin D deficient?

If you’re living with any of these issues at the moment, you may have a Vitamin D deficiency:

  1. Ongoing musculoskeletal pain and achy bones. This may have been diagnosed as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
  2. Frequent illness/infections— including colds and flu
  3. Neurological symptoms— including depression
  4. Fatigue and daytime sleepiness
  5. Head sweating

This is particularly likely if you:

  • Rarely spend time outdoors and/or always wear sunscreen
  • Have darker skin (which acts as a natural sunscreen)
  • Are 50 or older (your skin won’t make as much Vitamin D naturally)
  • Are obese or have gastrointestinal problems – as vitamin D is fat soluble

Vitamin D can protect you against a range of issues

Vitamin D can have a powerful effect on health and plays its part in protecting you against the following:

  • Dry eye syndromes
  • Macular degeneration
  • Autoimmune, gastrointestinal, rheumatic and infectious diseases
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Neurological diseases
  • Lupus
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Issues with a compromised immune system
  • Pregnancy complications

Can Vitamin D stop you getting Coronavirus?

According to the NHS there have been some news reports about Vitamin D reducing the risk of coronavirus as it helps strengthen the immune system. However, there is currently not enough evidence to support this.

How do you know if you need a Vitamin D3 boost?

We can help you measure and boost your Vitamin D3 levels with the use of a medical device.

At your appointment, we will go through a short questionnaire so we understand more about your overall health and can advise you accordingly.

We will then help you prepare your finger so we can do an accurate finger prick test to get your blood.  Within 15 minutes your results will be ready, or we can email them to you.   Then we’ll be able to evaluate your results and recommend the most appropriate Vitamin D3 supplements and dosage for you if necessary.

At this time, you can also choose to have a BioResonance scan to determine the underlying causes of your health problems.

Now you don’t need to worry about your Vitamin D levels – book an appointment with us. Knowledge is power after all!


“Kostas is a marvellous holistic practitioner and motivator whose passion, commitment and dedication to his practice shines through. He was able to get to the root of physical problems, offered me excellent practical and nutritional advice and was able to direct me to appropriate products that would support me on my journey back to health. The most important thing was I felt empowered to make the changes. MANY THANKS!

– Sarah Peachock”


Our bodies function with the help of electrical impulses and when these are not working to an optimal degree, they will become dysfunctional and degenerate. For electricity to work it needs a positive flow, a negative flow and it needs to be grounded or earthed. When I think back to the days when we had to put a plug on all appliances and we had to make sure that the plug was earthed. It is no different for us. If we want things on any level to work well in our lives, we need a balance and we need to be earthed.

In order to be grounded we need to put our attention on our base area and on our feet. The feet need to be flat on the grass/earth and without shoes. The rubber, plastic and man made materials in our shoes does block a great deal of the energy from passing through. At this time of year it is ideal to spend some time every day outside with bare feet flat on the grass and actively ground or clear any build up of energy.

If you or any member of your family is exposed to a great deal of technology or does not get out much or is suffering from mental health issues, I would recommend spending as much time in nature as possible. If this is not possible or not practical then the solution is to pump that resonance into your home environment as they had to do in space. Using Earthing Sleeping Sheet or Earthing Computer Mat drastically improves the star of welling and sleep in over 90% casses.

The bottom-line is simple, living in direct contact with the earth thus helps in grounding your body, induces favourable physiological and electrophysiological changes that promote optimum health and natural healthy lifestyle.

For our Grounding / Earthing product full range visit online health store here…


  • TIGHTENS Skin.
  • HELPS Digestion.
  • REMOVES Cellulite.
  • STIMULATES Circulation.
  • INCREASES Cell Renewal.
  • CLEANS Lymphatic System (vital for cleansing toxins from the body)
  • REMOVES Dead Skin Layers.
  • STRENGTHENS Immune System (clean lymph = better immunity)
  • IMPROVES Exchange between Cells.
  • STIMULATES the Glands, thus helping ALL of the
    Body Systems to perform at PEAK EFFICIENCY!

How To Do Skin Brushing

  1. Buy a NATURAL, NOT synthetic, bristle brush, since it does NOT SCRATCH the surface of your skin. Your skin will be able to withstand a harsh brush (do not worry) although do not brush over open skin or cuts or just after waxing or hair removal.
  2. Buy a brush with a LONG handle, so that you’re ABLE to get to the areas of your body, that are not easy to reach, when doing your own Skin Brushing.
  3. Skin Brush, before showering or bathing, at least ONCE per day, and TWICE, if possible.
  4. Do NOT wet your skin, since it will NOT have the SAME Effect, because this stretches your skin.
  5. Do LIGHTER Strokes over and around your breasts, but do NOT brush the nipples. Do not brush the face either as the skin is thinner.
  6. Brush each part of your Body several times VIGOROUSLY, COMPLETELY brushing your WHOLE body.
  7. Brush the soles of your feet FIRST, because the nerve endings there affect your WHOLE body, next Brush your ankles, calves, and thighs, then brush across your stomach and your buttocks and lastly brush your hands to your arms.
  8. ALWAYS skin brush towards the heart.
  9. Do circular counter-clockwise strokes on your abdomen.

10. Take a WARM bath or shower, which should always be followed by a COOL rinse at the end to INVIGORATE blood circulation and STIMULATE surface warmth.

11. Wash your brush every few weeks in water and allow it DRY (do not use the brush when the bristles are wet)


Directions For Skin Brushing


People choose to cleanse for many reasons–to lose weight, to cleanse the liver of impurities, even for spiritual or religious reasons. Some cleansing plans allow you to only drink water, other fast, and juice/smoothie or take special supplement programme to support your body.

Cleansing and elimination is absolutely key for a healthy body. Outside of the naturopathic realm, many people see cleanses as something they decide to do a few times a year, when ideally it is more balanced to see cleansing as something the body does all the time. Try to live in a way where the body is getting rid of unwanted toxins EVERY DAY. The body actually wants to function like this!

Imagine treating your body like a freshly made bed. Each day you shake the bedding out to make it tidy again. Oxygen gets round, the blood flows better, your brain will function better, secretions and odours do not build up, your liver and kidneys empty themselves, you bowel gets rid of all of the waste, your skin looks bright, your hair shiny and strong.

How to Detox?

Human tissue laded with toxins cannot assimilate nutrients well or eliminate its own wastes efficiently. For example, tissue that needs repair; heals very slowly until toxins are removed.

Here are some signs of toxicity:

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Eye infections / itchy eyes
  • Dark circles under eyes
  • Infertility
  • Menstrual problems / reproductive area problems / PMT
  • Excessive mucus/catarrh
  • inability to shake off colds/coughs
  • Constant swollen glands – especially in throat
  • Acne, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis
  • Body odour
  • Bad breath
  • Joint/muscle pain – e.g arthritis
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Fatigue / exhaustion
  • Nausea
  • Strong reaction to alcohol
  • Bloating
  •  Poor bowel movements / constipation
  • Food intolerances
  • Excessive cellulite
  • Lumpy / painful breasts
  • Water retention
  •  Mood swings, irritability, impatience
  • Low libido


From detoxification you can achieve:

  • Skin is clearer and smoother, hair and nails are stronger.
  • Excess mucous in the lungs and nose clear up.
  • You have more energy, flexibility and stamina.
  • You are more alert.
  • Weight loss, less cellulite and marks begin to fade.
  • Your moods become lighter and mood swings disappear.
  • You will sleep better and wake up ready for the day ahead.


The body protects us from these toxins by storing them in our body’s cells and in the thick rubbery goo called Mucoid Plaque. This coats the inside of our stomach, intestines and colon.

This mucoid plaque eventually stops us from absorbing our vital nutrients. Suffocating our digestive system and causing allergies, parasites, and bad bacteria to thrive and cause uncomfortable and embarrassing ailments.
These toxins can be the foods we ate that could not be digested at the time, to the pills and medicines that we have taken, pollution from the environment, chemicals in skincare and household cleaners.


But when we allow the body to be clear, detoxified and energised then it looks like this:

Just as river life does not blossom or survive in contaminated and stagnant water.

First gentle steps to detoxing?

  • Hot and cold showers: The contrast of the hot and cold gets your blood moving – vital for excellent health, lymphatic function and releasing toxins.
  • Skin brushing: gets the lymph moving and helps to eliminate toxins. Work from the soles of the feet, in an upwards motion towards the heart.
  • Get a re-bounder and do 15 minutes mini jumping per day. This will kick start the lymphatic system, help with weight loss (if that is required), to move on excess toxins.
  • Take it easy with exercise as the body during detox / cleanse more energy to assist in eliminating all the toxins…

 Check out our revolutionary cleanse detox 4 weeks programme here –!!RejuvaDetox!!

A herbal syrup is simply a maceration, infusion, decoction or tincture where maple syrup, vegetable glycerine or honey has been added to give it a sweeter thicker taste and texture. This form is ideal for children. It is also perfect for making a sore throat or cough mixture where you want to coat the throat. This form is not suitable for diabetics.


Onion & Garlic Syrup (for coughs, colds and general immunity):

homemade cough syrup


  1. Add to food processor, blender or hand blend: raw – onions, garlic, horseradish, chilli and ginger root.
  2. Cover with vegetable glycerine, honey or maple syrup.
  3. Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  4. Store in jar in the fridge and use by the spoon!



This is a fun video of our almost daily juicing routine!

Many parents asks us on how to get children to drink green juice…..totalhealthnow-smoothies-300x300
The answer is -never forced it on them, but come with ideas & ways to make it more fun! and set an example – If a child see their mother or father drinking green juice and eating healthfully, this will greatly influence their dietary habits.

Create a fun name and let your kids help run the blender. Some of our kid tested and approved favorites that will have them drinking their greens. Making it fun can make it more exciting and appealing to drink. This is a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack for a great anti-oxidant hit. Making snacks bright and colourful is important to gain a range of micro-nutrients which is important for healthy cognitive function and immunity. Recipes can be made to your child taste…

A Quick Guide to Juicing for Families & Kids


Wheatgrass is full of goodness, it’s gluten-free and a wonderful source of vitamins A, B1 and B2, and minerals Iron, Copper, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc and Calcium.

Interesting facts… 

Additionally wheatgrass powder contains hundreds of enzymes, some of which are completely unique to wheatgrass. Per gram it also contains more protein than meat, fish, dairy, and pulses.

Adding Wheatgrass to your diet will contribute to your recommended daily fibre intake. 10g of Wheatgrass will provide you with about 4.7g of fibre.


Water is Mother Nature’s finest gift and without it, we cannot survive. Other liquid forms keep us from actually dying but pure water itself cannot be substituted if quality health is desired.

It’s common knowledge that most water sources are now polluted, but there is tremendous confusion about what kind of drinking water is the most health promoting, and what kind of home water treatment produces the best drinking water.

TYPES of WATER available to us…

  • Purified water: Water that is physically processed to remove impurities (e.g., distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, etc.)
  • Distilled water: Water that is boiled and evaporated away from its dissolved minerals, and then the vapor is condensed.
  • Bottled Water. This water is typically from a spring or has gone through reverse osmosis before it is bottled. However, some brands are simply bottled tap water that may or may not have gone through any additional filtering.
  • Alkaline water: Water that has been separated into alkaline and acid fractions using electrolysis, which takes advantage of the naturally occurring electric charges found in the magnesium and calcium ions; in the drinking water industry.
  • Deionized or demineralized water: Water in which the mineral ions (salts such as sodium, calcium, iron, copper, chloride and bromide) have been removed by exposing it to electrically charged resins that attract and bind to the salts.
  • Hard and soft water: Hard water is any water containing an appreciable quantity of dissolved minerals; soft water is treated water in which the only cation (positively charged ion) is sodium.

Source: Dr Mercola Blog


Today, too many people are choosing soda instead of pure water as their primary beverage, which puts their health at risk.


  • A cup of tea takes away about 1 cup of water.
  • A cup of coffee takes away about 2 cups of water.
  • 1 can of coke takes away around 28 glasses of water because the cola is so acidic, the body is trying to neutralise that.

WHY Water is good for you:

  •  Cleansing/hydrating.
  • Aids organ function.
  • Electrolytes need water (e.g potassium, calcium and magnesium transported in water).
  • Lubricates joints.
  • Hot water is better anti-inflammatory. So for treating kidneys (cystitis). Kidneys hate the cold.
  • Do not drink ice cold water, the body would have to use energy to heat it up. The best way to hydrate the body is to drink warm water. Body hydrates slower with cold or chilled water.
  • 75% of the body is water.
  • Water makes repair protein. Repair proteins needed to keep body intact e.g healing, illness, cosmetically. Water reduces the ageing process.
  • For nerve transmission, function. Regulating all functions within the body.
  • Transport mechanism – transported by water.
  • Helps control and regulate body temperature.
  • Helps get rid of waste.
  • Helps produce anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Water activates white blood cells so helps with immune system.
  • Still water helps to neutralise acid in the body. When the body is happily alkaline, it makes oxygen in the body = healthy body. Acidic cells = de-oxygenated. Toxins create acid in the body. Carbonated water makes acid in the body.
  • Water gives the body energy.
  • Liver needs water to work efficiently and alkalise body chemistry and produce bile.
  • Helps to break down mucus.
  • Softens cells, making them more permeable and able to receive vitamins and minerals.

 Panic attacks can be alleviated by drinking water. Its about getting oxygen into the body. Stress dehydrates the body. Water relaxes the body.

 Total Health Now  believes that drinking alkaline ionised water is beneficial for everyone!

alkaline water

Drink water 30 mins before a meal, as its helps with digestive enzymes. If one is de-hydrated then one cannot digest sufficiently and as mentioned before, digestion is key for increasing absorption of nutrients.

Good health is something that’s important to us all. But how do we reach this elusive goal?

Our bodies are like a chain of independently linked organs and systems. Like a chain, our overall health is only as good as the weakest link. Our approach to natural health is really quite simple: firstly, find the weakest link and strengthen it before it snaps and, secondly, identify and support the rest of your body’s imbalances so that your body can heal itself from within.

Primarily, we recommend gradually changing your habits and start with few simple below steps on how to transform and accelerate your health….

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1. Shop organic

Using organic products in the process of healing the body is essential. Reducing the toxic load in all forms is a primary aim. Yes, it is all about practicing a Complete Detoxification Programme  in order to reduce the load on one’s immune system and allowing it to activate the body’s own healing mechanism. It should go without saying, but eat less processed foods and more wholesome foods. This means reading the labels. The fewer ingredients the better, and if you see chemical additives, preservatives, artificial colours or flavours (usually represented by numbers) leave the product on the shelf.

2. Eat more superfoods and rely on detox diet menu

Of course superfoods  are a special category of foods found in nature. By definition, they are calorie sparse and nutrient dense, meaning that they pack a lot of punch for their weight as far as goodness goes. They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients – nutrients that we need but cannot make ourselves. Incorporating such nutrition for health into your daily diet makes perfect sense for optimal healthy lifestyle.

3. Drink and bath with clean alkalise water

Good hydration is vitally important if you are to enjoy optimum healthy lifestyle.  We believe that drinking alkaline ionised water is beneficial for everyone.

4. Protect yourself from electromagnetic fields (EMF) pollution and from the effects electromagnetic radiation

Each and every day, your body is exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Cell phones, satellites, radio stations, hair dryers, microwaves, music players, computers, power grids, gaming consoles, and body-worn electronics are all sources of EMF and, over time, we are exposed to a vast amount of these signals. Protect yourself from the effects of electromagnetic radiation and  electro-smog by using EMF protection devices. These devices can help limit your body’s exposure to EMF and its associated risks. As a result, you may feel more energised, focused, or even have a greater sense of well-being.

5. Detoxify your body

Of course detoxing your body is important to remove unwanted toxins from the system. Face this, unwanted toxins in most of the cases interfere with the natural pathways of the brain and vital organs. Your body is programmed to get rid of wastes and toxins through any channel it can (bowel, sweat, tears, lungs, kidneys…), whenever it can.

6. Take Natural Supplements

Supplementing your diet with essential immune-boosting nutrients is an essential part of any healing program. Apart from supporting your weakest link, you go on a maintenance programme to ensure natural healthy lifestyle and also to make sure that  your health and vitality is constant.

7. Learn how to control your emotional responses

How do you deal with your challenges in life? Our physical, emotional and mental vitality are intrinsically linked…. 

“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.” ? Lao Tzu

8. Use earthing / grounding

Earthing  or grounding refers to contact with the Earth’s surface electrons by walking barefoot outside or sitting, working or sleeping indoors connected to conductive systems, transferring the energy from the ground into the body. Emerging research supports that this may result in reduced pain, better sleep and less inflammation. The logical explanation for the reduction in inflammation is that the Earth’s negatively charged antioxidant electrons enter the body and neutralise positively-charged free radicals in the body.

9. Pay attention to your Breathing patterns

The average depth and volume of our breathing has a profound effect on the uptake of oxygen, metabolism and, in fact, all the major systems of the organism. Oxygen is an essential food for the organism; it does not regulate the breathing. The breathing is, in fact, regulated by carbon dioxide, and the sensitivity to it of the respiratory centre.

The perfect man breathes as if he does not breathe. – Lao Tzu

Focus on these few simple things, and watch your miraculous life unfold in unprecedented ways.

The most important step towards a health living that none told you about?

If you have health concerns about overhead power lines, mobile phone masts or about the invisible EMFs of your electrical appliances, Geoptahic stress, dirty electricity and how safe is the place where you sleep,  then this may be for you….EMF & Geopathic Stress Survey 300x300

Are you suffering from geopathic stress and/or electromagnetic radiation (EMR pollution/ ‘electro smog’)?

This is an important question as they have been found to be contributing to many psychological conditions, headaches, dizziness, sleeplessness, fatigue, depression and even serious and long-term illnesses.

Our bodies operate according to very complex electrochemical processes. The environment in which we live these days is full of electromagnetic frequencies which can be harmful to our bodies. The effects of electromagnetic radiation and Geopathic stress lower the immune system and have been found to contribute to stress anxiety depression symptoms, serious and persistent illnesses and conditions such as cancer, ME/ fatigue, depression, difficulty conceiving, miscarriages,  insomnia, learning difficulties and psychological disorders.


Infertility rates are rising and many charities concerned with conception issues are now recommending that couples who have been trying for a baby should check their homes for both Geopathic,  electromagnetic stress and also for electromagnetic sensitivity symptoms.


DID YOU KNOW?: The UK’s Electromagnetic Radiation Research Trust recently launched a public education campaign urging men not to carry mobile phones in front pockets next to their testicles.

 What is geopathic stress?


Geopathic stress (GS) occures where the Earth’s electromagnetic field becomes distorted. The Earth resonates with an electromagnetic frequency of approximately 7.83 Hz – Schumann resonances (SR), which falls within the range of (alpha) human brainwaves. Underground streams, sewers, water pipes, electricity, tunnels and underground railways, mineral formations and geological faults distort the natural resonance of the Earth thus creating geopathic stress.

What is EMR (ElectroMagnetic Radiation)?

Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or sometimes called electrosmog or electrostress is generated by most electrical appliances, electrical cables, transformers, hair dryers, electrical shavers, microwaves, mobile masts, cordless telephones and mobile phones.

It is not easy to tell if the levels of electro smog around you are affecting you.  Your long-term health and well-being may be at risk. Electro smog given off by devices and appliances in your home or at your workplace could be harmful to your health.


What Are Electromagnetic Fields?


Electromagnetic fields (or sometimes called electrosmog or electrostress) are areas of energy that surround electronic devices. The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that the electric fields are created by differences in voltage and magnetic fields are created when the electric current flows. According to WHO, the effects of electromagnetic radiation are huge! The electromagnetic fields affect us because our human bodies have their own electric and biochemical responses (e.g., nervous system, digestion, brain function, heart function). So exposure to EMFs can interact with your body in adverse.


Where Do Electromagnetic Fields Come From?

Simply put, EMFs come from electricity:

  • In your home – DECT cordless phones, hairdryers, vacuums, refrigerators, microwave ovens, irons, televisions (the flat panel TVs are much better than the old box-style TVs), main ring and lighting circuits, dimmer switches, electric blankets, electric razors, electric toothbrushes, WiFi, etc.
  • In your office – computers, fluorescent or halogen lighting, fax machines, photocopiers, scanners, cell phones and WiFi.
  • Outside – power lines (high voltage cables either overhead or buried in the ground), transformers (the gray cylinders raised up on poles that look like trash cans), electrical substations, cell phone towers, cities that provide citywide wireless Internet (WiFi) and electromagnetic radiation from near neighbors’ electronic equipment.
  • Airplanes – Several airlines, such as AirTran, are introducing Wi-Fi on planes, for all of their flights. Did you know that Wi-Fi on planes (and on the ground) emits electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can negatively affect people, especially those with low immunity?

Most of our modern-day conveniences emit EMFs, some stronger than others. So does this mean you have to go off the grid?

Not at all! But if you are serious about achieving and maintaining your best health, there are several steps you can take to minimize the effect EMFs and reduce the electrosensitivity symptoms on you and your family.

Few Informal Precautionary Guidelines

For EMF Protection

  • Reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation by increasing your distance
  • Limit exposure to microwave ovens radiation and even better remove it from your house altogether
  • If it doesn’t need to be turned on, switch it off (cell phones & Wi-Fi router). I-phones can be used on airplane mode. Instead of Wifi use Lan cable connection or simply use Powerline Adaptors which allows you to transfer the internet in every room through your house’s electricity circuit.
  • Use an air tube headset when possible, avoid Bluetooth or wired headset
  • When dialling out do not put your cell phone next to your ear until your correspondent has picked up the communication
  • When dialling out do not put your cell phone next to your ear until your correspondent has picked up the communication
  • Make sure you use your phone only in conditions of optimum reception
  • Do not allow children to use a cell phone for calling
  • Cordless land lines have the potential to emit EMFs as strong as six volts per meter. Not only are you in danger of over-exposure to EMFs while you are actively talking on the phone, but cordless phones are also able to release EMFs into your home even when they are simply sitting in the cradle. Regardless if your cordless phone is charging or not, it can unleash dangerous EMFs into your home without even being in use.
  • Avoid using/working with  laptops and  electronic devices on your laps
  • Mobile phone masts. Go to  and put your postcode in the box. Your street will come up with the location of all the near-by mobile phone masts marked as blue triangles

For Geopathic Stress Protection

  • Reposition Your Furniture. If your bed, your desk or your living room furniture (where you tend to spend a lot of time) happens to be in a geopathic stress area, you need to reposition it.

For Dirty Electricity Protection

  •  Change all CFLs to candescent or LED bulbs
  • Keep a good distance away from wiring and other sources of dirty electricity
  • Limit the use of “dirty electricity appliances”
  • Replace unsafe electrical devices with safer alternatives
  • Avoid electric under floor heating wherever possible
  •  Switch off/unplug any unused devices
  • Check your house’s wiring with an electrician if it has been over 10-15 years since the last time it was wired or checked especially the fuse board.

Total Health Now offers a range of EMR and  Geopathic stress protection tools & equipment check for more info. Total Health Now provides independent professional guidance on effective control of electromagnetic exposure. or


Natural healthy lifestyle has immense effect on your health and home. Needless to say, making your home healthier doesn’t have to be expensive, or overwhelming and just a few changes can improve the health of your home, everyone in it — and the planet it sits on. 

Some of these are easy fixes. Others challenge us to re-examine a lifetime of habits.

Check your house for common health risk factors, electromagnetic sensitivity symptoms and choose safer alternatives.

 1.        Reduce your exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

There is hardly any secret that reducing the electrosensitivity symptom is the most challenging part of Creating Healthy Home….

So, what’s EMF? Each and every day, your body is exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Cell phones, satellites, radio stations, hair dryers, microwaves, music players, computers, power grids, gaming consoles, and body-worn electronics are all sources of EMF and, over time, we are exposed to a vast amount of these signals. To protect yourself from electro-smog, use EMF protection devices, which can help limit your body’s exposure to EMF and to reduce the electromagnetic sensitivity symptoms as well as its associated risks. As a result, you may feel more energised, focused, or even have a greater sense of well-being.

 2.      Decrease your home for electric pollution

Electrical pollution, otherwise known as dirty electricity is a term used to describe a type of electrical phenomenon occurring worldwide. Electrical pollution is not something you can see, smell, taste, or touch. It is not something you can sense, making it difficult for one to be aware of the presence of electrical pollution. With this in mind, it is important to understand what causes electrical pollution and what to look for in your everyday environment and home.

Many people complain about a variety of side effects to dirty power, these can include headaches, ringing in the ears, trouble focusing, and a variety of other symptoms.
Electrical pollution can be controlled with special filters.

 3.      Protect your home from Geopathic Stress and from the effects of electromagnetic radiation

What is Geopathic Stress? Geopathic stress – or harmful earth rays – is natural radiation that rises up through the earth and is distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by underground streams, certain mineral concentrations and fault lines. The wavelengths of the disturbed natural radiation can seriously affect our health, causing cancer, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME), infertility and miscarriage. While we are asleep, our body should be resting so it can repair body cells, fight infections and absorb nutrients from food. However, if we sleep in an area affected by geopathic stress, our body has to use all its energy just to keep vital organs going. As a result, our immune system becomes weakened, which means that it doesn’t absorb nutrients or fight off infections effectively. We offer different equipment to help you to improve the areas in your house which are affected by geopathic stress or electro pollution. We also offer an independent assessment of your house/office.

 4.      Improve your Water Quality

If our municipal drinking water were pure, it would still contain chlorine and chlorine by-products. These chemicals have been associated with cardiac concerns as well as linked to increased risk for cancer of the bladder. But there is more than chlorine. There can be dissolved heavy metals in drinking water, from several potential sources, including older fixtures, plumbing pipes, and lead solder, as well as coming in from sources upstream of your home. There can be parasites and bacteria, even bacteria that live in rough areas of your own water pipes and which chlorine does not kill.

Good hydration is vitally important if we are to enjoy optimum health. We believe that drinking alkaline ionised water is beneficial for everyone.

 5.      Improve your indoor Air Quality

Most people spend as much as 90 percent of their time indoors.

But indoor air quality can be up to five times worse than outdoor air, which can have a very detrimental impact on your health.

Poor indoor air quality can cause or exacerbate:

  • Asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems
  • Headaches
  • Eye and skin irritations
  • Sore throat, colds and flu
  • Memory loss, dizziness, fatigue and depression
  • Long-term effects from exposure to toxic airborne particles include heart disease, respiratory disease, reproductive disorders, sterility and even cancer.

Whether you want to eliminate impurities in the air (such as pollen, smoke and dust) or want to maintain optimum humidity levels in your home, there are various products to help you do this. Air purifiers can play an important role in improving the air quality in your home and office.

 6.      Use non-toxic cleaning products.

The conventional cleaning supplies under your sink — with their “warning” and “poison” labels — contain a potent mix of chemicals.

“If you’ve ever mopped with ammonia, you know how your lungs constrict,” says Lunder. “These chemicals have a very powerful effect on kids.

Look for “green” cleaners that don’t contain chlorine or ammonia. Choose ones that say “petroleum-free,” “biodegradable,” or “phosphate-free.”

Or make a cleaning products yourself.

Home-brew suggestions:

Use vinegar instead of bleach, baking soda to scrub your tiles, and hydrogen peroxide to remove stains.

Vinegar also removes grease and soap buildup.


Raw Vegan Easter Egg

Caramel Cream

  • 1 1/2 cups cashews
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbl agave syrup or 1/2 cups of soaked Mulberries
  • 2 tbl coconut butter, warmed to liquefy
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Pinch Celctic sea salt or Himalayan Salt


  • 1/2 cup cocoa butter or coconut butter, warmed to liquefy
  • 3 tbl cocoa powder or cocoa paste
  • 1 tbl lucuma
  • 2 tbl agave syrup

Make the caramel cream first by combining all ingredients in a  food processor until smooth. The smoothness of the mixture will depend on the strength of your machine.

Then make the chocolate by combining all ingredients in a food processor or simply stir in a bowl with a whisk or fork ensuring any lumps are broken down until smooth. Pour the chocolate into each egg mould so half is filled. Then spoon some caramel cream into the mould. Then pour over some more chocolate so there is no trace of the filling. Set in the fridge or freezer to set.


Packing a healthy lunch box for your children is a daily challenge for parents. It’s so hard to know how to pack healthy kids’ lunch bags. Kids are hungry at lunchtime, so they need a packed lunch that satisfies their appetite and gives them plenty of healthy food, including lots of the all important fresh fruit and vegetables. Trouble is, that it can be a bit of a challenge to keep coming up with healthy lunch box ideas. What to include? As well as providing stuff that’s healthy, parents are also trying to find food that’s a bit more interesting than the predictable cheese or ham sandwich with an apple.


A frittata is a baked omelette.


8 large eggs

150ml (5fl oz) single cream or any nut milk

50g (1¾ oz) Cheddar cheese, grated

1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley

1 cup grated courgette or carrot

salt and freshly ground black pepper

2 tbsp olive oil


Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan 160°C/350°F/Gas 4). In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the cream; add cheese, herbs and salt and pepper.

Heat the oil in a 23cm (9in) oven-safe, non-stick omelette pan over a medium heat until hot. Pour in the egg mixture and shake the pan a little to spread the ingredients evenly.

Transfer the pan to the oven and bake for 20 minutes, or until the omelette is just set in the centre.

Hold a warmed plate upside-down over the pan and turn the two over together so that the omelette inverts on to the plate. Serve hot or warm.

Avocado Hedgehog

lunch box chlorella


1 avocado

Sunflower seed



Cut avocado in half. Spoon it out and lay flat.

Press sunflower seeds into avocado so they will look like spikes

Use two raisin for eyes and one for hedgehog nose

Alfa Alfa Sprout & Avocado Wrap



1/8 cup alfa alfa sprouts

1 boiled egg

Half of avocado

1 tsp linseed

1 tbs hummus

Wholegrain wrap (wholewheat, rye or spelt)


 Cut egg and avocado into small pieces.

Add linseed, hummus and alfa alfa sprouts and mix.

Put the mixture in the middle of the wrap and roll.

raw pesto


1 cup pine nuts

2 cups basil

½ olive oil

½ lemon juice

¼ walnuts

1 avocado

Pinch of Himalayan salt and black pepper


Blend all ingredients together until smooth

Try this red pepper hummus recipe for your next snack. The red peppers make a sensational addition to this traditional hummus recipe.


1 can (16oz -19oz) of chickpeas

1 red bell pepper

1 tablespoon of tahini

1 ½ tablespoons fresh lemon juice

1 ½ tablespoons olive oil

3/4 teaspoon cumin

1 clove of garlic, crushed

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 ½ tablespoons water


Wash and dry red bell pepper. Chop into ½ inch pieces.

In a blender or food processor, blend the chickpeas. Add red bell pepper, olive oil, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, cumin, water, and salt until the ingredients form a creamy, paste-like consistency. Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.


2 Aubergines

2 gloves garlic

½ onion

½ cup of olive oil

¼ cup of seamen seed


Slice the aubergine in thin slices and pierce with a fork. Grill in the oven for 10-15 minutes.

Let it cool. Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth.

totalhealthnow dehydrating

A food dehydrator delivers the vast majority of foods with the same vitamins and minerals as their fresh counterparts, in a remarkable array of concentrated flavors, nutrients and enzymes!
Dehydration process retains almost 100% of the nutritional content of the food, retains the alkalinity of fresh produce and actually inhibits the growth of microforms such as bacteria.




½ cup Toasted Coconut Chips

1 cup Rice Pops

½ cup Roasted Almonds (cut in pieces)

½ cup Cranberries ( or roasted/dehydrated apples pieces)

1 cup Qunioa Pops

¼ Cup Cacao Nibs

Mix all ingredients in bowl and serve with a milk of your choice we prefer homemade Almond or Hazelnut Mylk

Super Quick Porridge

1 cup of Oat Flakes

1 cup of Brown Rice Flakes

½ cup Goji Berries or (Cranberries, Raisins, Mulberries)

2 large spoons of Psyillium Husk

2 tea spoons of Chia Seeds


Mix all ingredients in a bowl and keep in sealed container. To cook: add ½ cup of mix in a bowl, add hot water and cover with a lead for 1 minute. Add fresh fruit berries or banana and enjoy your morning porridge



Superfood Muesli


Ingredients (Serves approximately 10):

1 cup oats

1/2 cup of raw almonds (chop in a food processor)

1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut

1/3 cup sunflower seeds

1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (pepitas)

1/3 cup chia seeds

1/3 cup wheatgerm

1/2 cup almonds, roughly chopped

4 tbsp linseeds

2 tsp cinnamon


Mix all ingredients in a bowl then add into a large glass jar to store.


1 cup of toasted coconut chips

1 cup of sliced Almonds (can slightly roast them)

4tbsp linseeds

Choosing a healthy breakfast cereal is not a simple task. The cereal aisle is a long one, full of contradictions. You’ll find cereals made with refined grains with nearly no fiber  and cereals made with whole grains and bran boasting 7 grams or more of fibre. There are cereals with so much sugar they seem more like boxes of little cookies. And there are cereals with sugar listed far down on the ingredient list.

If you eat cereal almost every day, either for breakfast or as a snack, the cereal you choose can say a lot about your health. It can add a lot of good stuff to your diet — or it can add a whole lot of nothing.

Cereals made with refined grains have generally not been linked to health benefits, like a lower risk of death from heart disease, as whole-grain breakfast cereals have. Refined-grain cereals do not lower the risk of gaining weight or having a higher BMI (body mass index), but whole grain-rich cereals do.

Choosing a Healthy Breakfast Cereal: Taste or Nutrition?

The trick is finding a breakfast cereal that is full of healthful attributes, low in sugar, and has no saturated fat and trans fat — but still tastes great! It doesn’t matter how good for you a cereal is; if it doesn’t taste good, you’re probably not going to eat it day after day.

totalhealthnow breakfast

totalhealthnow smoothies

Why to drink vegetable/fruit juices or smoothies

Holistic health practitioner opines that for complete health and vitality relying on an effective detox diet menu is significantly important.

Virtually every health authority recommends that we get 5-12 servings of vegetables or fruits per day and only very few of us actually get that. Juicing is an easy way to virtually guarantee that you will reach your daily target for vegetables.

Consuming green smoothies is a great way to increase your daily vegetable intake. Think about it, how many quality vegetables do you really consume in a day? Juices & smoothies deliver a natural source of energy. Ever feel like taking a nap in the afternoon? Rather than going for a coffee or diet soda, try a smoothie. The natural sugars from the fruit and vegetables will give you a boost, but the high fibre content and vitamins and minerals will help to prolong the energizing effects. Remember, your body is better fueled by real foods than food substitutes.

No doubt about it, juicing for children is a great way to get nutrition into their growing, developing bodies. Create a fun name and let your kids help run the blender. Some of our kid tested and approved favorites that will have them drinking their greens. Making it fun can make it more exciting and appealing to drink. This is a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack for a great anti-oxidant hit. Making snacks bright and colourful is important to gain a range of micro-nutrients which is important for healthy cognitive function and immunity. Recipes can be made to your child taste…


Juices and smoothies are completely different and require different machines.

Smoothie – this is when the whole food is blended into a thick drink using all of the fruit – except for the skin and seed depending on what it is.

Juice – this is when only the juice is extracted from the fruit or vegetable leaving the fiber in the pulp collector at the back of the machine.

Finally, drink plenty of water to complement with your complete detoxofication programme to achieve health and vitality.

With all the food and pet products now coming from China, it is best to make sure you read label at the supermarket and especially when buying food products. Many products no longer show where they were made, only give where the distributor is located. The whole world is concerned about China-made “black-hearted goods”.

Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ? The world is also concerned about GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) foods; steroid fed animals (ex: 45 days old broiler chicken).
made in china
It is important to read the bar code to track its origin. How to read Bar Codes….interesting !

If the first 3 digits of the bar code are 690, 691 or 692, the product is MADE IN CHINA.
471 is Made in Taiwan .
If the first 3 digits of the bar code are 00-09 then it’s made or sourced in USA.

This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public, therefore we have to RESCUE ourselves. Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products “MADE IN CHINA”, so they don’t show from which country it is made. However, you may now refer to the barcode –

Remember if the first 3 digits are:
690, 691, 692 … then it is MADE IN CHINA
00 – 09 … USA and CANADA
30 – 37 … FRANCE
40 – 44 … GERMANY
471 …….. Taiwan
45 or 49 ……..JAPAN
489………..HONG KONG
50 ………. UK
471……… is Made in TAIWAN (see sample)
740……….745 – CENTRAL AMERICA

All 480 Codes are Made in the PHILIPPINES.


The first rule of detoxing is to stop taking in toxins. In these days of living in toxic soup environments, the only thing people can control completely is what is consumed.

body food


Detoxing your body is important and the first rule of detoxing is to stop taking in toxins. In these days of living in toxic soup environments, the only thing people can control completely is what is consumed. Needless to say, relying on a complete detox diet menu is the first baby step to health and vitality.

The fact is hard to deny that the sheer connection between the body and the mind is a very real one. The way your body feels therefore plays a big part in how your brain functions. Your food habit thus has a direct relation with your physical and mental well-being. Keeping your daily diet free of toxins, free radicals, and other nasty things is crucial in maintaining a healthy life. You’ll notice that with many of this Complete Detoxification Programme and detox foods the road to purification goes through the liver and can provide long-lasting benefits throughout the body.


Click on the link to read Part 1 & Part 2

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare):

Assists digestion and increases metabolic processes in general; it alleviates gas, bloating and spasms and speeds up digestion.  It dissolves and disperses mucus and fats.  The lungs benefit from it when taken as a tea. Ideal for children for soothing an upset stomach and for colic. Do not overuse if experiencing hormonal imbalances as it is oestrogen rich and this may not suit all women.

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum):

Is a useful healing spice; it is very nourishing and considered to be a tonic, as well as balancing blood sugar.  It is a very useful thickening agent in foods.  Three cups of fenugreek tea a day will help people gain weight.  It will also calm an acidic or ulcerated stomach. It is often used alongside milkthislte tea for encouraging breast milk production and it strongly supports the pancreas.

Garlic (Allium sativum):

  • Blood cleanser due to its sulphur content. (eight different sulphur compounds)
  • It is capable of killing viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Combine it with ginger, French tarragon or marjoram to prevent gas.
  • Use to make onion and horseradish elixir (as before) for colds and coughs.
  • Excellent for cholesterol reductions.
  • It is a major anti-oxidant proven to help reduce the incidence of disease.  Garlic juice inhibits the growth of most types of bacteria.  In fact, the odour alone does so.
  • Garlic is nature’s own broad-spectrum antibiotic, but it works without killing off friendly bacteria, as drug antibiotics do.
  • Positive for your heart, as it lowers blood pressure and reduces clots.
  • Encourages white blood cell formation.
  • Garlic protects the body from toxic chemicals, harmful food additives and rancid oils.  (However, 1 percent of the population cannot tolerate it.)

Those who shy away from garlic because of its smell should add freshly grated ginger to it (provided you wash regularly, keep generally healthy and do not get constipated) the garlic odour will be minimized.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale):

Is one of the most versatile herbal stimulants.  It is of great benefit to the intestines, circulation and stomach.  Use as a tea for nausea.  It enhances the effect of all other herbs and spices.  Avoid use if you have very high blood pressure or in cases of extreme inflammation, dry skin or liver inflammation. Ideal for morning sickness for women or travel sickness for children.


Lemon (Origanum majorana):

It is not only delightful in flavour but also one of nature’s best kitchen healers.  Gypsy lore says it is among the five foods that should always be in the kitchen.  The fresh skins of whole organic ones can also be used. Rich in vitamin C, a natural anti-oxidant; it encourages the immune system.  Suck on an organic lemon if you have swollen glands.  Lemon is so powerfully acidic that it is rapidly converted to alkaline in the gut providing a powerful healing tool for detoxifying and healing. Great for supporting the liver.

Marjoram (Origanum majorana):

It is a powerful antiviral herb.  It is also a stimulant, antispasmodic, antiseptic and carminative – a combination of opposites that bring balance.  It relaxes the lungs and digestion and expels mucus wherever it may be situated.  It can be used for cramps and nausea and adds a slightly lemony flavour to dishes.

Mustard (Brassica hirta, B, nigra and other species):

Is a stimulant, alterative and rubefacient (dilates the capillaries and increases blood flow) that is excellent for the digestive system.  The best mustards are those made from whole grains and mixed with apple cider vinegar rather than malt or white wine vinegar.  Add it frequently to salad dressings and when cooking rice and other grains.  Use the seeds whole on steamed cabbage, carrots and parsnips to add crunch and spicy heat!

Nutmeg and Mace (Myristica fragrans):

Come from the same seed.  Mace is the outer covering of the nutmeg.  Nutmeg and lettuce soup is very good for depression and nervous disorders.  Mace is an antiseptic and is delicious in sweet dishes.  Sprinkle nutmeg and mace on cooked fruit, use with cinnamon in sweet dishes or grate onto potatoes, cabbage, onions or leeks.  The effect is generally warming and soothing.  Together they are supposed to be an aphrodisiac, but be aware that in large quantities they can be hallucinatory.  Nutmeg encourages menstruation and can be abortive in large quantities – therefore avoid it during pregnancy.

THN - multifruit banner 250x250


It is becoming increasingly challenging for everyone to be able to access good health promoting food. Food, that is abundant in the width of nutrients that we need and is free from the harmful chemicals that are increasingly found in our food chain. Advances in food production and processing have not produced foods which suit our biochemistry. Many of them might be convenient now, but not so convenient later when we reap the results of inadequate nutrition.

Constant drip feeding of messages from powerful agri-food businesses is trying to tell us that we need GMO foods to be able to feed the world’s population. Unfortunately time alone will tell what the impact of GMO will have on people’s health and quality of life. However we know that from experience in other areas it is increasingly difficult to get any data as regards adverse impacts in terms of foods, drugs, vaccines etc.

If we are going to remain healthy we must take personal responsibility and not depend on government or anyone e

lse to look after our best interests. Voices of reason and conscience don’t ring as loud as voices of vested interests in the ears of politicians. Any of them, who would like to do differently, are constantly frustrated by powerful advisors who often do not have your or my best interests at heart.

Dr Gabriel CousensA recent quote I read, By Dr Gabriel Cousens, sums up the role of good nutrition.

“ With the proper diet, no doctor is necessary. With the improper diet, no doctor can help”

It is vitally important for us to do what we need to do for ourselves. I know that good nutrition and good hydration are the foundations to health. They will largely determine our ability to avoid degenerative disease and drastically increase our chances of a lengthy, healthy life.





Part 1

Cinnamon (cinnamomum zeylanicum):


Is available as bark, shoots and sticks. The bark is mainly sweet, but also slightly hot and bitter; the shoots have a very different taste and are not so sweet. Both are warming and tonics. Cinnamon and whole barley soup is good for all kidney problems, balancing water volume, general tone and function and helping to cleanse the system. Cinnamon and cloves complement each other in cooking, warming and speeding digestion. Nausea, flatulence and diarrhoea can be helped with them. Cinnamon is chromium rich (chromium is important for blood sugar regulation) and can be used for those who have low blood sugar, hypoglycaemia and potential insulin resistance in the first stages. Diabetics must use under practitioner direction if using large doses/capsules but a little in food is fine.

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum):


A stimulant and is effective for warming the body, increasing circulation, improving digestion, alleviating nausea/vomiting and clearing phlegm. Cloves are also capable of inhibiting viruses and fungi as well as parasitic eggs. Use sparingly as the flavour is strong.

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum):


A great anti-viral herb. As a seed it is a good thickening agent. Helpful for stimulating digestion.

Cumin (Cuminum cyminum):


Is ‘cooler’ than some spices, but it still warms and aids digestion. It is one of the best spices for the relief of flatulence. It is also a stimulant and antispasmodic, useful to the heart and uterus.

Its time to dig out all those messy bags of herbs and spices that you never use! Or start buying herbs and spices you see in the supermarket…but didn’t buy before because you did not know how to use them. Medicinal kitchen herbs are also a cheaper way to get herbal medicine and natural healing into your life EVERYDAY and while your cooking will taste more interesting.

Herbs and spices used in cooking traditionally were always included to help the easy digestion of heavy foods, break down rich or fatty foods and help destroy parasites and other bacteria that may be present in the food. Remember; herbs and spices have been around a lot longer than refrigeration!

A pestle and mortar (see above) is helpful for grinding these herbs or use a coffee grinder.

N.B ‘Astringent’ = a substance that contracts the tissue or canals of the body, thereby diminishing mucus/blood or cleans the skin and constricts the pores.

Here are some of the most common.

Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum):


A sweet spice. It is excellent for breaking up mucus in the body and for the relief of cramping in the bowels, as well as colic and flatulence. It is also very calming and soothing for the nervous system and helpful for alleviating sleeplessness.

Caraway (Carum carvi):


Is an excellent aid to digestion and relieves indigestion.

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum):


It warms the body and soothes digestion. You need to break into the pod for the flavour and medicinal qualities.

Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum):

Cayenne Pepper

It is a medicinal and nutritional herb. It is the purest and best stimulant. It is an excellent food for the circulatory system, as it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of arteries, veins and capillaries so that they regain elasticity. It also regulates blood pressure. Used raw, it rebuilds the tissue in the stomach and heals stomach and intestinal ulcers (the opposite is true of cooked chillies). It also produces natural warmth and stimulates the peristaltic motion of the intestines, aiding in assimilation and elimination. Cayenne peppers have white seeds, which are the hottest part; they are good for colds and flu. In some cases, it is too hot and those who are already ‘inflamed’ or over-heated should not use chilli – especially not cooked chilli. Avoid if you have a fever or are menopausal.

Source: Herbs for Everyday Living Course


Invaluable to burns and sunburn of minor or a great severity.  Wherever mucous membranes are thinned, bleeding or infected both internally and externally. The thick gel is cooling and helps to reduce scaring and speeds up healing.

Use the fresh leaf over packaged tube versions as they often contain preservatives. Aloe plants are easy to keep indoors all year round and pick off a leaf as and when you need it. If you do not use all the leaf, put it in the fridge or freezer to use later.


It appears that the business of beneficial bacteria is booming as the  “probiotics” label is common on everything ranging from supplements to yogurt and even to the granola bars. The term has also gained tsunami of attention as one of the essential elements to promote health and vitality.

Basically the Probiotics are the “friendly bacteria” , which are similar to organisms, which naturally occurs inside the digestive tract. In fact certain types of probiotics have direct connection health benefits, from helping with irritable bowel syndrome to traveler’s diarrhea and even help to boost the immune system.

Most experienced health care experts and holistic health practitioners know that a healthy gut is key to overall health. Studies show a direct link between gastrointestinal ecology and immune function, and one of the most important steps to achieving healthy gut function is by restoring and maintaining a healthy balance of gut flora.

If any of the following apply to you or your family, you should be considering using a probiotic formula:

• Imbalanced flora in the small or large intestine

• Gastrointestinal irritation

• Recent antibiotic use

• Irregular bowel movements

• Abdominal bloating and flatulence

• Anal irritation

• Frequent travel

Remember that not all probiotics are the same and it’s imperative when choosing a probiotic product for either yourself or your family that you have it test it with Kinesiology on you or you know that it is a top quality product, guaranteed to work.

Sea Vegetables/Plants Part 1 & Part 2



  • Chlorella is a green single-celled algae cultivated in fresh water ponds.
  • It has a grass-like smell because the high amounts of chlorophyll in it, the highest concentration of any plant in the world. It has existed on the plant for billions of years and was one of the first foods to appear. Fossils of Chlorella have been found dating back 3 billion years.
  • Chlorella is one of the healthiest, most potent foods in existence. In addition to being a perfect food for humans, lower grades of Chlorella are fed to livestock all over the world.
  • Chlorella is a powerful high-protein algae. It is about 65% assimilable protein. There are five grams of protein in one teaspoon or fifteen grams in one tablespoon.
  • It contains carotenoids, high amounts of magnesium, and the super detoxifier known as chlorophyll. It also contains approximately two to six times more chlorophyll than spirulina, but a little less protein.
  • The cell wall of chlorella has been found to be valuable. It binds with heavy metals, pesticides, and such carcinogens as PCBs found to (polychlorobinphenyls) and carries these toxins safely out of the body.
  • Another feature of the cell is a substructure that contains complex polysaccharides which is a plant chemical constituent renowned for promoting powerful immune responses.
  • The cell wall also contains compounds related to those found in bacteria that fortify immunity and protect against mutation.
  • Chlorella is also rich in a nutrient factor isolated in the 1950s and not available in other green foods called ‘Chlorella Growth Factor’ (CGF). This CGF makes chlorella most useful for improving growth patterns in children, maintaining health in old age, healing injuries, and initiating growth where it has been stunted from disease or degeneration, including Alzheimer’s disease, nervousness, palsy, seizures, sciatica, multiple sclerosis and other nerve disorders.
  • It also promotes normal growth of disease processes such as tumours. Because its chlorophyll content is one of the highest of any food, chlorella is useful for the many conditions which benefit from chlorophyll’s purification, renewal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Treatment of viruses and fungi which sap energy, such as candida-overgrowth, Epstein-Barr virus, chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome (CFIDS), and AIDS, is advanced by the immune-enhancing qualities of CGF as well as the antiviral effect of chlorophyll.
  • It also assists all blood sugar imbalances like diabetes, hypoglycaemia, manic depression.
  • Chlorella contains large quantities of fatty acids particularly the artery-cleansing, omega-3, alpha-linolenic variety; perhaps the reason chlorella has been shown to be so effective in reducing blood cholesterol in the body and preventing arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arterial walls).
  • The Japanese use a great deal of it in their diet – and they are famous for youthful skin, low cancer rates, excellent immunity and living to a great old age.

If you buy chlorella as single product rather than as a Superfood blend, we suggest ‘Sun Chlorella’ available from

Sea Vegetables/Plants Article Part 1

Blue-green Algae

blue green algae

  • Blue-green algae, are microscopic organisms that are naturally present in lakes and streams. Blue Green Algae is probably the oldest or first life forms.
  • Algae is the most nutrient-dense and perfectly-balanced wholefood with an extraordinarily complete content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and live enzymes.
  • Algae provide over 80% of the oxygen in the earth and provide a staple diet for countless plants and animals.
  • Blue Green Algae contains the very important Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) of Omega-3 alpha linolenic, Omega-3 eicosapentanoic and Omega-3 docosahexaenoic, plus Omega-6 linoleic.
  • One of the only vegetarian sources of vitamin B12, providing 133% of the RDA.
  • Contains 60% high quality protein.
  • Highest beta-carotene content per gram of any food – a provitamin that boosts the immune system and scavenges free radicals that can cause oxidative damage in the body.
  • Richest known source of chlorophyll, which can help our bodies in cell regeneration, blood purification and general detoxification.
  • Enzyme active for complete and easy absorption.
  • Contains the full spectrum of trace minerals.

For more info visit


Acid & Alkaline – sea vegetables/plants are excellent for alkalising and work well alongside herbal medicine.

It is important that we maintain a balanced body pH of ideally around 7.2-7.4, which is roughly neutral. A diet of junk food to include fast food, over-cooked, processed foods, (especially soft drinks (the worst is cola), which have a pH of 2.7) creates a body that is several thousand times more acidic than our bodies. This is important because all diseases start and live and thrive in an acidic environment and do not live well in an alkaline environment. Thus it follows that to keep ourselves as alkaline as possible creating a healthy body. (Becoming too alkaline is rare but not unheard of.) The rise of fast, junk and processed foods match those of rising cancer rates.



• Spirulina is one of the many blue-green algaes (single-celled plants); named after its spiral shape. Algaes are incredibly old life forms, responsible for producing and sustaining our oxygenated atmosphere. They are the basis of the food chain and the primary source of food for the great baleen whales.

• Spirulina is not a salt-water algae; it grows in fresh inland waters. Due to being a prehistoric plant it is rich in nutrients and gives huge amounts of energy. Spirulina is potentially one of the most concentrated, nutritious foods on this planet. It is the highest natural source of complete protein. Hawaiian spirulina is regarded as being the best source because of its rich, clean waters.

• It is one of the oldest foods on the planet because it is a single-celled plant, it assimilates with almost no work from your digestion. In fact, your body begins to assimilate it right in your mouth and into your bloodstream.

• The high amount of sunshine makes the spirulina high in Beta Carotene. It is a rich source of B vitamins, especially B12 and it is also one of the richest sources of minerals. Spirulina contains chelated versions of potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorous, and iron.

• In addition to these beneficial minerals, you can get vitamins A and E vitamins from spirulina.

• Spirulina also has all nine of the essential amino acids, as well as nine more nonessential ones.

• Spirulina contains compounds like phycocyanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids that enhance the immune system. In fact spirulina contains the most remarkable concentration of functional nutrients ever known in any food, plant, grain or herb. No other algae, blue-green or chlorella, has been the subject of such intense research over the past 30 years – there have been thousands of scientific studies.

• Spirulina contains the major long-chain omega-3 fatty acid (‘good’ fat) found in the brain. It is the primary building block of the gray matter of the brain and the retina of the eye.

• Spirulina is a rich source Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). GLA is an essential fatty acid that has been shown very helpful in the relief of arthritis. GLA also helps lower high blood pressure and blood cholesterol. It eases such other conditions as premenstrual pain, eczema and other skin conditions.

• It is 58 times richer in organic iron than raw spinach and 28 times richer than raw beef liver!

• Phycocyanin, which is the natural blue pigment of Spirulina, is not found in any other food on the plant. Phycocyanin has shown promise in treating cancer in animals. It also stimulates the immune system.

For more info visit



We wash our hair and our faces everyday but we cannot take out our internal organs and rinse them through, so give you liver a boost today.

-eat a bunch of red grapes

-take a fresh garlic clove or odourless garlic tablets

-drink a glas of carrot or beetroot juice everyday

-drink some dandelion or fennel tea

Take Control of Your Health NOW!

Kostas & Lana

There is no “right” way to whiten teeth with activated charcoal. Koreans put it in their toothpaste, Crunchy Betty swishes with it, and some people simply brush it on straight. Personally, I prefer the following method:

Open a capsule (about 1/8 teaspoon) and pour about half into a cup.

Wet your toothbrush and dip it in the charcoal, then brush gently. Keep in mind that you are not trying to scrub your enamel, you are simply massaging the surface of your teeth with the activated charcoal so that it can attract tannins like a magnet.

After brushing, hold it in your mouth for 2-3 minutes to allow it to continue to work.

Spit and rinse thoroughly, then follow with a second brushing using your regular tooth powder/paste.

Now look in the mirror and smile. You may see a difference with the first application. If not, give it a few days to a week and I promise you will!




“Using the power of affirmations is one one of the most effective ways to balance our chakras. Our thoughts create our reality, and by regularly practicing positive chakra balancing affirmations, we can achieve astonishing results in our lives.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word which literally translates into a spinning wheel. According to ancient yogic traditions, there are seven major chakras or energy centers in our body. Each of these chakras corresponds to a particular color-coded vibrational frequency in the universe which influences our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. When our chakras are perfectly aligned with the universal flow of energy, every aspect of our life becomes harmonious and joyful. We reclaim perfect health, and our love and passion for life becomes renewed.

When using the following affirmations, sit or lie down in a quiet place and focus on the location of each chakra. As you speak out or silently meditate on each affirmation, visualize a wheel spinning face-up in a clockwise direction in the specific color frequency of each chakra:


1. Root Chakra – The root chakra is located at the base of our spine and corresponds to the color red. This chakra relates to our basic human instinct for survival, security and stability.


Affirmation: “I am a divine being of light, and I am peaceful, protected and secure”


2. Sacral Chakra – The sacral chakra is located just below our navel in our lower abdominal region. The color of this chakra is a deep, saturated orange and relates to reproduction on a physical level, creativity and joy and relationships on an emotional level and our energy and passions on a spiritual level.


Affirmation: “I am radiant, beautiful and strong and enjoy a healthy and passionate life”


3. Solar Plexus Chakra – This chakra is located above our navel and directly in our stomach area. The solar plexus chakra therefore plays a vital role in digestion and glows in a bright yellow color. This chakra deals with growth and pertains to issues of the intellect, personal power, control and spiritual evolution.


Affirmation: “I am positively empowered and successful in all my ventures”


4. Heart Chakra – The heart chakra is located in the centre of the chest and spins with the vibrant green color of spring. This chakra is one of the most important meditation tools for cleansing and clearing spiritual imbalances. The key issues related to the heart chakra are unconditional love, compassion and wellbeing.


Affirmation: “Love is the answer to everything in life, and I give and receive love effortlessly and unconditionally”


5. Throat Chakra – This chakra is centered in our throat and exudes a pale blue light. The throat chakra governs our ability to express and communicate clear thoughts and ideas. It is also related to truth, maturity, independence and the ability to trust others.


Affirmation: “My thoughts are positive, and I always express myself truthfully and clearly”


6. Third Eye Chakra – The third eye chakra is positioned in the center of our forehead, between our eyebrows. Also known as the brow chakra, it spins in a deep saturated dark blue hue and helps us tap into our inner guidance and divine vision. This chakra deals with developing intuitive clarity, releasing repressed emotions and attaining self realization.


Affirmation: “I am tuned into the divine universal wisdom and always understand the true meaning of life situations”


7. Crown Chakra – The crown chakra is located at the top of our head or in the crown area and corresponds to the violet color. The role of this chakra is based in awakening consciousness and attaining enlightenment through the integration of the self into the one universal form of intelligence.


Affirmation: “I am complete and one with the divine energy”


Chakra balancing affirmations can create extraordinary revolutions in our spiritual healing journey. There can be nothing more effective and transformative than using your very own power of thought to bring positive changes in your body, mind and soul.  “

Source: Sohini Trehan



Bee Superfoods – The Egyptians wrote about it back in 5500 B.C., the Indians used it for their religious ceremonies in 1000 B.C. and even the Babylonians have been noted to use it in their medicinal practices. The western world actually discovered the benefits of bee superfoods by accident during an investigation of native Russian Beekeepers who regularly lived past 100 years of age who ate raw honey, rich in bee pollen, every day.


Is a natural cough syrup needed in your home?


¼ teaspoon Ginger freshly grated or powdered.
1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar (an organic one, like Bragg’s or Melrose is best)
2 tablespoon Water
1 tablespoon Honey (use a locally produced raw honey, if possible.)
¼ teaspoon CayenneIn a bowl dissolve or mix cayenne and ginger in the apple cider vinegar and water. Add honey and mix well. Pour into a jar and seal with a lid. If you make larger batches then refrigerate to preserve its freshness.Take 1 tablespoon as needed for cough.

Please note: this doesn’t dissolve perfectly. Always shake well before using.

Source: Step Into Health Wellness Centre

This food concentrate is in the old European tradition of ‘bitters’, and gives a pleasant ‘kick’. This formula can by used by anyone (even with medication) with no contraindications – as it is a ‘food’ blend.

Excellent for soothing and improving digestion; it will also assist in cleansing the liver. It can also be drunk as a daily health tonic by all the family!

You will need:

500ml Apple cider vinegar (preferably organic)

The juice of 3 lemons

1 clove of garlic

A handful of basil leaf or 1 tablespoon of dried herb (fresh best)

A handful of peppermint leaf (do not use dried)

1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder

1 tablespoon of fennel seed

Blend together until thinned/soup like. Store in a glass container or large jar at least a week before using. This should keep for months because it will be naturally preserved.

Dose: 5ml x 3 daily – or if experiencing very poor digestion – 5ml x 6 daily for a few intensive days.

Dose from 1 year old – ½ a tsp x 3 daily (from 5 years old – 5ml x 3 daily).



(Taraxacum officinale)



Dandelion is a common ‘weed’ used all over Europe as folk medicine for thousands of years, using its thick squat root and young spring leaves.  The English name itself comes from the French description of its indented leaves described as dent (teeth) de Leon (of the Lion).  Presumably its flowers which are yellow and its petals are like a Lions Mane!

A lot of people around the world rely on Dandelion and great quantities are grown commercially with the leaves harvested each spring and the roots every second year.

Where can you find it?

It will flourish in most soils and is prolific in many regions, coping with great wet and cold more than heat.  It flourishes all over Europe and texts relating to it were also found in Arab medicine books in the 11th century. It bright yellow showy flowers comprising more than a hundred small petals on a round orb the size of a Clementine.  One often sees thousands in flower in one area at a time but equally they can grow as a loner amongst other wild plants.  The seed heads are often ‘blown’ by children to tell the time and so it is a charming traditional British herb.

Medicinal Uses:

The leaves are high in Potassium and it is a very strong and an extremely safe diuretic.  It can safely reduce High Blood pressure by removing fluid volume in the body. As it is the safest diuretic in the botanical kingdom, it makes a reliable choice.  The root has significantly useful and powerful cleansing action on the liver and makes a good detoxification herb.  It will stimulate bile production.  It is also mildly laxative and bitter.  Altogether it is a blood cleanser.

The leaves contain high quantities of coumarines which help thin the blood which is why it was often used traditionally in spring (using the new spring leaves) to thin the blood after winter.  Thinning the blood allows deposits and toxins to be freed up, moved on and eliminated.  Dandelion leaves were often traditionally used with Burdock, hence the famous Dandelion & Burdock beverages made by country folk.

Its roots have noted anti-inflammatory properties and its polyphenols give good antioxidant presence (carotenoids etc).  The roots also contain notable amounts of polysaccharides, which have shown anti-tumour activity in animals.

Both the root and leaf contain high quantities of Potassium but also other vitamins and minerals to include Calcium and vitamins A, B C & D.


To Summarise Uses:

  • It removes waste products from the body, via the kidneys (leaf) and via the liver and gallbladder (root).  It reliably removes a wide range of toxins.
  • It is also an excellent skin clearer – assisting with acne, eczema, psoriasis and boils.
  • Useful in gout to help detoxify.
  • Rheumatism and Arthritis where detoxification is required.  Also gout.
  • Should gallstones exist, using Dandelion can help prevent more being produced and many herbalists use the leaf to gently help dissolve existing stones. Warning – do not attempt this without practitioner supervision as gall and kidney stone removal can be very dangerous.
  • Can be used alongside adaptogenic herbs like Siberian ginseng, astragalus, ligustrum and rhodiola for additional adrenal/kidney support.
  • Good for treating cystitis/alkalising the geno-urinary area.

It can make a useful hangover drink:

Take 15g of root to 750 mls water.  Take the decoction in small quantities frequently throughout the day.

Also try your sample of Dandelion Root Coffee from Herbs Hands Healing with added cool spices.  The drink would also help a ‘hangover’ but equally it makes a delicious, nourishing and nurturing drink at any time, day or night for the liver.  It is also an excellent alternative to the coffee bean (and caffeine free).

Dandelion is a very useful aid to persistent constipation:

Add equal parts yellow Dock (Rumex crispus) to the Dandelion Root and make a decoction as above.  If you like, sweeten with either a very small amount of carob and liquorice.

For fluid retention problems:

e.g swollen ankles, make a cup of Dandelion leaf tea.

Use 2 tsp of crumbled dried leaf (4-6g) in 1 mug boiling water.  Drink up to 3 cups daily.  It is entirely safe, cannot and will not exhaust the kidneys and enriches the body with organic Potassium.  You can also use Organic Dandelion Leaf tincture.  Dose of 1:1 strength ½ tsp diluted with 100 ml water and 3 x daily of 1:1 strength, ½ tsp diluted with 100ml water x 3 daily (2 ½ mls).


Energetic Uses:

Good for clearing blocked energy and emotion.

Strengthens the mind where issues of fear and uncertainty arise from weakened kidney function (Dandelion leaf).

Part Used:


Spring leaves fresh or dried

Autumn Roots fresh or dried


Tincture, Teas, Decoctions, country wines.  Tonic salads (the leaves) throughout Spring and Summer – add the lettuce and other salad items.


There are none.  It is a plant that can really do no harm.  Even if put alongside drugs to remove excess water from the body it will simply work with the body and situation and not exacerbate or create imbalance of any kind.

However you would never use B vitamins with prescription diuretics.

MSM is the 4th most plentiful mineral in the body and so essential to life that it is found in every cell of virtually every animal and plant. MSM is basically converted sulphur. MSM as a supplement is usually sourced from pine bark. Never use synthetic MSM. Foods rich in sulphur are eggs, onions, garlic and aloe vera.

MSM is source of sulphur which is an essential mineral in the body. It helps to maintain overall body balance between acidity and alkalinity which is required for balanced health. When you take MSM, your cells become more permeable, enabling your body to quickly wash out any foreign particles in your system. Every twelve hours your body is designed to flush each cell of any unwanted debris. When your diet is deficient, the cell walls become hard and stiff and this hinders fluid flow through the cell walls. How MSM can change this is by softening the cell walls, allowing foreign proteins and free radicals to be washed out of your system. MSM is used by the body to continually create new healthy cells to replace the old ones. Sulfur also plays a part in tissue respiration, the process that oxygen and other substances are used to build cells and release energy.

1. MSM helps our bodies absorb more nutrients (vitamins and minerals). Especially good for helping to absorb Vitamin C.

2. MSM increases oxygen availability to the body.

There are people who have had emphysema, who used an atomizer for breathing and could hardly get out of the chair to walk across the room, who, after about a week of taking MSM, walked a half mile, rested and then walked another half mile. Now that is not because emphysema had been reversed, but because the MSM detoxifies and increases the blood’s circulation of oxygen. MSM helps get oxygen into the blood a lot more efficiently with the same amount of work.

3. MSM helps increase energy.

Energy levels increase with MSM because it helps make the cell walls more permeable. Our cell walls get thicker and more rigid with age; this tends to create a lessening of the amount of nutrients and oxygen that can enter the cell through the cell wall. Also, toxins which get stored in the cell get trapped within the cells because of the lower permeability of the cell wall. When MSM goes into the body the permeability of the cell walls greatly increases, enhancing the absorption of nutrients and oxygen and helping release the toxins which were stuck in cells. When these toxins leave the body, it helps to increase our energy.

4. MSM Supports Blood Sugar. A good example of this at work shows up in diabetics. When their blood carries sugar to their cells, the sugar cannot be absorbed due to the impermeability of the cell wall. Studies show that when MSM goes into the body it causes the cell wall to be more permeable again. The pancreas (which requires sulphur to make insulin) normalizes because it does not work so hard, blood sugar can now be absorbed through the cell walls, helping to balance the blood sugar level. Because sulphur is a component of insulin (the protein hormone secreted by the pancreas that is essential to carbohydrate metabolism), a lack of nutritional sulphur in the diet can result in low insulin production by the pancreas. Studies suggest, in those with diabetes, that the cell wall may be more leathery and thus the absorption of sugar by the cells is greatly reduced.

5. MSM helps the body eliminate toxins including lactic acid build-up from strenuous exercise.

Drinking plenty of water is very important for anyone wishing to have good health. The fact that MSM detoxifies means that you need to keep water moving into the body so that the toxins can be eliminated without stressing other organs of the body, such as the kidneys.

6. MSM helps to dramatically reduces recuperation time from strenuous exercise and long hours of work.

7. MSM helps relieve muscular aches and pains.

8. MSM helps reduce inflammation due to injury or inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

When the water pressure inside a cell is greater than the water pressure on the outside of the cell, there is inflammation and swelling. (The outer and intercellular fluid pressures are not equal.) MSM enhances the permeability of the cell walls, therefore allowing the pressure on both sides of the wall to equalize, thus relieving the inflammation. MSM takes inflammation out of soft tissue and since pain comes from nerves in inflamed soft tissue, there is often relief from the pain of such inflammatory ailments as arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism and hip dysplasia.

9. MSM helps reduce scar tissue and wrinkles and helps keep the skin more elastic because its collagen stimulating. Collagen levels reduce as we get older. Collagen also supports joints and aids injury healing.

10. MSM helps the hair and nails grow stronger and faster. Rich in keratin (required for hair growth).

11. MSM has been shown to improve mental alertness.

12. MSM has been proven to help in the reduction and even the total elimination of allergies.

13. MSM reduces headaches, cramps and muscle pain caused by hormonal imbalances, for example, PMS. Not advised to begin taking it though during your period – you need to have been getting used to it beforehand since you should not detoxify your body during your period.

14. MSM helps relieve constipation by encouraging bile production in the liver. Bile acts as a laxative in the body.

15. MSM has been shown to help reduce and even eliminate snoring.

Where can I get it from?

MSM is available in 2 forms as a powder supplement and as tablets. It is also available from most good health food stores and online.  MSM powder is recommended when adding to juices or smoothies, and tablets are recommended for those that don’t like the taste or for people doing weight training who want to take higher quantities of these branch chain amino acids in pure form to help with muscle growth and repair.


The cramp bark quickly reduces releases overly tense muscles in the gut and bowel which have contracted due to unbalanced digestive enzyme activity. Once the muscles relax and the tension and bloating reduces, digestive enzyme activity will more readily regain better activity. Additionally crampbark is soothing to the nerves and a calm mind makes for better digestion.


As a premier liver herb; milk thistle is able to normalize most liver functions and thus hugely help stomach and digestive enzyme function. It’s highly protective effect on the liver helps optimize general liver function which is fundamental to effective digestion.


Is useful for chronic digestive infections on an immune level and also as a very competent anti-inflammatory herb. It can soothe and repair tissue that is damaged and upset by a range of digestive disorders from ulcers to gastritis and other painful inflammatory stomach disorders.


Has the ability to ease wind and bloating caused by ineffective, weak and hampered digestion. It can additionally stimulate appetite and relieve stomach pain. It is famous for being the main component in many colic formulae for babies.


Is useful for symptomatic relief of indigestion and other upper gastrointestinal conditions due to its calming influence on either a underactive or overactive digestive system. With its balancing pH abilities it is able to deal with either of these stomach acid production imbalances. It’s protective and demulcent properties protect the gut and assist ‘leaky gut’ and other problems.


Is a prime digestive, which stimulates enzyme production and soothes the stomach due to its very powerful anti-inflammatory components. It does this by protecting the stomach itself from its own acidity excesses and any invasive and destructive microbes e.g. bacterial, fungal or viral. This buffer will also help repair the stomach lining and help redress ‘leaky gut’ problems. Turmeric is also able to attack and disarm a range of microbes, which will prevent a build up of un-beneficial flora, which is often the negative product of a weak stomach.


A premier anti-inflammatory herb to relieve spasm, cramps and muscle strain, a vital role in this formula and much-needed to soothe and relieve pain. Also known as colic root to the Aztecs and used in Chinese medicine as a stomach tonic.


Will fight a wide range of microorganisms which can attack, weaken and impair the stomach and all its functions; from virus to fungi, from bacteria to flukes, and the diseases they encourage. For 4-6 thousand years olive has acted as a broad spectrum anti-microbial plant capable of aggressive attack mechanisms.


Strongest asset for the digestive system is twofold; it has 5 flavours, which gives it the ability to influence digestive enzyme production like none other. It is also a profound recuperative tonic making it a master choice for recovery from low energy and restoring vitality and general well-being.


Increases the production of bile (a chologogue) by up to 60%, helping and assisting in the digestion of fats; its bitter compounds activate the liver and gallbladder in order to do so.


Its bitter constituents stimulate the production of saliva and a balanced range of gastric juices. It is helpful for many symptoms of faulty digestion to and will retrain the pancreas, partly due to it’s bitter components. It tones and tunes the appetite, assisting the stomach, liver, gallbladder and bile production.


Is renowned as a stomach settler and soother, relaxing and balancing in turn the whole body. It also beneficially influences the circulation and nervous system. Chamomile is dully a natural probiotic as it regenerates positive stomach and bowel flora which is vital where overly opportunistic microbes have imbalanced stomach flora. Ideal for children.


Assists feeble digestion by its bitter action and improves liver and gallbladder congestion by stimulating bile and gastric juices. Highly useful in small quantities to provoke and strengthen.


Is a warming herb used as a traditional remedy for supporting and strengthening weak digestion. It also supports unbalanced blood sugar levels by nourishing the pancreas. The cinnamon essential oil motivates production of many important digestive enzymes.


Is helpful for digestion nausea, wind, bloating and colic. Anything that can be a miss with a struggling digestive system is calmed and soothed by ginger. It is warming, anti-nausea andrelaxing to an irritated and tense gut.

BROMELAIN – (from Pineapple)

Found in high concentrations in the pineapple stems; bromelain is an enzyme capable of digesting proteins. Excellent anti-inflammatory too. It has activity in the stomach as well as the small intestine. It has been shown to be an adequate replacement for pepsin and trypsin (enzymes produced in the mucosal lining of the stomach that acts to degrade protein) in cases of deficiency and has been used to heal gastric ulcers (promoting healing).


Calm and soothe the mucus membranes. Both plants have rich mucilage (a gluey thick substance produced by some plants that acts as a membrane thickener) properties – making them ideal gastric and bowel repair and anti inflammatory herbs. Slippery elm causes reflux stimulation in the nerve endings in the GI tract leading to increased mucus secretion. The increased mucus production can help to Protect the GI tract against ulcers and excess acidity.




This drink is designed to gently cleanse the kidneys whereby reviving their function and strengthening their activity for more positive health and energy. This drink is pleasant tasting and becomes slightly sweet from the cinnamon. Pearl Barley or Whole Barley can be bought from health food stores or the whole food section of good supermarkets.


½ Cup of Whole Barley

6 Cups of Water (so that you drink 2 cups a day for 3 days).

¼ of a Cinnamon Stick

Grated Ginger

Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice

• Take a cup full of Barley, stick of cinnamon and a thumb sized amount of fresh ginger root (grated).

• Put in a pot and cover with filtered water and simmer for 25 minutes then turn off the heat and leave over night (covered). Sieve it through in the morning, adding fresh lemon juice to taste (1 lemon).

• Drink this for ideally for 3-6 days. It last refrigerated for 3 days. Then you will need to make some more. Do not re-use any of the ingredients – start from fresh.


It must be stated that our products are NOT a cure. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information and statements made are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your health care professional.

Dear Friends, 

Here are some tips for improving your nutrition. Start with a few points, and work your way up to adding more and more healthy habits into your life.

  1. Please ensure that you build a routine eating the same times daily (within one hour earlier or later than the time that you ate the day before).
  2. The ideal hours to eat your meals are between 7-9:00 am breakfast, 11:00-13:00 Lunch and 17:00-19:00 Dinner, according to circadian (body) rhythms.
  3. First thing the morning after brushing your teeth and scrapping your tongue (use a tongue scrapper) have 1-2 glasses of warm water with some lemon or lime (very alkalising and flushes your inner body). Allow minimum 15 minutes before having breakfast.

    First thing in the morning, drink 1-2 glasses of warm water with lemon.
  4. Have a Mid Morning and Mid Afternoon snack only if you are hungry or doing intensive sports. Please ensure that you have a glass or two of water first, as you can be thirsty and mistake it for hunger.
  5. If you stay up late and you feel hungry, have a piece of fruit – apple or pear preferably as they are easy to digest and they won’t interfere with your sleep. Also, it will stop any sugar craving as it is natural sugar, without the side effects of the desserts!
  6. Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day & an extra glass of water for any coffee or soft drink that you drink – or more if you train/being very active. Drink the water throughout the day starting from first thing the morning.
  7. Avoid having any drinks with your meal so your digestion will not be slowed down due to the dilution of your gastric juices. Ideally drink 15 minutes before your meal or ideally two hours after the meal.
  8. The food on your plate should be combination of ¼ of carbohydrates (wholegrain rice/pasta, millet, buckwheat, rye bread, couscous, lentils, beans, chickpeas, quinoa) /1/4 of protein and the rest vegetables (as less cooked-Steamed) or fresh salad to help you digest it (rich in enzymes). Please note that if you have access to sprouts, they are 30 times more nutritious then any greens, so add them to your salads. Avoid white rice and potatoes (sweet potatoes ok) and not as much pasta as it will help you with loosing weight. Use wholegrain millet, quinoa, pulses, buckwheat as well pastas made from corn, wholegrain rice.
  9. Please ensure that your food, especially the meat, dairy and eggs are organic as to avoid absorbing the hormones from the animals into your body, which can gradually cause you hormonal imbalances.
  10. You should aim to eat roughly about 1.0 gram of protein per 1kg of your weight. As not all of the animal/fish protein is absorbable from your body. That translates to about 100 grams of protein (fish/chicken/red meat) per meal. Please note that many vegetable protein/meal replacements (no milk based) are available which can help you when stressed, on a hurry or limited options availiable.
  11. The vegetables can be whenever possible organic but at least to be local produce (British) as they are fresher as it takes less time to get to the supermarket comparing to the ones from other continents.
  12. Avoid fried/grilled food and  aim for steamed Vegetables/Fish (add lemon), raw salads and oven-cooked meat. Eggs eat them boiled or poached.
  13. Use olive oil, avocado oil or seeds oil everywhere, except frying. If frying, use either coconut oil or animal fat.
  14. Before you eat please take five deep breaths while seating to relax. Then make sure that you chew you food thoroughly, without talking to anyone else or reading something else. There is a very wise saying , “drink your food and eat your drink”.
  15. Eat slowly as it takes 20 minutes for the signal that you are full to reach the brain. So if you eat very quickly you can overeat and then feel sick.
  16. Reduce your intake of salt (it helps with weight loss as well – body get rids of excess water).
  17. Reduce stress in your life as if you are stressed the body withholds extra kilos (even if you eat healthy). It  perceives the stress as a warning that difficult/hunger times are coming so it stores as much fat as it can for future energy/preservation.
Eat Organic Food!

N.B. The above notes are just guidelines as there are many schools of thought out there for Vegan, Vegetarians etc, which have some great principles. The above principles are more than enough to put you back on the right track.



P.S. As most of you are busy, an excellent tip for training is just to buy a trampoline so you can practice daily for 5-20 minutes at least 20min before a meal. This was proven by NASA as the most effective form of training for their astronauts as it stimulates the whole lymphatic system (drainage of the body) and body cells.