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Monday - Friday

9am - 7pm


9am - 1pm



Light Centre , 9 Eccleston Street, London, SW1W 9LX

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London Natural Health Centre, 46 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8NW

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Bioresonance is a primarily German technology that has been created and designed to regulate the body’s disturbed energy patterns and to fine-tune them to healthy harmonic frequencies that leads to vibrant health.

The Theory

Every cell and every organ in the body has an electromagnetic resonance and frequency pattern in the form of wavelengths. Cells communicate with each other and exchange information. Brain cells and neurotransmitters are typical examples of this with neurons giving out information constantly throughout our lifetime


Substantial research has been carried out at Salford University and discovered that therapeutic impulses that go into resonance with the body can have an effect even after a very short period. Professor Dr W R Adey from the University of California in his research confirmed these same principles Each allergen, pathological microbes and environmental toxins all put stress on the human defence system. Bioresonance Therapy is the ideal therapy for not only cancelling out these dis-harmonic pathological frequencies but amplifying the healthy harmonic frequencies to restore normal function throughout the body.

Pathological toxins - Stress

What happens with treatment?

Bioresonance is a non-invasive testing and treatment therapy where the patient holds various hand electrodes connected to the device that checks for dis-harmonic frequencies throughout the body. Testing is non-invasive and carried out on the body’s acupuncture meridians.


Pathological toxins in the form of allergies, metals, chemicals, viruses, parasites and fungi and stress-induced radiation all interrupt the communication between cells allowing physical dysfunction and illness.


BioResonance Therapy (BRT) provides you with an entirely painless and risk-free alternative method of testing for a large number of problems. After undergoing our BRT procedure, you will be presented with an objective overview of your current situation, without any obligations for long-term commitment or treatments. If you would like to explore further options, however, our experts will be more than happy to advise you on the best course of action. Our facilities are equipped to perform a variety of BioResonance Treatments and other biofeedback methodologies aimed at promoting health and well-being.



BioResonance therapy is not a magical cure, capable of obliterating an illness all on its own. Instead, our programmes work to alleviate the issues by reducing the stress load and combating toxicity build-up. Professional BioResonance Therapy promotes the self-regulatory processes of the organism and facilitates a more natural recovery. With the help of our programmes, your body will have an easier time overcoming the various environmental stress factors, pathogen exposure and other intolerances, which also happen to be the main deciding factor when it comes to falling ill.

Please note that patients who are currently undergoing conventional treatment or taking prescribed medication should not forego the advice of their medical doctor or alter their prescription in any way. Our methodology works best when utilised as a supplement, and is NOT a replacement for medicinal practices.

Before suggesting a particular treatment, our experts will run a series of tests aimed at detecting the underlying causes of your complaints, to determine the best possible approach for your specific situation. All of our tests are personalised, painless and entirely risk-free.

Should you choose to benefit from our treatment, you will be assigned your very own dedicated practitioner. Additionally, you can also choose to be provided with further health and lifestyle advice.

The initial consultation will only take 120 minutes of your time, while further review appointments with testing take as little as 90 minutes.

If you’re not sure where to start, take the first step today by booking your free 30-minute Health and Energy Review, so we can talk about your health concerns.