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Monday - Friday

9am - 7pm


9am - 1pm



Light Centre , 9 Eccleston Street, London, SW1W 9LX

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London Natural Health Centre, 46 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8NW

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Prior to being diagnosed as a diabetic, Naomi had been suffering from hypoglycaemia for over 20 years.  This resulted in her having low energy, blackouts and gaining weight. Amalgam toxicity was also present, through dental work.

She had seen endless practitioners in the past, both conventional and holistic, in order to overcome these chronic health conditions. Although she tried to stay optimistic, nothing helped her. However, she is now experiencing very significant improvements to the condition, as well as to her general health.

Whilst under the supervision of Total Health Now for over three months, she undertook a series of treatments and a full RejuvaDetox+ programme.  This was followed, within the next three months, by a supervised heavy metal detox and removal of all amalgam fillings, undertaken by the Clinic’s dental partner.

Naomi expressed her gratitude as follows:

“I feel very privileged and honoured to have had Kostas and Lana come into my life and at precisely the right time too. They constantly and consistently go well beyond the call of duty with their clients. As well as helping with my medical conditions, I felt supported by them on every level with their warm and caring approach. I will keep going back to Total Health Now as I believe I have struck gold!”

– Naomi S.
